40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1344: The style is wrong!

To be careful, Li Yao spent another seven days to collect a large number of star sea debris, engraved the power symbol array on it, and inlaid spar as the power source.

He has repeatedly calculated the volume and density of these debris to ensure that they will burn out when they fall into the atmosphere of Planet 4 without leaving a trace.

If people on Planet 4 look up, at most they will see a magnificent meteor shower, which is fleeting.

Li Yao himself was wearing a crystal armor, hiding inside a piece of wreckage, disguised as a meteor.

"The unknown planet sneaks into the battle, launch it!"

Li Yao and hundreds of star-sea debris suddenly accelerated and swept towards the pale green planet in front. After a long journey, they were finally captured by the gravitational circle of the pale green planet. They were getting faster and faster and fell to the surface of the planet!


The wreckage was highly friction with the atmosphere and instantly turned into big fireballs.

There seems to be a mysterious element in the atmosphere here. The fireball is not orange and yellow, but colorful and brilliant.

In a short while, most of the wreckage burned out in the atmosphere.

Only the wreckage that Li Yao hid was particularly large and strong. Even though it was entangled in flames, continuously melting and shrinking, it finally persisted stubbornly, mixed with Li Yao, and burst into the sky of an unknown planet!

"Good fortune!"

Li Yao has never seen such a clear blue sky.

It was as if a whole piece of sapphire was polished into the shape of a big bowl, buckled upside down on the ground, so blue that it was thrilling and beautiful.

In the blue sky, the inlaid wisps of clouds are rarely pure white, but are colorful and full of sunshine, transforming into various magnificent scenes on the horizon.

Suddenly like ten thousand horses galloping, angry dragon rolling, suddenly like a great river, vast soup and soup; suddenly it becomes Qionglou Yuyu, pavilions, heaven and earth!

Under the blue sky and colorful clouds, there is an endless sea.

The sea here is green like jade, and the visibility is extremely high. You can see the bottom of the sea hundreds of meters deep at a glance. The colorful and extremely gorgeous corals and seaweeds, sometimes translucent small fish swimming in it, the water waves The colorful scales are shining.

It is like in a piece of green amber, inlaid with clusters of magnificent submarine forests, under the refraction of the waves, it is even more illusory and true.

This is the clear blue sea and blue sky!

Looking down from a high altitude, there are quite a few fairy mountain islands on the sea, but the islands are full of wild virgin forests. Looking far away, I can see the twists and turns of the coastline, there is also a green, and I can’t see the slightest. Modern city traces.

It's as if this place is a savage planet that is completely undeveloped.

"Sure enough, this civilization is deeply hidden. From the perspective of environmental protection, their strength is too strong!"

Li Yao secretly smacked his tongue.

Judging from the history of the colonization of the true human empire, the stronger a civilization is, the more it will pay attention to environmental protection and turn its world into a "pure natural" paradise.

After all, humans are animals born from nature, and if possible, no one wants to live in the smoky reinforced concrete jungle.

Many powerful civilizations, after severely destroying the home planet's environment, squeezing the resources of the home planet, and completing the cruel primitive accumulation, will mobilize resources from the Quartet to restore the home planet and establish "ecological protection zones" on the home planet. Xing reproduces lush vitality.

This world should be like this. Maybe the master here will move all the cities and war forces into the ground, and the entire surface is a pure natural park!

"The level of civilization here has reached the level of'returning to nature', so be careful!"

Li Yao accurately calculated the falling trajectory of the meteorite, and then used the power rune array of the profound bone battle armor to make fine adjustments to ensure that it whizzed all the way, chopped the waves, and swept towards the land.

In the way of colonization of the true human empire, there is also a lot of attention to the landing sites for explorers to sneak into the unknown world.

Generally speaking, the real human empire does not recommend that explorers land on the sea.

On the one hand, the oceans on most habitable planets are several times wider than the land, and countless fierce beasts lie dormant on the deep and boundless seabed, which is more ferocious and ferocious than the terrestrial beasts.

There is no benefit to provoke these subterranean beasts when the situation is unknown when they first arrived.

On the other hand, there is no hiding place in the sea of ​​Yimapingchuan. If the opponent finds it, it is difficult to escape.

When Li Yao stayed on the satellite, he observed that Planet 4 has a giant continent, and the land area is estimated to be larger than the total land area of ​​the two planets Tianyuan and Blood Demon combined.

In addition, there are some islands scattered around the mainland.

This giant continent is high in the west and low in the east, with four or five vast and tangy continents rushing past, smashing into several fertile plains.

There should be the center of this civilization. Large densely populated cities and even capitals are probably located above and below the plains.

The situation was unknown, and Li Yao didn't dare to land on the plain, but he had chosen his landing site long ago-the fragmented lofty mountains and reckless forests in the southern part of the mainland.

