40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 121: Basic training

"That's true."

Li Yao touched his head and approved the little assistant's statement.

Powerful cultivators can explode buildings, razing towns, and go crazy with their gestures. They are a hundred times more destructive than Tyrannosaurus. If there is no law to restrain them, the world would have been in chaos long ago.

The world of comprehension that doesn't talk about the law, I am afraid that it will always stay in the Medieval century when the weak and the strong eat the strong, and it is impossible to evolve into a modern civilized society.

Suddenly, Li Yao felt a chill in his brain. Countless streams of information were instilled into his brain, but it was the "Basic Law of Cultivation" with more than 700 clauses.

"Divine Sense Transmission?" Li Yao tut was amazed.

Spiritual transmission is a way of information exchange that is a hundred times more powerful than language.

If you use language to communicate, Zhang San said: "I just had lunch."

Li Si can only know the information that Zhang San had lunch at most, but he can't understand more details.

And if Zhang San transmits the idea of ​​"I just ate lunch" to Li Si's mind through divine thoughts, Li Si can instantly know what dishes Zhang San has eaten, even the aroma of the dishes, and eating. The environment, even Zhang San’s mood when eating, can be vaguely perceived.

The amount of information contained therein cannot be accommodated by just a few words.

However, not only does the transmission of spiritual thoughts require special tools, but the brains of ordinary people are very fragile, and it is difficult to withstand the influx of a large number of spiritual thoughts at once, at most occasionally.

Right now, Li Yao is already a cultivator, and his psychic powers have greatly developed his brain. The entire lengthy "Basic Law of Cultivation" was completely transmitted to his brain in just over a minute!

"That's it!"

In an instant, Li Yao had a general understanding of the Basic Law of Cultivation.

Contrary to what he imagined, this "Basic Law of Cultivation" does not impose too much restriction on the behavior of practitioners. At the beginning, it only introduced some common sense of the practitioner's responsibilities, the rules of the world of comprehension, and so on.

Most of the content in the latter part is also like "Practitioners shall not deliberately kill people, or use mental attacks to seduce ordinary people", which is not much different from the "Criminal Law" aimed at ordinary people.

If the "Basic Law of Cultivation" is violated, then it is the evil spirits. Naturally, there will be secret troops dedicated to the evil practitioners. They will let the evil spirits know what "the basic law must be taught in cultivation."

After introducing the "Basic Method of Cultivation", the little assistant of Cultivation began to introduce "Psionic Cultivation Method" to Li Yao.

The "Cultivation Method" was more attractive than the "Basic Law", and Li Yao's eyes sparkled all at once.

Psionic energy is the most basic energy that is flooded with stars, the sea, and the infinite universe.

There is another saying that all things in the universe are transformed by psychic energy, ranging from the sun, moon and stars, to mountains and rivers, to ants and bacteria, all of which are condensed by psychic energy through different methods!

Practicing psychic energy is the only way for human beings to get rid of physical limitations and embark on an endless evolutionary road.

For a cultivator, psychic energy is everything!

Low-level cultivators use psychic energy to temper their physique, strengthen their souls, and push the limits of their physical bodies time and time again.

Intermediate cultivators can make their own psychic energy "resonate" and "resonate" with the surrounding heaven and earth psychic energy, so as to evolve all kinds of incredible magical powers and wonders.

High-level cultivators can use the cosmic psychic energy as they like to derive three thousand great avenues and infinite magical powers.

According to legend, the high-level cultivator with the deepest cultivation level can even completely transform himself into a form of psychic energy, integrate with the psychic energy of the universe, and even open up a "small universe" exclusively for him!

According to legend, the "Emperor", the strongest human being in the 40,000 years of cultivation, fully psyched himself and transformed a fragmented world into a small universe called the "Lingxiao Realm", sitting alone in the sky. On the golden throne in the deepest part of the world, it has been immortal for thousands of years!

Anyone who can find the High Heaven Realm and discover the secret of the Golden Holy See can inherit the emperor's inheritance and become the strongest cultivator in the endless universe.

However, Li Yao has always sneered at these illusory legends, and he still looked at it patiently from the most basics.

"There are two kinds of psychic cultivation methods, one is the method of psychic energy, and the other is the method of application! To put it plainly, treat psychic energy as money. The method of psychic energy is to teach people how to make money, and the method of application is Teach people how to spend money!"

Li Yao nodded again and again, the little cultivator assistant spoke in a simple way, and the metaphor was very simple, and he understood it all at once.

Tuna method is the foundation. If you learn Tuna method well, you can absorb more psychic energy from heaven and earth. It's like making a lot of money for one person. Are you afraid that you won't be able to spend it much if you learn it?

Even if you really don't know how to spend it, they are all turned into dime coins, and they will kill their opponents!

Of course, it is not so easy to "make money". Under normal circumstances, everyone's talents are the same, the number of levels is the same, and the psionic reserve is about the same. At this time, you will be more able to use it and "spend money" than anyone else. .

With proper use, it's possible to make a lot of money by two or two.

"In short, Tuna Fa is the foundation of cultivation, let me take a look at Tuna Fa first!"

Li Yao focused his attention and continued to communicate with the little assistant of cultivation.

