40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1218: Inanimate world!


A Nascent Soul who has studied the theory of psionic energy really couldn’t help it, and started to report, "Li Daoyou, psionic energy is the most powerful force in the universe. If there is absolutely no psychic energy, where does the energy come from? How about ordinary people. Cultivation? If you don't practice, how can you destroy the world?"

Li Yaozheng said: "Use oil, coal, gunpowder, electromagnetic energy and atomic energy! Of course, in the case of severe psychic interference, it is difficult to say whether electromagnetic energy and atomic energy can still be used, but the first three sources of energy can be guaranteed. of!"

"Oil, coal and gunpowder?"

The psionic theorist was stunned, with a strange expression, "That is the most barren energy source. Compared with the same volume of oil and spar, the energy contained is more than a hundred times scarce. What use can it be?"

In the 40,000 years of comprehension, many planets in the 3000 world also contained a lot of oil and coal.

In the field of psionic theory research, there is a hypothesis of the "corpse of ancient civilization" as to the causes of psychic energy, oil and coal.

According to this hypothesis, before the birth of human civilization, hundreds of millions of years in the history of the development of the universe, of course countless ancient civilizations were born, and no matter how prosperous and powerful these ancient civilizations developed, they could not escape the natural laws of birth, old age, sickness and death. One decayed, annihilated.

Although civilization is annihilated, the corpses of ancient races will not disappear out of thin air.

When the civilization died and the corpses were decomposed, the huge souls of these ancient races ascended into the sea of ​​stars, transformed into psychic energy under the tens of millions of years of transformation of star sea storms and stellar radiation.

The corpses that lost their souls were buried deep underground. After hundreds of millions of years of high temperature and high pressure, the essence of them became spar veins, while the less important parts became coal and coal. oil.

There is no doubt that in the world of comprehension, the importance of the soul is far stronger than the physical body, so the psychic energy transformed from the "ancient civilization soul" is far more powerful than the oil and coal transformed from the "ancient civilization body" !

To give the simplest example, if Li Yao, the "Natural Infant Strong" after his death, is suddenly buried in the ground. After hundreds of millions of years of condensing, his brain, spine and tail vertebra become enlarged, it is very likely to be condensed into After the spar veins, the hands and feet become oil, and the hair and the like become coal.

The psychic energy contained in the brain and spine is of course more than a hundred times the psychic energy contained in the hands and feet!

Just because the entire universe is full of psychic energy, human civilization has been on the path of using psychic energy since its birth, and has never thought about large-scale exploitation of oil and coal.

In the past, there were some cultivators who were curious about these black liquids and solids, and wanted to develop the energy contained in them.

After a trial, it was discovered that not only the energy stored per unit volume of oil and coal is very small, but also heavy pollution will be generated during the mining process, which will damage the operation of the heavens and the earth. The most important thing is that it cannot be directly absorbed by the human body. , Can't participate in the cultivation!

What's the use of this kind of energy source that is tasteless, and it is not a pity to abandon it?

Therefore, whether it is the ancient repair era 40,000 years ago, the Xinghai Empire era 10,000 years ago, or the current Xingyao Federation era, whether it is the Tianyuan, the Feixing human race, or the monster race of the blood demon world, it is all about coal and oil. Contemptuously, never spent much effort to study.

Li Yao is different.

Among the bizarre dreams he had created since he was a child, the place called "Earth" did not have a drop of psychic energy, and relied on oil and coal to support a powerful civilization that could initially step out of the planet and explore the universe!

Therefore, Li Yao is very clear about the incredible potential that can be squeezed out of seemingly barren raw materials such as oil and coal!

There were whispers in the audience, and most of Yuan Ying, including Professor Mo Xuan, supported the psionic theorist's views and deeply questioned Li Yao's views.

This has nothing to do with their intelligence and computing power. It is purely a matter of vision. No matter how powerful and clever a jellyfish living in the deep sea is, it would be difficult to imagine the appearance of a beast on land!

Li Yao confidently said: "I know that this brand new power system conflicts with your past ideas, and it will definitely not be easy for everyone to accept!"

"So, in the past few months, I have been sleepless, mobilizing all my calculation power and deduction ability, even burning my soul and overdrawing my life, and finally completed the preliminary calculation of the development of this ‘inspired world’. Please see!"

In the three-dimensional light curtain behind Li Yao, a blue planet surrounded by sea water appeared.

The picture kept zooming in and zooming in until on one of the continents, on the edge of the plains and forests, apes and monkeys drinking blood and cautiously approached a big tree that was struck by a sky thunder and was burning!

