40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1382: The birth of a country!

"Wolf, sheep, grass!"

Li Yao pondered Han Wontae's words carefully.

These remarks expounded the relationship between cultivators and ordinary people and resources. Although it was still crude and crude, it was far more advanced than the attitude of ordinary people as pure ants in the early days of ancient repairs.


Han Wontae suddenly got excited, waved his fists, and said loudly, "Do you think that I came to Wunan on my own adventure this time just for the purpose of changing the dynasty and letting Yunqin replace Dagan. Is it that simple?"

"Then you underestimated the ambition of our Yunqin people again!"

"My elder brother Han Baling often said that if it's an ordinary change of dynasty and great luck, then it doesn't matter if it is changed!"

"Because this kind of dynasty change has occurred hundreds of times in the ancient sacred world for 100,000 years, but no dynasty can last for three thousand years. Even the most prosperous dynasty, after thousands of years of wind and rain, is inevitable. It's going to decay and degenerate, once it's annihilated and turned into dust!"

"Each dynasty has a different name and time, but the process of their rise and fall is exactly the same!"

"First of all, there is a great chaos in the world, there are many sects, the weak and the strong eat, and the brutal killings, the number of ordinary people and cultivators is drastically reduced!"

"When the number of cultivators is small to a certain extent, and the demand for resources such as the'financial partner' is not so urgent, the contradictions between each other will be eased, and understanding the principles of compromise and cooperation will eventually establish a unified and stable dynasty!"

"But in this unified and stable dynasty, the cultivators have no external threats, and their life spans are long, so they multiply and swell, their numbers are increasing, their thirst for resources is increasing, and after all, the whole world is more The degree of unsustainability is just like the current year and month, so it is another reincarnation and another troubled world!"

"The same story has been repeated hundreds of times. If what we Yunqin people want is only to change the dynasty, then even if we establish a new dynasty, we can set the tripod for a thousand or two thousand years, and we will inevitably ruin it after all!"

"So, my brother Han Baling is definitely not just trying to overthrow Da Gan!"

"What he thinks, what all of us in Yunqin think about is to completely destroy the sectarian system, to establish a system with no sects, no internal strife, and all cultivators are highly united and cultivate under the overall planning of the country, so that they can have long-term peace and stability. Everlasting, a powerful country that has ruled the ancient sacred world for 10,000, 50,000, 100,000 years, 10,000 years!"

"Master, this is an unprecedented great achievement in the ancient sacred world one hundred thousand years ago! If an extraordinary person like you can't participate in such a glorious great cause of all ages, what is the purpose of this supernatural power? !"

The corners of Li Yao's eyes kept beating, his eyes rolled for a long time, and he said coldly: "In this way, your Yunqin cultivation world is a super army with strict rules and regulations, even if the ancestor Yuan Ying joins you Yunqin, You must be restrained by the laws, unable to do what you want, happy and happy?"


Han Wontae categorically cut the railway line, "In Yunqin, the military law is the biggest, Yuan Ying breaks the law, and the common people are the same!"

"Huh, ridiculous!"

Li Yao sneered, "I am a wild and rough person who is used to idleness. I don't like to be restrained by my nature. I can dominate and be happy and happy in Wunan. Why should I be subject to your Yunqin's'military law'? control?"

"Because only the most severe and fair military law can arouse the combat power and combat intent of every Nascent Infant and every cultivator to the limit!"

Han Wontae looked directly at Li Yao's eyes, and a sword and light sword gushed out in his eyes, "As a high-ranking infant, you can of course choose to live as you like, happy, and do whatever you want! But in this way, you are destined not to be the ones we suffer. The opponent of Yuan Ying who is bound by military law, has an extremely firm Dao heart, and maximizes combat power and combat intent!"

"You can now try to be fast and free in the mountains and rivers, but it will not be long before our steel infantry army will completely crush all the "happy and happy" infants, including you!"

"This is the power of organization, this is the power of discipline, this is the power of the country! This is the general trend, this is the destiny! Now the destiny is in my hands, and we are the infants of a highly united country like steel and iron, but you It's a piece of loose sand, your own Nascent Soul who does what you want! No matter how strong you look now, if you don't join us, you will die sooner or later!"

"So courageous!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth, spread his fingers apart, and scratched Void.

Invisible and invisible ripples immediately tore the air, Ying Ying Chuo Chuo formed a skinny ghost hand, which tightly clasped Han Won Tae's head!

"Crack, click, click!"

Han Wontae's skull and facial bones suddenly made a terrifying sound, his orifices were bleeding, and his face was extremely distorted!

Li Yao grinned: "Whether this master is a dead end is still unknown. You, the master of Kunpeng, will be killed right now!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Under Li Yao’s suppression, Han Wontae trembles with pain, his face is pale, but he laughs desperately, "Han has been in the clouds for more than a hundred years. When he was young, he rode horses wildly for eight thousand miles, in 33 days. , And slashed a total of 145 people from the fiercely famous'Baifeng Pirates' on the grassland, and killed them all!"