Absorbing psychic energy is the most important thing in the cultivation world, and the popular tuna method in the federation naturally emerges like a crucian carp that crosses the river.

However, most of them are well-known, and the effective Tona method belongs to the major sects. If you want to learn it, you will have to charge a fee.

The cost is terribly high, not to mention, some of them also require joining the so-and-so sect, or making special contributions to the so-and-so sect in order to teach.

And some of the low-priced, even free-of-charge Tuna Fa, most of them are inefficient in cultivation, full of loopholes, and even fatal flaws, and it is easy to get confused when practicing.

Cultivators who release these tuna methods for free, wish that someone would greet them to practice for a cheap price, so as to act as their "experimental mice" and help them test the quality of these tuna methods for free.

There are also some vomiting methods with good quality, high efficiency in absorbing psychic energy, and low prices. They are even taught by famous teachers. Not only do they do not take money, they will also send various strengthening medicines and auxiliary magic weapons to help practitioners get started.

The little assistant of cultivation told Li Yao--whenever you encounter this kind of vomiting method, you must open one hundred and twenty eyes, be careful and then be careful.

"These tuna methods often have no problems in themselves. They are indeed genuine and even sold at a loss!"

"But they have a fatal problem-poor compatibility!"

"After practicing this kind of vomiting method, after getting started, you must practice the follow-up advanced vomiting method, and even the matching method of application, and you cannot switch to other methods."

"For example, there is a very popular Tuna method "Five Tigers Asking the Heart" on the Lingnet, which is released for download by the cultivating sect of the "Five Tigers" for free, and the Five Tigers will also hold regular seminars and training camps. , Taught the "Five Tigers Asking the Heart Jue" for free, and many cultivators were greedy for cheap and spent a lot of time and energy to make the "Five Tigers Asking the Heart Jue"!"

"At this time, the problem is coming. Five Tigers provides free downloads. It is only half of the incomplete "Five Tigers Asking Heart Decision". There are only the first seven floors, while the latter seven floors are charged. The cost is even more than The charges for the entire book released by other sects are higher!"

"That's not even counted, because the compatibility of "Five Tigers Asking Heart Jue" is too poor. After practicing, it can't be compatible with the methods of other sects. You can only continue to practice the "Five Tigers Jue", "Five Tigers Killing Skills" and other methods of use, when the time comes, you will either choose to join the Five Tigers, or you can only buy the methods of use from the Five Tigers at a large price, and the sword will be regarded as the Five Tigers. Fat sheep come to slaughter!"

"If you are unwilling to choose these two paths, you can only choose San Gong, start over, and then practice other Tuna methods."

"But San Gong means a lot of time and effort was wasted, and a little carelessness will damage the spiritual roots and meridians, which is extremely detrimental to future cultivation."

"Many cultivators feel that they are in a dilemma at this time. They regret it, but they can't turn their heads back."

"Five Tiger Sects, it is precisely by virtue of this insidious technique that in ten years, they have changed from an obscure small sect to one of the largest and most powerful sects in the current Federation."

"Although there are not many masters in the sect, but a large number of low-level cultivators have joined. The deceived people are unwilling and clever to make more people go into the water. Over time, it has become a force that cannot be underestimated."

"The actions of the Five Tigers did not violate the "Basic Law of Cultivation". Their download page also indicated the characteristics of "Five Tigers Asking Heart Decision". Everyone who is new to Cultivation, you can only pay more attention and don't be fooled."

As the little assistant Xiuzhen said, he called up the download interface of "Five Tigers Asking the Heart" and expanded the "User Notes".

Sure enough, in a large number of tiny small prints, there was a paragraph like this: "This exercise was created by the former master of the Five Tiger Sect, Master Heihu, and there may be incompatibility issues with the exercises of other sects, please fellow Taoists pay attention."

This sentence is contained in thousands of precautions. Don't say "not paying attention", even if you "attentively" check one by one, it is easy to slip past it all at once!

What's more, at the bottom, they also stated:

"Five Tiger Sect has the final right to interpret all the practice of this exercise, please download it at your discretion."

But in the comment column of netizens next to it, what appeared was...

"Okay, it's really good! "Five Tigers Asking the Heart" is worthy of being the top tuna method in the cultivation world. It is fast, efficient, has almost no side effects, and is easy to learn. I only learned it for a month. I learned everything and practiced to the third level in one breath! The most important thing is that this set of exercises is completely free, completely free! Every new Daoist who joins the realm of comprehension, why are you hesitating? Come download and practice with me!"

"Yes, in today's cultivation world, everything looks to the money, and all the cultivating sects are in the eyes of money. There are not many forces like the Five Tiger Sect who have a sense of social responsibility and are willing to contribute to the public for free!"

"What the fellow daoists upstairs said was pretty good. I didn’t believe it at first—what could be better for free exercises? After listening to everyone’s words, I dubiously downloaded "Five Tigers Asking the Heart" to practice. , It’s only half a month, hey, my physical body has grown stronger, and my soul has been strengthened. I used to find it difficult to manipulate a magic weapon. Now, guess what, I can manipulate five magic weapons at the same time in one breath, and it's completely running like flying! "Five Tigers Asking the Heart", that's so amazing!"

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