40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1308: Shining brightly!

still have a question.

If Li Linghai were an ordinary aristocrat of the true human empire, perhaps Li Yao could one day go to the empire's mainland and find a way to find her.

But she is the crown prince of the real human empire!

Li Yao went to the mainland of the true human empire. I didn’t know that it was a matter of the year of the monkey. When he got there, people might already be the queen of the empire!

So, how should Li Yao break into the imperial capital, the heavenly realm, and the palace of the celestial star, to find the emperor’s wife to reminisce about the past?

The picture was so beautiful, Li Yao shuddered coldly.

When he was upset, the old tortoise Gui Shoushou did not know where he came out again, and said cheerfully, "Little friend Li Yao seems to be full of concerns, but he doesn't know why he is troubled?"

Li Yao furrowed his brows and said silently, "I have a lot of troubles, but they can't be solved by the old man."

Gui Shoushou blinked his mung bean eyes: "Why is this? I am so old and talented. After all, he is a few years older than my little friend. I have some life experience. I can use it to communicate and discuss with my little friend. Maybe I can help the little friend. Confused!"

Li Yao said, "Isn't this obvious? Guilao is an'absolute defeatist', and believes that the destruction of our civilization is inevitable! That being the case, in the eyes of Guilao, all the struggles we are doing now are in vain, and I am troubled. What's the point of telling you?"

"It seems that little friend Li Yao has a misunderstanding of'absolute defeatism'!"

Gui Shoushou has a very good temper. Hearing Li Yao's direct attack like this, he didn't change his face and smiled, "Ask little friend Li Yao a question, do you believe that people are doomed to death?"

What kind of problem is this?

Li Yao was taken aback, blurted out: "Of course, birth, old age, sickness and death, the law of nature, I am not the kind of guy who blindly pursues immortality!"

Gui Sushou sighed: "No matter how brilliant, brilliant, and great life is, it will inevitably become a pile of dead bones and a handful of loess in the end, and even thousands of years later, the smoke will disappear, and it will be completely annihilated, right?"

Li Yao nodded and said disapprovingly: "As long as it has been shining brightly, it is enough, even if it really disappears?"

"So, little friend Li Yao can also be called an'absolute deathist'."

Gui Shoushou said without hesitation, "Do you believe that no matter how hard you struggle, death is inevitable?"

Li Yao was speechless for a while.

"Since the news from little friend Li Yao, the living are destined to die, and even you are in danger of dooming yourself, so why are you fighting so hard and struggling now?"

Gui Shou said seriously, "Does the short life before death also make sense for an'absolute deathist" like you?"

"of course!"

Li Yao felt like a mess of his brain, he was doused with hot oil again, and the pot was completely boiled. "Isn't this nonsense? Is it because we are going to die sooner or later, so we won't be alive?"

"now it's right."

Gui Shoushou smiled faintly, "Now, little friend Li Yao should be able to understand some of the essence of'absolute defeatism', right?"

"You believe that people are destined to die, but you will not deny the value of all hard work when you are alive, do you?"

"On the contrary, perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of death that the so-called'living' is full of precious meaning!"

"If there is'eternal life', everything that the immortal does will truly lose all meaning!"

"It's like a race. Only when there is an end, the race is meaningful; if there is no end and you want to run forever, who has the motivation to run?"

"For the same reason, I believe that human civilization is destined to be destroyed, but I did not deny the value of human civilization, let alone the value of all the efforts made by everyone, including you, trying to save this civilization! "

"Because I firmly believe that our civilization is mortal, I can get a more mysterious angle to look at our civilization, the bits and pieces of civilization, and record every shining point, and condense it into the great tombstone of our civilization. !"

"This is the quintessence of the ‘Tombstone School’ of thought. Did little friend Li Yao understand?"

Li Yao's eyelids blinked faster than a butterfly flapping its wings: "...understand a little."

"So, is Little Friend Li Yao willing to open up and talk to the old man about the confusion in your heart?"

Gui Shoushou asked very kindly.

Li Yao scratched his hair for a long time, and realized why these nasty old men were all hidden, and they could get dizzy with just a few words.

After thinking for a while, Li Yao said, "Going back to the old age, there is a problem that has bothered me for several days. It is not actually a problem, but a big problem!"

Gui Shoushou pointed to the uneven ground: "I would like to hear the details."

Regardless of whether the ground was clean or not, Li Yao patted his butt, and sat on the floor with Guishoushou and said.

"Before the full picture of the True Human Empire and the Covenant Alliance was revealed, I was very firm in my philosophy."