Next, the apes brandished the burning branches, polished the stone axes and spears, gradually faded their hair, straightened their backs, and then smelted bronze and iron, developed horse-drawn carriages, and cavalry, put on majestic armor, and established a huge tribe. , The country, explore and conquer all around, discover the mystery of coal and oil, establish a miasma, a magnificent industrial system, and finally produce tens of thousands of steel torrents, fighters that break the speed of sound, and a powerful fleet that dominates the four seas!

The development history of tens of thousands of years, in just a few minutes, appeared in front of many Yuan Ying.

At the same time, a waterfall of data and information flow crazily flooded into the minds of the metaphysical infants.

Li Yaodao: "Even if there is no psychic power, ordinary people can still explore the mystery of this universe, outline the general framework of laws, and figure out the most basic laws!"

"I substituting myself into the identity of an ordinary person, assuming that I have spent thousands of years in a world without psionics, trying to explore the laws of the world, and finally creating many disciplines!"

"Among them, the study of the principles of all things, the laws of motion, and the basic structure is called'physics'!"

"And the study of the mutual growth and restraint of all things, and the magic of changes, is called ‘chemistry’!"

"Based on physics, chemistry, and mathematics, we can create many disciplines such as electricity, engineering, optics, materials, etc. on the basis of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. By condensing the essence of these disciplines together, we can store everything except psychic energy The original forces within are squeezed to the limit, creating all kinds of terrifying war machines!"

Behind Li Yao, lights and shadows interlaced, and there appeared a copper-headed iron-brained, heavily armored heavy weapon like a steel fortress, similar to a spar chariot.

"This kind of weapon, I named it'tank', which means'seeing the gully as smooth, invincible, and invincible'. It absolutely does not require psychic power, and it can still invade like fire and roar like thunder!"

As soon as the screen turned, a second weapon appeared, some resembling a crystal magnetic gun.

"This kind of artillery is driven purely by gunpowder, and its structure is simpler than that of a crystal magnet gun. Although it is not as powerful as a crystal magnet gun, once tens of thousands of guns are refined, ten thousand cannons will be fired, covering a hundred miles. After that, you can still smash the immortal cultivator into a mess, really worthy of being the'God of War'!"

The picture turns again, and the third weapon is a lead-gray iron bird, the whole body is streamlined, no gaps are visible, and a dragon with teeth and claws is engraved on the tail!

"This kind of supersonic stealth fighter can increase the manned speed by a factor of more than three times. It flies over the atmosphere at extremely low temperature and oxygen-deficient altitude, and it is ordinary people who control it! Repeat, there is no stamina, no Ordinary people who have practiced any magical powers!"

"I drew the general structure diagrams of these three weapons. Fellow Daoists, especially master refiners, can study carefully and see if these weapons are theoretically possible to be produced?"

"These are just a few relatively basic war machines. In addition, there are super weapons such as strategic missiles, nuclear submarines, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, etc., which can be manipulated by ordinary people without being driven by psychics, but they can easily smooth out one. The power of the city! Although I imagined it out of thin air, I think that, theoretically, it can be produced in real practice. Please criticize and correct me, and see if there are any flaws?"

The vast sea of ​​information rushed into the crystal brains of all Nascent Souls, dazzling them, and spinning around!

In all fairness, the set of "the history of the development of the spiritless world" compiled by Li Yao is not complicated. Neither physics nor chemistry has surpassed the level of high school on Earth. Basically, it is just a copy of high school textbooks.

As for those tanks, artillery, and supersonic fighters, it is even more general, and it is impossible to involve the essence.

After all, in the dream, he was just an ordinary person on the earth, and he was not a physicist or chemist. As for the atomic bomb, nuclear physics, he knew nothing about it!

Therefore, what he can do is, with his excellent memory, try to recall some details on the earth as much as possible, and repeat the content in textbooks and some military magazines.

For example, in a different dream, he once saw the engine model diagram of a certain supersonic fighter in a military magazine, then he could copy this diagram.

As for materials science, dynamics and many disciplines, some are not his strong points and can only be avoided.

Even so, the impact of this brand new power system on all Nascent Souls and Demon Emperors is still earth-shattering!

Many Nascent Souls were still skeptical and even dismissive at first, but they just glanced at the face of Li Yao, a "super federation hero".

Who knows that after a few glances, the eyeballs are like being firmly held by a magnet, and they can't be pulled apart anyway!

They found that the development history of the new power system deduced by Li Yao, although seemingly simple and rough, and even extremely immature in some aspects, but in terms of the explanation of the basic principles and the grasp of the general direction, it is... completely natural and impeccable!

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