40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1256: Doomsday War Plague!

Li Yao thought for a while, frowned and asked, "A world without diseases, what's the problem?"

"What's the problem?"

Su Changfa sneered, "The biggest problem is that the cultivator goes against the sky, breaking the laws of nature, and completely breaking the balance between the human body and nature!"

"Human beings are the spirit of all things. They are the super-perfect evolution of all carbon-based life after hundreds of millions of years of evolution! Even if calculated in the hundreds of thousands of years since the birth of human beings, it is in comparison with nature, bacteria, viruses, and diseases. In the struggle, we have also developed an effective immune system!"

"Even if you do not rely on any drugs or medical methods, the body's own immune mechanism alone can defeat most bacteria and viruses, and in this process, the human body itself will be tempered and become stronger. This kind of power can even deepen. It is deeply imprinted in genes and passed on from generation to generation!"

"This is the so-called evolution!"

Li Yao said: "That's not right, if you don't see a doctor in time if you are sick, you still have a high chance of dying!"

Su Changfa snorted coldly: "The disease itself is a screening mechanism given to mankind by nature. It can screen out all carriers of inferior genes to ensure that the entire population develops in the right direction!"

"Human civilization as a whole must ensure a certain degree of ‘elimination rate’ and screen out all those who are not suitable for survival in order to achieve the optimal allocation of resources."

"For an individual, death is of course a tragedy; but for a civilization, if the **** immortal is not dead, it is a great tragedy if it has been lingering and wasting resources!"

Li Yao couldn't help but put on an expression of sudden realization: "So, I understand. In other words, there is no such place as a ‘hospital’ in the real human empire?"

Su Changfa smiled and said: "Of course there are hospitals, but they mainly focus on treating traumatic injuries! If it is a viral infection, cancer or other diseases, we will inject some'immune system activators' into the patients to stimulate the patients themselves. Life potential to fight disease."

"That is to say, in our hospital, the patient's own immune system and resistance are mainly used to fight bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. Doctors only play the role of ‘awakening’ and ‘amplification’.”

Li Yao stunned: "Is this effective?"

"Of course it works."

Su Changfa said, "Although it is not as good as the 100% cure rate advertised by the Yaocha civilization, ordinary cancer cells and viral infections can still be killed by the patient's own vitality!"

"If it is really impossible to kill, we rarely use external interventions to treat it, because the fire of this patient's life is so weak, there is no qualification to survive!"

Li Yao was speechless, so he continued to listen with his ears pricked up.

"But the thinking of the practitioners of Yaocha Civilization is completely different from that of our cultivators."

Su Changfa contemptuously said, "They believe that human civilization is a whole, all human beings are brothers and sisters, no matter men, women, old or young, rich or poor, ordinary people or cultivators, no matter how many genetic defects, no matter how low the immunity is. , It is worth saving at all costs!"

"So, they spared no expense to transform the entire Yaocha star, and established a fragile ecosystem without deadly bacteria and viruses, and injected a large amount of hormones, antibiotics and chemical agents into each Yaocha's body. Established an'unbreakable' artificial immune system!"

"At that time, the medicine fork people had to inject all kinds of drugs when they were still in the womb. They have been soaked in the medicine jar since they were born, and only then have they exchanged for a life that seems to be healthy and long-lived for a lifetime!"

"It's a pity that this superficial'health and longevity' is built on an extremely fragile artificial foundation. Protect them firmly inside, so that they will not be attacked by the wind and rain from the outside!"

"In the short term, this approach is indeed effective."

"But the side effect is that everyone, including the cultivator himself, has become a flower in the greenhouse!"

"As the saying goes,'If you come out, you will be invincible, and the country will die.' This sentence is the same on one person!"

"Without the attacks of diseases, bacteria and viruses, there will be no opportunities for ‘real combat exercises’. It is like relying on drugs to maintain health, just like relying on foreign mercenaries to defend the country. How can it be done?"

"In this way, the Yasha people seem to have grown up in a huge'sterile room', generation after generation, their immune system is getting weaker and weaker, and eventually they lose the ability to rely on themselves and survive in nature!"

"Our historians of the real human empire, when studying the history of the medicine fork civilization, took a name for the symptoms of the medicine fork people, called'acquired immunodeficiency syndrome', which refers to their excessively'clean' external environment. , And overloaded interventional drug defense methods, completely collapse the own immune system, even genetically altered!"

"Their immune system, like our'appendix' and'tail,' has become a useless organ, slowly degrading or even disappearing!"

