40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1228: Pangu's roar!

That's too late!

Professor Mo Xuan is also an experienced explorer. Before investigating the corpse, he had used the perspective mysterious light to illuminate it transparently from the inside to the outside, and he was sure that there was no abnormality, and no living creatures were detected. The existence of, dare to start.

And before Li Yao made a sound, the professor himself felt bad, and promptly terminated the operation of the psychic arm. The psychic arm was clearly still a strand of hair away from the Pangu tribe's corpse.

But the corpse of the Pangu tribe seemed to have been "activated". A large amount of mysterious light spewed from every gap in the armor, and the originally dim color suddenly came alive, as if an invisible barrier was severely shattered!

For a moment, phantoms grew in front of everyone, as if this Pangu warrior awakened from a slumber for hundreds of millions of years, waving six arms and a thick tail again, and leaping towards the Spark in an unstoppable posture!

Before everyone had time to react, it slammed into Spark's psychic shield, and the ear-piercing alarm was issued on the console, which was even more ear-piercing than when it had just jumped here and was struck by meteor shower!


Within 0.1 seconds, the psionic shield exceeded its limit, and the magic weapon unit exploded!

In the sound of the explosion, the brightness of the shield lingering around the Spark increased by a full three levels, from the original milky white to the full-blown crimson!

Fortunately, they aimed at the corpse of the Pangu tribe with the bow of the ship, and the Xuanguang drill on the bow had just penetrated a large sea of ​​meteorites and was in a state of ready to go. Professor Mo Xuan reacted in time and gave a low growl. Inspiring the Xuanguang drill bit to drill in the past!

The drill bits were everywhere, and the mysterious light was shining everywhere, and the corpses of the Pangu warriors suddenly decomposed and turned into a plethora of cosmic dust, forming a stream of high-energy particles that pierced through the Spark and everyone inside!

The Spark is like a bird with its wings folded in a storm, bumping wildly.

Li Yao felt that there was a mighty river of magma, rushing for hundreds of millions of years or billions of light years, and it poured into the deepest part of his brain, making him feel the boundless fear, anger, hatred, and despair!

The prehistoric memories hidden deep in the brain cells are awakened again.

He seemed to see countless strangely shaped giants like this Pangu tribe, wearing armor, flying, staggering, and fighting in the sea of ​​stars!

The dark star sea was gradually filled with colorful blood; the cold universe was heated to boiling by their fighting spirit; it was obviously in a vacuum, but hundreds of millions of roars could be heard condensed together, turning into a rolling thunder!


Li Yao spouted out of blood, feeling that his head had become ten times the size of his usual, and he couldn't condense a single thought.

It seems that if one more thought is gathered, the brain will explode completely!

Reaching out and touching, every pore on his face was filled with drops of dark red blood!


The corpses of the Pangu tribe disappeared in smoke, but from the deepest part of the corpse dust, in the end there was an extremely majestic, huge, and sturdy roar that swept across the entire sparkling ship like a hurricane!

A large number of rune arrays inside the spark burst, all magic weapons units failed, the lights flickered and dimmed, and there was flames everywhere!

This "storm" lasted a full minute before and after.

But it wasn't until ten minutes later that three explorers and four protoss gradually settled out of the chaotic state of turmoil.

The Spark’s automatic repair system has been working a long time ago, putting out the fire and strengthening the damaged hull, but the most complex magic weapon unit needs to be repaired manually.

The ship’s intact rate was only 77%, especially the loss of the psionic shield was astonishing, and it would take at least a few hours of rush repairs before it could be turned on again.

All seven were dizzy, unable to speak for a long time, and immersed themselves in the vast and vast battlefield.

"Yes... a strand of spirit and energy hidden in the corpse, which has not dispersed for hundreds of millions of years, until it is attracted by the psychic energy fluctuations of the Spark, and it burst out!"

Professor Mo Xuan analyzed with lingering fear, "In the words of the ancient Xiu era, it was this Pangu warrior who was ‘unsatisfied with his eyes, and resentment soaring’. We were shocked enough by this ‘resentment’!”

"Fortunately, the spark's psychic shield is strong enough to resist most of the grievances, otherwise our three souls and seven souls are very likely to be washed away, and we are'injustified and lost'!"

"Everyone is okay?"

Li Yao, the Fire Ant King, and the four Protoss circulated their minds and performed self-inspection. After a while, they shook their heads and let out a sigh of relief.

After all, it was a corpse hundreds of millions of years ago. After floating around a pulsar for so long, receiving pulses and radiation all day long, even the most powerful grievances were resolved.

This is also the reason why it is so fragile, it breaks at the touch of a touch, turns into powder, and is completely annihilated!

The seven were only greatly shocked, the weaker four star spirits were a little unstable, and there was no major physical problem.

"Have you heard a sound just now, like a screaming ‘moo’?"

Li Yao fished out his ears and took out a large group of blood clots. He was sure that he had not heard it wrong, "It was sent from the deepest part of the Pangu tribe's corpse, like a message, a sentence, or something!"

"Yes, I heard it too!"

"me too!"

The other six people nodded one after another, and everyone received this message.

Professor Mo Xuan turned on the monitoring system on the Spark, and went back to the time period just now. In addition to the exclamation of the crowd and the explosion of the magic weapon unit in the sound transmission talisman, there was indeed a loud bang like a flash flood.


