40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1398: The decision of the Purple Pole Sword Sect!

While Li Yao looked at many ancient sacred world powerhouses, he also became the focus of much attention.

Especially the high-ranking monks from the five major sects including Taixuan Dao, saw a cold-looking, quite face-to-face young monk, who stepped on the highest-level lotus jade disc and slowly landed, which was even more secretly surprised.

Many high-ranking monks communicated with their eyes, and none of them knew Li Yao.

That was obviously the Purple Pole Sword Sect, in order to cope with this crisis, he was heavily hired to assist in the casual practice of boxing.

In the way of cultivation, one of the four elements is indispensable. Generally, only by joining a certain sect and receiving huge resources can it be possible to achieve success in cultivation.

The casual repairs who have no school, no school, and solitary, either lack resources, are low in strength, and are inadequate.

Either it has its own secret resource channels, such as owning a secret cave, the cultivation base is unpredictable and quite terrifying!

Since this monarch can come here with his foot on the lotus jade disc, I think it is the deepest cultivation base of the Ziji Sword Sect's invitation to assist in the training of boxing this time, so I should pay attention to it later.

Many high-ranking monks glanced at Li Yao, then withdrew their gazes and closed their eyes to calm their minds.

Casual cultivator is casual cultivator, no matter how high the strength is, where can it go?

What's more, such a person who has no name and no one knows him. I am afraid that he has been practicing in the barbarous land on the edge of the sky. Somehow he was collected by the Purple Pole Sword Sect. At most the Golden Core Realm is his limit. Up!

This kind of casual cultivating is just worth "paying attention to."

At this time, all the high-level monks of the five major sects, including the "Tai Xuan Dao", did not know that the Wunan chaos had been settled, and Li Yao attacked and killed the elementary-level Black Moon Venerable Yuan Ying and suppressed it with another claw. News of Yuan Ying, the master of Kunpeng, Han Yuantai.

If they knew, their expressions would never have been so relaxed.

And this matter had already been informed to the elder and suzerain of the Purple Pole Sword Sect through Ling Lanyin's Linghe Biography.

Just now because of seeing them, Ling Lan played up Li Yao's power with jealousy.

She is a Golden Core Swordsman, and apart from the Six Great Nascent Souls, the most outstanding master of the Purple Pole Sword Sect, what she says will naturally not be doubted.

Therefore, on the side of the Purple Pole Sword Sect camp, there are quite a few crane-haired young people, immortal spirit bones, and sword repairers who are floating in the dust. They respect Li Yao and salute him far away.

But it also provokes those overseas casual cultivators invited by the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, and there is a wave of suspicion and dissatisfaction-when they came to the copper furnace peak, they did not enjoy Li Yao's treatment.

Ling Lan was also under the battle banner of the Purple Pole Sword Sect and talked to several Yuan Ying Jian Xiu. Seeing Li Yao appeared, his eyes lighted up, and with Master’s permission, he flew over and walked towards Li Yao in a proper manner. With a salute, he took out a re-transcribed list of materials and held it in both hands.

Li Yao opened the list and saw that in addition to all the materials he requested, hundreds of extremely rare materials were added. Even if the forces of the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing, and Blood Demon were assembled, they might not be able to collect them in more than ten years. The kind of dozens of grams!

Li Yao squinted his eyes and thought about it. With these new materials, dozens of new enhancement methods have been added to the maintenance of the star torch. The signal sent back to his hometown seems to be clearer, more concealed, and more invisible. Clear.

While drawing a new transformation map in his mind, while looking at Ling Lanyin with suspicious eyes, the total value of the new material list was at least three times that of the original material list!

"The predecessors have supernatural powers and are famous in the south. Our school has been admired for a long time. We learned that the predecessors had just left the customs and lacked the magic weapon to take advantage of. We are willing to give away all the materials on the list, plus the best refining place Senior can use it at any time indefinitely, forging swords and refining tools for Senior, doing his best!"

Ling Lan smiled and said, "However, there is still a little gratuitous request from our school. I hope that when the seniors help our school, they can claim that they are the elders of our school!"

Li Yao raised his eyebrows high.

"This identity is not permanent!"

For fear of Li Yao getting angry, Ling Lan hurriedly explained, "We only need seniors to be the worship elders of our sect for half a year, and help our sect to resolve this difficulty!"

"What if not?"

Li Yao asked calmly.

Ling Lan shook her body and gritted her teeth: "If not, then the transaction requested by the predecessor will not be achieved. If the predecessor insists on standing opposite the faction, try the advantage of the sword and sword of the faction. Yuan Ying, hundreds of knots, five thousand high sky swordsmen, and hundreds of thousands of disciples, had no choice but to go all out, so as not to disappoint the seniors!"

Li Yao kept staring at her deeply.

Several Yuan Ying sword repairmen of the Purple Pole Sword Sect not far away also locked the Qi machine here.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"

Li Yao chuckled slightly, "You Purple Extreme Sword Sect, you really have a good calculation!"

At first glance, the value of this list of materials exceeded Li Yao's expectations by three times. It was an extremely generous condition.

However, Li Yao originally only wanted to help the Purple Pole Sword Sect once. It was a straightforward one-off deal. Afterwards, the two sides owed nothing to each other.

However, the Purple Pole Sword Sect wanted him to be the "honor to the elder" for half a year. Within half a year, he would show off on the Purple Pole Sword Sect's chariot, and he had his share of all troubles.

