40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1433: Tigers live in power! (Fourth!)

No cultivator was willing to encounter the ghosts who formed the army.

Because Li Gui's magnetic field interference is too strong, even if the cultivator raises his hand to destroy Li Gui, the spirit will be slightly disturbed.

If surrounded by thousands of ghosts, weak interference accumulates and accumulates sand into a tower, it will destroy the solid psychic energy cycle of the cultivator himself, that is, he will be "suffocated into the body, polluting the soul", and the cultivation level will be lighter. Damaged, it's crazy!

It can be said that using unforgettable hatred and horrible death methods to stimulate the most primitive life potential in the depths of the brain and transform oneself into a ghost is that in the primitive environment of the ancient world, ordinary people are the only possibility to cause cultivators. The check and balance of harm is a special "suicide attack"!

The situation in the ancient sacred world is actually pretty good.

Because this realm is firmly wrapped in a thick dark nebula, outside psychic energy and detection methods can't penetrate in, so the outer celestial demon naturally does not know the existence of this realm.

In the three thousand worlds outside, in the ancient repair era, the devil and the devil, "devil" and "ghost" have no distinction of family.

Whenever countless evil spirits and ghosts condense into a mighty army, and strong negative emotions break through the sky and spread into the universe, they will be felt by the alien celestial demons floating in the sea of ​​stars.

At that time, the heavenly demon came and used the supreme nether energy to strengthen the army of ghosts, and even spread to the living people, it was an out-and-out catastrophe.

The entire population of the planet has been transformed into an army of ghosts and demons, destroying all the cultivation sects and cultivation civilizations of the surrounding worlds, which is also what happened before!

However, it is precisely because ordinary people have the ultimate check and balance method of "seduce the demon" in the three thousand outside worlds, so cultivators pay special attention to the harmonious relationship with ordinary people, strive to create a harmonious society, and try not to give the demon to the demon. Take the opportunity.

In addition to the 30,000 years of the Great Dark Age, ordinary people and practitioners were brutally oppressed together, and gradually became a community of destiny-this is the embryonic form of modern cultivation civilization.

In the ancient sacred world, there is no such thing as the descending of the heavenly demons. Ordinary people transform into the most advanced form of ghosts, like the old mother of Bailian Wan Mingzhu, which will not shake the foundation of the entire cultivation world.

Perhaps because of this, the attitude of practitioners towards ordinary people has not changed much for 100,000 years.

Li Yao thought to himself, looking at the Tiger Howling City at the end of the disaster camp.

With just a glance, he exclaimed in his heart: "What a strong and solid city!"

This city is backed by a reckless mountain range, the mountain is steep, like a crouching tiger just waking up, exuding a murderous aura, it is the famous mountain "Tianhu Mountain" in the southeast!

At the end of Tianhu Mountain, the Huxiao City built purely with black boulders, really looks like a huge tiger head with an open mouth!

Even dozens of miles away, you can faintly perceive the vigorous wind, tear everything, and domineering aura!

It is said that during the construction of this city, Huxiaotang spent a lot of money to purchase tens of thousands of liger beasts and spirit bones, which were embedded in the key points of the city. It took a full ten years to carefully create the "Seven Tigers". The evil spirit array", the defensive array and the city are integrated into one, completely natural and completely aroused, just like there are tens of thousands of liger beasts guarding the city day and night, comparable to the Taixuan Dao and the Purple Sword Sect. Waiting for the mountain gate of the six major factions!

Behind Tiger Roar City is the steep rock, but in front is a bottomless moat. The black river water continuously emits sinister waves, really like the momentum of a big river.

Faintly, in the moat, there are even some shadows of fierce aquatic beasts such as flood dragons, strange pythons, and giant crocodiles, all of which are spirit beasts raised by Tiger Roaring Hall.

As long as the cast iron suspension bridge under the "tiger's mouth" is pulled up high, it is extremely difficult for ordinary monks to attack by land!

And from the sky...

Li Yao noticed that on the battle fort in the form of a giant tiger head, there were densely packed with hundreds of holes. Although you can't see the contents inside, you can faintly perceive a frightening killing intent, even making him This old primordial infant gave birth to a faint warning sign.

That must be the fire hole of the Hunyuanhu Crouching Cannon and the Golden Crow Firebolt.

The Tiger Squat Cannon and the Golden Crow Crossbow are both famous long-range magic weapons in the ancient sage world. When Li Yao was in the Purple Pole Sword Sect, he also obtained several drawings and several physical objects for research.

Although in terms of the excitation principle, these two magic weapons are still quite crude and primitive, but after filling in a large amount of extremely pure spar, they can still stimulate powerful power.

If dozens of Hunyuan Tiger squat guns were fired together, it would indeed be possible to cause a considerable threat to the Yuan Ying boss.

Li Yaosi did not dare to underestimate the magic weapon of ancient repair.

Even the stone axes and spears of primitive people can kill people.

He deduced it in his mind. It is estimated that Hu Xiaotang’s battle mode during the mountain gate defense war was like this. First, it stimulated the Qijuehu evil and fierce array, and entangled the invasion with the fierce soul of tens of thousands of liger monsters. The cultivator, after all, the speed of high-level cultivators is very fast, Yuan Ying old monsters can soar the speed of sound casually!

