40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1285: The living god!

The body shape of the Pangu tribe is often six or seven times that of normal humans, so their single-person escape pods are also like human ultra-small spar battleships, reaching thirty to forty meters in size, with spindle-shaped and pointed ends. The middle swells like a bright crystal with sharp edges and corners.

The middle section of the "spindle" is made of translucent material, and you can faintly see a blue viscous liquid inside the crystal. After hundreds of thousands of years of invasion, it still exudes a beautiful brilliance.

In a bleak escape center, this undamaged escape pod, like a firefly in the dark night, was extremely eye-catching, so it was quickly found by the cultivators.

In the faint blue liquid, it is not so much "floating" as it is "inlaid" with a giant!

His height is about 15 or 6 meters, his whole body presents a white jade-like luster, and his skin is delicate and smooth. It is very similar to the Pangu tribe, who decomposed himself and evolved everything, but the skin is not so rough. .

He is like a human being magnified several times, without the hideous characteristics of three heads, six arms, blue-faced fangs, and even the number of fingers and toes is exactly ten.

Although his eyes were slightly closed, his face still showed a solemn, awkward, and irresistible aura, like a towering statue in a temple, which made people worship and obey the impulse at a glance.

In addition to being "inlaid" in the viscous blue liquid, he was also covered with a layer of "film" that resembled a mustard combat suit, which was as thin as a cicada's wings.

Observed by Li Yao from all angles, the film will reflect the ever-changing luster, breeding 10,000 intricate colors, all rotating and colliding like a whirlpool, and finally condensed into a series of mysterious and complicated runes.

At the beginning, Li Yao wanted to concentrate on analyzing these runes.

But after only a few seconds, he felt that the sky was spinning, dazzled, and screaming. The complexity of these symbolic arrays far exceeded the limit of his calculation power.

Perhaps it is this layer of film that is condensed with billions of talisman formations, so that the flesh and blood of this Pangu tribe, from the prehistoric life to today, is still fresh, complete and full!

Compared with other corpses on the prehistoric battlefield, this Pangu clan was well-built, with full muscles, and under the pale skin, traces of blood vessels could be seen faintly.

He doesn't look like he has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, but he just fell asleep yesterday and will wake up at any time.

The three cultivators and one cultivator looked at each other, and even though they were separated by a thick mask, they could still feel the light of horror and surprise in each other's eyes!

"A genuine Pangu tribe!"

"It's not a fossil, or a corpse, or a fragment of light and shadow, but a real existence, full of flesh and blood!"

"Is he dead? Or—"

"It's the hibernation technique! He has been in hibernation for hundreds of thousands of years!"

"Understood, understood! The single escape cabin of Pangu civilization is also a hibernation cabin! Because the power of the single escape cabin is weak and the navigation performance is poor, it is very prone to various accidents and passing by the destination. , I don’t know how many years drifting in the sea of ​​stars!"

"So, the moment you enter the escape capsule, you hibernate yourself. Even if you are launched aimlessly into the depths of the universe, you can support it for enough time until you reach your destination or be found by rescuers!"

"In this way, the chances of survival are greatly improved!"

"This Pangu tribe must have just climbed into the escape capsule and entered the hibernation state before launching. The navigation and launching system was destroyed by the aggressive human army, causing him to be'stuck' here and unable to move!"

"Look here, his escape pod and escape center are still connected through a psionic pipeline. The entire planetary battleship provides energy. No wonder it can support hundreds of thousands of years of'hibernation'!"

The four of Li Yao were very excited and talked about each other, piecing together the whole picture of the battlefield in the past.

The focus now is-

"Is this Pangu clan still alive?"

This problem is very complicated.

From the outside, he seemed to have no breathing or heartbeat, nor could he perceive the slightest sign of life fluctuations.

But the most advanced hibernation technology can also do this, compressing the life activities of the flesh and blood body to the limit, all energy consumption is infinitely close to zero, otherwise how could it last hundreds of thousands of years?

However, even if this Pangu tribe is dead, at least his body is still full of vitality, and he will be able to extract a large number of active cells to help them crack the secret of Pangu civilization!

"Don't act rashly, the Pangu tribe is a very dangerous existence!"

Su Changfa swallowed his saliva and gasped and said, "If he is really dead, it is easy to handle, if he is still alive and really wakes up, then... it may not be a good thing!"

Li Yao thought of the Pangu tribe that he had seen on the prehistoric battlefield and could compete with the tens of meters high "Giant Soldiers" on his own, and he had a faint toothache. ,

He instantly agreed with Su Changfa's judgment.

