40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1260: The original sin that was born with!

"original sin?"

Li Yao snorted coldly. He never thought that there was any inherent sin, and he was full of instinctive aversion to this word.

After thinking about it, Li Yao said: "Whether the shamans came up with the tricks that the Wuying people occupy such a rich and stable world, this is a great unfairness, it is their inherent sin, so They have to compensate the Shaman well—the ridiculous theories like this?"

Su Changsheng smiled, shook his head and said, "If you think so, then think of both Wuying and Shaman simply, and in this way, this period of history also loses its universal meaning, you can say, Wu Ying The destruction of the realm has nothing to do with the concept of the cultivator, but the cultivator there is more stupid!"

"If you change to some more sober and wiser cultivators, adopt a step-by-step method, step by step, and slowly assimilate the sandman, it may be a different ending."

Li Yao was speechless for a while.

He did think so, when the Star Federation was absorbing the Monster Race, it would never be as naive and stupid as Wu Yingren.

"No, the history I want to tell is far from that simple. The destruction of Wu Yingming was not caused by their unattainable immigration policy. At best, it can only be said that the Shaman acted as an ‘introduction’!"

"The so-called original sin theory is not used to explain the contradiction between the Wuying people and the Shaman, but to explain the contradiction between the cultivators and ordinary people. It is not the Wuying people who have the ‘original sin’, but the cultivators!”


Li Yao was stunned, and couldn't help touching his cheek, saying in disbelief, "What is the inherent sin of a cultivator?"

"Of course!"

Su Changfa said profoundly, "Including Wu Yingming, most of the cultivation civilizations, to varying degrees, uphold the concept of'innate human rights are not to be violated, regardless of whether the cultivator or ordinary people, all people are equal', but proceed from this idea. , But a very absurd conclusion can be drawn, that is, there is a great inequality between the cultivator and ordinary people!"

"Yes, the law can protect the legal rights and political status of ordinary people, and even one person, one vote can be used to pretend that ordinary people have the same power as cultivators!"

"However, this is nothing more than self-deception!"

"Once the spiritual roots are awakened, the cultivator will have speed, strength, physical stamina, intelligence, and sharper sense of sight, hearing, touch, etc. that far surpass those of ordinary people!"

"These advantages of the human body are inaccessible to ordinary people no matter how they exercise!"

"With these advantages, cultivators can leave ordinary people far behind their **** in any competitive field at will. They can occupy all jobs that require super intelligence, physical fitness, speed, strength, and even spiritual strength. Become a hero, accept the cheers of the people, and admire the people!"

"As long as there is a cultivator in a certain field, it means that all other ordinary people, even ordinary people who have made unremitting efforts and whose cells have burst, will not have the slightest chance to compete. They can only surrender and surrender. I watched the cultivators show their magical powers!"

"In a word, this world is the stage for cultivators. Ordinary people are at most just audiences in the audience, only responsible for applauding and cheering!"

"They are neither worthy nor capable of being on the stage to radiate their brilliance!"

"Friend Li Dao, isn't such inequality still the original sin of the cultivator?"

Su Changfa's smile became more and more ferocious, but his tone became more and more calm, giving Li Yao a creepy and sweaty feeling!

"More importantly, this inequality not only means that ordinary people cannot compete with the cultivators in any field, but also means that ordinary people are completely unable to protect their lives and property, and everything is controlled by the cultivators. !"

"Ordinary people have to accept the reality that the reason why they can live peacefully and happily is only based on the kindness, compassion and charity of the cultivator!"

"All of these are sand towers in the wind and towers in the air, all of which are maintained by the illusory ‘morality’ of the cultivator!"

"Today, the cultivator decides to be a chivalrous man, to help the weak and to protect ordinary people, so ordinary people have such a good life!"

"But what if tomorrow, the cultivator changes?"

"What if the cultivator, for various reasons, or no reason at all, is just in a bad mood and decides not to protect ordinary people, but to change to a completely opposite way of living?"

"At that time, cultivators could kill ordinary people at will, take away their property, enslave their wives and daughters, and treat their children and grandchildren as slaves!"

Li Yao blurted out: "Cultivators won't do this!"

As soon as the words were spoken, a drop of cold sweat oozes from the bottom of my heart.

Su Changfa took a deep look at him and smiled: "The point is not whether the cultivator will do this, but ‘can’! Obviously, they can!"

"Cultivators can hurt ordinary people as they please, but ordinary people cannot hurt them, so they can only pray for the other party to abide by the social rules that have always been social rules, which is ‘morality’-this is the most terrible problem!"