The seven faces changed, and it was this voice!

"It's the last words of this Pangu warrior!"

Professor Mo Xuan murmured, his expression a little excited, "Let's try to crack it!"

Li Yao once heard the words of the Pangu tribe in the prehistoric memory. This is not his own patent. There are also many Yuan Ying and Demon Emperors who have entered the "prehistoric memory" state and heard many voices.

But neither at that time nor now, it is impossible to directly understand the meaning of these sounds.

Because the Pangu people use a more advanced and complex language system.

The lingua franca of the human race is a standard two-dimensional language. One word represents one meaning. Only a few or dozens of words can be arranged in a specific order to form a complete message.

This order is specific, either from left to right or top to bottom.

The language used by the Pangu tribe is somewhat similar to a "three-dimensional language", condensing countless words together and superimposing them with a certain mysterious and mysterious rule. It sounds like a syllable. If expanded, it may contain more than a hundred words. Syllables, and then through tens of thousands of permutations and combinations, express endless meaning!

Although this language system is clever, it is not impossible for humans to learn it.

In the world of comprehension, there are many "mantras and spiritual words", which are all variants or "descendants" of this three-dimensional language.

For example, the five words "Hurry, like a law" can be used to activate many magical powers, but it is not as simple as five words, but more than a hundred commands for mobilizing psychic energy and forming magical powers are compressed to the extreme. It just made a five-syllable sound similar to "Hurry as a rule".

Similarly, many cultivators like to roar the names of the moves when they perform their magical powers, such as "five thunders piercing the palm of the heart", "cloud chasing electric knife", "purple flames and green clouds sword", etc., among young people who do not know the truth. It seems that it may be very domineering, but in the eyes of ordinary passers-by, it is inevitably a bit... quite embarrassing.

This is not a cultivator deliberately pretending, it is also a high-level language that contains more than hundreds of commands to build a spiritual power field and form attack moves.

At present, there are more than 30 mainstream mantra systems in the cultivation world, and there are more than 200 kinds of non-mainstream and spiritual languages ​​that have been popular in history, and then gradually declined.

Professor Mo Xuan did not know the basic logic of the Pangu language system, so he could only use the most stupid method to crack it by brute force, that is, to use more than two hundred kinds of incantation systems, one by one, and try to explain the word "moo". Compress and see if you can decompress something meaningful.

"Since the Pangu people are our creators, our physiological structures are extremely similar, and we all transmit information through the vibrating air through our organs, so the logic of constructing our language system should be the same!"

"There are more than two hundred kinds of spell systems, many of which are passed down from the ancient repair era 40,000 years ago. There are several "living fossils" in different languages, and certain features of the Pangu language will be left behind!"

This theory was put forward by a linguist from the Tianhuan Academy, and it was quickly unanimously approved by all Yuan Ying, and in three days, a brand-new magical power was poured into the brain of Spark’s master crystal. , Specifically used to decipher the information left by the Pangu tribe.

This is the first time it has been used, and it is still unknown whether it will work.

Professor Mo Xuan inspires supernatural powers and uses more than two hundred spell systems that can be collected in the Three Realms to decompress this "moo".

Among them, more than 140 spells could not be decompressed, only 67 audio segments were decompressed.

Everyone held their breath and listened to them section by section.

Most of the audio is meaningless noise. There are a few paragraphs that seem to have a certain pattern, but the true meaning cannot be distinguished.

"Proceed with noise reduction!"

Professor Mo Xuan repeatedly filtered a dozen times, and finally parsed three audio segments.

Each piece of audio is only a few seconds, including ten or twenty syllables, it sounds circumflex, very regular, and it should be a certain language.

From the perspective of the syllable interval, the meanings of the three audio segments are the same, but only three forms of expression of the same message under the three spell systems.

But these three forms of expression are very different from human lingua franca.

"Girl? Like carrying me? Ussalara? Ussalala?"

Professor Mo Xuan, the Fire Ant King and the four star spirits stared at them with big eyes, and no one understood what these syllables meant.

Only Li Yao trembled all over, as if he was smashed into the bottomless swamp with a siege hammer. His lips were pale and sweat was like rain, and he could not speak for a long time.

"Li Yao, do you understand?"

Professor Mo Xuan found his abnormality and asked immediately.

Li Yao swallowed hard, nodded mechanically, and stammered, "Here, these syllables are a bit like a dialect of the ancient repair era. They have only been popular in a few remote areas, because those few The world is rich in minerals. There are countless kinds of concepts expressing metal and flame in these native languages, so they were used by ancient craftsmen as the working language for a period of time, but it was gradually annihilated about 47,000 years ago. "

"By chance, I have learned this language once, knowing a little bit, and roughly... can guess the meaning of this sentence!"


Professor Mo Xuan and the Fire Ant King were overjoyed and couldn't care about asking Li Yao's "coincidence", and said anxiously, "Then what does this mean? This resentful Pangu clan finally wants to say something. what?"

Li Yao took a deep breath, and the blue veins on his neck spread all the way to his cheeks, corners of his eyes and forehead. His expression was a little confused, a little stupefied, and even a little ferocious. There was a deep light from the depths of his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said every word. "Nuwa! You betrayed my race! I swear to kill you! I swear to kill you!"

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