40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1263: Black Star's Revenge (Part 2)

In the illusory realm behind Su Changfa, shocking pictures appeared.

The first picture is a large group of ordinary people with high spirits and dancing and dancing. A young man who has been pierced with a pipa bone, nailed with a soul nail, and fastened with ice crystal chains is lifted up to the volcanic crater. .

It can be vaguely seen that the blood-stained face of the young man is full of regret, despair and pain, which is in sharp contrast with the carnival, madness, and intoxication of ordinary people.

It seems that until this moment, this young monk who believes most in "the way of comprehension" has completely collapsed!

In the second picture, looking upward from the perspective of a young man, he seemed to be falling at a high speed into an endless abyss.

Above is the round crater. Amidst the smoke, you can see a circle of hideous heads, watching him fall into the lava with very happy and enjoyable eyes.

In the third picture, the young man is struggling in the magma, his psychic energy is locked, his hands, feet, face and body are constantly eroded by the magma, turning into coke, debris and nothingness!

The young man's screams pierced into Li Yao's soul through the sound transmission talisman, causing Li Yaodu's scalp to numb, and he couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

The fourth picture shows a young man with only his stumps and broken arms and severely damaged internal organs. He finally got rid of the shackles of ice crystal chains and imprisonment magic weapons. Driven by his instinct to survive, he crawled towards a place with a lower temperature. , And finally found a mysterious rune formation on the semi-solidified rock wall!

In the fifth picture, the young man is in a gleaming silver secret room. The surrounding walls are engraved with dragons, flying and phoenixes, and mysterious and complicated amulets. He is also enveloped by colorful mysterious lights.

It seems that this is the remains of the Xinghai Empire!

However, the brilliant and colorful Xuanguang merged together, but it slowly settled into the blackness of the night sky!

The young man was eroded too badly by magma. The inflammation penetrated deep into the bone marrow and cells, and even eroded his soul, making him lose the possibility of cell repair.

His stumps and broken arms, and faces that were twisted to the limit, were all sent into a set of pure black crystal armor!

It is not only a crystal armor, a psychic prosthesis, but also his life support system!


As the black monster slowly stepped out of the mysterious light, in the sound transmission talisman, there were bursts of hoarse breathing, indescribable low, depressed, and weird!

It seems that he inhaled too much magma and sulfur in the volcano, making his lungs eternally burning with monstrous anger!

Li Yao was secretly surprised.

Even if it was just an illusion created by the too illusory realm, he could still feel the young man's broken Taoism, driven by hatred and anger, quickly condensed into another completely different and more powerful thing!

The pressure this young man brought to Li Yao was so great that he couldn't help but want to use all the power of the Nascent Soul Realm to resist it!

However, he had a faint hunch that even if the ultimate strength of the Nascent Soul Realm was stimulated, he would not be able to compete with this black monster!

And this is just a ghost!

Li Yao swallowed with great difficulty, and deep doubts surfaced in his heart.

If you want to create such an effect in the illusion, you must use a very sophisticated magic weapon simulation system, which consumes a lot of spar.

Why would a cultivator do this?

If it's just brainwashing, isn't the story of the first three civilizations enough?

What is this young man, the last survivor of Wu Ying's cultivation world?

"The young cultivator found the remains of the Xinghai Empire deep in the active volcano, activated the medical magic weapon inside, stuffed his fragmented body into a special set of black crystal armor, and barely saved his life."

Su Changfa didn’t seem to see Li Yao’s face full of doubts. He continued to follow his own rhythm and said calmly, “It’s just that, at this time, the two realms of Wuying and Shaman are all occupied by Chi Youdao, and this remains of the Xinghai Empire, level It's not very high, it's just a small stronghold, hiding a small reconnaissance ship with weak combat effectiveness."

"With a mere small reconnaissance ship, wanting to contend with the entire Chi You Dao is tantamount to idiotic dreams!"

"What's more, in the hearts of the young people at this time, what he hates most is not Chi Youdao, not the sandman, but the ungrateful, wolf-hearted ordinary people!"

Li Yao understood.

What the young people found was probably a small starship like the "Spark", which has a high degree of automation and can even sail automatically, but the combat effectiveness is not strong, and it is mainly used for reconnaissance and exploration.

A mere "Spark" is naturally not enough to confront everyone in the two great worlds.

"The young man has no choice but to escape. Relying on the superior performance of the Xinghai Empire battleship, he successfully escaped Chi Youdao's pursuit and plunged into the deepest part of the vast star sea!"

Su Changfa's voice contained a hint of uncontrollable excitement, "From the moment when he escaped from Wu Ying and flew to the stars, the naive, naive, and stupid cultivator of the past died, but another brand new existence was broken. Come out of the shell and get a new life!"

