40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1353: Clash between civilizations!

Both the Star Federation and the true human empire, after sketching out the general appearance of the ancient repair era from the vast ancient books, they all discussed the differences between "medium ancient cultivation" and "modern cultivation", and the reasons for these differences. In-depth study and analysis.

Li Yao's experience is even more extraordinary. He has the memory of Ou Yezi, a strong ancient repairman, and he has a deeper understanding of the birth defects of ancient repair civilization.

The difference between Medieval cultivation and modern cultivation is essentially the difference between a feudal society, self-sufficiency, a small peasant economic system, and a modern large-scale industrial system, and even a post-modern information society system.

The former is just a simple accumulation of experience. You can draw a picture of a cat and draw a tiger, knowing it but not knowing why, knowing that a certain spell can summon a certain magical power, and this magical power can play a certain role, nothing more.

As for why this kind of spell can summon specific magical powers, how exactly this magical power is composed, and why it exhibits unique destructive power, offensive power and various strange powers, it is not known. All the children were shirked to the head of "God and Demon".

The latter, however, pays attention to thorough investigations, deliberation principles, big data calculations, and large-scale reproduction and mass production under the same conditions.

Even the simplest flying sword and "firing technique" must thoroughly understand their principles!

for example.

The same "lotus handprint" may have been handed down in the middle ancient cultivation civilization. How should the seal be formed and what effect it can exert-that's it.

As for this "ancestor, ancestor, master", in all likelihood, "it was taught by strangers and enlightened by immortals and demons" to master this mudra.

The principle of the mudra, the psychic cycle process... I don't know when I ask three questions, and I'm in a completely black box state. I only know the input conditions and output results. What happened in the middle, the ghost knows.

Such a "black box handprint", passed down through carriers such as jade slips and classics, has two results.

If the inheritance is intact, it will be regarded as a standard by future generations. It is not easy to make money. It is regarded as a "peerless supernatural power". Everyone will practice step by step, and even half of the posture cannot be changed.

As everyone knows, people’s fingers are long or short, palms are also large and small, and even the direction of fingerprints and palmprints will affect the effect of handprints.

What's more, this "immortal teaching" handprint was originally practiced by a certain natural six-fingered race in Pangu civilization. It was copied from the original, and it was wrong from the root. How much power is left?

This is still a good situation.

If the carrier storing this handprint is damaged-in the development of civilization for hundreds of thousands of years, it is commonplace to change dynasties, and it is normal for a civilization to rise and die several times, and it is possible that all inheritances will be damaged-then the monks of later generations I can only find a way to complete it.

But they don't know the basic principle of the so-called "mudra", and the completion of exercises has also become a metaphysics. No matter how much it is played, it is in the final analysis four words, "sincere is spirit"!

The power of the exercises completed in this way is not worth mentioning.

Modern cultivation civilization is different.

If modern cultivation civilization gets a brand-new mudra, they will first realize that the so-called "mudra" is nothing more than using the most flexible organ of human beings-the hands, to guide the bioelectricity in the body to between the ten fingers. Through the swing of the fingers, a unique magnetic field is constructed, and then these magnetic fields are used to excite the psychic energy contained in the human body, the universe ring or the nature, breaking through the critical point, generating a chain reaction, and constructing a larger "spirit". Magnetic field".

Therefore, the mudra is equivalent to the "commands" that call up the "functions" one by one, and different mudra represent different commands.

But the command is not unchangeable. Everyone can combine their actual situation to "write" their own, the most concise, direct, elegant, and error-free commands.

After understanding this principle, modern monks will use the powerful computing power of the crystal brain to fine-tune this mudra by combining information such as the size of their palms, the length of their fingers, bone density, and even average hand speed and limit hand speed.

Including the degree of bending of ten fingers, the size of the angle between the fingers, the oscillation frequency of the arms...all are input into the crystal brain to construct the model, repeated testing, and after testing several million times by digital means, it will be able to output approximately A most perfect handprint application process.

Modern monks practice in accordance with this "standardized perfect seal process", and can also get the assistance of practice facilities such as the "handprint fixation device", which naturally results in half the effort and accomplishes a great deal in a day.

This is just the beginning.

When a brand new handprint is found, the government will also enter it into the relevant "handprint database" and compare it with the existing handprints to see if there are any series of handprints.

It will be mixed with the mantra spells in the ‘Curse Decision Database’, and repeated calculations in the virtual world are there any spells that can be used in conjunction to increase its power.

There are countless follow-up research projects of this kind.

But all research, including the huge database of exercises and supernatural powers, can only be supported by a powerful central government or super commercial organization.

Under the small peasant economy, the impoverished imperial court and the classical sects that beggar their neighbors could not have this kind of power.

The same goes for Li Yao's moves.

The seemingly simple straight punches, whip kicks, and knee bumps, in fact, from the attack route, breathing rate to the psychic entanglement model, countless experts and scholars carefully calculated, the crystallization of the accumulation of hard work for hundreds of years and thousands of years. The super crystal brain, which operates more than ten trillion times per second, repeatedly calculates and optimizes, abandoning all flashy redundant actions and returning to the original meaning of the concept of'attack'.