"Hehe, because'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' is a disease that stems from the'selfless love' of all'human compatriots' by practitioners, so we also call it the'Death of Love'!"

"It's only one aspect that the whole people are suffering from the disease of love and death. What's more terrifying is that due to the idea of ​​cultivators that'no one is needed, everyone must be saved', many of them carry inferior genes and are not suitable for survival at all. People who are not suitable for leaving offspring are all rescued by them, marrying and having children like normal people, leaving even worse offspring."

"They can rely on ingenious medical skills and incredible drugs to forcibly suppress the dominant symptoms of these inferior gene carriers, but it is extremely difficult to solve this problem from the deepest source of the gene chain."

"The result is that a large number of inferior genes spread, sneak, and dormant among the medicine fork people, like a dormant volcano that will wake up at any time, still expanding!"

"In order to suppress the various symptoms of inferior genes, you have to increase the dose of drugs, and increase the dose of drugs, which will cause the'love death disease' to become more and more serious... such a vicious circle, no force can stop it! "

"Although the medicine fork civilization has come to the brink of destruction, on the surface, their civilization is still prosperous and brilliant!"

"They are not as stupid as the Panlong people, they have developed quite advanced star sea navigation technology in hundreds of years, and they can start a starry sky leap across the world!"

"At that time, it was the highest peak of the golden age of Yaocha civilization. When gazing at the vast sea of ​​stars, all Yaocha people were full of confidence and believed that they could conquer all enemies including nature!"

"However, they didn't expect one thing."

"As their immune system degenerates step by step, their most dangerous opponents, the bacteria or viruses, are constantly mutating, or...evolving!"

"The various drugs and interferons refined by the Yak Fork people can kill 9,999 of the 10,000 viruses, but they will stimulate the last remaining one, causing it to mutate and become More insidious, secretive and deadly!"

"Haha, the survival of the fittest and the survival of the fittest are originally the law of the universe. The Yaocha civilization under the leadership of the cultivator trampled on this law extremely arrogantly, but the bacteria and viruses on the Yaocha star have always followed this'day. Bar's, and under the stimulation of drugs and interferon, it is constantly struggling, mutating, and evolving at a hundred times the speed of the past!"

"The drug fork people have also discovered that bacteria are becoming more resistant, and viruses are mutating faster and faster. A newly discovered virus can often mutate into dozens of subspecies within three to five months."

"But they still haven't awakened. Instead, they have intensified their efforts to refine more medicines, vaccines, antibiotics and interferons. It is like facing a flood that has nowhere to vent, just thinking about constantly raising the dam and gaining immediate stability. But regardless of the future collapse!"

"For a while, this strategy seemed to work."

"All the bacteria and viruses on the land have been studied clearly by them, and the corresponding vaccines and interferons have been developed, and everyone has been injected."

"But they ignored the sea."

"Just as the first Xinghai voyage fleet of the Yaocha civilization was about to set out to explore the sea of ​​stars, in the west sea of ​​Yaocha, a submarine volcano that had been sleeping for hundreds of thousands of years suddenly erupted, ejecting a large amount of seabed material into the air. ."

"This includes an ancient virus that has been dormant in the sulfur silt near the submarine volcano for hundreds of thousands of years."

"For hundreds of thousands of years, this kind of virus has never appeared on Yaocha, and Yaocha civilization has no knowledge of it and no targeted drugs."

"This virus swept across the entire Yaksha like a hurricane, and mixed with those bacteria and viruses that had not been killed by antibiotics and interferons for hundreds of generations, and evolved into a doomsday plague!"

"It took nearly a thousand years for the cultivators to build the'glass greenhouse' for the medicine fork civilization and finally was ruthlessly defeated. These'flowers' with a large number of inferior genes and no immune system were hung in their bodies, and they were pitifully exposed to the storms and rains. !"

"In just three months, the Yaocha civilization lost one-fifth of the population, and the social order was on the verge of collapse, falling from Jiuxiaoyun to Jiuyouhuangquan!"

"In fact, at this time, there is still a way to save the entire civilization."

Su Changfa's face was cold, and he gestured a slashing motion with his palm, saying every word, "Kill, kill, kill! A large number of quarantine areas have been established, and the cultivators with strong resistance are gathered together to maintain basic order. Kill all patients and suspected patients without pardon, and thoroughly clean the entire drug fork star!"

"Even if you lose half, or even three-quarters of the population, what does it matter? The cultivator is there, and the civilization is there! Later, slowly repair the collapsed immune system and rebuild civilization!"

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