At first sight, it is off the beaten track, and the underground is full of caves and underground rivers. Even if it is discovered, it is easier to escape.


The meteor drags a long tail flame, like a brushstroke painted with flames, hitting the depths of the jungle heavily!

"Crack! Click! Click!"

The big tree was staggered, the ground was plowed into a deep gully, the air was full of pungent burnt smell, bushes and weeds began to burn.

No matter how you look at it, this is a very common meteorite fall. The wreckage of the magic weapon has been burnt into a strange-shaped iron lump. No matter who comes to investigate, there is absolutely no flaw.

Li Yao slowly walked out of the flames, with a "swish", and took the profound bone battle armor back into the universe ring.

From this moment on, no clues related to the Xingyao Federation could remain on his body.

Squinting his eyes, he took a deep breath of the new world air. Even though there was still a hint of smoke from bushes burning in it, Li Yao grinned, showing a satisfied expression.

"What a fresh air!"

"The oxygen content in the air is extremely high, and it is also rich in a variety of trace elements and gasification psychic energy!"

"With such a high oxygen content, the snakes, insects, rats and ants here must be extremely large, and the chances of birth of the treasures of heaven and earth will be much higher!"

"The civilization here, I really know how to enjoy it!"

"From the perspective of their protection of the natural environment, it doesn't seem to be a pure combat civilization of militant soldiers, but everything is superficial, and it is not possible to jump to conclusions now. Let's investigate it first!"

Li Yao summoned the Xiaolong from Qiankun Ring.

With a soft whistle, Xiaolong immediately went into invisibility, as if a wisp of breeze merged into the air, and swept northward under the control of Li Yao's spiritual thoughts.

The north is closer to the plains, and there is a greater chance that people can be spotted.

The Xiaolong silently swam over the mountains and forests, scanning the fluctuations of psychic energy within hundreds of miles.

There seemed to be traces of smoke in the southwest, and it seemed that there were some small towns.

Li Yao was trying to urge the Xiaolong to explore the southwest. Suddenly, messy psychic energy fluctuations came from the north, mixed with strands of fierce murderous aura, it was like an army facing each other, a master decisive battle!

"There is a situation!"

Li Yao's heart tightened for a while, and he hurriedly pushed Xiaolong into the jungle, and under the cover of the branches and canopy, he cautiously swept in the murderous direction.

"It seems that this world is peaceful and peaceful on the surface, the wind is calm, but it is actually not peaceful!"

"This is a great opportunity for me. I just took the opportunity to observe the battle mode and combat power of this world. If I can find an opportunity, I will just take advantage of the chaos to mix in it!"

Xiaolong is like an invisible gecko, approaching the battlefield calmly.

The shouting and killing sound on the battlefield became clearer and clearer, and a faintly colorful poisonous fog and sword aura, spewing from the top of the canopy, was very beautiful.

It's just that every time the poisonous mist and sword light fall, it will cause screams.

"Fuck, what is it?"

Li Yao frowned, feeling more and more weird.

He himself is a master of jungle warfare. He knows that the most important thing in fighting in the jungle is concealment. The two sides are engaged in a silent battle. As long as a little sound is made, it means defeat and death!

The shouting is so loud, lest the other party can't lock him down, are they singing a big show?

When the whole picture of the battlefield finally appeared within the sight of Xiaolong, Li Yaoru was dumbfounded by the thunder, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

"This, this, this, this, what the hell!"

This battlefield is next to a pool formed by two small streams in the mountains and forests.

The two Hummers fought together, and the blood dyed the pool completely crimson.

One of them are savages with tattoos and evil appearances. They are either wearing vines and bone blades, or are covered with colorful feathers, or their arms are covered with poisonous snakes, and they drive strange ligers and beasts. .

The other side was dressed in antique armor, ordered and prohibited, and had a clear banner.

Many armored men's breastplates are also inlaid with the embossed pattern of a black tiger, and there are faint strands of spiritual energy surging in it.

Judging from their well-advanced and clear-cut tactics, it should be a well-trained regular army.


It seems to be the imperial army in the ancient repair era tens of thousands of years ago!

Li Yao saw that behind these Xuanjia regular troops, there was a small camp with a big tent hanging on it, and ten characters were written:

"Wu Nan Fifth Road invites and discusses the system to set up Shiling!"

Below the big bow, a black helmet and black armor, holding two octagonal purple gold startling mace, pale golden beard, dark complexion, riding a tall horse, is giving orders and commanding Ruo Ding.

"This, this style of painting is wrong!"

Li Yao screamed in his heart, wondering whether it was he who crossed it or these inexplicable guys in ancient costumes crossed it.

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