40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 127: Tower of Refining

"Teacher Ding, this gift is so precious!"

Li Yao was warm in his heart, and felt that the jade slip in his palm was extremely hot.

Although Ding Yin's refining strength is not outstanding, he is a well-known theoretical expert in the refining circle, and he is particularly good at basic theoretical research.

His reading notes can undoubtedly help Li Yao lay the most solid theoretical foundation.

Ding Yin smiled faintly: "Student Li Yao, you are an individual talent. I hope you don't waste your talents. Although the Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy is not well-known, it is ranked last among the'Nine', but it does not mean it is the best. The strength only ends here, and it also involves the difference in the concept of refining, that is, the'big battle' between genres."

"Professor Zheng Xuan, who is in charge of the refining department, has the title of ‘madman’ in the refining division. The refining concept he adheres to is completely different from the other ‘Big Eight’, or even completely opposite.”

"Because of this, for a long time, he has not been able to be recognized by the main genres and authorities in the refiner circle, so that he has been reduced to the Great Desolate War Court."

"However, I have had several contacts with Crazy Zheng, and I feel that his strength is very strong. Some seemingly crazy ideas are also innovative and self-contained."

"You are so talented, and you have awakened Linggen, you will definitely be cultivated by him as a personal disciple, plus my reading notes, maybe you will break a new path!"

"So, work hard! I heard that you once boasted about going to Haikou in public. One day you will lead the Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War College to challenge the Refining Department of Deep Sea University. Yes, you must do everything to achieve it!"

Ding Yin stretched out his metal fist and punched Li Yao hard in the chest, "One day, you will really lead the Refining Department of the Great Desert War College to challenge the Refining Department of Deep Sea University. I will definitely stand behind you and shout and cheer for you!"

"Teacher Na Ding must prepare a super big flag, shake it to be majestic!"

After Li Yao finished speaking, the two laughed at the same time.

"Little bird!"

At this time, a fleshy little girl, wearing a pink skirt, showing two lotus-like calves, she saw the phantom prosthesis manipulated by Wei Qingqing, her big round eyes suddenly lit up, and she was vague. He screamed, violently broke free of his mother's hand, and stumbled towards Wei Qingqing.

Wei Qingqing stretched out her wings, danced around the little girl, and finally stopped on her shoulders.

"Little bird, little bird, my name is Dudu, what's your name?" the little girl asked innocently, blinking her big eyes.

"My name is Qingqing, hello Dudu!" Wei Qing said Qingnuo.

"Wow, talking bird, so amazing!"

Dudu bulged her cheeks, like two chubby red apples in her mouth, her eyes widened, she carefully placed Wei Qingqing in her palm, and said, "Qingqing, you are so beautiful and you speak very well." Can we be good friends?"

"Yes, Qingqing also likes a cute little sister like Dudu very much. From now on, we will be good friends!" Wei Qingqing said with a smile.

"Great, mom, mom, look, I made a good friend, a talking bird!"

Dudu held the little blue bird and ran to her mother excitedly.

Wei Qingqing curled up in the little girl's arms very comfortably, and the spar's polished eyes showed an extremely satisfying smile.

Ding Yin watched the little girl's back for a long, long time.

Although he did not have lacrimal glands, Li Yao saw sparkling waves in his spar's eyes.

"I have a pair of twin granddaughters, four and a half years old this year, about the same age as this little girl, and she smiles like this little girl, silly and beautiful."

Ding Yin said such a sentence thoughtlessly, and suddenly the conversation turned, "Student Li Yao, before I leave, I want to tell you another secret."

"In fact, on the crystal rail train, I didn't stand up so willingly. Like Jiang Tao, I found 10,000 reasons to retreat in my heart."

"However, Jiang Tao and I are not the same after all. He is just a college student and an unknown man. Even if he is scolded to death, it is no big deal."

"But I am different. I am a relatively small and prestigious scholar in the circle of refiners, or an elder in the Hidden God Valley. There are countless pairs of eyes staring at me from behind. Once I escape, it will be a big scandal. I don't know in the future. How should I behave."

"So, even though I was not so reckless, I bit the bullet and stood up, and finally became a ghost repair."

"From the moment I died, like Jiang Tao, I asked myself a question in the depths of the ghost countless times-is it worth it?"

"Is it worth dying for thousands of ordinary people that I don’t know each other? It’s worth burning up, smashing souls, and living in this metal box forever? I can’t be like a normal husband, father, or grandfather anymore. Is it worth it to treat your loved ones?"

"Until this moment, this question has been circling in the depths of my soul, and there is still no answer."

"But after seeing Dudu's cute smile, I found the answer."

"It is worth it, really, it is worth it."

"One day, if my twin granddaughters encounter the same danger outside, I believe someone will stand up like me to protect them, so that they can smile carefree and live happily."

