40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1212: Golden centuries!

Li Yao couldn't help but stand up and said: "Senior Jiang, apart from statistics, is there any theory that can explain this phenomenon? Is it just a coincidence? Because the friction between the Tianyuan realm and the blood demon realm has become more and more serious in the past ten years. We fought a few battles steadily, and after being tempered by the war, there must be more and more strong people!"

"Friend Li Daoist is right!"

Jiang Hailiu nodded and said, "Generally speaking, in the years of war, the probability of the emergence of the strong is greater; the more peaceful the time, the less likely it is to emerge the strong! Therefore, we also take the probability of the emergence of the strong in the past ten years, Compared with the time when we fought the Great Wilderness more than a hundred years ago and wiped out the last demon race of the Tianyuan Realm, we found that the probability of the emergence of the strong is still abnormally high!"

"After the joint research of many cosmologists and psionic theorists in the Federation, the psionic probe that we launched into the starry sky has indeed detected an unusual increase in the intensity of psionic energy fluctuations for several years in a row. This phenomenon only appears when there is a supernova explosion at a relatively close astronomical distance, but now it is like this every day, it is like supernovae appearing near the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon every day, and the distance is getting closer and closer. !"

"This is just the beginning, the increase is far from over, or even far from reaching its peak!"

"Why is this?"

"Many Daoists here are not experts in the field of psionic theory. I don't need to waste your time with tedious data and theories. The relevant research materials have been transmitted to your brains in real time. If you are interested, you can research on your own. , You can also talk to relevant experts directly."

"To put it simply, the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon in the past were like two small ponds with calm waves. The fishes living in this'pond' have never been baptized by strong winds and waves. Where to go?"

"But with the fusion of the two worlds, it's like two ponds colliding with each other, causing a stormy sea!"

"If a fish has been struggling in the stormy sea for more than ten years, it will definitely be ten times stronger than a fish living in calm waves! Can you accept this view?"

"On the other hand, although our world is a small border and poor resources, it does not mean that there is really nothing here."

"Human civilization is after all a relatively young civilization, and it will only take tens of thousands of years to truly enter the universe. Even if it is as strong as the Xinghai Empire, the development of the universe is still in its infancy. Many resources cannot be exploited or even detected!"

"It's like a savage who can only drill wood for fire and drink blood and blood. In his eyes, the so-called'resources' are trees, fruits, cattle and sheep. Even if you put him in a valley full of spars, he I also feel that this place is very'barren', with no resources to use."

"Similarly, there is a large amount of high-density crystal marrow under the Tianyuan Star, near the center of the earth, but it is extremely difficult for us to mine it; and between the stars above us, there is also a large amount of high-density crystal marrow. Our unattainable resources, part of the'dark matter', can't even be seen!"

"These resources are like food deposited at the bottom of a pond, deep in the silt, which fish cannot get."

"But now, the fierce collision between the two ponds has thrown these ‘silt’ onto the surface of the water, and even the large amount of resources under the silt has been thrown all over the pond together, which can be easily found and absorbed by the fish!"

"This is the benefits brought to us by the integration of the two great worlds. In short, it is not the collision of new psychic abilities and resources, but the instantaneous excavation of the potential of the two great worlds, so that we can The utilization efficiency of psionic energy in the two worlds has increased several times!"

"If in the past, we could use 1% of the resources of the Tianyuan and Blood Demon worlds, now, the utilization rate has reached at least 10%!"

"The fusion of the great worlds is a rare astronomical phenomenon on the scale of the entire universe. Even with the strength of the Xinghai Empire, I have not heard that it can be artificially created for the integration of the great worlds, let alone the real human empire. !"

"Therefore, we can be sure that such ‘benefits’ are the innate advantages of the Federation, and no other forces can replicate it!"

"Experts estimate that the integration of the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon will be completed in the next 100 years, and the aftermath of the psychic shock may last for one hundred and fifty to two hundred years! In other words, in the next one or two hundred years, They are all the "golden centuries" of rapid development of the Federation! As long as we seize this short one-hundred-year sprint period, practice frenziedly, and make unremitting efforts, we have the opportunity to become the highest number of cultivators per capita and density of cultivators per unit area in the entire universe The highest power!"

"And fellow daoists, Yuan Ying, it is even possible to hit the legendary-God Transformation Realm!"


After being provoked by Jiang Hailiu in a few words, the atmosphere of the Yuan Ying Conference was like adding fuel to the fire, and it was extremely hot in an instant!

Even Li Yao was a little swaying, his face was red and his ears were red, and he couldn't help but whisper "Awesome" in his heart.

Jiang Hailiu really deserves to be the premier politician in the Star and Yao Federation, and his skill at fooling people is no worse than that of Jin Tuyi, Lu Zui, and Gui Sushou.