"I went to the far north of the earth again. I was in the dark night all day long, and I jumped into the depths of the icy ocean to fight against the giant whale hundreds of meters long!"

"Last year, together with my brother Han Baling, and countless grassland men, they drove dragons and wolves, wielded long swords, and drove straight in. They smashed bamboos and flogged the Central Plains. They killed 300,000 iron armors, heavy horses, and discarded armors. !"

"Our army has trampled on countless gates of Dagan cultivation sects, and the soldiers have reached the gods. I have even seen the golden dragon colored tiles of the gods' palaces with my own eyes!"

"Han has danced the sharpest sword, the fastest sword, the most heroic brothers, the most brave enemies, the most beautiful, the most joyful, and the bravest taste in the world. I've tasted enough, even if I die right now, what regrets?"

"It's you, Master!"

"After thousands of hardships, I practiced behind closed doors in the deserted mountains for decades. I don't know how many hardships I have gone through, and I finally practiced a peerless supernatural power. Once I broke the barrier, I haven't made any achievements yet, and I haven't made a semi-final title. I have never tasted the tastes of being admired, admired, hated, feared, loved by people all over the world... As a result, I will go against the sky and be crushed into powder by my Yunqin's steel soul infant army, and death is meaningless. !"

"I am really worthless for the Master, worthless!"

"you you you!"

Li Yao was furious, and the ghost hand became more ferocious, deeply embedded in Han Wontae's head, causing smoke to appear on his head.

Han Won Tae's eyes were red with pain, blood and tears rolled in his eyes, and he just didn't fall, just laughed.

Li Yao was angry and bluffed for a long time. He was finally discouraged when he saw that he would rather die than surrender.

After receiving his magical powers, he gritted his teeth and looked rather gloomy.

Han Wontae fell to the ground with a butt, and then couldn't help groaning, laughed out of tears, and reluctantly said: "Many, thank you Master for not killing!"

"say no more."

Li Yao waved his hand sullenly, "I will let someone release your subordinates later, and you will bring Huo Wugui with you, and go back to Youyun!"

Han Wontae blinked, and instantly understood Li Yao's thoughts, and said readily, "Okay, I know that only a few words are definitely not enough to move the Master. The Master has just broken through the barrier and doesn’t know much about the situation in the world. Be careful. It’s okay to be more cautious! I will leave a way to send secret letters. Whenever, the door of our Yunqin is always open to the master. My brother Han Baling and I are looking forward to the master’s coming to Youyun. Grassland, join in the grand event!"

"I believe that this day will never be too far after the Master witnessed the mists of the Dagan cultivation world with his own eyes!"

"get out."

Li Yao coldly snorted, "Before the master changes his mind."

Han Wontae crossed his hands, saluted Li Yao deeply, and walked away.

This is not a barbarian gift.

It was the iron-blooded military salute of the Yunqin Empire 100,000 years ago!

When his figure disappeared outside the garden, the brutality and depression on Li Yao's face was suddenly swept away, revealing deep excitement and admiration.

His heart was surging, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He knew that he was witnessing the birth of a true "comprehensive nation".

Han Won-tae is right. In the early period of ancient repairs, there were many sects and strong men. Not to mention Yuan Ying and Huashen. Even a small refining of Qi can be used to ban and dominate, depending on the country's laws and court. Majesty is better than nothing.

At that time, even though there were dynasties and empires in name, they weren't really countries in the true sense. They were just "tribal alliances" disguised as countries!

Such so-called dynasties lined with sects often fall into serious internal friction, the collection and utilization of resources are extremely inefficient, and the overall mobilization ability is extremely weak, and with the expansion of the number of practitioners, they cannot escape the historical law of prosperity and decline after all!

Li Yao learned from the history books that in the middle and late period of ancient repairs 40,000 years ago, the ancient repairs of three thousand worlds, after each undergoing dozens or hundreds of dynasty changes, all realized that "cultivation sects" It is a cancer of the country. The cultivator must use steel discipline, highly organized and nationalized, in order to maximize the efficiency of resource utilization such as the "Financial, Land and Legal Couple" and escape the vortex of the rise and fall of the dynasty"!

Since then, almost all ancient repair worlds have used different ways to integrate the many sects in the scattered sand and embark on the road of highly centralized power.

After uniting all the sects, in the end, in every ancient repair world, almost only the largest and strongest force remained.

The names and forms of these forces may be quite different. Some are called dynasties, some are called empires, and some even use the old names, still called "XX Zong" and "XX Faction".

However, they are very different from the past dynasties and sects.

All the cultivators are firmly united together with the law, and the control power extends from the center all the way to the lowest villages and towns. The authority of the country and the power of the organization completely overwhelm the personal force of the strong for the first time, and its overall control and Mobilization is more than a hundred times higher than in the past when there were many sects and endless internal friction!

This is the embryonic form of a modern comprehension country.

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