40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1349: Gu Yuanying

Li Yao felt fortunate.

Fortunately, since landing, I have been careful everywhere, and I haven't rashly revealed a trace.

Otherwise, even if the imperial army in front of you is not suspicious, this "observer" who is dormant and spying in the dark will still be suspicious and leave endless trouble.

This monarch was able to attach a strand of weak spiritual thoughts to the mosquitoes and remotely manipulate them at least several layers of mountains apart. The cultivation must be extremely deep and not under the golden core female sword repairer.

Fortunately, no matter how this flower mosquito is made, it is a flesh and blood body, and it is impossible to contain too many magical powers in a small insect body. It is the limit to be able to barely observe the changes in the battle situation.

Xiaolong is a cutting-edge magic weapon from the Xinghai Empire, and has been repeatedly strengthened and refined by Li Yao for countless times. It is hidden in the air, unpredictable, and it is impossible to be sensed by a small mosquito.

Therefore, it was Li Yao who discovered the second observer first, not the other party who discovered him.

This made him occupy a very advantageous position in the silent battle.

The flower mosquito trembles slightly, as if being dragged by a spiritual silk, flying towards the depths of the jungle.

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and gave an order to Xiaolong, followed by the flower mosquito, and was going to meet the mysterious observer for a while.

The imperial army commanded by the "Wu Nan Five Routes Recruiting, Discussing, System, and Arranging Envoys" is so powerful and numerous that it will never disappear in the jungle for no reason.

When the army passes by, there will always be many traces left behind when a cart is running on a horse.

Xiaolong has explored the surrounding mountains and landforms, even if they lose their position, they can be re-embellished along the traces crushed by the army.

But this mysterious observer, once lost, may not be able to be found again.

Li Yao had a faint hunch that the realm of this monarch should be far beyond the Golden Core Female Swordsman, perhaps reaching the realm of Nascent Soul.

"But I don't know, what are the methods used by the'Gu Yuanying' in this world?"

Li Yao smiled slightly and began to undress.

After he finished taking off his clothes, he took off his pants, and then he took off his body clean and slippery, with no underwear on, the pendulum swayed and danced in the wind.

He threw all the items from other worlds into the Universe Ring, and activated the instantaneous self-destructive warning talisman array of the Universe Ring.

In the event of the worst situation, a captive of the terrifying strong man who is far above him can also destroy all clues related to the home planet in an instant.

As for being unsightly, this...

Li Yao scratched his hair, found a piece of soft humus, took up the mud and smeared it on his body, and then smeared himself like a bear in the mountains.

With a few large leaves that looked like plantains, he barely woven two loincloths to protect his lower body, and under the guidance of Xiaolong, he followed the mosquitoes and galloped all the way.

The owner of the flower mosquito can't even dream of it. In the depths of the miasma jungle, someone can perceive his witch insects. The speed is faster than ordinary flying birds.

However, this area is indeed a treacherous place off the beaten track. Towering trees tens of meters high completely block out the sun. There are swamps and bubbles of unknown depth, and there are countless venomous snakes, insects, rats and ants. Branches and weeds.

Li Yao estimated that, not to mention the troops from the Central Plains dynasty, even the native barbarians who grew up nearby might not dare to approach here.

The terrain in front suddenly sank, and a long, narrow and deep rift appeared, as if the ground had been slashed sharply.

The cliffs on both sides of the rift valley are covered with bizarre, bizarre trees. The green canopy obscures the line of sight. It seems as if the duckweed in the pond is hidden, and it is not clear how deep the rift valley is.

However, from the depths of the rift valley, there was the sound of rumbling water, as if there was a big river with turbulent water rushing across the valley floor.

Near this rift valley, there is not even a path for half of the beasts to step on. Not to mention ordinary people, even the masculine top warriors would not dare to risk alone.

Li Yao noticed a very strange situation.

After climbing over the tops of several strange peaks, in the wild jungle, you can hear the neighing beasts of ghosts and wolves, and you can also feel the breath of some pretty powerful beasts, showing that this is a beast, a beast, and a spirit. The paradise of the beast.

Only when I came to this rift valley, the mountains and forests were denser, and there was a very abundant water source. Instead, I couldn't hear half of the roar of tigers and dragons, and even the sound of snakes, insects, rats and ants crawling over. Less than.

It looks like a lively jungle, but it is like a dead cemetery. The bright sun is bright, but it exudes a strange feeling of coldness.

The flower mosquito plunged into the depths of the rift valley.

The Xiaolong still maintained its invisible state, and it was not far away.

Li Yao silently runs the "Big Dream Turtle Sleeping Skill" taught to him by Guishoushou, which minimizes the physiological functions such as breathing and heartbeat while moving at high speeds.

"Big Dream Turtle Sleeping Skill" can not only be used for hibernation, but also has another advantage. It reduces the physiological function response of the body surface during a short period of strenuous exercise, showing the effect of "cold outside and hot inside".