As long as you are entangled by the fierce spirits of liger beasts, your figure appears stagnant for a moment, maybe hundreds of tigers crouching guns and the firepower of the golden crow crossbows will be smashed. Must be smashed!

Not to mention, Huxiaotang itself has two Nascent Souls and ten golden cores. With the advantage of the home field, with the defensive formation, various prohibitions and hundreds of cannons, it is a chew. A steel egg that does not rot, cook, or grind.

No wonder the people in Huxiaotang are so arrogant, they even dare not give the face of the "head of the great monk"!

Li Yao noticed that not far from the Black Tiger Battle Fort in Huxiao Hall, there was an ambiguous five-tooth ship floating in mid-air.

This large floating ship is more than a hundred meters in length, with sails made of rainbow wings hung, and two rows of mysterious and complicated floating arrays are engraved underneath. There are twelve things like oars poking out on both sides. Every time it is stirred, colorful ripples will spread in the air.

This ship is full of antique flavor, is the largest psionic flying boat that can be refined from the ancient sacred world, and it can be regarded as the oldest prototype of the spar battleship in modern cultivation civilization.

On the psychic flying boat, the banner of Taixuan Dao is hung, and it is the mobile base camp for the cultivation world to rush to the southeast this time.

There are many giant cranes, eagles, griffins, and flying tigers around the flying boat.

Quite a few cultivators sat cross-legged, radiant and majestic, faintly confronting the cultivators in Huxiao City.

In the city of Tiger Howl, the Qi Jue Tiger’s fierce and fierce array has been stimulated to its limit. It really made an endless roar of dragons and tigers. Without concealing the hostility, he went straight to the psychic flying boat and rushed into the flying boat. On the psychic shield, there was a loud "bobo" noise, which made the banner of Taixuan Dao in mid-air swaying a little!

The two sides are in a stalemate, and the strong joining of the high-ranking cultivators of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, especially the appearance of Li Yao, Yan Liren and Master Kuchan, greatly boosted the morale of Taixuan Dao and gave birth to a chaotic wave of flags.

Li Yao looked on coldly, but felt that this was a mob.

The situation at this moment is somewhat similar to that of the major sects that pressured the Purple Extreme Sword Sect three months ago.

In terms of the strength on the books, there are at least a dozen or twenty Yuan Ying bosses here, and naturally they have a great advantage.

However, these Yuan Ying bosses who belong to different sects have no interest in rescue and disaster relief at all. They were originally looking at Qi Zhongdao's face, to perfuse them, and see if they can make some benefits by the way.

What's more, the teacher came out of an unknown name. How could Huxiaotang say that he was a decent person, and he didn't do anything wrong. Why should he attack others' mountain gates?

Really want to attack, who is the first to stand up against the Qi Juehu fierce battle array and hundreds of Hunyuanhu squatting up?

More than a dozen or so elders who belonged to different sects, each with a ghost, rushed up together?

Purely foolish dreams!

The primordial souls of the ancient sage world cherish feathers the most, and there are only a few fools like Master Kuchan.

The vast majority of Nascent Souls want to hit the realm of transforming gods in their dreams, and they usually love their bodies and souls so much that they must be careful when cutting their fingernails.

Everyone and Huxiaotang have no grievances and no grudges, and there are not enough benefits. Why should they attack such a strong mountain gate of Huxiaotang?

Li Yao inspected his words, looked at the disapproving expressions of every Yuan Ying of the major sects, and glanced at Dan Fengzi again.

Dan Fengzi calmly stepped forward two steps, and gently pulled his sleeve: "Calm down, Elder Lingjiu, be calm, this is not a place like the Longquan Conference that can be a big show, the two big yuan of Huxiaotang Infants really dare to kill their lives! In case they fight for real fire, they would rather pay the price of falling, and have to inflict one and a half severe damages. Whoever rushes into it, isn't he looking for bad luck?

Everyone is huddling in the realm of comprehension, bowing their heads but looking up to see you, peace is more important, and peace is more important! "

Not only Dan Fengzi, but the Nascent Souls and Jin Dans of all major sects also whispered to each other, admonishing each other that no one wants to be this early bird.


Hundreds of gazes all cast a glance at Qi Zhongdao, the "head of the great monk".

That meaning is very obvious, brother, don't worry, our hundreds of younger brothers are behind you to protect you, and if there is a turmoil, thousands of magic weapons will be thrown over, and the city will be completely wiped out!

Qi Zhongdao’s face was so dark that he could not see the facial features clearly, he said nothing, tapped his feet, soared into the air, flew to the sky above Tiger Howard, and said loudly: "Where is Hall Master Tiger How, please come and Qi Tell me!"

"Zhengyi, forgive me, fellow fellows, forgive me!"

Above the Black Tiger Battle Fort, between the densely packed tiger squatting guns and the golden crow crossbows, a tiger-backed waist and golden-yellow beard appeared, really like a big tiger-like brawny man, he arched his hands towards the sky and said expressionlessly, "The day before yesterday was turbulent and rainy. My father tried his best to resist natural disasters. Although he kept one side safe, he was also seriously injured and almost turned into a devil. He is currently in a retreat and recuperating. He is so ashamed that he has not been able to welcome Zhengyi and fellow daoists!"


It's the fourth one again, Hou Hou, Lao Niu is fighting!

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