40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1389: Our past

This sentence drew a roar of laughter from many tea customers. Everyone shook their heads and felt like You Rongyan, as if it was their great honor to beat the tax official of the court back.

While laughing, they cast a look of "caring for mentally handicapped children" at Li Yao.

Li Yao had a thousand words in his stomach, wanting to deal with these long-term malnutrition, so he was black and thin, covered with scabies, described as wretched, and said to ordinary people who are completely two species from the cultivator.

However, under the gaze of their eyes, the thoughts went around for a long time, after all, they didn't know how to talk about it.

After leaving the tea shop, under the guidance of the teacher, he went to the local temple which is said to be very incense.

Along the Wujiang River, the power of the gods is extremely heavy and the incense is strong. There are many temples, Taoist temples and ancestral halls in various towns and villages, and even deep mountains and forests.

However, most of these theocracy incense is not the illusory gods and Buddhas, but the local sects, in the action of slaying demons and killing demons, the cultivators who sacrificed heroically.

It is said that after the death of a cultivator, a trace of heroic spirits will not die. As long as they receive incense to worship, they will still protect the environment and the people and protect the other side.

Therefore, after the death of Shiwumen cultivators, if the cultivation level and status are extremely high, they will build their own temples, even low-level cultivators with low strength will be attached to various ancestral halls, forever Enjoy the incense.

Every village here has more than one temple or ancestral hall, which is often the tallest building in the village. The blue brick mantle, stone lion bronze gate, and the nearby low and dilapidated mud shack are in sharp contrast.

In every temple or ancestral hall, the heroes of three or five cultivators are enshrined.

This is the most demanding thing. Every time a cultivator of Shiwumen falls, it will attract competition from all the villages and towns in Shiwumen. Everyone will come up with the most generous conditions, hoping to attract the heroic spirit to their own villages and towns.

How many heroic spirits are enshrined is a symbol of the strength of a village and town!

In the temple that Li Yao visited, a total of four cultivators were worshipped, including an elder and a head of Shiwumen. It is called the "Four Holy Temple" and is said to be the largest one in Shili Baxiang. The temple, no wonder the villagers would say that the incense here is very strong and extremely effective.

In the Four Sacred Temples, there are four cultivators’ clay idols, painted with gold powder, and engraved in the dark, a few colorful and colorful amulet arrays that inspire glare, but there are also a bit of fairy aura, lifelike meaning, if the night makes ignorance When the villagers saw it, it was not surprising that it was a manifestation of a heroic soul.

There are also a few bronze medals, but they are engraved with the deeds of these cultivators, especially the reasons for their fall.

Li Yao took a closer look. The three cultivators all fell while fighting with the beasts in the mountains and forests. The head of the peak realm during the base-building period was chasing a powerful evil cultivator who had fled to the local area. Killed by the opponent.

These deeds made Li Yao not know what to say.

Cultivation sects obviously cannot live on the taxation of ten miles and eight townships. If they want to practice, they must hunt down spirit beasts and beasts in the deep mountains and old forests, obtain their flesh and blood, spirit pills and demon pills, and then dig them. This is where a sect is based on the emergence of natural treasures and crystal stone spirit mines.

Therefore, Shiwumen went into the mountains to "slash demons and slay demons", which is the need for the survival and development of the school, not purely "walking for the sky."

But from an objective point of view, it was indeed these cultivators who went on and succeeded for hundreds of years, not afraid of sacrificing to compete with monsters, ghosts, wolves, tigers and leopards for living space, and opened up a piece of land for ordinary people to survive.

When demons and tigers and wolves went down the mountain and raged, or evil cultivators from other places came in, the "fairy masters" of Shiwumen had not been ambiguous.

Therefore, to ask the Shiwumen practitioners if they have contributed to the ordinary people in this area, Li Yao really can't say "no" shyly.

"A Shiwumen cultivator who is so arrogant and arrogant towards the people today that he is dismissive and looks extremely abhorrent."

"But maybe tomorrow he will enter the mountain and fight with the demons, unfortunately he has fallen!"

"Subjectively, he is of course purely for his own cultivation, collecting demon pills, animal bones, and various elixir. He has not considered the interests of the people at all; but objectively, he gave his life to protect the environment and the people. , Make a small contribution!"

"Is such an ancient Xiu a good person or a bad person?"

For a while, Li Yao couldn't think of the answer to this question.

What's more, did this ancient Xiu really have not considered the interests of the people at all?

Most of Shiwumen's cultivators come from Shili Baxiang and are natives.

Many cultivators’ eighty-year-old mothers and three-year-old children are ordinary people, and they all live here.

Once the fierce beasts and demons really raged down the mountain in groups, the families of these cultivators would also suffer annihilation.

When these cultivators are killing demons in the mountains and forests, do they really only consider their own interests, without any feeling of "defending their hometown" in them?

People are not plants and trees, who can be ruthless, how can we judge things in the world by simply "right or wrong, good or bad"!

Li Yao secretly sighed and hesitated for a long time. Finally, as a modern cultivator, he gave a deep salute to the four ancient cultivators represented by these four clay idols, and yelled respectfully in his heart. A cry: "Senior!"