"The young man killed his old self and took a new name, with the surname'Wu Ying', and the single name with the word'odd'. It is to always alert himself, and will never forget the shame and shame that all the cultivators have suffered in the Wuying world. , Monstrous blood feud!"

"Wu Yingqi secretly swears that one day, he will return to the world of Wuying and return his **** enemies a hundredfold!"

Li Yao swallowed another big mouthful.

It seems that all ordinary people in Wu Ying and Shaman are not going to end well.

"On this small Xinghai Empire battleship discovered by Wu Yingqi, it has a very advanced hibernation system. The star journey is long. He uses the hibernation system to enter a long sleep until he discovers valuable relics and worlds. Wake up, explore and explore."

"In this way, he continued to practice in the vast sea of ​​stars, sharpening himself with the craziest means!"

"As for Wu Yingqi's history of Xinghai cultivation, there have always been divergent opinions about where he has been and what benefits he has obtained."

"Some people say that he has been to the world controlled by some monsters, and even became a slave of the monsters. After fighting with the monsters, he managed to escape."

"Some people say that he has been to a world ruled by demons, and even went to the home of the demon outside the territory. He fought with a million demon on the'devil battlefield' and successfully conquered countless demon!"

"There is another saying that Wu Yingqi has explored the tomb of the former strongest human race, the founder of the Xinghai Empire, and the'Emperor'. Not only has he inherited the emperor's inheritance, he even obtained several volumes of the'Book of Gods'!"


Li Yao's heart beat again!

Wu Yingqi actually obtained the Fengshen Tianshu that contains all the essence of Pangu civilization?

Li Yao became more and more curious about this young man in a black body!

"Anyway, relying on the hibernation system and the adventures he got in some great worlds, Wu Yingqi wandered in the stars for hundreds of years, and his strength finally reached an incredible realm."

"At this time, he finally came to a new world under the guidance of fragments of star maps found in different worlds, and encountered another human civilization led by a cultivator!"

Behind Su Changfa, a star map appeared dozens of times wider and more prosperous than Wu Yingming.

The criss-crossing transportation routes and the densely packed habitable planet light spots converge into a bustling, lively ocean of light, like a bunch of burning flames in the dark and cold sea of ​​stars!

Li Yao muttered in his heart again.

Didn’t you just tell the story of the destruction of three civilizations? Why did you run out of the fourth civilization?

However, he had a faint hunch that Panlong, Yaocha, and Wu Ying are all appetizers. This fourth civilization is what Su Changsheng really wants to talk about, and it is the focus of "Xiuxian Avenue"!

"Coming to this human civilization, Wu Ying's genius knew the truth of'there are mountains beyond the mountains, and the sky beyond the sky'! He once thought that Wu Yingming was the most advanced and powerful human force in the stars and the sea. Unexpectedly, this force occupies the center of the sea of ​​stars. It has absorbed a large number of inheritances from the Xinghai Empire era, encompassing dozens of resource-rich core worlds, and its sphere of influence has radiated to hundreds of surrounding worlds. It is really strong like clouds, warships like rain, and stars and seas, invincible!"

"This is a civilization that spans many large worlds. Naturally, they can no longer be named after a certain world, because they claim to be the'orthodox successors of the Xinghai Empire', and they implement parliamentary republics under the leadership of cultivators. System, so the name of the country is called "Xinghai Republic"."

"The Xinghai Republic was the undisputed first power in the sea of ​​stars at that time!"

"Wu Yingqi’s hometown, Wuying Realm, has been occupied and defiled by the people he hates most, and he has wandered alone in the cold universe for hundreds of years. Everywhere he goes, he is in intrigue and fights with monsters and monsters. Even if you encounter human civilization once in a while, you are either uncivilized or lingering like a panlong or a medicine fork, you are really exhausted physically and mentally, and miserable."

"Xinghai Republic is so prosperous, advanced and developed, Wu Yingqi was naturally attracted to Wu Yingqi. He decided to settle here for a long time. On the one hand, he learned the advanced magical powers, magic weapons and techniques of Xinghai Republic, and on the other hand, he slowly expanded his power. One day I can fight back to my hometown!"

"The Xinghai Republic at that time was a superpower that attracted countless heroes from the surrounding world."

"The atmosphere of the Xinghai Republic is also very open, and it is open to anyone who has the skills."

"Wu Yingqi has a profound cultivation base and has many secret treasures in him. He was quickly accepted and obtained the citizenship of Xinghai Republic."

"Wu Yingqi's hometown has been destroyed, so he regards Xinghai Republic as the'second hometown', and he sincerely wants to integrate into this country and fight for the prosperity of human civilization!"

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