40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1370: Lord of Kunpeng!


At this moment, Ling Shoujing and Ling Lan looked at each other as their father and daughter looked at each other, and they didn't know what was going on—Gui Qin people had been prepared for a while, this was clearly a trap!

"Break through the southwest!"

Ling Shoujing is a battlefield veteran of both civil and military. He penetrated the weak link of the opponent's arrangement at a glance. He made a decisive decision, and under the cover of his daughter Feijian, he marched straight to the southwest!

However, just as they were about to jump out of Huo Wugui camp, there was a fierce wolf howl in the jungle to the southwest. Then, dozens of billiard objects, shining with a little green light, were thrown from the air. Come here!

"Be careful!"

Ling Shoujing and Ling Lan thought that what the other party had thrown was a magic weapon such as "palm thunder", and hurriedly transported the psychic shield, the light curtain circulated, and the black tiger and iron guards were all covered.

Those things slammed away from the psychic shield and rolled around, not exploding, but grinning human heads.

The mysterious light lingering around the human head seems to contain some kind of magical power to preserve freshness and shape. The wounds under these human heads are all dried up. They should have been cut off for some time, but they seem to have just been cut from the cavity. Their expressions are lifelike, and they are even frozen. The horror in his eyes is clear.

Although it is not a palm thunder, the raging waves that have been set off in the hearts of many big players are more powerful than a hundred palm thunders bundled together and burst.


Jin Dan female sword repair Ling Lan was eclipsed by her face, and her heart was upset, she couldn't help exclaiming.

The first one that emits a little ghost fire, is shining to the delicate head, looks and texture, describes the appearance, is not her big brother, the first master of the younger generation of Ziji Sword Sect, has entered the realm of Nascent Soul, name Lou Chongxiao, the "thunder word sword" who moved the entire Dagan cultivation world, but who was it?

This time Wu Nan was recruited by the Ling family's Xuanhu Iron Guard, but in fact it was backed by the Purple Pole Sword Sect.

Ziji Sword Sect sent a Golden Core Sword Xiu Ling Lanyin to follow his father's army.

Secretly, there are also the new master "Lei Ting Yi Zi Jian" Lou Chongxiao, and hundreds of elite swordsmen in the Zi Ji Sword Sect, preemptively ambush on both sides of the Wu River, preparing to assassinate the masters of the Gui Qin reinforcement army, and hit the opponent by surprise.

If everything goes well, a few days ago, Lou Chongxiao should bring the ghost Qin head and Ling Lanyin together, and then work hard to smooth out all the ghost Qin remnants in the jungle, and the barbarians who resisted the heavenly dynasty.

Unexpectedly, since passing a letter with Lou Chongxiao half a month ago, he has been missing his news until this moment, we met in this way!

One of the youngest Yuan Ying sword repairmen in the Dagan cultivation world, Lei Ting Jianlou's eyes widened at Xiao Xiao, and his lost eyes were separated by a psychic shield, and he looked at Ling Lan Yin dryly.

The depths of the almost dry eyes are full of astonishment, shock, fear and despair!

This is also the wall of Ling Lan's heart.

There was a long laugh in the direction where the head was thrown.

A black spirit fire surrounded by a black spirit, more majestic than a rhino, a "dragon wolf beast" like a unicorn, stepped on a black flame trace, and slowly walked out.

Behind the dragon, wolf and war beast is a giant with a height of more than two meters, eyes like bronze bells, and a sturdy back.

Generally, if a giant is more than two meters in height and is born with a broad waist, it is very easy to give people the feeling of "well-developed limbs and simple mind."

This person is wide-eyed, handsome, with sharp eyes, full of rivers and deep seas, and an immeasurable temperament.

There is no barbarity in his appearance, even his hair bun is combed into the Central Plains style, if it weren't for the seven or eight golden rings full of spiritual patterns hanging from his ears, he would be a standard great warrior!

The appearance of this person caused Ling Shoujing and Ling Lanyin's hearts to fall into the ice caves at a depth of tens of thousands of feet, and they couldn't get them out.

"It turned out to be the younger brother of Han Baling, the regent of Ghost Qin, the master of the Kunpeng tribe among the eight tribes of Ghost Qin, and the long-famous master Han Yuantai among the monks of Youyun!"

Youyun Ghost Qin's system is different from the Dagan cultivation world.

In Dagan, cultivators use "sects" as the basic unit to live, practice, and perform activities. Except for a few casual cultivators, almost all cultivators belong to a certain sect.

Even if you are an official in the dynasty, you have to be restrained by your respective sects and seek benefits for the sect. Without the support of the sect, you can't do anything from officialdom to the business world.

On the northern Youyun prairie, there were originally some sporadic sects, but after Han Baling's strong rise, the system was reformed, a handful of sects were completely extinct, and all the Youyun monks were unified and divided into eight parts.

It is equivalent to compiling and training all the monks in the entire Youyun cultivation world into a strong army of iron and blood. Since then, there is no division of sects, and there is no free and easy casual cultivation. There are only iron and blood killings and military merits to exchange for cultivation. The resourceful Takeo!

Brother Youyun is divided into eight parts. The reason why Han Yuantai became the master of the "Kunpeng Tribe", under Han Baling, one of the eight most powerful patriarchs on the Youyun Prairie, depends not on blood, but on wisdom. And martial arts!