At this moment, if you observe Li Yao's skin with a high-power microscope, you will find that his pores are completely closed, and the skin is smooth as a mirror, just like a person who is born with no pores.

The psychic energy, body fluids, and odors that escape through the pores are naturally sealed off.

In the past, Li Yao also practiced corresponding hidden supernatural powers, but ordinary supernatural powers can only be hidden in a static state, but it is not as mysterious as "Big Dream Turtle Sleeping Technique", while galloping like flying, while not revealing the slightest smell and fluctuation.

This rift valley is extremely deep, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. The cross section is like a triangle. After passing through the uppermost layer that is cross-hidden by the canopies on both sides, the bottom is covered with black mist, and there is a universe inside.

The bottom of the valley was a piece of white and miserable water, like an angry dragon with its teeth and claws, constantly hitting and tearing the rocks on both sides of the rift, breaking down a few boulders from time to time, and three or two vortexes were crushed and sinking. The bottom of the river is gone.

Such a dangerous river can really be described as "the feather cannot float"!

This place reveals hideous and weird, it belongs to the kind of terrain that is not suitable for three or five zombies.

The flower mosquito flew straight to the turbulent river at the bottom of the valley, and was about to be broken by the waves. Suddenly, the golden light flashed and disappeared.

Li Yao blinked his eyes and maneuvered the Xiaolong for several laps before discovering that on the side of the canyon near the river, there was a horizontally growing, half-dead tree, but behind the tree roots was a very deep hidden tree that could be contained. One person walks through the cracks.

Although the small tree is not large, the root system is extremely long and dense, almost completely covering the gap, like a natural barrier.

If you didn't see the flower mosquitoes get in, it would be difficult to find the article behind the crack even if you concentrate on searching.

Xiaolong carefully passed through the gap between the roots, followed the twists and turns, and fumbled for a long time in the dark, and the front suddenly opened up.

It turned out to be a very wide underground cave!

The length and width of the underground caves are more than 100 meters, and the traces of manual excavation are quite obvious. There are a few cracks above. I don't know where to lead, a faint white light penetrates, shining white and suffocating in the cave.

Li Yao looked at it intently, only to realize that what caused the "white swaying" effect, in addition to the light that seeped through the cracks in the dome, was the bones that covered the entire cave!

Most of the bones emit light gold, dark red, bronze and many other lustrous colors, and their shapes are countless times larger than human skeletons, but human-like hands, feet and skulls can be faintly recognized.

This is the remains of the Pangu tribe or Nuwa tribe, and it's pretty well preserved!

Li Yao's eyes lit up. The emergence of so many Pangu civilization remains proved from another aspect that this mysterious world of ancient repairs indeed had a lot to do with Pangu civilization.

However, in addition to the many gloomy and desolate bones, there are also some human skeletons.

Judging from the faintly remaining dried flesh and blood above, the time of death is not too far away. It seems to have been killed recently, and the shape is quite immature and small, it looks like the bones of a three or five-year-old child, or even the bones of a newborn baby. .

"Could it be that there are evil cultivators here to sacrifice to the strangers?"

Li Yao frowned.

He knew that in many ancient worlds, there were evil methods that used living people to sacrifice magic weapons.

In particular, some wild monks on the fringe of civilization have a tradition of sacrificing living beings and integrating their souls into magic weapons to enhance their power.

When offering sacrifices to living beings, it is better to use children's unpolluted, pure spirits.

To explain it with modern concepts, it is probably that the child’s spirit has not been interfered and polluted by various cosmic radiation, and its force field structure is relatively stable.

Li Yao just counted them and found a dozen relatively complete skeletons of children, and the scattered skeletons were countless.

Such a tragic situation made him feel a wave of murderous intent in his calm and indifferent state of mind.

In the deepest part of the cave, there is an altar made of black rock. The altar is engraved with ancient and mysterious spiritual patterns and reliefs. There are quite a lot of evil scenes of demons and devils, revealing bursts of ghosts.

Behind the altar, there is an antique refining furnace, as well as many tools for refining magic weapons. From the professional point of view of Li Yao, they are all quite good.

The large pile of things placed next to the refining furnace is more interesting.

It seemed to be part of a giant armor.

To be more precise, it was a half-armor left over from the armor worn by the Pangu or Nuwa tribe with an overall height of about ten or twenty meters.

This half arm armor was four to five meters long, but it was riddled with holes and mottled, leaving only a frame.

In front of the armband, stood a middle-aged man with pale skin and a gloomy face.

This monarch has deep-set eyes, and there is a cyan birthmark resembling a big bird spreading its wings on his eyebrows, covering the upper part of his face.

His eyes are hidden under the "wings", and his gaze is deeper. The nose of the hook is extremely curved, and the tip of his nose seems to be poking into a person. On the other hand, the lips are extremely narrow, and they are protruding forward, seeming to be pointed. Beak.

Although his appearance is not good, and he is in the depths of the inaccessible mountains and bad waters, this monarch has his own life and death, and the charming charm of his own desires, as if he is the master of this mountain forest, invincible existence!

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