40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1318: Father of "Civilization"

Li Yaodao: "The game "Civilization" will be an extremely large-scale virtual world. What Mr. Long is playing now is only the first-level stand-alone version. This part of the content probably only accounts for 1% of the real game!"

"We plan to gradually enrich the entire world in the next 100 years and realize a truly interactive game. At that time, the government officials and the general public in a certain civilization will be all flesh and blood players, living people, and that civilization. Evolution is more real!"

"That will definitely be a vast and boundless world!"

Long Yun secretly looked forward to it, and asked with some puzzledness, "To create such a world, the resources invested must be astronomical, right? Why do you want to do this? There are many century-old projects that consume a lot of resources, right?"

"Three reasons."

Li Yao stretched out three fingers and said very readily, "First of all, after I first learned about the declining history of dozens of cultivation civilizations, I also had a little confusion. I carefully studied the declining history of these civilizations and tried to solve these cultivation histories. The question of civilization, racked my brains, and never found anything."

"I was exhausted, thinking calmly, and realized that I was ridiculously stupid. A civilization is bound to encounter endless problems on the way forward. Not to mention that I am just an amateur who does not study much politics, even if it is a federal discussion. It is impossible to solve all problems by a single person with a management-type Yuanying like the Yangtze River Ocean Current!"

"The Shengmeng people said nothing wrong."

"In the end, personal power is limited. Under the vast starry sky, even the old primordial soul is just a slightly larger dust, even if it is more than ordinary people's "small dust". Ten times bigger, a hundred times bigger, so what?"

"However, a single piece of dust is insignificant. It can gather hundreds of millions of dust together to form a tower, change the world and create the most splendid architecture, covering the entire world!"

"Civilization evolution is such a mysterious and mysterious issue, it is absolutely impossible to figure out just by a few management-type Nascent Soul bosses!"

"It is possible to gather the wisdom of all people in the Three Realms, including ordinary people, to find a way out for us in the dark and unbounded universe!"

"Inches are long and feet are short. Even the most obscure ordinary person cannot guarantee that there is no strange spark of thinking hidden in the depths of his brain. It is something that Yuan Ying old monster never thought of! What we are going to do , Is to release thousands of such sparks!"

"Even the sparks that seem to be incomparably ‘wonderful’, it might not be able to bring new enlightenment!"

"This is our original intention to develop "Civilization" and the expansion film "The Rise of an Empire"."

"Thousands of players contribute their wisdom through the game, and then through the screening, analysis and sorting of big data, they can provide a very powerful reference value for the policy formulation of the new federation!"

"Through the history of the decline and fall of dozens of predecessors, we can clearly realize where the problem lies, and we will completely kill the dangerous flame when it first appears!"

"This can be regarded as some form of'taking history as a mirror'!"

Long Yunxin was deeply attracted by Li Yao's whimsical idea.

Tens of billions of people in the entire world have participated in the evolution of civilization, all contributing their wisdom and strength?

If it succeeds, it will truly be a world of "everyone is like a dragon"!

"The second reason?"

Long Yunxin asked subconsciously and couldn't wait to know the answer.

"Second, this can be regarded as a great battle between us and the cultivator!"

Li Yaodao, "The cultivators despise the power of ordinary people, and treat 99% of human beings as'primitives', that is, existences slightly higher than the apes, and do not allow these'primitives' to participate in political life at all, making them unable to Take control of your own destiny!"

"The excuse of the immortal cultivator sounds very fair and honest! The immortal cultivator said that the'primitive' has low computing power, is easy to be deceived and deceived, and will be swallowed by his own desires and emotions. ..."

"Therefore, the direction of the progress of the entire civilization must be firmly controlled by the cultivators, and all the'primitives', as long as they obey orders obediently, work hard and behave like a horse, can ensure that the interests of both parties are maximized!"

Long Yunxin thought of his various experiences in the game, and had to admit in pain that he seemed to be a little bewitched by the cultivator.

Although it cannot be said that all ordinary people are like this, there are indeed a large number of people who seem, seem, probably, and may not be suitable for controlling their own destiny.

Handing fate into their hands is like giving the Qinglong Yanyue Sword to a three-year-old child. It is a tragedy for others and for yourself.

"This excuse...what's the problem?"

Long Yunxin's voice was as thin as a mosquito.

"It's very simple. No one is born with quick thinking, clear mind, foresight, omniscience and omnipotence! Even if it is such easy things as walking and holding chopsticks, don't you have to learn from the beginning? How can you not learn?"

Li Yao coldly snorted, "The cultivators think that the'primitive people' are stupid and unsuitable to participate in politics, so they deprive them of the right to decide their own destiny. It's like deliberately not teaching children to read and then scolding them for illiteracy!"

