40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1244: So hideous!

Li Yao keenly perceives that Su Changfa spread his five fingers, and with a very weird gesture, he pressed down on his Tianling Cap, with his thumb just touching the center of his eyebrows, where the "pineal gland" is located.

The five extremely weird psychic energies, with the high-speed tremor of Su Changfa's five fingers, sneaked into Li Yao's brain, like five poisonous snakes, looking for prey insidiously.

This was the most dangerous moment. Every bundle of Li Yao's nerve endings was like a piranha, ready to explode at any time and directly blast Su Changfa to death.

He knew very well that Su Changfa was stimulating his brain, responsible for fear, hatred, regret, killing intent... that part of many negative emotions, and imported these negative emotions into his superficial brain cells. The form is expressed.

In other words, Su Changfa wanted him to fall into a living "nightmare"!

Li Yao’s countermeasure is to use the superior computing power of himself and the Scarlet Inner Demon to isolate a small area in the brain beforehand, and this area is filled with carefully fabricated false memories, enveloping the real The soul and memory space.

On the crystal brain, there is a "virtual machine" technology, which is simply condensed together with thousands of minds. After optimization, the performance of different crystal brains can be simulated.

Li Yao also built a "virtual brain" in his own brain for Su Changfa to invade!

Su Changfa never dreamed that he was facing a "monster-level" player like Li Yao, and he really got the trick. After groping for the "virtual brain" specially provided by Li Yao, he smiled slightly, and his five fingers suddenly used force, like five snakes. Spiritual thoughts are all pierced into the virtual brain, and wisps of deadly "venom" are injected!


Using this secret method, Su Changfa consumes a lot of money. He let go of his five fingers and said with a smile: "Wait and see, what is the most fearful, most guilty, and most ulterior thing hidden in the heart of this little brother." What?"

Soon, Li Yao had a reaction.

His face gradually became iron blue, from iron blue to pale again, his breathing gradually became quicker, his hands were raised high, and he waved wildly in the air, as if he was trapped in a swamp, unable to extricate himself.

His eyes were still tightly closed, but his eyes turned so fast, and bean-sized beads of sweat leaked out of his forehead, and the sweat soon became like a rain, spreading into a big water shadow all over his body.

Suddenly he crossed his eyebrows and angered, suddenly gritted his teeth, and suddenly showed a pitiful, flattering and begging expression.

"Snoring, snoring, snoring!"

His chest rises and falls sharply, as if a big hole has been pierced in his lungs, but also like the low howl of an injured beast.

Li Yao's trembling became more and more intense, and in the end he convulsed like a goat. After twitching for more than ten seconds, his limbs tensed suddenly, his whole body trembled, and he finally opened his eyes.

Every blue vein on his face appeared prominently, as if covered with an ugly spider web. The eye sockets were deeply sunken, but the eyeballs were scaryly large. There was no gleam in the eyes, shrouded in mist and blood. In, it is like a beast that has lost its soul, muttering in his mouth, I don't know what it is saying, a ray of saliva mixed with blood slowly flows out from the corner of his mouth, and I don't know how to wipe it.

He was like a real beast. A Gulu got up from the ground, squatted deeply, and looked around with grinning teeth.

When seeing the three immortal cultivators, Li Yao's pupils contracted obviously, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the universe, every muscle was twisted to the limit, and he screamed like a **** in fright.

"Old Lei, Brother Bai, Xiao Chen...you, why are you here? You are dead, you are already dead! Don't come over, don't come over!"

He screamed in a weird tone, and he drew back vigorously until he reached the end of the cave, his lips pale as if he were dead.

"Don't come, don't come! Lao Lei, I didn't kill you, but Brother Bai did it, he stabbed you from behind, I was forced by him! He is by your side, you go find him, Go find him!"

"Brother Bai, you didn’t kill me either. Xiao Chen did it. He deliberately tricked you into the gravity chamber and crushed you to death! I didn’t eat much. I only ate half of your hand. Xiao Chen ate the most. , He gnawed both of your thighs clean!"

"Don't look at me like this! Don't look at me! Don't look! Bai Happy, you were the first to eat people! You were the first to kill the tall fat man and share it with us! Now you are eaten by us, This is retribution! God’s retribution! If you want revenge, go to God, don’t find me, don’t find me!"

Li Yao was so scared that his face was full of tears and nose. The whole figure was limp on the ground as if there were no bones. He couldn't help begging for mercy: "Don't come, you don't come again! I can't help it, I also want to survive! There is only such a small amount of supplies on board. , How can so many people get enough points? The result of the even distribution is that everyone will die together! Happy Bai, isn't this what you told me? I just do what you say!

"Ouuuuuu, please don't kill me, I want to live, I want to live! As long as you don't kill me, don't eat me, I promise you everything, I can do anything!"

