40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1424: The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!

"It is naturally not easy to kill Ten Thousand Pearls, but if the entire cultivation world can work together, it may not be impossible!"

Qi Zhongdao's face was expressionless, but his eyes burst with two hot rays, and he said in a deep voice, "In the past ten years, Wang Xi has been making waves on the temple. Everyone in the realm of comprehension is in danger and has no time to take care of himself. Wan Mingzhu, The likes of Qi Changsheng and Han Baling took advantage of the situation to rise up, and they have become the last one!"

"Now that the new emperor takes the throne, Wang Xi flees, and the realm of comprehension is reunited!"

"If you don't take this great opportunity to eradicate the demons and sprites like Wan Mingzhu, Qi Changsheng, and Han Baling, you will have many nights and dreams and endless troubles!"

"Wan Mingzhu is certainly the mother of thousands of ghosts in the world, but I, Taoist Yan, Master Lingjiu, Master Kuchan, and Taoist Ba Xiaoyu are confident that she is equal to her, or even slightly better!"

"As long as Wan Mingzhu is found, under the appropriate layout, with five enemies and one, there is a great chance that she will be completely beheaded, and there will be no future troubles!"

"This one……"

Dan Fengzi groaned, and winked at Li Yao calmly.

"At present, the imperial court has exhausted its army and rushed to the Dongning Mansion to calm the chaos, and hundreds of elite sects including Jin Jiazong, Fengleigu, Feiling Island, Yu Beast Zhai and other hundreds of sects have also rushed out to the southeast to kill demons and demons! "

Qi Zhongdao turned a blind eye to Dan Fengzi’s gaze and talked eloquently, “Of course, there is no need to say more about the principles of eliminating demons and defending the way. There is only one. This time the Foehn wind and the flood season have overlapped and evolved into a super natural disaster. Uproot many sects in the Southeast!"

"After the natural disaster, there is a large blank area left without the protection of the cultivating sect. At that time, will it not be necessary for our six major factions to preside over the overall situation, so that the lives will not be ruined?"

"If we don't go, let the local small and medium-sized sects send you to fight and kill each other, maybe it will lead to more terrible catastrophes than super natural disasters!"

The meaning of this sentence is obvious, it is to encourage the Purple Extreme Sword Sect to grab the site.

Dan Fengzi smiled slightly, nodded noncommittal, and said: "It is the duty of the right way to kill demons and eliminate demons, and to benefit the people. Natural disasters are coming, and the people are in dire straits. Of course, we Ziji Sword Sect must do our best. in order!"

"It's just that the real person has seen it too. In order to organize the Longquan Conference three months ago, the Purple Pole Sword Sect exhausted all the years of accumulation, and it is still slowly recovering!"

"This is a big matter, and it needs to be considered for a long time. Even if you really want to send a large number of high-level swordsmen to the southeast, you must plan carefully. Please forgive me!"

"This is natural."

There was no sadness or joy on Qi Zhongdao’s face, and he turned his gaze to Yan Liren, "Friend Yan, I fought three months ago, thank you for your mercy and not making me embarrassed on the spot! Others may not know, but I absolutely agree with Ling. Master Eagle’s opinion, your sword is truly unparalleled in the world!"

"But I don't know, "The Sword of Unparalleled Under Heaven" can even kill the "Mother of Ten Thousand Ghosts under Heaven"?"

Yan Liren blinked, the bald brain door suddenly released light, and his breathing became a little hot.

"Master Lingjiu."

Qi Zhongdao looked at Li Yao again, "Since you are going to make a name for yourself in the realm of cultivation, after the super natural disaster, a blank southeast land, isn't it the best stage for you to show off your skills?"

"I really look forward to fighting with Friends Yan Daoist and Master Lingjiu to slay demons and demons!"

Regardless of Dan Fengzi's extremely ugly expression, Qi Zhongdao spoke these words slowly before turning out in a hurry.

Dan Fengzi gave a dry cough and gestured to the elders, but he invited Li Yao to the back of Xijian Pavilion, in the sacred house next to the waterfall.

As the head of the Purple Pole Sword Sect, Yan Liren's senior, Dan Fengzi is also an outstanding sword repairman.

However, his judgment and decision-making ability is sharper than his sword.

It can be seen from the way he hired Li Yao to worship the elders of the Purple Pole Sword Sect.

Either become the worship elder of the Purple Pole Sword Sect and get doubled resources.

Otherwise, Zi Ji Jianzong would rather be an enemy of Li Yao than Li Yao's help!

Li Yao spoke highly of Dan Fengzi. He believed that he was a person who could communicate and trade. In extreme cases, he could even consider employing the entire school of Ziji Sword Sect and reorganizing it into a "Ziji Sect". "Mercenary regiments" are commanded and managed by themselves to implement relatively large-scale "combat-level objectives."

The price of employment can be a modern flying sword refining assembly line, or it can be an assault ship that is most suitable for warfare... all of these can be discussed slowly.

"Elder Lingjiu wants to go to the southeast?"

Just as Li Yao was making a small calculation in his heart, Dan Fengzi looked at the waterfall that hit the chaotic rocks outside the corridor, and asked straightforwardly.

"It's true."

Li Yao had already thought about it, "The master knows that we witch-man monks are best at raising ghosts and miasma. Although I have the inheritance of the swordsmith of the Great Zhou'Yan Zhu', I have not forgotten my fundamentals. , This Wanmingzhu is known as the'Mother of Ten Thousand Ghosts in the World', I naturally want to see what this hag looks like!"

