40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1251: The Law of the Empire!

Tang Qianhe was immersed in his own world, eloquent and eloquent, and Li Yao asked such a tricky question. He was stunned for a while, and the little cherry mouth opened slightly, not knowing how to answer.

"The true human empire is the pinnacle of human civilization, and naturally has a very sophisticated and complete legal system to safeguard the rights and interests of every citizen of the empire."

Su Changfa didn’t know when, he approached the two of them with his hands behind his back, and said lightly, “According to the Empire’s Criminal Law, Civil Law and Maritime Law, citing the'emergency avoidance' regulations, it is estimated that they will be sentenced to'justified defense. Be'and' the crime of insulting a corpse!"

Li Yao was stunned: "Too defensive? Insult the corpse?"


Su Changfa said calmly, "The empire controls the vast sea of ​​stars, and tens of thousands of starships shuttle through the nebula storm every day. Naturally, many shipwrecks will happen. It is extremely experienced in handling such things. That's it."

"According to the past experience of the empire, no one is innocent in this extreme environment. Once you realize that the resources are insufficient, everyone is an attacker and everyone is a victim. Strong, it's just a disaster! Li Daoyou, what do you think?"

Li Yao's eyes widened, a fright flashed in his eyes, as if thinking of those unbearable days again, and nodding repeatedly: "Yes, that's right, I am not the first to do it!"

"That's it. Since they are the first to do it, you are just for self-protection. That is justified defense, at most over-defense. Isn't this a very reasonable sentence?"

"As for the corpse, in the eyes of us immortal cultivators, it is just a body, not too important. It is a good thing to be sentenced to the crime of insulting a corpse!"

"If you leave it to the judge to decide freely, you may be sentenced to several years of hard labor and exile if you are too defensive plus insulting the corpse, ordering you to join a more dangerous battle group and fight against the enemies of the empire!"

"However, every imperial citizen who wants to get more training resources and climbs up step by step would have to go to the battlefield to take military exploits. The more dangerous the battlefield, the more generous the spoils. The more fascinating you are!"

"So, such a verdict, like being lightly bitten by a mosquito, is nothing at all!"

Li Yao slapped his tongue: "Such an understatement?"

Su Changfa smiled faintly, patted Li Yao on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Friend Li Daoyou, you are still too young to understand the starting point of the empire's law."

"The starting point of the imperial law is to maintain the immortality of human civilization. Human beings themselves continue to evolve, and the fire of human civilization is getting more and more prosperous!"

"This is the first and core clause of the empire's constitution. All other legal provisions are formulated around this core!"

"So, how can we keep human beings evolving, and the fire of civilization burns and flourishes?"

"It's very simple. The weak will feed on the strong, the survival of the fittest will be the survival of the fittest, so that the best genes will be given sufficient resources and passed on from generation to generation, and all the inferior genes will be naturally selected, eliminated, and eliminated!"

"You are the only one who has survived the Star Sea Storm. Whether you use conspiracy or trickery, or forcibly grabbing, or even just lucky, you cannot overthrow a'fact.' You defeated it in an extremely dangerous environment. I won countless enemies and survived!"

"This'fact' proves that you are the smartest, most despicable, quickest, most agile, or strongest person on the ship!"

"In other words, you have the best gene in everyone!"

"Then your survival is the survival of the best gene. It is in the interest of all mankind to let you, a carrier of an excellent gene, continue to live!"

"So, from the perspective of the empire's constitution and the height of all mankind, theoretically speaking, of course, you won't be sentenced to a serious crime!"

Li Yao's heart moved and he grasped the key in an instant: "In theory?"

"Friend Li Daoist is really quick thinking, and he grasped the key in an instant. That's right, what I just said was only theoretically!"

Su Changfa said calmly, "In reality, when you really encounter this kind of thing, it is usually difficult to find conclusive evidence, so you will not go to the court to solve it. Even if it does go to the court, it is difficult for scattered evidence to form complete evidence. Chain, judges don’t like to judge such horrible cases. In the end, there is often insufficient evidence and acquittal."

"The families of the victims know this kind of thing, so the plaintiff doesn't like to go to court to resolve it. Instead, they file a civil complaint with the local'arbitration tribunal' dispatched by the Empire. This kind of complaint does not require evidence, as long as it is a victim. The immediate family members of the readers or fellow mentors will be accepted if they add'reasonable suspicion'."