On the surface, the Purple Pole Sword Sect had suffered a great loss for so many rare materials.

However, the next six months will be the critical period for the Ziji Sword Sect and other giants to redefine the pattern of the cultivation world in the "Queen Wangxi Era".

With a "super baby boy" like Li Yao joining, the benefits they can share far exceed the value of all the materials on this list.

The principal of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect is also brave enough to kill and make decisions. At such a precarious moment when the soldiers are crushing the realm, he is still so domineering!

Either be the worship elder of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, or you can become the enemy of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect. Don't even want to get half a spar!

"Gu Xiu's wisdom and strategy cannot be underestimated!"

Li Yao confirmed this again.


Ling Lan looked at Li Yao nervously, waiting for his answer because his heart was beating out of his heart.

"Let's go, Master...Look at it and talk about it!"

Li Yao shook his hand, put the list of materials into his sleeve, smiled slightly, and walked away leisurely without giving Ling Lan a clear answer.

Because of his exchanges with Ling Lan, many cultivators on both sides were watching.

Although they used a more advanced spiritual wave to interfere with their supernatural powers when they were talking, so that no one else could overhear the content of their conversation.

However, Ling Lan was overwhelmed with disappointment, but it was seen by many cultivators.

Moreover, after Li Yao landed on the Peak of Copper Furnace, he did not stand under the "Purple Electric War Banner" like other casual repairmen who were heavily hired to pay homage to the headmaster and several Yuan Ying Jian repairers.

These high-ranking monks with keen eyes and careful thoughts immediately noticed the rather subtle relationship between Li Yao and Ziji Sword Sect.

"What do you mean?"

"Could it be that this unknowingly high-heavy edge and ridiculous repair, the bidding price is too high, and the talk with the Purple Extreme Sword Sect collapsed?"

"Or look at the lineup of our masters like clouds and strong like rain, knowing that we are not an opponent, and have you changed your mind?"

Li Yaohun didn't care about everyone's gaze, two green flames flashed in the depths of his black eyes, and his vulture-like eyes ignited again, sweeping toward the many monks in both camps.

In the ancient world, the strong is respected. He is sure to take action today to establish his status as a "peerless strong"!

These high-ranking monks, no matter on the side of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect or the side of the Taixuan Dao, all may become his opponents, his prey!


Li Yao's gaze seemed to meet a magnet, and was sucked by a few Yuan Ying who hugged and hugged him under the banner of "Tai Xuan Dao".

This person is tall and thin, with dark skin. He wears a simple crown of thorns and a pure black robe with no variegated colors. Among the many powerful primordial infants with fairy style bones and colorful armor, he looks Not surprising in appearance, even a little bleak.

However, no one will ignore the existence of this person.

He is like a black hole. No matter how brilliant and bright the light is in all directions, it will be absorbed by him and swallowed up completely. It makes people completely ignore everything around him and only notice his existence.

Generally, people who are tall and thin are described as "bamboo poles".

But when Li Yao saw this person, he only thought of two things.

A black and hard nail that pierced deep into the ground and could not be beaten by thunder.

It is also an iron ruler that is absolutely straight and will never bend half a minute, which can be used to measure the heavens, the earth and the stars!

"Iron Sage Qi Middle Road!"

Li Yao murmured, maddening his spirit, staring deeply at this peerless expert who is most likely to compete for the throne of "the first master of the ancient sacred world"!

Under the banner of "Tai Xuan Dao", Qi Zhong Dao and the elders, suzerains, heads of other factions and other Yuan Ying monks were talking.

Qi Zhongdao is the supreme leader of the world’s largest sect "Tai Xuan Dao", and faintly the leader of the various factions in the cultivation world, with superior strength and lofty status, even if the "Wind Thunder Valley" and "Feiling Island" are super sects. The giants are quite respectful towards him.

"Sword Chiyan Liren is also one of the'Three Great Sages'. The sword is a master of profound knowledge and can be used to cut gods and demons, but after all, he is a master who has only emerged in recent decades, and his foundation is shallow!"

"For others, there may be some chance of winning, but he vainly tried to use an ancient sword from the prehistoric era to break the Fantian Seal that has been unmatched by fellow Taoists for a hundred years and suppressed the world? It's really ridiculous to shake the big tree. the amount!"

The owner of Feiling Island, an old man with a childlike face and a white jade face sneered.

"Can't say that."

Qi Zhongdao’s voice is like two iron rulers fighting each other, Ding is Ding, and Mao is Mao, "The cultivation base has reached the level of me and Yan Liren. Before we really fight, we can’t infer our previous record. The rivalry of both parties!"

"not to mention……"

"My Fantian Seal is also an ancient treasure passed down from the hands of gods and demons, and naturally I am not afraid of the ancient spirit sword newly refined by Yanliren."

"However, in the past ten years, he and Wang Xi have conducted in-depth discussions, battles, and swords every year!"

"Although Wang Xi is a despicable and shameless castration, he is also the sword immortal in the world. With Wang Xi's tempering, how sharp is Yan Liren's sword now?"


Qi Zhongdao was about to sigh with emotion, and suddenly he said "um", his pupils contracted suddenly, turned his head slightly, and looked towards Li Yao's direction.


The eyes of the two collided in the void, and there was a silent, but thrilling, bursting sound!

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