40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1236: An underrated empire!

In the cabin door, the shadows were fascinating, countless black shadows flew out, and under the reflection of the Kunlun purple clouds, a dangerous light faintly bloomed.

In just three minutes, hundreds of black shadows enveloped the entire sky. They were holding chainsaw swords and crystal magnetic cannons. The structure of the spar armor was completely different from the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing. It had a more ancient taste. Judging from the seamless occlusal system, it represents an even better level of refining.

"Hundreds of immortal cultivators?"

Li Yao's scalp was numb, but he was puzzled.

There is no reason. The real human empire more than a hundred years ago could only teleport the intangible "star children" hundreds of millions of light-years away. After more than a hundred years have passed, it can accurately teleport hundreds of immortal immortals in an instant. Who is it?

They are not afraid of errors in transmission, are hundreds of immortal cultivators annihilated in the depths of the star sea?

The development of this level of technology is really exaggerated!

However, under closer observation, Li Yao quickly saw the strangeness. The height of these "crystal armors" was about 1.5 meters, shorter than ordinary people, and the limbs were slender and skinny, unless the cultivators were all dwarfs. , Otherwise it will definitely not fit inside such a crystal armor.

This is not a crystal armor, but a kind of battle puppet, and there is no sign of life fluctuations in it, no wonder it can transmit such a large group in one breath.

Although they are lifeless puppets, their tactical coordination is extremely sophisticated. About 300 combat puppets are like a well-trained army. They quickly deployed defenses around the tortoise shell and searched all around. There are invisible threads pulling them.

Li Yao's thoughts turned, a flash of lightning flashed across the depths of his brain, the corner of his eyes twitched, and he whispered to Professor Mo Xuan, "Tai Xu warriors?"

The mode of action of these combat puppets is very similar to that of the Taixu Warriors, but it should be said that they are more sophisticated than the Taixu Warriors.

Professor Mo Xuan whispered: "It's very possible."

"In the Flying Star Realm, the Taixu Warriors were the main force of the immortal cultivator's rebellion. Although this plan was proposed by Xiao Xuance, it was actually received by Xiao Tianbao, who was disguised as the son of Xiao Xuance, who came from the true human empire.' Star Child's influence can be said to be dominated by Star Child!

"Even the'Star Brain' that controls the Taixu combat soldiers is transformed into a star child."

"That means that the unmanned, fully automated magic weapon of the'Taixu Warriors' is a very mature technology in the real human empire, and even a very popular main battle magic weapon, especially for such long-distance expedition missions. At times, there is no life, no irritability and betrayal, and a loyal and reliable Taixu warrior is the best choice."

Li Yao recalled the feeling of breathlessness when he fell into the vast ocean of Taixu warriors in the chaos of the cultivators.

He had a faint toothache, and murmured: "I hate Taixu Warriors!"

Fortunately, the combat effectiveness of a single Taixu combat soldier is not strong. It mainly depends on the number to win, and there are only 300 Taixu combat soldiers here.

Even if the Taixu war soldiers of the true human empire are stronger than the "cottage version" refined by Xiao Xuance and Xinghai, Li Yao is not what it used to be, and there are two other masters of the Yuan Ying series to help, but they have not been Keep it in the eye.

However, there must be other strangeness hidden in the tortoise shell, and they don't have to take the risk, it is better to wait for the Liaoyuan ship to come and deal with it slowly.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

More than a dozen Taixu soldiers of the true human empire passed over their heads.

They had already carried out a subtle camouflage, embedded themselves deeply in the cracks of the rock formations, and covered a lot of soil and rust on the outside, which looked no different from other prehistoric relics.

The metal reactions and psychic energy fluctuations here are so strong, they are like a few drops of fresh water into the ocean, unless they are close at hand, otherwise it is extremely difficult to find.

Sure enough, the masters of these Taixu war soldiers would never have imagined that someone would rush to Kunlun before them.

The purpose of releasing the Taixu soldiers should be to explore the life in the Kunlun native. After discovering that there were only low-level life such as moss, weeds and insects, the Taixu soldiers returned quickly and formed an alert formation near the turtle shell.

In the black hatch, hundreds of black shadows sprang out again, but they were not too fictitious war soldiers, but puppet war beasts more than one meter long.

Most of the puppet war beasts are in the form of six-legged spiders, which are somewhat similar to the "trant spiders" that Li Yao once refined, and there is a jet system on the swollen abdomen, which allows them to rise between the rugged folds. Turn and move, swiftly speeding.

The metal spiders dexterously crawled between the rock formations, constantly tapping and making a "click, click" sound. In the end, it seemed to have found a treasured geomantic place, and most of the metal spiders gathered together.

"Boom! Boom!"

The four telescopic arms of the "tortoise shell" that plunged deep into the ground were pulled out again, swung forward, and "climbed" toward the place chosen by the metal spider!