"I just said, Li Daoyou, the word'morality' is the most unreliable thing in the world. With the changes in productivity and social relations, morality will also change at the speed of lightning!"

"What's more, there are all kinds of accidents!"

"The simplest example, just take you, Li Daoyou, I believe that you in the past must be a standard cultivator. Maybe you have done a lot of good things and protected many ordinary people, right?"

The corners of Li Yao's eyes flicked violently, pretending to be extremely tangled, and nodding lightly.

Su Changfa's wrinkled old face burst out with a smile like the Nine Nether Demon Lord, "However, after this'Star Sea Shipwreck' incident, after breaking through all the bottom lines, you have changed, completely changed! "

"Even if ordinary people can believe in you in the past with all their hearts, can they believe in you now?"

"If you didn't meet us, but returned to the Flying Star Realm by chance, can you guarantee that you will still treat ordinary people like you used to, instead of treating them as pieces of fragrant flesh and blood?"

"If you are driven by some weird instinct and hurt an ordinary person... or even his whole family, does he have a way to resist you?"

Li Yao's face was pale, and he made a retching motion, speechless.

Su Chang said coldly: "No one can bear it. All of his own destiny rests on the goodwill and compassion of others! Comprehensions have the ability to harm ordinary people at will without being harmed by ordinary people. This is their original sin. The greatest original sin!"

"The solution to these two original sins is also very simple!"

"The first is to further increase the tax rate for practitioners, restrict their various rights, and continue to tilt toward ordinary people in all areas such as work, education, and participation in politics, greatly tilting!"

"Second, since the cultivators are so dangerous and they are all human-shaped beasts, they must be strictly monitored to determine their identity, strength, realm, and daily whereabouts. They must be controlled by the public, and when necessary , Even if there is no evidence, personal restrictions can be imposed on cultivators."

"Third, the establishment of the'Committee for Equality for All Mankind' will investigate all incidents in the past hundred years that have been abused by cultivators, engage in unfair competition with ordinary people, and harm the interests of ordinary people, and begin to develop various restrictions on the abilities of cultivators. The magic weapon to ensure that ordinary people also have a certain ability to harm cultivators!"

"Absolute power represents absolute corruption. Now the cultivators have'absolute power.' Then their corruption is only a matter of time! Only when everyone has the ability to harm each other is the balance of power and the alliance can be guaranteed. Stable development!"

"The main point of the original sin theory is that."

"Not long after this theory emerged from the abyss of darkness, it swept across the entire Wuying Alliance like a frenzy, and received the support of most ordinary people!"

"How can it be!"

Li Yao’s eyebrows are two guillotines, and he is about to stand up. “The original sin theory may be that the Shamans are doing a ghost. It’s not surprising to get the support of the Shaman citizens in the alliance, but isn’t it that there are more than half of the Wuying citizens? How can they also support it? Such ridiculous nonsense?"

"You think the theory of original sin is absurd, because you are a cultivator, and your **** is naturally sitting on the side of the cultivator!"

Su Changfa said sternly, "If you are an ordinary person without the power to bind chickens, you won't think there is any absurdity, but you will feel that you are empowered and suddenly enlightened!"

"Compare your heart to your heart, Li Daoyou, use your computing power and imagine that you are an ordinary person. When you face a cultivator who is aloof, crying, and omnipotent, what is the deepest thought in your heart?"

Su Changfa put his cold arm on Li Yao's shoulders and leaned towards his ears. The seemingly non-existent voice was like a breeze blowing from the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, "Looking at the other party higher and faster than you, Stronger, smarter, more handsome, with beautiful women in the car, have a higher social status and the ability to realize self-worth-the most important thing is that you never want to catch up with others for the rest of your life!"

"As an ordinary person, are you a little bit...jealous?"

"And when you see that a cultivator can blow up a huge boulder with one punch and kick a monster beast weighing more than ten tons with one kick, you can't help but imagine that such a fist falls on yourself, What does it feel like?"

"As an ordinary person, are you a little bit... fearful?"

"When you have seen cultivators show their supernatural powers on the stage and lead an extremely wonderful life, then look back at your own boring, bleak life in the auditorium, will you be ignorant of your own weakness and ignorance? , Incompetence, ugliness, and a little... how about despair?"

"Jealous! Fear! Despair! All kinds of negative emotions add up and haunt you day after day, year after year, will they eventually brew a little bit of... hatred in the deepest part of your bone marrow?"

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