No wonder Lu Zui wanted to get things done that day, so he had to use a bomb to reimburse him from the flesh, so he didn't dare to leave him in the temple at all!

Li Yao licked his lips, and prepared to study the reports of psionic theory experts later. If it is really like what Jiang Hailiu said, then in the golden development period of the next 100 years, the Federation will produce one or two "God Transformation". Strange" is indeed not strange!

Although wars cannot be won by one or two people, when it comes to a battle, there is of course a big difference between whether there is an old monster or not.

And as long as this matter is made public, it will definitely be beneficial to the morale of the Federation. At that time, even the cultivators of the Flying Star Realm will definitely be eager for the Tianyuan and Blood Demon realms, and they will rush to cultivate here.

Li Yao peeked at both sides, but saw that many of the Yuan Ying powerhouses who were expressionless, calm, and deep in the city just now couldn't help showing their longings after hearing the word "Hua Shen". The color of the eyes shone brightly.

He couldn't help laughing in his heart. It seemed that even if he cultivated to the realm of Nascent Soul, he would still be an ordinary person, and he would still have a desire for fame!

Jiang Hailiu flicked a little, then turned the conversation, extended a third finger, and solemnly said: "Our third advantage is the confluence of human civilization and demonic civilization, which allows us to cultivate spiritual energy. The system and the biochemical training system are merged together to open up an unprecedented realm!"

"If a cultivator has the strong physique like a monster race, he can control psychic energy as he wants, and he controls a new generation of magic weapons made by combining magic weapons and magic weapons! You can imagine this. How powerful are the new generation of cultivators!"

As soon as these words came out, many Yuan Ying hesitated, but those demon emperors from the blood demon world nodded again and again.

As the defeated generals, of course, they are also very worried about their status and interests in the future federation. Hearing that Jiang Hailiu can speak such words that are almost "promises" in front of such diverse infants, they hang in the air. Heart, finally let go a little.

"I agree with Fellow Jiang Daoist."

The Iron God Yanba was the first to express his support. He was the original warrior. He was originally a man who beat his muscles and bones, tempered his physique, and did not touch any magic weapons. When he cultivated to the extreme, he could also change claws, fangs and scales as he wanted!

Such a shape, of course, is not small, but the face is also quite hideous, and it is almost the same as the monster race.

Now, the profession of "Original Martial Artist" is in decline. Even the fierce "Queen of Scarlet Flame" Ding Lingdang, when Yan Ba ​​came to the door and wanted to invite her on the supreme avenue of "Original Martial Artist", Ding Lingdang They all shook their heads and refused on the spot.

Difficulty in cultivation is one aspect, and more importantly, the appearance in battle is too ugly, it is not cool and cool at all, it looks completely indistinguishable from the monster race from a distance!

In the federation that hated the monster race in the past, such a profession would certainly not be popular.

Yan Ba ​​wanted to carry forward the way of the original warrior, but in the past, there were no like-minded people in the federation! Now that the wind is turning, the opportunity is here, of course, you must take it well and promote your own way!

"In fact, the biochemical cultivation system is not exclusive to the monster race. Cultivating cells and exploring the supreme mystery of genes are also what we practitioners should do!"

The tyrant said in a serious tone, "The ancients said that the universe is Xumi and the cell is the mustard seed. Each cell contains a mysterious and mysterious small universe. If it can completely stimulate the power of this small universe, what kind of? Can the enemy be defeated?"

"As for the slight changes in appearance, I don’t think you need to worry too much about it. It’s just a fighting form! In the battle, who is not angry and hideous? Many daoists express their colors when they stimulate their psychic energy to the limit. Will all change, becoming blonde, blue hair, and red hair. Isn't this also a change? What's the difference between growing fangs and teething dragon scales?"

"In the ancient repair era, there were still many powerful people who paid attention to the change of the 36th number of Tiangang and the 72nd number of the earth evil. Of course, it does not only refer to the change in form, but at least the change in form, Without being discriminated against by ancient Xiu, it is still regarded as a great way of cultivation!"

Many Nascent Souls were slightly startled, and they began to whisper again. Obviously, it was quite difficult for them to accept this point of view for a while.

Jiang Hailiu also didn't want to get too entangled in this issue. In his opinion, this is a problem that will be solved slowly in the next 100 years. Of course, it can't be analyzed clearly after a meeting.

Anyway, today is just a big direction, when everyone goes back to think slowly.

"Yan Daoyou said that after the meeting, everyone can have a good exchange and see how to carry forward the original martial arts! Fourth, we still have one of the biggest advantages, that is, the remains of the Pangu civilization!"

"In the first half, Senior Gui said that the Covenant Alliance is very likely to unearth the remains of the Pangu civilization, so it is very scary and cannot be defeated!"

"But don't forget, we also have such ruins!"

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