40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1401: Onlookers are risky!

"The Master has lived in Wunan for a hundred years. He set foot in the Central Plains for the first time. He wanted to create his own name in the Dagan cultivation world and try his sword. Naturally, he would not refuse."

Li Yao said coldly, "However, along the way, the masters have resisted the killing intent, and have not made any shots. They just want to find someone worthy of the shot!"

"You, it's not worth my shot!"

Xie Xinghuo laughed in anger and said: "Haha, hahahaha, I didn't expect that monk Wuman is so good in his tongue besides the snake dancing and miasma, but I don't know if your swords are as sharp as your tongue! "

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said gloomily: "Okay, okay, okay, since the Taoist confidant wants to die, the master is naturally willing to be beautiful, but a shrimp soldier like you is really not enough, do you have any brothers, masters, For friends and the like, hurry up and invite them, find ten or eight, and list all the ways you want to die one by one, and the master will keep them so that you can get what you want!"


Xie Xinghuo was so angry that he stared at Venus.

"Hurry up!"

In Li Yao's eyes, two small green flames flickered again, violently shooting into the depths of Xinghuo's soul.

Li Yao didn't really want to kill him.

He has killed countless people in his life, but only those who should be killed.

It is not what a modern cultivating civilization and a cultivator who has grown up in a legal society should do.

Two green fires went straight into Xie Xinghuo's brain, and they exploded with a "bang", causing Xie Xinghuo to tremble sharply, and the surrounding world seemed to become green and gleaming, as if a ghostly mythical cave, looking at Li Yao, he looked like a hideous The ghost king!

Cold sweat oozes from his forehead, and then he realizes that he has really offended a very nasty character, and he let out an "Ah" and decided on the spot.

From the corner of Li Yao's eyes, Ling Lanyin took a few high swordsmen and strode towards this place.

Obviously, this little girl was afraid that he would not agree with her to kill her, and even went to Lingshan Road to take revenge afterwards, causing endless trouble.

As soon as Li Yao saw it, he shook his robe sleeves, turned and walked away.

This small dispute quickly spread to the surrounding area, and many monks pointed out the two of them, and the name "Master Lingjiu" also spread among many monks.

After hearing the words "Master Lingjiu", Qi Zhongdao cast a solemn and suspicious look at Li Yao again.

This made Li Yao's evaluation of him a grade lower.

Li Yao stared at Yan Liren, this dwarf Nascent Soul had finished the calculation of the sky, but he glanced at the monks present one by one, his eyes still demented, his lips still trembling, ten stubby and short. Pointing a finger randomly, I don't know what I'm calculating.

This time, his eyes fell on Li Yao.

However, the eyes of the two did not collide, but like two strands of blue smoke, lightly interspersed with each other.

Li Yao could feel that Yan Liren didn't treat himself as a "person", but something that was an obstacle on the sword test court.

Li Yao suddenly understood what Yan Liren was calculating in dementia.

He is calculating how many "obstacles" there are on the sword test field, and the size, distribution and position of these obstacles, how much impact will they have on the battle!

"Yan Liren is set to win!"

Li Yao secretly said in his heart that he can use Xiangshang's head as a guarantee!

At this time, Ling Lan changed to a set of purple gauze dresses and walked to the bullseye in the center of the sword test field.

Starting from the bullseye, the circles on the ground all made a "buzzing" sound, releasing strong psychic energy fluctuations.

"Predecessors, fellow daoists, welcome everyone to come and participate in the five-year Longquan Conference of our school!"

Ling Lan saluted all directions one by one, and continued, "In each Longquan Conference, in addition to displaying the various weapons and magic weapons refined by our faction in the last five years, we will also show some of the weapons and weapons we have made from all over the ancient sacred world. The precious treasures collected are for your seniors and fellow daoists to comment and study!"

"This year's Longquan Conference is better than previous years, but there are three ancient spirit swords from the prehistoric era to complete the sacrifice!"

"The ancients called the famous swordsman. Before the sword was built, the Chijin Mountain was broken out of the mountain for thousands of years, and the tin was broken out of the mountain. , The emperor loaded charcoal, the swordsmith took the order of the sky, worked hard and worked hard with the gods for ten years! After the sword is completed, the gods return to the sky, the Chijin Mountain is closed as before, and if the waves of the river rise again!"

"The three ancient spirit swords completed by our new ritual refining can't be cast using such a magical method, but their sharpness is quite impressive!"

"For such an ancient sword, if you want to inspire all its sharpness, you must have two unparalleled masters!"

"This time, our school is fortunate to invite Taixuan Dao Taishang Zhengyi a real person to come to try the sword together with our elder Yan Liren, and the observation of so many seniors and Taoist friends, really makes our school prosperous. Hui, it's a great honor!"

Ling Lan's words aroused a "buzzing" sound, especially the monks of the Taixuan Dao side, their expressions became particularly ugly.

The first news they got was that the Purple Extreme Sword Sect had recently completed a sacred sword, and they wanted to compete with Qi Zhongdao's "Fan Tian Yin" with this sword.