"I firmly believe in this."


The crystal track train started slowly, and quickly left the endless green tents behind and replaced them with strips of desolate Gobi and desert.

This time, the train arranged a single room for Li Yao in accordance with the federal standard for disabled soldiers.

Li Yao did not refuse. He needed an independent space so that his soul could sneak into the depths of his brain and devour the fragments of Ou Yezi's memory.

He couldn't wait to know whether after awakening the spiritual root and upgrading to a cultivator, his ability to swallow fragments of memory would undergo a miraculous change.

Li Yaofan locked the door and lay on the bed, breathing evenly. The interval between each breath became longer and longer. The soul quickly sank into the depths of his brain, and a tree of golden memories slowly grew.

"Sure enough, there has been a change!"

Li Yao's spirit was lifted, and dozens of "leaves" lit up in the middle of the originally black tree of memory, turning them into memory fragments that could be swallowed!

According to the original step-by-step speed of devouring, he is far from being able to light up this part of the memory fragment.

Unexpectedly, as he upgraded to a comprehensionist, the memories he could swallow suddenly increased.

After careful study, Li Yao found that what was newly lit was the memory of the days when Ou Yezi became a disciple of the Qi Refining Period.

"Could it be that the speed at which the memory fragments are lit has something to do with my strength?"

"After I become a qi-refining cultivator, I am qualified to swallow the memory of Ou Yezi as a qi-refining cultivator, and once I rise to the foundation-building stage, can the memory of Ou Yezi's foundation-building period be used for me? "

This question needs time to answer slowly. Li Yao put aside for the time being, searching for the newly lit memory fragments with piercing eyes, and quickly found the day when he was thinking about it.

That was the third day after Ou Yezi became a cultivator. The elders of Bailianzong led them these newcomers to the first level of the "Tower of Heavenly Refining" of Bailianzong!

The Pagoda of Liantian is a forbidden place at the core of the Hundred Lianzong, that is, the "Cangjing Pavilion" of the common practice sect!

The Pagoda of Refining Heaven is divided into nine layers in total, each layer contains a large number of wonderful arts and crafts, as well as a vast sea of ​​refining classics!

Li Yao cheered, his soul turned into a stream of light, thrown into the memory fragments, mixed with a large number of newly promoted low-level cultivators, followed by the elders of the Hundred Refining Sects, and walked into the mysterious and unpredictable first floor of the Heavenly Refining Tower!


The gate of Liantian Pagoda opened slowly, and inside was a narrow space of more than ten meters in radius, but as soon as Li Yao walked in, a cloud of light gray mist rose around him, separating him from others.


Dozens of rows of dusty bookshelves slid over from the gray fog strangely and surrounded Li Yao.

Each row of bookshelves is full of low-level cultivation techniques that were collected only after thousands of years of accumulation by Hundred Refining Sects.

Used to help low-level cultivators temper their physique, the most brilliant body forging secret "Thousands of Hardships"!

Used to control the flame power, help low-level cultivators to control the flame, and smelt the "Li Huo Jue"!

Drawing the structure, principle and refining method of thirteen ancient flying swords, it is used to lay the foundation for the "Thirteen Ancient Sword Atlas"!

Transformed from the art of stealing empty hands, it is specially used to exercise finger flexibility, so as to increase hand speed, and assemble the complex magic weapon "Thousand Fingers Soft Bones"!

Each of the basic exercises made Li Yao's eyes red, screaming, and his heart beating like a drum.

He drew "Thousand Fingers and Soft Bones" from the bookshelf, and took a light breath to blow off the dust, then buried his head in the pages of the book and took a deep breath.

The light sandalwood scent contained in ancient books made him feel refreshed and refreshed.

Severely pinched the root of his thigh, Li Yao concentrated and studied eagerly.

He spent three days and nights obsessed in the Pagoda of Liantian. Except for eating and shit, he was devouring Ou Yezi's memory crazily every second.

When he finally printed dozens of books on the basic exercises including "Thousand Fingers and Soft Bones", "Lihuo Jue", "Thirteen Ancient Swords" and other books into the depths of his brain, the speed of the crystal rail train also Gradually slowed down.

A desolate, quaint, majestic and open town appeared on the horizon.

"Dear travelers, we will arrive at the terminal station of this train in Rush City in fifteen minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you during the journey and wish you a smooth journey!"

The tender female voice echoed in every carriage.

"I finally arrived at the Great Wilderness War Yard. I didn't expect so many things to happen along the way, and before I stepped into the university campus, I had already become a cultivator!"

"But don't be proud. The world is so big and the road ahead is still long. I don't know what kind of excitement awaits me!"

Li Yao smiled slightly, carrying the Black Wing Sword and Dusky Star Rock, striding out of the train.

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