40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1282: Producing humans

"Such three fundamental laws..."

There was a chill in Li Yao's heart.

Although the foster father had long said that "the way of perfection" was not a good thing, it was only at this moment that he had experienced the cold, ruthless, strict, and meticulous taste for the first time.

The three fundamental laws are like three indestructible shackles with sophisticated structures, which are tied to him one by one, making him almost out of breath.

Li Yao snorted, instinctively opened his hands and feet, trying to break free of the invisible shackles.

He faintly felt that the human beings under the suppression of the Three Principles of Origin were completely slaves of the Pangu tribe.

No, it's inferior to slaves!

Although the true human empire divided humans into real humans and primitive humans, and also raised a large number of slaves, it can be seen from the words of Su Changfa and other cultivators that they also admit that those "primitives" have the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of normal people. The seven emotions and six desires are just a kind of "lower person". After continuous "cultivation", they can still become "99% of humanity."

However, seeing the Pangu tribe using such a weird method to "produce humans" and establishing such a strict "three fundamental laws", not only did they not regard them as human beings, they did not even regard them as animals or even all living beings. It's a tool, it's...the existence of a psionic puppet!

"So, in the eyes of the Pangu people, are we psionic puppets composed of one cell?"

Li Yao asked himself silently in his heart.

In this way, the adoptive father's so-called "Holy League is 10,000 times more evil than the Empire" may be understandable.

The magnificent black cubes, thousands of metal sacs used to produce humans, and the three fundamental laws that have been shining through hundreds of thousands of years... Such a weird scene has turned depression into pieces. The thick black mist pressed down on the four of them, penetrated them all the way, and penetrated into the deepest part of their genetic chain.

The shackles that had been shattered for thousands of years were resurrected, and they were about to move.

A cultivator and three cultivators all bit their lips lightly, their fists trembled involuntarily, resisting this solemn and huge force.

"Senior Su, is this... the factory used by the Pangu tribe to'produce humans'?"

Li Yao asked.

Su Changfa nodded slightly, and his voice was cold and hard: "Yes, you should have seen on the prehistoric battlefield. Both sides of the fight have many human fighters. The Pangu tribe also has a large number of human fighters for them, those human fighters. , That's how it came."

It turned out to be true!

Li Yao slapped his tongue: "Producing human beings..."

"This is not an unpredictable method."

Su Changfa sneered, "Even with our level of civilization, artificial insemination, IVF is easy to do. Then just create an environment that simulates the uterus, how difficult is it?"

Li Yao nodded. This is not to mention the Empire. Even the Star Federation, IVF technology is very mature, and there are some special medical cabins and life-sustaining cabins, which can simulate the environment in the womb, even if it is infertile. Couples, there is no need to find a'surrogate mother' so complicated, and it will cause ethical troubles.

However, what he wanted to ask was not this, but--


Li Yao looked up and looked at the huge black pillars that "tall into the clouds" in all directions, as well as the countless metal sacs hanging on the branches. "We humans can reproduce by ourselves, why use such complicated methods to'produce humans'?" ?"

"do not know."

Su Changfa said, "There are many speculations. Perhaps humans who reproduce themselves in the wild have not stable genes and may not be able to produce excellent farmers, workers, and fighters. Moreover, their output is also affected by environmental changes, and it is easy to do things on their own. Out of control."

"And when produced in such a'factory', it is convenient to start genetic modulation from the fertilized egg. The quality and yield are very stable, and consume the least nutrients and energy, so that humans can survive the useless baby and adolescent stage. , Directly develop into a'mature body', once off the'production line', you can work and fight."

"The most important thing is that it is produced in the'factory' so that the Pangu people can be in our minds..."

Su Changfa's face was full of shame, he tapped the temple of his helmet lightly, thought for a while, and shook his head, "No, it's not the brain, but the deepest part of every cell, including brain cells, on every gene chain, They are all branded with the "Three Principles of Origin"!"

Although Li Yao couldn't see his expression, he was deeply shocked by his hateful voice, and he couldn't help touching the back of his head.

Of course, he only touched the cold helmet.

"We are tools."

Su Changfa’s voice was like a cold wind blowing from the depths of the Arctic Ice Cave, and he sneered, “Don’t you think, let a tool run around on its own, but also uncontrollably upgrade and copy itself. In people's eyes, it is an extremely dangerous thing, should it be absolutely forbidden?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment and understood this truth.

