40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1321: Cultivation boy

"Teacher Long, why, are you interested in my true disciple'Lu Qingchen'?"

Su Changfa was obviously very proud of his disciples, stroking his long beard lightly, and said proudly, "Li Yao took great pains to plan everything, but he didn't know the truth of'making things happen in people and things happen in heaven', no matter how wonderful his thoughts are. , There will always be many variables in realization! The appearance of Lu Qingchen may be the first one, but I believe he will never be the last one!"

"Qing Chen, I still have some things to discuss with Li Daoyou. You can accompany Teacher Long to walk outside and introduce her to the development process of our "Civilization" game. If she is interested in you, you might as well. Have a good chat with her!"

"Yes, Master."

The young cultivator Lu Qingchen nodded and bowed his head to Long Yunxin, "Teacher Long, please here."

Long Yunxin knew that the two Yuan Ying bosses were going to get together again to discuss some weird, mysterious and mysterious things.

The exchanges between Yuan Ying were too weird and mysterious, she really couldn't keep up with their rhythm, and even if they were flattering or insulting each other, she was stupidly unclear.

On the contrary, this weak-crowned teenager seems to be able to communicate.

Who is he? Why would you become a true disciple of a cultivator? Does the federal government just sit back and watch this kind of thing?

Long Yunxin had ten thousand questions to ask. Su Changfa's suggestion was exactly what she wanted, and he happily followed the teenager and left the quiet room.

"Student Lu, how can you become Senior Su's true disciple? You, do you really believe in Xiuxian Dao?"

While still on the road, Long Yunxin couldn't wait to ask.

"What's wrong with Xiuxian Avenue?"

Lu Qingchen asked casually.

It seemed that this old-fashioned boy did not regard Long Yunxin, his teenage sister, as an opponent of the same level.


Long Yunxin was dumb for a while, blurted out, "Is it necessary to ask, of course the Avenue of Immortals is not good, just watching the game "Civilization" you will know, how cruel the immortals are!"

Lu Qingchen smiled. His voice has not completely shaken off the juvenile's immaturity, but it has already brought a very unique hoarse taste: "You also said, "Civilization" is just a game, and it still has a strong Tendency games are just a kind of brainwashing method for cultivators. How can they be used to judge the quality of Xiuxian Avenue?"

"Under the leadership of the teacher, I have participated in a small part of the later work of "Civilization" as an assistant. When designing the game "Civilization", especially its expansion film "The Rise of Empire", the designer I deliberately selected a large number of pictures, scenes and plots that are unfavorable to the immortal cultivator, and subtly, the game player has a sense of contempt, disgust and hatred towards the immortal cultivator!

"This approach is no different from the brainwashing methods used by the immortal cultivators on Master Li Yao in the war base. They both intercept a certain aspect, continuously amplify and extremeize them to achieve specific goals."

"Today, you can feel'deeply touched' by playing the game for a few hours and hate Xiuxian Avenue; tomorrow, you can also be infected by the impassioned spirit and heroic spirit of the immortal cultivators, and be infected by the heroic army of the real human empire. Deterred by the mighty and powerful ships!"

"But in the final analysis, people like you don't understand cultivation or immortality. They just say things like others and are at the mercy of others."

"As the saying goes,'Xia Chong can't talk about ice', your Dao heart is so weak, how can I answer your question?"

Long Yun was stunned.


Suddenly she wanted to go back and listen to the two Yuanying bosses praising each other or shrews cursing, and she didn't want to stay with this little monster!

"So, before talking about whether I believe in the'Xiuxian Avenue', it is best to figure out what the'Xiuxian Avenue' is! If it is good, what is it good, and what a good method; if it is bad, then be specific. What kind of bad law, how bad is it?"

The young man Xiuxian paused and said seriously, "This is the only reason why I study with respected master. I want to thoroughly understand Xiuxian Avenue and figure out what it is, and then I can decide whether to believe it or not."

Long Yunxin understood this sentence, and she breathed a sigh of relief: "Understood, you are just curious and don't really believe in the way of cultivating immortals, so you are still a cultivator, right?"


Lu Qingchen shook his head quickly, "Didn't I say it, I won't believe it rashly until I have thoroughly figured out a theory. The way of cultivating immortality is like this, so is the way of cultivating the truth, so I am neither a cultivator , I’m not a cultivator, just an ordinary cultivator, a student who is still groping, let’s say I don’t have a specific belief!"


This answer is more difficult to understand than the young man who thought he was a cultivator. Long Yun couldn't understand it. "If you don't have faith, you don't believe anything?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Of course, Lu Qingchen glanced at her, thought about it, and said, "When I was a kid, I used to believe many things innocently like you and everyone else."