Li Yao was stunned when he heard: "After accepting it, what will happen? If there is no evidence, how should the judgment be made?"

"If there is no evidence, of course there will be no judgment!"

Chang Su laughed and said, "The so-called arbitration is to invite the arbitration officer to preside over it. You and the victim's family have a fair duel, and you have had one!


Li Yao is dumbfounded, is this okay?

"Remember what I just said? The starting point of the imperial law is to ensure that the best genes can be passed on. Therefore, if the other party wants to sanction you, they must prove that their genes are better than you. !"

"As long as you beat you in the arena, you can prove this! At that time, what you committed was not cannibalism, but'destroyed a certain gene that is better than you, and the possibility of continuation' This crime!"

"According to the logic of the imperial law, this is the core crime that endangers the continuation of human civilization. It is simply a'crime'. Of course, you must be punished severely and quickly!"

"At that time, you will be guilty of arbitration, and then if the victim's family sue to the court, even if there is no evidence, you will be convicted, and you will be convicted of the crime!

"Of course, most people will not be so troublesome. As early as in the arena, you were directly solved by the victim's family!"

Li Yao stunned and said, "What if I win?"

"If you win, it means that your genes are indeed very good and you are eligible to pass on! Then even if new evidence emerges in the future, the families of the victims can no longer trouble you in any form!"

Chang Su said, "This kind of arbitration is one-off. For a certain complaint, only one arbitration can be filed. The result of the arbitration will always be valid. If you fail to kill you this time, you will never be allowed to do it again!"

"If you win the challenge of the victim's family and prove your genetic superiority in a large court, the victim's family is still entangled, then you don't need to do it yourself, the imperial law will naturally be on your side, and the other party will Received the most severe punishment, and even annihilated the family and the clan!"

Li Yao thought for a long time, nodded and said: "I understand, that is to say, as long as the strength is strong enough, no matter what you do, you are innocent!"

"The survival of the fittest, the king and the loser, the thief who steals the hook, the thief who steals the country! Isn't this the truth that can be applied to all stars?"

Su Chang said coldly, "It's just that in the world of the cultivator, this truth is packaged as a'unspoken rule' and expressed in a more obscure and tortuous form; but in the world of the cultivator, it is a kind of The rules are open and upright, clear, plain, and treated equally, very fair!"

Li Yao let out a foul breath and murmured: "So, that society is not a mess? All the strong can do whatever they want, burn, kill, and looting!"

"how come?"

Su Changfa smiled and said, "If your strength is strong enough to reach the rank of'world lord', you can formulate the rules of the game, and through legal and open channels, you can continuously obtain stable benefits. Why use burning, killing, looting, and looting so rough and inefficient? s method?"

"If you have to burn, kill, and loot, it can only mean that your strength is not strong enough to be the ruler of the game, then the local'world master' and the strong will soon find you, kill you, or Suppress you, subdue you, put you into the rules of the game, and become part of the system."

"How can such a society be unstable?"

"I thoroughly understand!"

Li Yao patted his forehead, Chao Su Changfa and Tang Qianhe were deeply convinced, "Thank you two seniors for answering their questions. Listening to you, the juniors do have a sudden sense of enlightenment and the feeling of discovering a new world. It is just like the past. For ten years, I have lived in a muddle-headed cover, and it is not until today that I broke out of the shell and discovered the real world!"


As soon as his eyes rolled, Li Yao's face was embarrassed, "I seem to have one last question, one that can't be circumvented!"

"Friend Li, please speak!"

Su Da smiled, "It's not about solving puzzles, let's discuss and study together, and learn together!"

"That's right, the two expositions about the'real person' and the'primitive person' are indeed exquisite and exquisite, making the younger generations startled, but thinking about it carefully, the so-called real person may not all be born from a real person, right? And their offspring may not necessarily Are they all real people?"

"This is the case in the Flying Star Realm anyway. Many of the parents of cultivators are not cultivators. Among their children, although the proportion of cultivators is a little higher, not everyone can awaken their spiritual roots!"

"If a real person, that is, a cultivator, his parents and children are primitive people, in other words, parents and children belong to different races, isn't it a bit...makes no sense?"

"What doesn't make sense?"

Tang Qianhe sneered, "A horse and a donkey will give birth to mules. The horse and the donkey are parents, and the mules are children. May I ask, are they the same race?"

Li Yao suddenly had nothing to say, his face blushed and his neck was thick!

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