Li Yao honestly said, "However, after coming to Kunlun, I have come into contact with the immortal cultivators and the holy ally, and also learned some of their ideas from different angles, especially the origin of the immortal cultivators, and have a fairly clear understanding of the origins of the immortals. After that, I was a little confused again."

"My Dao heart is very strong, of course it is not a wave of the core concept of'protecting ordinary people'."

"It's just that the ‘history of the decline and fall of cultivation civilization’ that the cultivator explained to me seems to be quite reasonable. In the development process of cultivation civilization, some internal contradictions are indeed difficult to resolve!"

"Panlong civilization, Yaocha civilization, Wu Yingming...There are also dozens of different cultivation civilizations, all of which have declined due to various reasons. The'disease' that caused them to decline may not be absent in our Xingyao Federation. Yeah!"

"The so-called'Xiuxian Avenue' is of course not a method to completely cure the disease. It is just a dose of'tiger wolf medicine', which stimulates the human body's potential for a short time at most, showing a rejuvenated appearance, but in fact it is forcibly suppressing the root of the disease and waiting for the medicine. After the effect is over, it will intensify and kill people completely!"

"However, it seems that it is difficult to solve the problem completely and create a perfect world on our'Cultivation Road'!"

"a perfect world?"

Gui Shoushou laughed dumbly, "Little friend Li Yao, you are a little bit crazy, where is the "perfect world" in this world?"

"The word "civilization" is too vast and complex. For a while, if you can't tell it clearly, we will treat it as a human being."

"Life is alive, even if you are born in a wealthy family, are well-dressed, well-maintained, and work hard to become stronger, how can there be no three plagues and six difficulties, the slightest worry?"

"The ordinary people in the mundane world, who can be completely free from disease and troubles? There are only dead people in the grave!"

Li Yao moved in his heart and asked, "What should I do if I have troubles?"


Guishou Shou grinned and said, "The soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover, cure the disease, and solve the troubles, if you can't solve them, use alcohol to dissipate the sorrows, cry a lot... Whether you are a nobleman or a poor man, who is not? Stumbled so much all the way?"

Li Yao frowned and said, "There are always some troubles that can't be solved, and there are always some diseases that can't be cured!"

"Then die."

In Gui Sushou’s small mung bean eyes, there was an extremely clear light radiating, "Ask a question, little friend Li Yao, do you think that a doctor has killed more than a dozen patients under his hands, is he considered a “killing quack doctor” 'What?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It depends on the situation. The doctor is not a god, and there are always terminal illnesses that can't be cured."

"That's right."

Gui Shoushou looked at the lavender clouds not far away, and said leisurely, "Since you also know that doctors are not gods, there are always diseases that can't be cured. Even if the patient really dies, it may not be the doctor's responsibility."

"So, you cultivators are not immortals, why do you think that the destruction of these civilizations in the Panlong Realm, the Medicine Fork Realm, and the Wuying Realm... must be the issue of the'Cultivation Dao'?"

"You also said that birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature. People will die, the sea will wither, and any matter will decay. Even the blazing sun will go out one day. Why can a civilization not get sick or die?"

"Civilization is sick, so it will find a way to treat it. If this prescription doesn't work, then change to another prescription. After all the prescriptions are tried, but it still doesn't work, then try to find a way to leave offspring, and then die with dignity-this is our'tombstone school' 'View of the world."

Li Yao's expression seemed to sink into a deep valley.

Suddenly he was extremely confused, suddenly realized, and suddenly his face was full of emptiness, and his thoughts drifted to nowhere.

"Looking back, it makes sense, I seem to be a little worried!"

At the end of thinking, Li Yao finally murmured.


Gui Shoushou smiled and nodded, "Since Little Friend Li Yao believes that a person is alive, the most important thing is not how healthy he lives and how long he lives, but how bright and shining light he can release. That's great for a civilization. So why isn’t it so?"

"As long as human civilization can use the stars and the sea as the curtain, leaving a rich and colorful stroke, even if it does come to an end one day, what can be regretted?"

"At least, our'tombstone school' will do everything we can to record this rich, brilliant and unparalleled stroke, as our'descendants' and'heritage', scattered to the endless light years, endless years. After that!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and looked at the clouds in the sky that were tossing like stormy waves.

But the line of sight seemed to penetrate the clouds, shooting into the depths of the endless sea of ​​stars.

His heart fluctuates, his breathing is rapid, his eyes are piercing, and all the troubles that have been entangled in his heart for many days are all gone.

He can't wait to leave his indelible trace on this "giant screen"!

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