"In terms of our'path of cultivation,' we believe that'practice makes perfect', any skill is never come to the meeting and is slowly cultivated-including how to hold the throat of destiny!"

"Ordinary people are short-sighted, then find a way to broaden their horizons! Ordinary people can’t handle the mysterious and complicated political issues, then disassemble these issues into the simplest multiple-choice questions, let them start from scratch! Ordinary people don’t Knowing how to choose between the'now' and the'future', then we will simulate a million possibilities, break them apart and crush them, so that everyone can see the consequences with their own eyes!"

"In a word, if you are not wise, then find a way to open it! Instead of letting a very small number of people occupy the artifact under the pretext of "the wisdom of the people is not open"!

"We learn a little bit, slowly accumulate, and become more sensible, keen, persevering, and enlightened day by day. In the end, all people, including ordinary people and cultivators, are shaped to be able to serve themselves, society, and civilization. Fighting fighters!"

"So, the game "Civilization" can be regarded as a "textbook". I believe anyone can learn a lot from it."

Long Yun nodded her head again and again. She really felt deeply about this.


Li Yao didn’t take a breath of breath, and said quickly, “The game "Civilization" also has a unique meaning for the cultivator, that is, it allows the cultivator to play the role of ordinary people in the virtual world. In the mundane world, I experienced periods of sorrow and joy."

"Teacher Long, you also played the role of some ordinary people just now, did you get some different feelings than usual?"

Long Yunxin nodded slightly, his lips moved, and he felt the thousands of words in his stomach, he didn't know where to start.

"We cultivators, because of the relationship between our own strength, computing power, and network circle, are always easier than ordinary people to achieve success, climb to a higher position, and put on layers of colorful auras all over the body."

"As the strength becomes stronger and the aura becomes more and more dazzling, many cultivators are easy to lose themselves, forget their origin, forget where they came from, and where they will return the dust!"

"Through the life of ordinary people experienced in the game, I think we can better understand the emotions and needs of ordinary people, understand the relationship between cultivators and ordinary people, and produce more clarity, transparency and firmness in our civilization. Recognition."

"This can be regarded as a kind of cultivation, this kind of cultivation method is not our original creation, but the ancient one."

"It has been in ancient times?"

Long Yun's heart was slightly startled.


Li Yao blinked his eyes and said, "The high-ranking monks in the ancient repair era often practiced a kind of practice called'Hua Fan', which is to cover up their supernatural powers, change their appearances, dress up like ordinary people, and go into the red world. Having lived for several years, wandering around in the dust, playing in the world, even marrying a wife and having children, experiencing birth, old age, sickness and death, and various life situations, only then can we comprehend a higher level of Taoism!"

"Perhaps, these high-ranking monks have lived in seclusion in the depths of Baiyun for too long, slowly losing the basic human emotions and the meaning of existence, but they are using the method of'Human' to find their own reasons for existence again!"

“It’s not easy to transform the mortal in ancient times. It is really necessary to live in the mundane world for more than ten or twenty years! It is much easier for us modern people to “transform the mortal”. With the game of Civilization, we can Experience thousands of different lives!"

"Maybe one day, we can formulate a new law that stipulates that every cultivator in the Federation shall receive a'continuing education' once a year, and the content will include how many hours of'transformation into the ordinary' practice."

"In this way, the distance between cultivators and ordinary people can be shortened, so as to contend with the so-called'Road of Immortality'!"

Hearing this, Long Yun breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Li Yao's eyes full of incredible respect, and he was convinced: "I didn't expect that, apart from in-depth research on crystal armor and giant soldiers, Mr. Li Politics and society, there is such a foresight!"

Li Yao's face blushed, and he hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Teacher Long, don't get me wrong, the birth of the game "Civilization" has nothing to do with me. I just put forward some small ideas in the initial stage. "

"Even the words just now are not my own thoughts, but the crystallization of the thinking of countless sociologists and political scientists. They will be written in the game manual of "Civilization". I just took them out in advance and parroted them! "

"The design and R&D team of the game "Civilization" comes from all directions, including our Yaoshi Group and Dahuang Zhanyuan, as well as some senior technicians from the "Taixu Group" in front of you in the flying star world, as well as many experts in the blood demon world. The demon king of biochemical neuron technology!"

"The federal government has also provided great support for this project!"

"By the way, this predecessor by my side also provided great support for the birth of "Civilization", he is half the father of "Civilization"!"

"Come on, let me introduce to you, this is Professor Su Changfa, the dean of the Department of Sociology of our Great Desert War Academy!"

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