40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1276: Contribution points and citizenship

As Su Changfa spoke, he took out a new badge from the Universe Ring, held it in both hands, and handed it over to Li Yao.

Li Yao took a look. This badge is made of some kind of emerald green jade. It is surrounded by aura and circulates endlessly. In the center are three golden lightning bolts, which are exactly the same as the coat of arms on the three-star lightning flag. , And left and right are a war knife and a sharp sword respectively, and olive branches are wrapped around the sword.

"Green card?"

Li Yao rubbed the surface of the badge, creating a sense of absurdity.

"Yes, the so-called'green card' represents the permanent residency of the true human empire. It is very difficult for foreigners from outside the empire to get treatment."

Su Changfa stroked the long beards of the five willows, shaking his head and said, "Every green card is issued with caution. I also took advantage of a small loophole in policies and regulations and treated Li Daoyou as an indigenous on this planet. Then, when this place becomes the territory of the empire, as a native of Li Daoyou, of course he has the right of permanent residence and automatically becomes a subject of the empire!"

"However,'subjects' and'citizens' are still different. Only'citizens' are the masters of the empire. They have the power to determine the direction of human civilization and the power to participate in and discuss political power. They can also enjoy the empire's ever-changing and unparalleled power. , Supernatural powers, crystalline marrow, magic weapons, heaven and earth treasures... all kinds of resources!"

Li Yao moved in his heart and asked: "How to change from a'subject' to a'citizen'?"

"The word "citizen" represents the supreme glory and extremely important responsibility. It is not something that we can bear casually! Even if we are born and raised in the empire, when we just awakened our spiritual roots, we did not mean that we immediately enjoyed citizenship. Our identity! We still have to fight for the empire and for human civilization. On the one hand, we have made great contributions. On the other hand, we have proved that we have strong physique, keen wisdom, calm thinking ability, and are qualified to participate in politics. Only then can they be granted the status of a'citizen'!"

Su Changfa is very proud of the citizenship system of the true human empire, and the other two immortal cultivators are also honored with their faces. "In our empire, citizens are divided into 20 levels, not by blood or wealth. It is distinguished by personal abilities, cultivation achievements and contributions!"

"All citizens have the right to vote and make decisions, but the higher the state, the greater the contribution they make to the country, the greater the decision-making power. A vote of a high-level citizen is likely to be more than a hundred votes of a low-level citizen. There is weight!"

"His Majesty, the supreme divine emperor, at the pinnacle of this civic system, will also use strength, wisdom and courage to prove the legitimacy of his rule over the sea of ​​stars!"

"In fact, since the era of the Black Star Emperor, compared to the title of'His Majesty the Emperor', our leaders in the past have preferred the title of'First Citizen'.'Emperor' relies on blood, and'First Citizen' It depends on one's own strength!"

Li Yao stunned: "That is to say, as long as someone else is stronger than the imperial imperial clan, Wuying clan, can they take their place at any time?"

Su Changfa grinned and said, "In theory, yes, anyone who is not afraid of death can come and taste the emperor's iron fist at any time!"

Li Yao slapped his tongue: "How come there is such a system?"

Su Changfa sneered: "Even if there is no such system, when the imperial power declines, won't the careerists take advantage of the chaos?"

Li Yao was speechless.

"In the final analysis, this world is about strength! What kind of monarch power is conferred by the gods, our empire does not believe this! Under the guidance of the Black Star Great Emperor, our royal family is more crazier in cultivation than anyone, and the competition is cruel. Only when human civilization makes greater contributions and sacrifices can we always protect the glory of the'first citizen'!"

"We are the new empire in the sea of ​​stars, and the old empire that has fallen into decline in the traditional sense is completely different!"

Su Changfa paused and pointed to the emerald green badge "green card" in Li Yao's hand. "The empire's civil system is very fair, open and just. Any contribution you make to the empire and human civilization will be transformed into ' Contribution points', the contribution points can be used to exchange the corresponding magical powers and magic weapons to earn more contribution points. If you accumulate to a certain level, you can redeem the citizenship of the empire, and you can climb up the first level!"

"According to your cultivation base, you will be given the corresponding'initial contribution points'. Every time you level up, even if you upgrade a small level, or learn a magical power, you can get additional contribution points!"

"Moreover, when calculating contribution points in different realms, they must be multiplied by a weighting coefficient. There is a very complicated and precise calculation method!"

"The cumbersome calculation process will not be explained. In short, as long as your level is higher, the faster you can accumulate contribution points. A cultivator like Li Daoyou can earn contribution points faster than refining qi and building. Brother Ji is much faster!"

Li Yao nodded in his heart again and again. Such a system of contribution points can indeed stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for allegiance to the empire. Even if he is a foreign monk who comes from outside the real human empire, he has a little appetite!

