40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1419: feelings!

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Li Yao's ten fingers turned into a thick gray mist, and hundreds of fine needles of cattle hair shot out from the mist like a gust of wind and rain, mixed with strands of stern wind and shot towards Yanliren, but they were all weird in mid-air. The ground turned and splashed onto the rock, stabbing the rock as hard as iron into a honeycomb!

That was Yan Liren's sword intent. He accurately captured every fine needle of Li Yao and cut them off halfway!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the seemingly empty space, the sound of bowstring breaking came again, and the dozens of single crystal mica filaments that Li Yaoshen set in the air without knowing it were also cut off by Yan Li's invincible sword intent!

Li Yao's movements were getting faster and faster, and the streamer flashed between the peaks, appearing in dozens of corners of Jingshen Peak almost simultaneously!

Yan Liren's figure actually solidified. He squatted deeply, like a spinning top that was so high-speed that it looked like a still top. His right hand gently held the hilt of the sword, and his left hand gently rubbed the scabbard. There was a word in his mouth, a charming smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were even slightly closed, not even looking at Li Yao.



Dozens of phantoms scattered around Jingshen Peak were annihilated at the same time. Li Yao screamed, and there was a "cracking" noise inside his body. The figure seemed to be divided into two, splitting from the left and right sides, and again Reunited dozens of meters away.

His face was pale, panting like an ox, sweat like rain, and the extreme ice and cold condensed into a layer of white frost on his face.


Behind Li Yao, a rock cone with a diameter of more than ten meters split unbiasedly from the middle, pierced through, fell down, and fell to the foot of the mountain thousands of meters down, making a "boom boom" sound.

Before the rock cone fell, Li Yao saw that the section was as smooth as a mirror, with no cracks and unevenness at all, as if it was slowly disintegrating with the Xingyao Federation's most sophisticated Xuanguang Oscillating Knife.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

The three layers of breastplates on Li Yao's chest burst one by one, and the fragments splashed around until the last layer of the breastplate barely resisted it.

But a deep crack also appeared in the center of the breastplate, and with a light touch, it turned into two half-moon-shaped pieces.

Li Yao's chest and back felt a tingling pain, a long thin red line gradually extended, drops of crystal clear blood, scrambling to get out.

"Good sword!"

Li Yao looked down at the wound on his chest, and sighed in unison with Yan Liren.

What he lamented was Yan Liren's swordsmanship.

Yan Liren sighed, but it was the secret sword he refined.

This is the first sword made by Li Yao for Yan Liren in three months.

In the past three months, Li Yao's life has been quite comfortable.

After talking and laughing with Yan Liren at the Longquan Conference and making the "Fourth Sword" public, he frustrated three middle-level monks in Yuanying stage and convinced them to lose, and then hosted a special event for them. ***, combined some of the sword-making experience of Bailianzong with the illusory training notes of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and brag about it with all his strength.

The plan was indeed successful, and the name "Master Lingjiu" was quickly spread throughout the entire cultivation world through the mouth of the cultivators who returned from the Longquan Conference.

Later, Li Yao took advantage of the situation and visited super sects such as Taixuan Dao and Jin Jiazong one after another, further consolidating his status as the "sword-making master".

He was born at the Longquan Conference, and he reaped a lot of benefits for the Purple Sword Sect. The Purple Sword Sect naturally reciprocated, and he was responsive to all the materials he requested, and it only took more than a month to complete the preparations.

With these materials, it took Li Yao just over a month to basically refine the components for repairing and strengthening Star Torch. Many of them used the performance of the components of Tiancai Dibao, even better than the performance of the original federal components. Be outstanding.

As long as these components are sent to the Mars on the satellite for assembly, and then dropped into the star sea to activate, the coordinates of this world can be instantly sent back to the Federation.

After completing the most important work, Li Yao put all his thoughts on Yan Liren.

As the saying goes, "If you have no desire, you are strong." On the other hand, if there is desire, there are weaknesses.

Yan Liren is not a person without desire. His greatest desire is the sword. As long as everything related to the sword, he can be crazy.

Li Yao owns the memory fragments of Ou Yezi. The Hundred Lianzong has various historical records about sword-making and kendo, and even the absurd sayings of gods and ghosts. They are collected from nearly a hundred different worlds. Naturally, The words of a family in the ancient sacred world are more vivid and interesting.

As a list of military experts, Li Yao's passion for swords is naturally from the heart, and he is by no means disguised intentionally.

Yan Liren's understanding of swordsmanship, including some secret sword skills, also made Li Yao deeply addicted and unable to extricate himself from it.

