40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1376: The bane of monks!

Li Yao did not expect that Han Yuantai, an "ancient man", and a "barbarian" in the mouth of the central dynasty, had such a thorough understanding of the relationship between the cultivator and the country, and this man was bold enough to avoid others, and his thoughts were quite clear. The right arm of the ghost Qin Xiong Lord Han Baling!

From him, you can see the power of Ghost Qin and the terrible Han Baling!

Li Yao squeezed a scornful smile and said coldly, "Isn't it alarmist? There are cultivators and cultivating sects. This has been the case for 100,000 years. Is it as unbearable as you said?"

"It's so unbearable!"

Han Wontae said loudly, “It is precisely because the ‘malignant tumor’ of the cultivation sect has been parasitic on the country for hundreds of thousands of years, there have been hundreds of dynasties, the fortune of luck, the tragedy of life and charcoal happened!"

"Don't talk about it far, just talk about the rise of the Dagan Dynasty a thousand years ago!"

"Before the great move, it was a **** and chaotic world for hundreds of years. At that time, thousands of sects in the entire ancient sacred world occupied the mountain as king, each dominating each other, fighting each other endlessly, let alone ordinary people living in dire straits. Even the chances of a cultivator losing his life to Huangquan are unbelievably high. The so-called'being unpredictable, panic all day long' is a true portrayal of the monks at that time!"

"It wasn't until the predecessor of the Dagan Dynasty, the strong rise of the'Lei Ganmen', that the eighty sects swept across the universe and unified the world, and then established the foundation of the new dynasty and restored the peace of the ancient sacred world!"

"But this calm is only temporary!"

"The world was defeated by Lei Ganmen and the eighty sects. Naturally, they wanted to divide the heroes. At that time, there were countless sects and monks who did not obey the big guns. They could swallow them. After all these opposing forces were killed, rely on them. The remaining resources can naturally be safe and sound for hundreds of years!"

"However, for hundreds of years, the great people have been singing and dancing, and the world has been peaceful, and the number of cultivators has greatly expanded!"

"Cultivators have a long lifespan and greater ambitions, and no one wants to stay under the people for a long time. If the brothers in a sect have similar methods and have some contradictions, then they will separate in order to resolve the contradictions and expand their influence. Sidelines and tribes!"

"In this way, for hundreds of years, the 80 sects that originally assisted the'Lei Ganmen' have kept their branches and leaves, established new branches and side lines, and all parties have also established their own sects and established their own sects, and they have slowly evolved. Today, there are nearly four thousand sects!"

Li Yao coldly snorted: "Cultivation sects, the more the better, what's wrong?"

"If the resources are unlimited, it is naturally good."

Han Wontae smiled bitterly, "But there are only so many auras and treasures in the heavens and the earth. For every more cultivator, the other cultivators will have one less share. For each additional cultivator sect, the pressure on the country will increase. In the freshman year, it seems that the strength of the Dagan cultivation world is getting stronger and stronger, but in fact it is getting closer and closer to the cliff that collapsed overnight!"

"According to the rules set by Dagan when he founded the country,'the emperor and the cultivator rule the world together', and the cultivating sect has countless privileges!"

"We don’t need to talk about the strong sect in the world like the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, but just a medium-sized ordinary sect, which often has hundreds of inner disciples, nearly 10,000 disciples from outer disciples, and hundreds of thousands of good lands. Lean, the number of people attached to this sect can reach more than 100,000 households!"

"According to the rules, there are very few taxes and taxes paid by the cultivating sect. Once the fertile land is classified as the cultivating sect, it will be difficult for the country to collect the land tax. If the people become the sect of the cultivating sect, or the third parent of the sect. Therefore, even if the uncle's aunt's uncle is backed by a cultivating sect, it is difficult to force him to perform military service and military service!"

"Such a cultivating sect, rooted in the locality for hundreds of years, has gathered all the rights of the local government. From local officials to the wise gentry of the village, they are all disciples of the cultivating sect. They even replaced the laws of the country with the rules of the sect and supported thousands of people The tiger-and-wolf men who work hard, work hard all day long, and cultivate supernatural powers, seem to be independent feudal nations!"

"Such a'closure of the country' used all kinds of tricks and dumbfounding methods to conceal the property, resisted the imperial conscription and taxation, and wailed the imperial court at every turn, demanding the imperial court in the name of famine, natural disasters, and demons. The benefits of various graces are not a malignant tumor that does nothing but **** blood. What are they?"

"At the beginning, there were only 80 such ‘cancers’. The country’s ‘fat fat and strong body’ can barely support it!"

"But now, the big malignant tumor is getting bigger and bigger, and a series of small marrow tumors have been born, and the method of knocking the bones and sucking the marrow is getting more and more vicious, and more and more reckless! Such four thousand'malignant tumors' are pressed on the body, and they are already thin and skinny. How can you not collapse?"

Li Yao's eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "Even you, the ghost of Qin, can see so thoroughly, how can the emperor of Da Gan ignore it? You don't mean that the "Lei Gan Men" to which the emperor belongs is the strongest sect in the past. , Then can't they figure out a way to eradicate these'cancers'?"