"Specifically, how do I earn contribution points?"

Li Yao pretended to be impatient.

"Hehe, Li Daoyou is worried that he can't become an imperial citizen, right?"

Su Changfa smiled and said, "Don't worry, the great credit is right in front of you, you can catch Li Daoyou by reaching out!"

"You explore this prehistoric battlefield with us, and as long as you find something, you can redeem a lot of contribution points!"

"Later, Daoyou Li will take us to the Flying Star Realm... Next, let’s see how Daoyou Li operates. If all goes well, I’m afraid Daoyou Li will soar into the sky and instantly become an upstart in the empire!"

The muscles on Li Yao's face twitched, and a greedy smile was gradually squeezed out.

He understood what Su Changfa meant.

As long as you help the empire swallow the flying star realm, the contribution points are of course astronomical!


Su Changfa was afraid that he would not be relieved. A single tap on his green card stimulated a three-dimensional operation interface, which contained his name, realm, fingerprint information, auricle information, and brain wave information, forming a bunch of information. Unique identity authentication spirit.

"Don't underestimate this small green card. It is carefully refined by the most powerful craftsman in the empire. There are dozens of imprints of the soul of the empire master. Every green card cannot be copied, tampered with, or destroyed. Yes! Now that you have branded your identity authentication spirit, it belongs to you completely! Now, can you rest assured?"

Li Yao blinked, pretending to be confused: "What can you worry about?"

"In the beginning, didn't Li Daoyou worry that we would kill people after the incident? But now, this green card is engraved with Li Daoyou's identity certification spirit, which proves Li Daoyou's status as an imperial subject, then it is not that we can kill people casually. That's it!"

Su Changfa explained, “Every green card information will be sent back to the empire for verification in the future. If it is discovered that we have killed an imperial subject in the formation period, we will definitely investigate it to the end!”


Li Yao blinked his eyes and asked in confusion, "Isn't the empire paying attention to'the weak and the strong, the winner is king'? Can't it kill people?"

"The Black Star Emperor personally formulated the "Imperial Magna Carta" and explained in detail the concept of the so-called'weak and strong food'!"

Su Changfa smiled and said, "It's not that you must not kill people, but you have to divide the situation!"

"For example, for this kind of mission to explore the ruins, let a stupid boy go in and take the lead and kill him after discovering the treasure. At first glance, he can swallow all the benefits, but at the cost of losing credit and ruining the reputation of the empire. If things go on like this, who else would dare to cooperate with the Empire?"

"To trade long-term benefits for short-term benefits, and more importantly, to use the overall credibility of the empire as a price for our personal benefits is certainly an act that cannot be tolerated!"

"The sea of ​​stars, the three thousand worlds, there are many ancient ruins. You can't just think about all the benefits of this monopoly, but you smashed the empire's signboard, corrupted the credibility of the empire, and made everyone not believe in the empire. That's really a crime. Ten thousand dead!"

"Therefore, in the real human empire, there is also the "Ancient Ruins Discovery Law" to protect the corresponding rights of ‘fools’!"

Li Yao was stunned.

Su Changfa laughed and patted his shoulder affectionately: "Friend Li Daoyou, I told you a long time ago that we represent justice and truth, and are absolutely different from ordinary evil spirits!"

"As long as you are sincerely loyal to the empire, the empire will be generous, benevolent, trustworthy, and will never let you suffer!"

Li Yao was so touched that he nodded repeatedly.

But he sneered secretly in his heart.

It’s better to say than to sing. Didn’t he find greater use value from him, and then put a long line to catch a big fish?

In the beginning, when they pretended to be unconscious, they had negotiated to slice and study themselves!

In addition, Su Changfa also said to two other immortal cultivators that the "Black Wind Fleet", which is violently killing towards the Flying Star Realm, is very likely to kill them all and occupy their exploration achievements.

Doesn't this contradict Su Changfa's "contribution point system" again?

Perhaps, at the beginning of the creation of the true human empire, the Black Star Emperor did establish a relatively fair, rigorous and efficient system, just as perfect as Su Changfa said.

However, nearly a thousand years have passed, and even the most robust system has gradually been corroded and riddled with holes.

Interest groups like the "Black Wind Fleet" that control powerful forces and are not afraid of death can still bargain with His Majesty the Emperor, pull their wrists, and surpass the system!

As a result, after Su Changfa and the three people found such a big piece of fat, they didn't dare to build a gate to the starry sky and send the Black Wind Fleet over!

Li Yao looked like a mirror in his heart, but he pretended that blood was surging, his face was flushed, and he waved his fists and said, "What are you waiting for, let's hurry up and explore the depths of the ruins!"

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