Strike the most vulnerable part of the target with the greatest strength and the shortest distance.

It's that simple.

It's so ugly.

It's so rude.


Li Yaoping's unremarkable fist once again broke through the dazzling shadow of the local Yuan Ying's sword, light and sword, and completely flattened his hook nose.

The local Yuan Ying screamed, and his entire head was embedded in the hard rock, like a crooked nail.

Of course.

The local Yuan Ying's exercises were cultivated by him alone in the wilderness for decades, behind closed doors.

Li Yao’s "alien infant" exercise method is a collection of the wisdom essence of tens of billions of people from the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing. The foundation and countless Qi-refining monks were born through continuous exchanges, improvements, tests, and adjustments. They contain the principles of psionics, biochemistry, motion trajectory, aerodynamics, human anatomy, and so on.

And these thousands of disciplines will have a chance to develop in a highly developed industrialized and informationized society!

This is not a battle between two Yuan Ying.

It's a corner of peace, so self-proclaimed that it has been in the middle age cultivation civilization that has been in the small peasant economy for more than 100,000 years, and the modern cultivation civilization that dominates the sea of ​​stars and is proud of three thousand worlds. It is the first civilization without suspense to collide. !

"The Yuan Ying here is too weak."

Li Yao said lightly in his heart.

In terms of psychic abilities, this native Nascent Soul can be considered so-so.

But his knotting, casting spells, chanting spells, and even close hand-to-hand combat are full of various fancy, cumbersome and inexplicable movements.

The movements are secretive enough, the posture is also very elegant, and the sound and light effects excited are quite exaggerated.

It's a pity that it's not a beauty pageant, it's a fight.

Li Yao estimated that these unnecessary movements of squeezing eyebrows, stretching teeth and dancing claws were either necessary for the Pangu tribe who originally created this technique.

Either it is that in the hundreds of thousands of years of wars and dynasties, the information is distorted and rumored, and somehow it remains.

Or it is some kind of sacrificial ritual that summons gods and demons to express their pious beliefs.

No matter what it is, there is no use for eggs!


With another kick, Li Yao passed through a few wildfires and kicked off the three posterior molars of the local Yuan Ying.

In the cave mansion, the local Yuan Ying, who is still domineering and strong, looks like a horse monkey whose hair has been forcibly stripped, and is embarrassed to the extreme.

His eyes were full of anger, his expression was distraught, his hands were still dancing like cramps, and he was muttering words in his mouth, desperately calling for the non-existent demons and gods.

Although every meaningless extra action only consumes less than 0.1 second, the three or five actions add up to almost half a second.

In the fierce battle of Yuan Ying boss, half a second is enough to do a lot of things.

"Feudal superstition kills people!"

Li Yao couldn't help sighing and secretly said in his heart.

To make a big step into the modern cultivation civilization, we must first break all feudal superstitions and establish an atheistic world view and cosmology. Only then can we take a more objective view of the various magical powers, magic weapons, and classics handed down from the ancient times, and conduct research, improvement, and even Completely overthrow and start over.

But how easy is it to do this?

The earth in Li Yao's memory of the previous life was a place with no trace of prehistoric civilization. Whether it was the pyramids, the Stonehenge, or the Great Wall, it was all human beings.

Even so, there are still billions of people who believe in the existence of the so-called gods and Buddhas.

And in many worlds in this life, there are really prehistoric civilizations that humans cannot understand.

Once the giant corpses of the Pangu civilization are excavated, they can easily be regarded as the relics of gods and demons by ordinary people, and their remaining Star Sea battleships and orbital space stations are not "the palace of heaven, the palace of the sky", what are they?

Let an ancient cultivator who has witnessed the corpse of Pangu, and can keep away from things in the air, divide water and control fire, deny the existence of gods and demons, and become an atheist... It's so difficult, so difficult!

So how does modern cultivation civilization break the belief in gods and demons?

This is the principle of "benefit and misfortune depend on each other".

In the Thirty Thousand Years of the Great Dark Age, the human race was brutally ruled by the demons, and the demons vigorously promoted the theory of gods and demons and ruled the Xinghai with the "four pillars system".

In the four-pillar system, the demon race is the "god and devil blood" and the "chosen race", while the human race is a traitor who has betrayed the **** race. It is the fate of the human race to be squeezed and enslaved. For tens of thousands of years, you will never live beyond life.

If the Human Race wants to resist the Demon Race, it will naturally crush this theory of "God and Devil's Destiny".

"There has never been a savior, nor is it dependent on the emperor. To create the future of mankind, we all rely on ourselves!

Sinking in the darkness for 30,000 years, praying for 30,000 years, and struggling for 30,000 years, it is hard to see that half of the Mao God came out to save his human race, and he fully realized this.

Since then, after defeating the Yaozu, the explosive development of modern cultivation civilization has been achieved in one fell swoop!

Perhaps, without these 30,000 years of sinking, it would be impossible to reborn and reborn. Today's heavens and worlds are still the same as the world before them, still sinking into the medieval age of superstition, blind obedience and self-proclaimed self-proclaimed!

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