In this way, the two of them are inseparable every day, soaking in the world of kendo day and night, with endless common language, and in just a few months, they have formed a deep friendship.

And Li Yao has surpassed his strength in the battle with Yan Liren again and again!

Yan Liren is indeed the most terrifying swordsman Li Yao has ever encountered in his life. In terms of instantaneous lethality, he is even a bit stronger than Xiao Xuance!

However, Li Yao himself is an incredible monster. If nothing else, he is said to have been strengthened by the bloodstroke clan as the "Heavenly Tribulation Body", possessing extremely strong cell division and self-repair capabilities.

From the old days, Yan Beibei could connect his half-cut body with the cruel and ferocious body of the Heavenly Tribulation Beast, and one could imagine the power of the "Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body"!

As long as he didn't completely cut his head down, kicked it away from a thousand miles away, and only cut it in half, Li Yao would be confident that he could escape a ray of life.

His Dao Xin is the more frustrated he is, the stronger he fights, and every significant improvement he almost bursts out in a state of dying.

In the last five years of the Star Federation, although there are still several opponents who can fight him heartily, few can bring him this kind of thrill between life and death, and this "stimulation" is precisely The biggest driving force that drives him to continuously improve!

For Li Yao, the practice of sword, light and sword shadow in this month is really worthy of the past five years!

Perhaps the illusory "realm" has not been broken through, but the destructiveness and lethality have definitely increased exponentially!

You know, this is still when he is not wearing crystal armor!

So far, the first goal of coming to the ancient sacred world has been successfully achieved.

He has completed the preparations for repairing the Star Torch, has a fairly reasonable identity, and has become acquainted with the extraordinary powerhouses in this world.

New goals, but no clue.

He didn't know how to find the mysterious signal sent to the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing a hundred years ago.

I don't know if there are any spies from the real human empire in this world.

According to Li Yao's idea, it was an inevitable choice to put himself into the perspective of the spy of the real human empire and contact Yan Liren.

On the one hand, at the Longquan Conference three months ago, although Yan Liren and Qi Zhongdao were defeated, the mysterious existence of the Fourth Sword actually confirmed his "No. 1 Master in the Ancient Sage Realm". title.

On the other hand, Yan Liren, a "sword idiot," doesn't have any attitude or stand, and he doesn't even need to spend a lot of time. As long as he uses the exquisite swordsmanship and modern swords of the real human empire, he can be moved.

But in the past three months, Li Yao and Yan Li have been getting along almost day and night, and he has never found anyone suspected of being a spy of the real human empire, which is really strange!

Didn't the true human empire discover the existence of the ancient sacred world?

Li Yao secretly hoped so.

Yan Liren looked at the cold moonlight above the snow peak, admiring the intricate patterns on the first sword made for him by Li Yao, and exclaimed.

After appreciating it for a long time, he reluctantly retracted the sword into its sheath, with his feet a little bit, and leaped towards Li Yao.

"This sword is already very similar to my own sword!"

He danced like a child who got a new toy, and his nose was so happy that the blisters came out. "The length, weight, center of gravity, and feel are all the same!"

"It's exactly the same."

Li Yao said, "I am casting exactly according to your'fourth sword', and every detail, including the distribution of tiny bubbles in the sword body, is indistinguishable!"

"But I still feel a little different."

Yan Liren recalled the battle just now, "Strange, it's all the same, the length, weight, and feel are all correct, why is there still a trace of hindrance?"

"Of course it's different. Even if all the data are the same, there is still one thing missing from this sword."

Li Yao said, "That's why I said, I want to repair the old sword for you instead of casting a new sword for you."

"It is easy to forge a new sword, as long as you thoroughly figure out all the characteristics of the previous sword and copy it on brand new materials."

"But to repair the old sword that was riddled with holes and scars in the past, it is difficult to make it reborn and reborn without hindering the most unique charm in the depths of the sword. , It must be a year!"

"Oh, the two swords, the new and the old, are the same in length, weight, center of gravity, and sharpness. What is the difference between them?"

Yan Liren sat down on the frozen rock and asked with interest.

This was the routine time for the two to discuss the sword, and it started again.


Li Yao sat cross-legged opposite Yanliren, and calmly replied, "The best magic weapon is not a cold dead thing, but something that carries all your spirit, will, dreams and even memories. I will use these spirits and wills. , Dreams and memories are collectively referred to as "feelings"!"

"For a cultivator, the magic weapon with feelings is the real good magic weapon. Without feelings, it is like the three prehistoric swords you drove at the Longquan Conference three months ago. Powerful, but only a fragmented end!"

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