Decades ago, he was a master of Yuan Ying in the north, and his current strength is at least above the intermediate stage of Yuan Ying. His hands are covered with the blood of Dagan monk, and he is one of Dagan's most troublesome opponents!

Unexpectedly, in order to stir up the situation of Wunan 5th Road, even the ghost and Qin aristocrats of his status would personally go out. No wonder that Lou Chongxiao was not an opponent of the "thunder sword", and turned into his sword and soul!

"Gui Qin actually values ​​Wu Nan so much, and even the Lord of Kunpeng takes the risk personally!"

Ling Shoujing's face was pale, and there was no more calmness and demeanor, and even his hands trembled slightly.

From the moment Han Wontae appeared, he knew that he was over.

What's more, he emerged from the darkness with Han Yuantai, holding a silver plate with a big face and a smile on his face. Who is the Venerable Black Moon who was not in the military tent just now and vowed to him?

Venerable Black Moon, the number one master of Wunan, had already taken refuge in the Ghost Qin people. All of this was their layout, and the purpose was to gather all the talents and annihilate them!

Ling Shoujing's heart was twisted like a knife, and 10,000 people regretted that they should not believe the words of Venerable Black Moon. They rushed forward and attacked at night!

But this is really not a crime of war - even though Venerable Black Moon is a witch-man monk, he is quite "worry for the king" and actively moves closer to the realm of Dagan cultivation.

In the past few decades, he has traveled frequently in the Central Plains and has maintained a very good relationship with all the famous decent sects, including the great backer of the Ling family, the Ziji Sword Sect. Even if he has not seen him for more than ten years, his correspondence has never been cut off. All kinds of local products of Wunan mountain are sent to the mountain gate of Ziji Jianzong respectfully every year.

In the turbulent environment of the Dagan Dynasty, and such a submissive barbarous vassal, what can be faulty?

Therefore, although Venerable Black Moon lives in the southwest corner, the major sects do not regard him as a side door, but regard him as a member of the realm of cultivation.

This time the king came to call for arbitration, Venerable Black Moon was unable to stand on the side of the leader due to the power of Ghost Qin. This is understandable by both the Ling family and their daughters.

Therefore, the two parties secretly communicated the tunes, and the Black Moon Venerable opened the door to convenience, so that the Starry Night raid plan was successfully realized, and the Ling family father and daughter had no doubts.

Unexpectedly, he hit back at the most critical moment!

"Venerable Black Moon, you--"

Ling Shoujing covered his heart, his figure shook, and he almost fell off his horse.

He doesn't have much hatred for Han Wontae. Everyone is the two armies opposing each other, showing their own tricks, and winning or losing.

Venerable Black Moon's betrayal of the Dagan Dynasty made him want to burn, and his anger was unstoppable! "

"The dynasty is a great revolution, the luck is flowing, and everyone chooses the master. It's all about the king and the loser. Why should the envoy be so angry?"

Venerable Black Moon smiled slightly, and said indifferently.


Ling Lan clenched the Youlan Feijian tightly, almost shattered with a mouthful of silver teeth.

The Golden Core Female Swordsman was not annoyed by her own situation, but was shocked that Venerable Black Moon did not put the Dagan cultivation world in his eyes, and was even more optimistic about the stinky barbarians on the Youyun Grassland?

"Venerable Black Moon, Dagan Cultivation Realm has always treated you not badly. It doesn't despise that you are a land of witchcraft and savagery. You have a mean and mean origin, and sincerely accept you and treat you as a Daoist friend. You, how can you be like this!"

Ling Lan's eyes were dizzy because of anger, and she didn't hesitate to say, "If you have made up your mind to betray, plus Han Wontae, you two Yuan Ying would have been able to kill us long ago. Why do you still play such tricks? Means, to lure us here, is it possible to deliberately humiliate us?"

After all, she was too young to stay in the Ziji Sword Sect to practice. Although her cultivation base was high, her mind was relatively simple.

She didn't understand the truth of Venerable Black Moon doing this, but her father Ling Shou Jingqi was clear-hearted and understood instantly.

Yes, Venerable Black Moon and the two Yuan Ying of Han Yuantai can indeed kill the Ling family father and daughter and all Xuanhu Iron Guards in the Dan formation stage.

But the Wunan Five Roads are nominally the people of the great cadres. After hundreds of years of rule by the great cadres, many tribes have maintained a bit of habitual loyalty to the cadres.

If you blindly rape, you can get the shaman's superficial submission, but it will definitely not win people's hearts in a short time.

Wunan Fifth Road is a jungle environment with extremely complex terrain. Even ordinary witches are as agile and flexible as monkeys, and their wildness is difficult to tame.

As long as they drill into the depths of the mountains and forests, whether you form a pill or a Nascent Infant, trying to find them all without fail is an extremely costly and time-consuming thing.

Therefore, Venerable Black Moon, together with Han Yuantai and Huo Wugui, set up this round, letting Ling Shoujing use "Starry Night Sneak Attack" with such a despicable and shameless means to break the sacred rules of "Yummatsu".

If such a nasty method succeeded in killing Huo Wugui and all the Guiqin people cleanly, then the Wunan Hundred Clan would naturally have nothing to say.

But it's quite embarrassing to make trouble like this!

Han Wontae and Black Moon Venerable, not only want to kill them, but also want to use this matter to completely crush the deep-rooted influence of the Dagan Dynasty here!

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