After the re-fixation was completed, from under the tortoise shell, a dozen drills were stretched out in one breath, just like a drill rod for collecting underground minerals, and slammed into the ground!

"Buzzing buzzing!"

The drill rod was spinning like flying, the earth and the tortoise shell trembled together, making a dull noise. From the depths of the tortoise shell, there was a wave of psychic energy like a mountain whistling and a tsunami!

The three of Li Yao looked at each other, not knowing what the ugly starship from the real human empire was doing.

After carefully observing for more than an hour, I faintly guessed the purpose of the tortoise shell-it seems to be collecting the metal remains buried deep in the ground and sucking it into the tortoise shell.

At the same time, the metal spiders also hopped between the rock formations, transporting large pieces of debris into the tortoise shell.

It is very strange that they dismissed the corpses of the Primordial Race, and even didn't care about the integrity of the remains. They just discovered the largest pieces that seemed to contain the most metal fragments.

Just as the three of Li Yao were at a loss, the tortoise shell had undergone a brand-new change.

The "tortoise shell" above it opened in pieces, like thousands of flower buds blooming, a large number of metal spiders jumped out of it, and a lot of strange magical components were adsorbed on the back by the psychic magnetic field.

The number of metal spiders quickly reached nearly a thousand. They jumped to the tortoise shell, raced around the ground, leveled the foundation, and started to build some prototypes of buildings with the newly refined components.

More than a dozen large buildings were built at the same time, so the progress was very slow, but it can be seen that this building is patchy and magnificent. Once completed, it will be a solid war base.

Li Yao even saw the rudiments of several buildings, like slightly smaller "tortoise shells"!

Inside the tortoise shell, it is like an extremely efficient refining workshop. As more and more underground minerals and metal debris are sent into it, more metal spiders and Taixu soldiers are refined.

And these metal spiders can collect more debris and minerals, and put them into the construction of various buildings, and the efficiency has been increased by geometric progression!

At first, the three of Li Yao held an attitude of watching the changes, because under the cover of the sea of ​​meteorites in the starry sky, their star torch has also begun to be built. The longer the time is, the more likely the Liaoyuan is to appear. Favorable, but everyone is better than speed.

But after monitoring in secret for a long time, they all found something was wrong-the number of Taixu soldiers deployed around the tortoise shell had reached five or six hundred, almost doubled, and the number of metal spiders even exceeded it. Two thousand, still in continuous production!

Many buildings around are slightly embryonic.

Deployed at the outermost periphery is a guard tower engraved with countless offensive runes. Between some guard towers, ultra-high voltage arcs have already been "crackled".

After the warning tower, there are many cooling towers and refining furnaces, which are large-scale metal smelting factories and magic weapon smelting factories!

In addition, there are some buildings that Li Yao has never seen before. Judging from the towers that are hundreds of meters high and are being assembled, they must be devices that transmit divine consciousness fluctuations to the depths of the star sea!

Several Taixu soldiers and metal spiders are installing the crystal magnetic cannon that has just been refined from the shell of the tortoise to the highest point of the guard tower.

The weird scenes reminded Li Yao of a possibility. The cold sweat from his forehead instantly fell into his eyes, causing his pupils to shrink and become pinpoints.

"This *** is a base car!"

Li Yao muttered to himself.

"Li Yao, what are you talking about? Isn't this the'little catastrophe' of the true human empire?"

Professor Mo Xuan asked in a low voice.

"It's not a small catastrophe, but it is very likely to be more terrifying than a small catastrophe, or it represents thousands of small catastrophes!"

Li Yao said gloomily, "It seems that we all underestimate the strength of the true human empire!"

Professor Mo Xuan and Fire Ant King looked at each other, and they sensed the psychic disorder of each other, and asked anxiously: "What do you mean, do you see the attack mode of the real human empire?"

"I'm just guessing, but I shouldn't be wrong!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and explained, "We initially thought that the real human empire was likely to throw a'little catastrophe' on us, but when we think about it carefully, the environment in the universe is ever-changing, and various civilizations are also completely Different, how can the real human empire know which kind of'little catastrophe' can work for us?"

"What's more, the small heavenly tribulation is aimed at individuals, and the power of a small heavenly tribulation can never be too great, and it is not enough to lock down the entire civilization!"

"That's why we guessed that the purpose of this ‘Little Heaven’s Tribulation’ is not to destroy, but to reconnaissance and positioning. It is to guide the direction and ‘open the door’ to the imperial army!"

"But now it seems that we are very likely to be wrong. We don’t need the Empire army at all. Just this shattered and broken Imperial warship less than three kilometers long may destroy us and conquer Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei. Three Star Realms!"

"Because, it is not a small catastrophe at all, but a... a factory that can manufacture small catastrophes in batches!"

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