This half-dead Pangu tribe is not only a valuable treasure house, but also a super hot potato.

"I suggest that everything around this escape capsule should be absolutely unchanged, and another fifty psionic puppets should be sent to guard it, so that no debris can hit it!"

The old long hair whispered, with a sense of trepidation, "Now there are two possibilities, this Pangu clan is either dead or still in hibernation!"

"We don’t know the structure of the escape capsule and how to open it. If he is dead, we act recklessly. It is very possible to completely destroy the hibernation array in the escape capsule, causing his body to decay and degenerate in an instant. Not even a cell can be retrieved!"

Li Yao recalled that he and Professor Mo Xuan had seen the lifelike Pangu in the outer star sea of ​​Kunlun.

The Spark only got a little closer, and it turned into dust and was completely annihilated.

This kind of remains that have gone through hundreds of thousands of years are most likely to be strong in the outside world and crunchy. Once exposed to the air, anything can happen, so you must be careful.

"If he is still alive, and we act boldly and accidentally let him out, it will be even worse! No one wants to face an angry Pangu clan unprepared!"

Su Changfa smiled bitterly and said, "Since we have discovered a Pangu tribe who is very likely to be a'live', our plan has to be changed slightly."

"Anyway, there is no shortage of various resources on this planetary battleship. We can completely put aside the things we have contact with the flying star realm... and develop here with peace of mind!"

"Maybe within a year or a half, we will be able to gather enough resources to upgrade the base to a'war form' in order to refine more powerful psionic puppets, as well as special weapons of heavy firepower to deal with large enemies!"

"Anyway, this Pangu tribe has slept here for at least several hundred thousand years. It is impossible to wake up for a while. After we have a strong enough army, it is not too late to come back and find a way to dismantle the escape pod. Do you think What?"

Li Yao's heart moved.

Su Changfa's words revealed a very crucial message.

The "Xinghai Exploration Base" of the true human empire could be continuously upgraded and developed in different directions.

Since there is a "war form", there must be a difference in the directions of "resource collection form", "starry sky transmission form", "research and exploration form" and so on.

Perhaps, in some forms, the base itself can expand into a large starry sky gate, allowing the army of another world to come across the sky and occupy the new world!

However, the upgrade of the base obviously consumes resources and time. Even on a resource-intensive planet like Kunlun, it takes a year or a half to complete the initial upgrade!

"You guys will upgrade slowly!"

Li Yao snickered in his heart. For this exploration, they had spent too much time. Now, the Liaoyuan will bring super-class powerhouses from the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing, and Blood Demon to here at any time. At that time, the entire Kunlun This half-dead Pangu tribe is all the trophies of cultivators!


There was a sense of horror in his heart for no reason, as if there was something wrong with it!

What Su Changfa said was the words of the old man. Besides, just a corpse of the Pangu tribe could not solve the urgent needs of the three cultivators. What they urgently needed to discover was the "giant soldier" and other combat magic weapons.

After relieving from the initial consternation and excitement, both Tang Qianhe and Kou Ruhuo agreed to Su Changfa's approach, leaving dozens of psionic puppets to guard the unidentified Pangu tribe, and continue to explore the surroundings.

This time, they paid special attention to scanning giant humanoid puppets with a height of more than ten meters, even if they were fragmented.

Kou Ruhuo is a magic weapon expert among immortal cultivators. With countless fragmented remains of giant soldiers, perhaps a complete giant soldier can be pieced together!

Li Yao kept patrolling among the wreckage of magic weapons floating in the sky, as if returning to the verdant years in the tomb of magic weapons 20 years ago.

It's just that the "magic trash" surrounding him now has been upgraded how many times!

Even the seemingly simple sword, when Li Yao extended the spirit silk to explore, he found that there were intricate magical components inside, and the precision was many times higher than the chain saw sword used by the Empire and the Federation!

Li Yao was surprised and happy.

What is shocking is that the magic weapon refining technology of Pangu civilization has reached such an amazing level.

What I am happy about is that no matter how amazing it is, the principle is still the same, but there is an order of magnitude difference in machining accuracy, and there is no essential difference.

As long as the principles are the same, they can fully understand the magic refining ideas of Pangu civilization, learn from the other party's methods, and even... catch up with and surpass the other party!

Just as Li Yao was looking at the twenty to thirty-meter-long super giant sword in front of him, thinking about it, he suddenly felt a tingling tingling around his neck.

Xiao Hei softly called him again in Qiankun Ring, as if pointing to a place deep in the escape center.

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