Han Wontae smiled slightly and shook his head: "He should be the elder of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the arrogant emperor. Naturally, he doesn't like to see so many unruly and unruly ‘malignant tumors’ in his own country."

"But it is difficult to get rid of these malignant tumors!"

"Yes, the Lei Gan Sect a thousand years ago is indeed the world's strongest sect, but no matter how strong Lei Gan Sect is, it can fight against at most ten or twenty cultivating sects, but if the remaining 80 sects are tied together, Lei Gan Sect will do nothing. I can't stop them!"

"That's why Lei Ganmen had to pinch his nose and cooperate with 80 cultivating sects to establish this ‘Dagan Dynasty’ together!"

"This great leader is not so much a country, but rather an'Eight-one Sect Alliance of the Ancient Sacred Realm.' The so-called Ninth Five-Year Lord, the emperor of the dynasty, is just a mere leader!"

"When Dagan was first established, the contradiction between the'Leiganmen' represented by the emperor and many local sects was not fierce, and the two sides had been in peace for hundreds of years."

"When the local sects are swelling, the tail is not going to fall, and the contradictions between the two sides intensify, Lei Ganmen is constantly declining, and the intention is weak!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and said: "Since Lei Ganmen occupies the center, it is the Dagan royal family. It should occupy the most abundant resources, the highest supernatural powers, and the most mysterious magic weapon. Even if the local sects are expanding, the royal family should continue to grow stronger. , How could it decline?"

Han Wontae smiled and said, "The master does not know something, and the decline of the Dagan royal family is mainly due to three major reasons!"

"First, after becoming the emperor, you have to manage everything, coordinate the world, and be immersed in the sea of ​​Wenshanhui every day, and torn with endless problems!"

"If the emperor loves the people diligently and personally, then there is no time to practice, even if the realm is improved, but the combat power will decline!"

"If the emperor handed over many important matters of the country to the ministers, and he focused on practicing, then it would give the local sects a chance to rise, because most of the courtiers are from other cultivating sects, and it is impossible for Lei Ganmen to come from other cultivating sects. One family!"

"Secondly, the throne of the emperor, the supreme position, even if it is only a nominal co-lord of the world, it has been watched by countless people!"

"The battles in the palace, the brutality of brothers and sisters, and even the killing of fathers and sons and other human tragedies have never been cut off for thousands of years! Although the emperor is not assured of handing over the affairs of the country to other cultivating sects to handle it, he is even more worried. To my brother, to the doorman of Lei Ganmen!"

"Since the establishment of Dagan, Leiganmen and the entire royal family have been involved in extremely cruel cannibalism. Counting the new emperor who was enthroned last year, Dagan has inherited a total of 66 emperors in the past thousand years. It has been less than 20 years since the Dragon Emperor returned to the sky, that is, he died violently! For a cultivator with a lifespan of two or three hundred years old, it is an incredible short-lived ghost!"

"It's not always possible that they are all'lived out.' There are so many slain and vicious stories hidden in them, so it's not enough for outsiders!"

"Third, this world is nominally the world of the Dagan royal family, so the emperor has become the target of all the cultivating sects. No matter how intriguing and fighting between the cultivating sects, once they encounter the emperor's troubles, they will all become Come and fight against the emperor!"

"The emperor lives deep in the palace of the gods. He doesn't know the actual situation of the place. Most of the soldiers and horses in his hands come from the local area. He really tears his skin. He doesn't even know who these soldiers and horse warriors will listen to. How can you compete with the four seas and Kyushu?"

"The Dagan Dynasty has been strong for thousands of years. Today, there are many sects in the local area. The people only know that there are heads, but they do not know that there are emperors. It’s no surprise that the emperor’s decree can’t go out of the capital, or even out of the palace!”

Li Yao thoughtfully: "Listening to you, to the emperor, the cultivating sects seem to be really disgusting tumors that can't be dug out or squeezed out?"

"It's not only true to the emperor, but to the people of Li people, the same is true, even more intense!"

Han Won Tae said sternly, "In any cultivating sect, the vast majority of those trained are brave warriors and murderous tiger and wolf men! These people don’t do production and don’t know how to work. What you practice every day is all kinds of killing methods!"

"Besides, they eat a lot of intestines. They have to eat good meat every meal, and consume dozens of times more than ordinary people!"

"To feed a cultivator who doesn’t work all day, it’s purely a cultivating cultivator and cultivating supernatural powers. Even the lowest-level Qi-refining cultivator will need dozens or even hundreds of farmers, day and night. Suffering in the fields!"

"What's more, cultivators don't just need to eat and drink, they also need all kinds of utensils to enjoy, all kinds of spar minerals, all kinds of panacea!"

"Therefore, when the practitioners and cultivating sects of the Dagan dynasty sprung up like mushrooms after the rain, the oppression of the people will be even more cruel, and the people who depend on the cultivating sects will not be able to live their lives!"

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