"What's more, Zhenyi Zhengyi said that it is not unreasonable. After the super natural disaster, many sects in the southeast area must have been destroyed. When it is completely blank, doesn't the Purple Pole Sword Sect want to take the opportunity to advance to the southeast?"

Dan Fengzi smiled faintly, shook his head and said: "Elder Lingjiu only knows one thing, but he doesn't know the other two. You can't believe the words of the real Zhengyi. It's not easy!"


Li Yao raised his eyebrows and said with a weird smile, "The head of the dignified cultivator, are all bluffing words?"

"It's not just rhetoric."

Dan Fengzi patiently explained, "First, Master Lingjiu has lived in Wunan for a long time, and he has not seen the power of Fenfeng. This Fenfeng is equivalent to a super strong wind that falls on the ground. There is a lot of wind in the wind. The violent psychic energy will have a serious impact on the soul of the cultivator and the eight channels of the strange meridians!"

"If you are in the Fenfeng, even if the Nascent Soul cultivator will have to carry all the psychic energy to support you, if you are not careful, Fenfeng will invade your limbs and souls, and your cultivation base will fall drastically!"

"The most troublesome thing is that Foen Feng is like possessing spiritual wisdom, it will automatically look for the monk with the highest cultivation level within the ravaged area, and cause the most damage to him, while the monks with a lower cultivation level, even ordinary people. , Instead of being overly invaded by it!"

"A Nascent Soul cultivator like you and me, if they enter the Foehn Wind, they will be the first target!"

Li Yao frowned deeply: "What happened?"

But there is a bright light in his mind. This common phenomenon in super natural disasters has long been analyzed by the experts and scholars of the Star Federation.

The higher the level of the cultivator, the more full the spiritual energy in the body, forming a powerful magnetic field.

When the violent magnetic field formed by super natural disasters whizzes, it will naturally interact with the strongest magnetic field first.

A more vivid analogy is that when dark clouds are overwhelmed with lightning and thunder, lightning will always strike the "lightning rods" and "big trees" first. The higher the lightning rods and the trees, the more likely they are to be hit.

High-ranking monks are equivalent to lightning rods and big trees, and naturally they are the first to suffer.

"The power of Foehn Wind is just the beginning of disaster."

Dan Fengzi continued, "According to past experience, every time Foehn wind passes through the border, there will be a large number of disaster victims. After countless victims die tragically, they will become hostile ghosts. Although these ghosts are insignificant in strength, they will treat you and me like you. It is impossible for the infant monks to cause too much damage, but when they are large in number, forming a mighty army, it is extremely likely to tarnish our souls and make our thoughts impure, which is also quite troublesome!"

"Since the elder Lingjiu comes from Wunan, he must know some methods of offering sacrifices to the ghosts, but at most, the methods you practice are aimed at dozens or hundreds of ghosts. If hundreds of thousands of ghosts appear in you What should I do in front of me?"

"Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Master Kuchan, Ba Xiaoyu, Elder Lingjiu, your'five high-level primordial infants', plus our dozens of ordinary primordial infants, seem to be invincible and invincible, but In the face of millions of Yin soldiers and ghost army, the mountains rushed like a tsunami, it is equally difficult to resist!"

"The most important thing is, even if we can kill all these Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army, or even uproot the White Lotus Sect and completely level them out, what is the benefit?"

"High-level monsters have monster cores, and powerful spirit beasts have beast crystals and spiritual bones. They risk a life of nine deaths and go to the fierce realm to take a deadly risk. They can collect heaven and earth treasures. Therefore, it is worth killing these monsters. ."

"But when confronted with the evil soldiers and ghost army transformed by these disaster victims, even if they do their best to disperse their souls, they will not get the slightest benefit. Instead, they will be tarnished by their remnant soul fragments, tarnishing our pure thoughts and strong Taoism. , It's totally outweigh the gain!"

Li Yao sneered and said: "So, it's true that the implication of a real person is not to encourage the Purple Extreme Sword Sect to go to the southeast to grab the site? Isn't this a benefit?"

"Not only is it not a benefit, but it is a great disadvantage, and it will even bring disaster to the Purple Pole Sword Sect!"

Dan Fengzi said sternly, "There is an old saying that Elder Lingjiu should have heard,'The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.' Does the elder Lingjiu know that at the Longquan Conference three months ago, why I must not let Yan Did Junior Brother kill Qi Zhongdao?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes: "Because Qi Zhongdao is a man of rules, only by his presence can he maintain the barely balance of Dagan's cultivation world?"

"This is just one reason."

Dan Fengzi said, "More importantly, I didn't want Junior Brother Yan to win from the beginning, I wanted him to lose on purpose!"


Li Yao was startled slightly, his eyes flashed suddenly, "Why?"

Dan Fengzi didn't answer and asked, "Does Elder Lingjiu know, what kind of school is the'No. 1 faction in the world'?"

Li Yao frowned and said: "It is generally accepted as the Taixuan Dao in the realm of cultivation, but when Wang Xi is in power, Ziji Sword Sect is very hopeful to hit this title by virtue of his relationship with him!"


Dan Fengzi smiled weirdly, "Neither Taixuan Dao nor our Ziji Sword Sect, but Lei Ganmen!"

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