"By the way, I know there are still three people hidden on the boat. As long as you don’t eat me, I will take you to find them and eat them all! An old man, a ****, and a big fat man. The big fat man has lots of meat. , At least two to three hundred catties, enough to eat for many days!"

"I'll give you all to eat, just leave me a few bones to chew on, that's it..."

The three immortal cultivators had been watching coldly, until this moment, they finally showed disgusting expressions.

"This guy's memories are all intertwined. The three people he said are us, right?"

Tang Qianhe smiled and said, "I really didn't expect that such an unbelievable little guy is really despicable and shameless, no wonder he will carry four Universe Rings on him, it seems that they are all the spoils of cannibalism!"

"The sea of ​​stars is vast, and the storm is uncertain. After a disaster, this is a common occurrence."

Su Changfa said lightly, "Everyone who can escape from the Star Sea Storm, especially when only one person on the entire starship survives, the story inside is by no means simple!"

"It's like raising Gu. If there are hundreds of Gu worms, one survives in the end. How can it be a person of innocent nature? Definitely a villain!"

"However, for us, the more despicable and shameless the better, so that we can start'cooperation'! Hahahaha!"

Kou Ruhuo said coldly: "Wait, this kid is still weird!"

Before he finished his words, Li Yao's pores all over his body suddenly shrank, but he spewed out psychic energy fluctuations that far surpassed the foundation-building period. With a sound, he rushed towards the three of them!

Kou Ruhuo let out a cold snort, stepped diagonally for half a step, and stood in front of Su Changfa and Tang Qianhe. His right arm was raised horizontally, and his psychic energy suddenly erupted, condensing a huge psychic palm, like catching a fly, holding Li Yao to death. Live, can't move forward half a step!

Li Yao stretched his teeth and danced his claws, struggling desperately, his expression was extremely hideous, and he was different from the flattery and begging for mercy just now. He smiled grimly: "Unexpectedly, I'm not a foundation building, I am a magnificent knot! Hahahaha, you guys. Fools, one after another, exhausted from fighting, it was my fisherman who got the money in the end! I will eat you all, all of you!"

"No one can stop me from living! I like the escape pod so much, so I will give it to you and give it to you to die! Haha, hahahaha!"

"I want to live, I want to live, I want to live!"

He foamed at his mouth, his eyes almost melted into pus and blood, and his entire face seemed to be wearing a blood mask. Obviously, the blood vessels in his face could not withstand the strong psychic impact, and the roots burst!

"No, he's going to go crazy!"

Tang Qianhe whispered, "This kid is still useful, I can't let him die!"


Kou Ruhuo stepped on Qixing, strode forward, hitting Li Yao's chest with one foot.

This foot looked like a spark of lightning, and it was unstoppable, but it used gentle force to disperse all the violent psychic energy that was rampant in Li Yao's body.


Li Yao spouted a breath of stinking black blood, backed three steps, leaning against the cave wall and slowly weakened.

The blood on his face dissipated like low tide, and the spiritual fire all over his body was also extinguished, like leeks that had been exposed to the sun for a whole day, completely wilted.

Kou Ruhuo stepped forward, pried open his mouth, poured a high-energy nutrient into his mouth, and used psychic energy to help him send it between the viscera, which instantly melted away.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a pill cultivator, and he almost fell into this kid's way. It's really insidious! Maybe, he really wants to eat the three of us!"

Tang Qianhe exclaimed.

"You didn't expect that Su Lao would have noticed it a long time ago."

Kou Ruhuo said briefly.

"Hehe, I didn't see it, I just lived such an old age and had some Mogu experience."

Su Changfa smiled and said, "As long as the monk of the pill formation, there will always be a little swelling at the end of the spine. This is the location of the'golden pill'. , There is a way to slowly cultivate to all parts of the spinal cord, penetrate up and down, and merge into one body!"

"This kid didn't know us before. When we met for the first time and didn't know whether it was a friend or an enemy, he reported himself to his family and said that he was a'foundation building monk', and leaked all his cards to us. Wouldn't it be too naive? A little bit?"

"Only a young man who has just entered the sea of ​​stars and has no experience in the rivers and lakes can be so naive, right? How can a person who can live alone for so long on a foreign secret star be so naive?"

"The only answer is that he is deliberately misleading us!"

"So, when I was in contact with him, I paid special attention to groping for the end of his spine with psychic energy, and I found something strange!"

"It's not easy, this little guy is really not easy. I have carefully analyzed his bone age. Judging from his bones, he is in his early thirties at most, and he has actually cultivated to the pill formation stage!"

"In the barren land on the edge of the star sea, there is such a speed of cultivation, no wonder the people on the boat with him will be deceived by him and become a delicious meal in his belly!"

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