40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1331: 105% of yourself!

"Ask your heart. When you heard Professor Mo Xuan's introduction of this dark nebula exploration mission, the first thought that popped out from the deepest part of your heart was,'This mission is very important to the Federation, so I Must go', or'This mission is too interesting, I want to go'?"

Ding Lingdang looked at Li Yao expectantly.

Li Yao's gaze crossed her, piercing the blazing sun, and under the direct sunlight, his eyes became golden.

He gently held Ding Lingdang's hand and fell into a long period of contemplation. The expression on his face suddenly became confused, calm, and energetic, suddenly unpredictable, and finally, exuding a kind of transparent and pure light.

"I... want to go, I want to go from the bottom of my heart!"

Li Yao murmured, "You're right, this has nothing to do with civilization, federation, and the future. These tall concepts have nothing to do with it. The universe is so big, I just want to go out and take a look."

"There is something, I never told you."

"After more than ten years of thrilling adventures, in the past five years, I can finally live a calm and orderly life like a normal person."

"I have almost everything, reputation, status, power, career, and the support and respect of everyone! Even you stay by my side. No matter how hard we practice during the day, we can stay together like a normal couple at night. ."

"It stands to reason that this should be the pinnacle of life, right?"

"But, every night when people are quiet, and when they enter a deep sleep state, do you know who I dream about most often?"

Ding Lingdang blinked and said, "Northwest Yan, Xiao Xuance, Bai Xinghe, Xinghai, Jin Tuyi, Ancestor Youquan, Zhou Hengdao, Lu Zui?"

"how do you know?"

Li Yao was startled, and subconsciously touched his lips, "Do I still talk in sleep in the middle of the night?"

"of course not."

Ding Lingdang smiled, "It's just that, just like you, I often dream of my enemies in the past!"

"In the ten years since you left the Tianyuan Realm, I was cultivating and wandering in the depths of the Great Wilderness alone. I have encountered countless ferocious monsters, and have escaped hundreds of times under the tide of beasts that obscured the sky."

"These scenes have often appeared in my dreams in the past five years!"

"It's very strange that when you are in the depths of the Great Wilderness, you always have to give up everything, overdraw your soul, and burn your life to fight for a ray of life. In many cases, the physical and mental torture can't be described with pen and ink!"

"Every time I escaped from the beast tide, dragged my skin and fleshy, bloody, exhausted body and returned to the base, I said to myself in my heart that I would never do these stupid things again. I rushed to the depths of the wilderness alone. The exit of the wormhole is swaying!"

"But every time I can't bear it for a week, the scar will heal again, forget the pain, and start to move again."

"And in the dream, returning to these critical moments of life and death is also... and... it makes me think again and again, and I really want to do it again, or a hundred times!"

"Yes, that's how it feels!"

Li Yao's eyes lit up, and his hand gripping his wife became tighter and tighter, and said excitedly, "In my dreams, I often return to confronting Yan Beibei, Xiao Xuance, Youquan Ancestor, Lu Zui and others. These guys are really good. It's difficult, every time I am forced to squeeze out every drop of wisdom, courage, courage, and determination in the deepest part of the soul, coupled with the help of countless partners and a little bit of luck, can I win them by luck!"

"After defeating them, even just in the process of confronting them, the incomparable pleasure will make me feel that I am alive 100%, even 105%!"

"My wife, don't get me wrong. I really don't mean that I don't enjoy the calm life of the past five years, let alone that I don't want to stay with you for a long time. It's just that I always feel the thrilling experience of the past ten years. Compared with an extremely exciting adventure career, this is smooth sailing, pure as water, and you can see life in decades later, some, some, some dull and tasteless!"

"You, can you understand this feeling?"

"of course!"

Ding Lingdang's thoughts also floated to a very far, far away place. The whole person seemed to be gradually turning into a crystal clear crystal, melting in the air, both real and illusory.

Her voice was extremely ethereal, as if it came from the depths of the dark, cold and burning universe, "In order to impact the Nascent Soul Realm, I once ventured to the gravitational orbit closest to the pulsar and practiced for ten days and ten nights."

"The special magneto-magnetic force field continuously emitted by the pulsar, combined with the gravitational field of the neutron star itself, superimposed together to form a special twisted force field, just like a natural telescope across the universe, which can collect Countless lightwave information since ancient times."