"I was born in the Great Wilderness. I lost my parents and became an orphan in the invasion of the animal tide. Later, I was raised by a adoptive father who was also a war orphan, and I lived with my adoptive father and grandfather."

"At that time, I firmly believed that the monster race was the incarnation of evil, a vicious enemy, and my adoptive father and grandfather were the heroes who stood up to the ground, the mainstay of defending the Federation!"

"When the news of the massive invasion of the true human empire came, the whole world suddenly turned 180 degrees, and the vicious monster race suddenly became an object of unity, and the hero who resolutely fought the monster race to the end turned into disdain. Traitors and careerists from the Federation!"

"The demon emperors who had been promoted as heinous and cruel in the past all appeared on the lands of the Federation in a majestic manner; and my adoptive father, as well as adoptive father's adoptive father, my grandfather Lu Zui, was because of the establishment of the'Patriot Organization'. , Has become the enemy of the country!"

"My grandfather died silently in prison, and my adoptive father was sentenced to a severe sentence of fifty years and sent to the depths of your flying stars to mine."

"Well, I spent a long, long time persuading myself that they are all worthy of their sins. Immortal cultivators are our most terrible enemy. Faced with the threat of the real human empire, the blood and blood of the past can be used and must be let go, including my biological parents. The unshakable hatred of heaven is included!"

"I really figured it out, put it down completely, shattered the old faith, re-established a stronger, tougher, and unshakable faith, and turned all the unforgettable hatred against the monster race in the past. On the heads of the true human empire and immortal cultivators!"

"However, just as I had just confirmed my new belief, there was jaw-dropping news. It turns out that the cultivator is not the most evil enemy in this universe, and there are even more evil existences than the cultivator. Holy ally!"

"Hehe, since the news of the'little catastrophe', the Federation has been exaggerating the horror of immortal cultivators, just like exaggerating the horror of the monster race in the past, that is called a fangs dancing claws, hideous and ugly, extremely evil, sinister and vicious!"

"Now, it's going to change again. Immortal cultivators can understand and communicate again? Even in extreme cases, we might have to work side by side with the immortal cultivators to fight against the holy ally?"

"It's a joke!"

"Since the deadly enemies that don’t share the sky can be turned into intimate covenants, the indomitable heroes can be turned into ambitious traitors, and the cultivators can swing back and forth between the roles of'enemy' and'ally', who knows one day, Will there be an existence that is more evil than the Holy League, and we are going to fight side by side with the Holy League again?"

The young man smiled and said, "Tell me, in the face of such a radical change, what should I believe in? I am afraid that I have just chosen a new belief and the unpredictable reality will jump out again. Smash it fiercely!"

Long Yunxin was speechless.

She grew up with a good family background, and she couldn't understand the ups and downs of a teenager, and the bumpy life that was too exciting.

"So, I don't believe anything now."

Lu Qingchen said, "I want to spend time to study the difference between cultivation and cultivation. It may take decades or hundreds of years to figure out these two avenues before finally deciding which one to believe."

"Hundreds of years?"

Long Yunxin was shocked again.

Seeing the serious look of the teenager, she intuitively felt that the teenager was not talking about it, but rather seriously making a life plan.

"Is it weird?"

Lu Qingchen said disapprovingly, "Sometimes I think you talents are weird-even when you go to the vegetable market to buy a green vegetable or go to the store to buy a crystal brain, you have to pick and choose, and make a careful analysis to make a decision. How can you choose to believe in such a vital matter, but you will be impulsive, as soon as the so-called "opportunity" arrives, you will become a cultivator or a cultivator very hastily?"

"This kind of thing, even if it takes a lifetime to ponder and choose, and only make a decision at the moment before death, it is normal, and it should be!"

Long Yunxin's cheeks were flushed by Lu Qingchen's words, and with no complacency, she reluctantly turned off the topic to cover up her embarrassment:

"That, Student Lu, that is to say, if you spend decades of research and finally come to the conclusion that the Taoist cultivator is correct, then you will not hesitate to become a cultivator, right?"

The boy nodded: "Of course."

"But, haven't you thought about the consequences of doing this? I don't think you have the slightest intention to conceal your thoughts. Don't you think that doing this will bring yourself some...trouble?"

Long Yunxin carefully considered his words.

Decades or even a hundred years later, the true human empire came to the city and the Xingyao Federation was waiting for it. If there is a fanatic cultivator inside, his ending is definitely not "trouble".

The boy with big eyes smiled, like a weed swaying in the squally wind, but always clinging to the ground, never drifting with the flow.

"I understand what Teacher Long means."

Lu Qingchen’s big eyes were filled with two rainbow-like brilliance, and he said calmly, "There is a very coincidental thing-when guiding me to practice, my grandfather Lu Zui and my master Su Changfa, both said A sentence with the same meaning."

"They said, if the avenue is hidden in the depths of the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, then, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

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