Unexpectedly, the Ziji Sword Sect's sacrifice was not an ancient sword, but three!

However, this is the case with the competition in the cultivation world. Magic weapons are also part of their strength. As long as the body can be loaded and the psychic can operate, of course, use as many magic weapons as there are. Let alone three handles, people have to play thirty in one go. Hilt sword, that is also the skill of others.

"The Purple Pole Sword Sect did not relax for the benefit of biting his mouth so hard, he really even took out the coffin."

Li Yao said in his heart that he is more and more looking forward to this competition. What are the so-called "Fantastic Secret Sword" and "Fan Tian Yin"?

"The ancient spirit swords are extremely powerful, and the Fantian Seal is the world's No. 1 treasure. When they collide with each other, it will inevitably be affected!"

Ling Lan continued, "Our faction is already on the sword test field and has set up ten defensive restrictions. Seniors and fellow daoists, please do your best to choose a place to watch the battle that suits you, so as to avoid unwarranted damage!"

"Bo, Bo Bo Bo Bo!"

Following Ling Lanyin's words, ten rings inlaid on the ground sprang up with psychic shields that defensively from the inside, like transparent eggshells, constantly covering the sword test field.

Only then did Li Yao understand the meaning of this huge "archery target" on the ground.

The strong dialogue between Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren holding a peerless magic weapon, of course, is magnificent and unparalleled. The shock waves from the fierce collision of the two sides and the fragments sputtered by the magic weapon may injure others. .

There are ten rounds of archery targets on the ground. If you stand on the outermost periphery and watch the battle, you can get the protection of the ten-fold defensive prohibition. Even if there is a magic weapon fragment that penetrates the ten-fold prohibition, it must be greatly weakened and weak.

Of course, if you rely on your own strength and are not afraid of being affected by the duel between the two masters, you can stand inside.

The closer you are to the "bulls-eye", the fewer the number of barriers and the higher the risk factor.

Because the psychic shield itself is full of colorful light waves, and it will slightly distort the surrounding space. After ten layers of colorful restraints, the scene inside must be quite blurred.

Only the more you stand inside, the clearer you can see. This is the same as buying tickets to watch a football game.

This is the time to test the strength and courage of the audience.

Those who rely on their own psychic powers and have a high level of cultivation, and who want to clearly observe the contest between the two masters, can naturally stand at the center, close at hand.

If you just come to join in the fun, for the sake of your own life, then stand back!

At the Longquan Conference in the past, there have been some tragedies that accidentally hurt others. Many monks are familiar with this set of rules. When the arc-shaped defensive restrictions slowly rise, most of the practitioners retreat. .

Some people withdrew from the third floor, some withdrew from the fifth or seventh floor, and some people withdrew from the eighth or nineth floor in one go. Seeing that there were no daoists around, the old face blushed, and he gritted his teeth and moved forward two floors.

There are only thirty or fifty masters of the Yuan Ying series, as well as the golden core experts who beat the swollen face and fill the fat man, still standing on the innermost side, that is, unprotected, and will be swept by the two master swords and lightsaber shadows at any time.

Li Yao is naturally one of them.

He embraced his arms and stared at Yan Liren coldly, but turned a blind eye to the questioning glances cast at him by those long-established Yuan Ying bosses who were also in the "first circle".

The Xie Xinghuo of the Lingshan Road backed three times, looking for his best friends and elders, and locked Li Yao's position.

When he saw that Li Yao didn't retreat but moved forward, after reaching the first lap, he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and his teeth became more painful.

"Master Jie, why are you so worried!"

A fat head and big ears, afraid that it might not be a super fat man with three to five hundred catties, swayed the fat around his body and arched beside him.

"Uncle Liao!"

Xie Xinghuo seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, hurriedly bowed deeply, gritted his teeth and said, "Shi Shu Mingjian, just now the witch-man monk Lingjiu said that he was not ashamed, not only insulting our Lingshan Road, but also humiliating Zhengyi’s reputation , Even our entire Dagan cultivation world was ridiculed by him out of style!"

"What else did he say, let my nephew find ten or eight masters and uncles, and go forward to die together. This, this is even Shishu Liao's'Qishan Dao', and he didn't take it seriously!"

"Well, I heard your conversation naturally."

"Uncle Liao" said with a smile, and the two small eyes filled with fat showed fierce killing intent, "The frog at the bottom of the well that came out of Wunan's corner is so arrogant that it's so ridiculous!"

"Where is this fellow Lingjiu Daoist now? Hey, dare you stand in the first lap?"

"Master Liao" turned his small eyes and laughed blankly, "Could it be that he is really a lunatic with no knowledge, and he doesn't even know how good the Longquan Conference is! Let's see how he will be ugly in a while!"


A lingering sound of swords and swords gradually stopped the noise of everyone present, but an unpredictable killing air slowly rippled away.

All audiences are standing in different circles.

Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren, Tie Sheng and Jian Chi, slowly walked towards the "bullss eye" in the center of the sword test field!

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