"Through the special filter on the crystal armor and the direct perception of Linggen, I can see the entire universe, slowly unfolding in front of me."

"I'see' the star sea made up of billions of stars burning blazing; I'see' countless nebulae that stretch their teeth and claws, expanding and contracting like giant beasts in the sea; I'see' the vast galaxies blooming like flowers, Withered slowly again, I'see' the pulsars release a wave of 100 million colors entangled together, and this wave instantly envelops me, I even forgot to practice, just immersed in the splendor of 100 million colors In the colorful, it is enough to give the whole life!"

"I was immersed in it unknowingly, getting closer and closer to the pulsar's gravitational critical point, and I was almost sucked into it!"

"But at that time, I didn't have the slightest fear or regret. Instead, I gave birth to a very strange peace and joy, it was like a small dust originally from the universe, and it was returning to the universe!"

"It was during those ten days and ten nights of cultivation that I tempered my true Dao Xin, and truly understood the meaning of'reborn and reborn'. I was born again, from the universe!"

"This may be the biggest reason why I am so young and able to rush to the realm of Nascent Soul!"

"When a person has ever seen 100 million colors of pulsars; seen the galaxies formed by the cantilevers of the star sea colliding and churning; seen the deepest part of the universe, the distant starlight emitted from tens of billions of years ago, constitutes When bunches of unpredictable flowers bloom in front of her, how can she be interested in everything in the mundane world?"

"Fame, power, wealth, status, honor and disgrace... In front of the universe, the things that these worldly people strive for and sacrifice their lives to grab are as ridiculous as towers piled up with gravel!

"We should talk about this topic sooner."

Li Yao looked at Ding Lingdang with a very unfamiliar eyes, and said with joy, "My wife, I find that you are really changing day by day, completely different from the past!"

"That is, is it possible to allow you to rush forward, others can't level up yet!"

Ding Lingdang grinned and hit Li Yao's forehead again and again, "It's not too late to communicate now. To be honest, you also think the past few years have been a bit boring, right?"

"It's not boring, how can I be boring to be with you? I just always feel that this is not 100% of me!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, it is more accurate to say-the one who has been alive in the past five years is Li Yao who is the'Star Federation Super Hero and Super Mascot', not the'pureest Li'. Yao'!"

"That'the purest Li Yao' is only when he has adventures, fierce battles, burning souls, overdrawing his life, and fighting against powerful enemies such as Xiao Xuance, Bai Xinghe, Youquan Ancestor, and Lu Zui. Will live!"

"I don't want to live as a'super mascot' anymore. I don't want to a day, let alone five years, ten years, decades, or a hundred years!"

"I am eager to go to the depths of the stars, a wonderful world that no one has ever been to, to see the scenery there, to make friends with the strong there, to study the civilization there, and to confront the strong enemies there! In the escalating adventure, feel again Squeeze all physical stamina, will, wisdom, life... everything to the limit at once, squeezing out the feeling of'the purest Li Yao'!"

"Cultivation is to cultivate the truest self, my'true self' is there, in the depths of the stars!"

"The stars are my home!"

"So, it doesn't matter whether this matter has anything to do with the national fortune of the Federation and the future of civilization!"

"Since I know about the existence of such a mysterious world, and I have the opportunity to find out what it is, then I must firmly grasp the opportunity!"

"It belongs to me. I would never want to see it fall into the hands of others, and others will first see its beauty and mystery!"

Li Yao's voice became deeper and deeper, more and more determined, and every pore in his body released boundless domineering!

Even the clouds hovered around him, putting on him a battle robe that dazzled the stars!

It's me, whoever is it!

Ding Lingdang looked at Li Yao so simple and domineering, the watery tenderness in his eyes was almost overflowing, and he chuckled: "This is the answer I hope to hear. If this is the case, then go, go to the depths of the stars. , To conquer the new world and live out your true self, I absolutely support you!"


His wife's open-mindedness and support made Li Yao both moved and ashamed.

"There is nothing'but', I know, your soul has been sucked away by this mysterious world. If I insist on not letting you go, you will definitely be upset for a lifetime, and be desperate for a lifetime!"

"What I want is a man who can live out all his splendor, not a walking dead!"

"I know you, just like you know me. Since you haven't restrained and stopped me once when I went out and ventured out, how could I restrain and stop you?"

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