In any case, these ancient cultivators represent the history of human civilization and the past of all modern cultivators.

Without the past, how can there be a future?

When he was about to turn around and leave, Li Yao noticed a detail.

In front of the four clay-born idols, there are dozens of sacrificial offerings such as roast chicken, glutinous meat, steamed buns, qingtuan, and dried incense.

Li Yao knows that the poverty level of the villagers in this place can't even drink millet porridge. Roasted chicken, bad meat, white bread, and the like are supreme delicacies that you don't even think about during the New Year.

The villagers bought these things for the four clay-born idols, and they don’t know how much effort, effort, and thoughts they have taken!

However, these things slowly decayed in front of the mud-female idols, and in the end they became cheaper than snakes, insects, rats and ants.

A few unclothed, unkempt, beggar-like children stood outside the temple, but they stood on tiptoes and drooled, staring straight at these sacrifices, watching the roast chicken and the horrible meat a little bit. Corrupted, but dare not even lick it.

Li Yao heard the thunderous agitation from the children's stomachs.

A trace of goodwill for Gu Xiu just rose from the bottom of my heart, and was suppressed again in an instant.

At this time, there was another wailing cry from the village outside. The cries seemed to be contagious. At a time, the whole village, and even several nearby villages, were overwhelmed by cries.

When Li Yao went out of the temple to see, he saw that the whole village had already provoked hundreds of white banners, and many people were very familiar with them and put on sackcloth and filial piety.

"The day before yesterday, Elder Lei from Shiwumen led twenty new immortal masters into the mountain for trial. Unfortunately, he alarmed a strange python that had been dormant in the ground for decades and was about to transform into a flood. Elder Lei and six new immortal masters fell and fell. Up!"

Within the entire Shiwu City, within a radius of hundreds of miles, the sound of cannons sounded, crying into one.


In one day, Li Yao tracked down and killed the strange python with a red tumor on its head, and took out the corpses of Elder Lei and three cultivators during the Qi refining stage from its abdomen, and condensed them carefully. Get up, take advantage of the starry night when there is no one, put it at the intersection of the three roads at the foot of the mountain.

After bowing to them three times, he returned to the Wujiang Wharf, on his own canoe with a complicated mood.

After that, I went all the way east to inspect the cities and towns along the river, but I put away the arrogance from modern civilization, and put myself in a position to look at the problem from the perspective of the local indigenous people.

After going eastward, the ten or twenty towns are almost the same, centered on the cultivating sects, and then expanded outwards, and the cultivators are indeed high-ranking, majestic and prestigious existences above the imperial power.

However, the landforms of the entire middle and upper reaches of the Wujiang River are almost the same as those surrounding the "Shiwu City". There are high mountains and dense forests, and there are many fierce beasts and monsters. Without the fighting of cultivators and monsters, ghosts, tigers and wolves, and dragons and snakes, ordinary people simply cannot survive. .

If Li Yao came from a local farmer, in the face of vicious monsters and tiger wolves, what else can he do except place all his hopes on the "immortal master"?

If Li Yao is a local cultivator, I am afraid that he will not feel guilty about this relationship. On the contrary, he will feel that he is protecting the environment and protecting the people, eliminating demons and defending the way. With such a hard practice, he is in danger of dying every day. The people worship him. Isn’t it natural to worship oneself and fear oneself?

How to say this truth is not clear!

A few days later, they finally drove out of the middle and upper reaches of the Wujiang River, where there were dense mountains and dense forests, and into the hills and plains of the middle and lower reaches of the Wujiang River.

When I got here, I gradually entered the anointed land in the southeast, where the aura of Dagan was strongest. The development level was greatly improved. Naturally, there were not so many primitive jungles, and there were not so many demons, ghosts, wolves, tigers and leopards.

The hills and farmland here are highly exploited, making it difficult to find even a piece of barren land the size of a fingernail.

After thousands of years of mergers and accumulations, most of the fields and forests belonged to the local tycoons, who were then rented out to farmers for farming.

The rich family surnames are attached to a certain cultivating sect, and there are many more spiritual and best-quality "spiritual fields" that are directly owned by the cultivating sect and never fall into the hands of ordinary people.

The land here is small and dense, and every inch of land is golden. Most of the cultivating sects' spheres of influence are intertwined and entangled.

Therefore, the biggest enemies of the cultivation sects in the middle and lower reaches of the Wujiang River are no longer monsters and tiger wolves, but-other cultivation sects!

Here, Li Yao saw the struggle between two cultivating schools for the first time.

Under the leadership of seven or eight foundation-building cultivators, nearly a hundred cultivators in the Qi-refining period fought the battle flags of their respective sects, like two groups of angry tiger wolves, rushing together fiercely, killing their lives with swords and swords. Extremely, there is nothing to say about the feelings of fellow daoists.

In just half an hour of the fire, a total of three foundation-building cultivators and more than twenty qi-refining cultivators fell.

And the cause is neither for any peerless supernatural powers, nor for any treasures of the world, but for a cow, an ordinary farming cow!


Sorry everyone, I accompanied my wife to the postoperative review today, and I was delayed until the afternoon, so the update was late.

It's still three shifts today, don't worry~

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