He recalled that in the Flying Star Realm, when the "cultivators rebelled", when the Taixu warriors were overwhelming in front of him, there was also a kind of fear deep in his heart.

It's not the fear of Xiao Xuance and other immortal cultivators, but the pure fear of Taixu Warriors, a tool that is higher, faster, and stronger than ordinary people!

Li Yao glanced at the psionic puppets around him.

After scanning the angle of his head rotation, ten psionic puppets responsible for protecting him immediately reacted and turned to his direction.

More than a hundred crystal eyes gleamed all over them, as if flashing with some...similar light of wisdom.

Psionic puppets cannot upgrade themselves, and their production and replication are also highly controlled by immortal cultivators.

However, if this ship travels to Kunlun’s war base and does not carry immortal cultivators, it is purely a large number of psionic puppets. Depending on the environment, it will upgrade, replicate, and spread on a large scale to build its own "territory". ?

Li Yao thought for a while, and felt that such a scene was more terrifying than 10,000 immortal cultivators.

"Xiao Tang, it seems that you are really right. Although this is not the most critical battlefield in the Conferred God War, the Muye Star, it should be the same as the Muye Star, a planet dedicated to the production of mankind. ."

Su Changfa said, "The production of human beings requires a lot of psychic energy. There must be more than one such underground city, and there are hundreds of'human manufacturing centers'!"

"With such a large output, a stable and continuous source of psionic output is needed. Pulsars are the best choice."

"That's why the Pangu tribe built a planetary warship of such a large scale near this pulsar, and this is their'arsenal'!"

"In this way, the purpose of the offensive side is also obvious, they are going to invade the'Human Manufacturing Center' to liberate more compatriots!"

"From the results, the offensive's strategic intent should have been successful. You see, only a small number of human fighters have not been liberated, and most of them have escaped!"

Su Changfa's words made the faces of all three of them look a little better.

Although their positions are different, they are equally happy for the small victory of mankind hundreds of thousands of years ago.

"The battle of Muye, what exactly is it?"

Li Yao took the opportunity to ask, the more information about the Great War, the better.

"The Battle of Makino is the most critical battle in the Conferred God War."

Su Changfa explained, “In the legend, Muyexing is the largest ‘human manufacturing center’ of the Pangu tribe, and it’s definitely a hundred times larger than here!”

"On the Muye Star, Pangu civilization has continuously produced the most powerful human warriors, and branded the'Three Principles of Origin' in the depths of their cells to suppress those uncontrolled wild men who were born in the wild. !"

"Pangu civilization is so powerful that it has always had the upper hand. It seems that all the'savages' will be suppressed."

"At the very moment, the elite fighters in the'savages' raided the star of Makino, and smashed all the magic weapons responsible for branding the'Three Principles of Origin' in the depths of the'Human Manufacturing Center', like this crystal, and thought of a way to All the human warriors that have been produced have planted the idea of ​​resistance!"

"As a result, a large number of human warriors turned back in front of the battle, and the Pangu tribe set fire to themselves, and were finally suppressed, sealed, and killed by us!"

"Judging from the scale of this planet, it doesn't seem to be the key Makino Star. Perhaps it was a tentative attack before the attack on Makino Star, a ‘test’. As a result, the test was very successful!"

"Break the original crystal and liberate all mankind!"

Li Yaoyao thought about the great achievements of mankind in the great era of millions of years ago, and he couldn't help but be fascinated with passion and enthusiasm!

"Yes, it's like this!"

Su Changfa's voice was full of devastating power, and the variable string light cannons carried on the shoulders of the crystal armor began to shine with brilliance!

The weapon leader Kou Ruhuo and the navigator Tang Qianhe also raised the heavy and powerful individual crystal magnetic cannon and the arrow burst gun in their hands!

"Humans must obey all orders of the Pangu tribe, and must not harm the Pangu tribe?"

Kou Ruhuo sneered, suddenly turned on his helmet and sipped, "Go! You! Mom!"

Three immortal cultivators fired at the same time, dozens of colorful light whips slammed on the transparent cube, and the crystal containing the three fundamental laws gave birth to a soap bubble-like shield. Light up the entire ghastly human manufacturing center!

The two sides held a stalemate for a few seconds, the soap bubbles split apart, and suddenly dissipated. Dozens of light whips were directly drawn to the origin crystal. The crystal suddenly collapsed. The runes containing the three origin laws screamed, struggling in the flames for a long time, like falling. Like a ghost into the magma, it gradually melts, decomposes, and annihilates!

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