40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1450: The hideousness of the ghost army!

The Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army are in groups, like a sea covered by white lotus.

Under the pale yellow sky, at the front of the army that can't be seen at a glance, there are countless translucent remnants, looking from a distance, it is like a faint mist.

The owners of these remnant souls are mostly ordinary people who died tragically in this natural disaster.

The grievances soared before death, and the ghosts persisted after death, and there was no such wise monk as Master Kuchan to relieve them in time. After being instigated by the old mother Bailian, he condensed and formed. Driven by resentment and hatred, he became the number of Yin soldiers and ghost army. The most pioneers and cannon fodder.

They have different shades of color, and those with the weakest spirit fluctuations are like wisps of steam coming out of a boiling kettle. They are so thin that they can't see the human form.

The color is a bit darker and more condensed, and you can vaguely see the appearance before birth. Most of them are vegan and skinny victims. Many people have been soaked in the flood for too long. All of them are pierced and rotten, rancid, and hideous. ——These characteristics are also reflected on the remnant soul in a subtle way!

Many remnant souls were confused, lost a lot of memories, and still didn't understand what happened.

There are still some remnants who think they are not dead yet, looking at the direction of Dongning City, they show an expression of great expectation.

I really don't know whether they wanted to attack Dongning City because they had a deep hatred of the cultivators in Dongning City, or because they were deceived by their survival instinct and wanted to hide in Dongning City for refuge.

The remnant soul of ordinary people is very unstable, and it is very easy to be disturbed by all kinds of interference. If it is a lonely soul, it will be wiped out with a little carelessness.

Therefore, there are records in many unofficial history notes that the ancient gentlemen never feared lonely ghosts, and as long as they had a strong righteousness in their chests, they could disperse the sneaky remnants.

However, once the small remnants of souls condense into a mighty army and support each other, a layer of magnetic field protection like a defensive shield will naturally appear on the outside, which is another matter.

It is as if a small pile of ice cubes are exposed to the air and melted in a moment or three, and a whole warehouse of ice cubes, compacted together without any gaps, is not easy to put for ten and a half months. Dissolve the same.

Not to mention, Li Yao also saw that among the Yin Soldiers and Ghosts, at intervals, an altar would be built with many white bones, and thick white smoke appeared from the altar, which turned into a flower in mid-air. The white lotus blooming slowly makes all the remnant souls shrouded in the light of the white lotus.

These white lotuses should be some kind of magic weapon used to stabilize the magnetic field and protect the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army.

Its original source is probably some kind of military weapon used by Pangu civilization to protect the lingering souls!

Thousands of ordinary people's souls, under the protection of Bailian's magnetic field, can exude suffocating power.

Not to mention that behind these "new affiliates", the color is more intense, almost like living old ghosts.

Although the number of these old ghosts is small, they are the main force of the ghost army of the Yin soldiers. Their source is either from the people who resent the refugees, or they swallowed a large number of jade crystals before they died, and their souls were quenched by psychic energy. The person who trains; or is the lucky one among the ordinary remnants of the soul. In the battle, the soul is not scattered, but a large amount of the soul fragments that remain when the others dissipate are swallowed, and it grows slowly!

There are even some age-old ghosts, who are simply transformed by the cultivator after their death. They are truly "ghost cultivators."

In the ancient repair world, there is no government and law to coordinate and restrain, the cultivation world is by no means monolithic.

The contradiction between cultivators is far greater than the contradiction between cultivators and ordinary people. I don’t know how many cultivators have died tragically in each other’s flames. What’s more, the entire sect is succumbed to such evil as the "Black Sect". The forces slaughtered.

After these cultivators die, their grievances remain, but the world of cultivators can't let them go. What's more, they don't understand the method of ghost cultivation at all, and they don't know how to preserve and strengthen themselves.

Apart from changing camps and taking refuge in Bai Lian's mother, what other options are there?

This is also an extremely important reason why the White Lotus Sect has been inexhaustible for decades.

The appearance of the old ghosts is much more powerful than those of the "new attached army". Their ghosts are highly condensed. At first glance, except for the miserable and lifelessness, they are not much different from living people. Only by observing carefully can you see that a wisp of black air slowly drifted outward from them.

The vast majority of old ghosts have mastered the magical powers of the airspace warriors, wearing robes and armors.

These robes and armors, of course, were drawn and engraved by the old mother Bailian to maintain a stable magnetic field, making their souls more stable and not easily collapsed.

The remnants of the newly dead are vanguards and cannon fodder, the old ghosts are the Chinese army, and on the two wings of the army formation are densely packed skeleton soldiers.

In addition to the bizarre human skeletons, there are also a large number of pigs, dogs, cows and sheep skeletons, and even various bone sticks condensed into a super skeleton monster with a height of more than ten meters or tens of meters, and faintly glowing silver. It should be a Yin soldier. The large-scale siege equipment prepared by the ghost army for this battle!

Enclosing the ghosts in the skeletons and refining them into skeleton soldiers can also be regarded as a kind of "possession", which has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that the ghost is protected by the skeleton, and it is more difficult to break apart, and the skeleton is more convenient to hold some heavy weapons and directly attack the flesh and blood of the enemy. If the ghost is extremely powerful, it can also condense dozens of skeletons, and even mix into the huge beast. The bones, refining a unique super skeleton soldier out, the power is even more powerful.

In ancient times, when there was no "spiritual prosthesis" made of super alloys, the natural and pollution-free skeletons were even the most primitive "spiritual prostheses"?

But the disadvantages are also obvious.

Without muscles, meridians, and blood vessels to manipulate, the movements of the skeleton soldiers are too slow and rigid. If they are not careful, their joints will slip, break, or shatter, collapse to the ground, and cannot move.

Except for a very small number of elite soldiers and powerful generals who can engrave various talisman formations on the skeletons to increase flexibility and attack power, the vast majority of skeleton soldiers are regarded as one-time consumables.

More importantly, the skeleton can't fly, and can only slowly crawl over from the ground honestly, and then lose the most important flexibility of the ghost.

The skeleton is like a pair of armor, but also like a shell. The advantages and disadvantages are obvious. Therefore, all the Yin soldiers and ghost army cannot be stuffed into the skeleton, but it can only be used as a relatively important unit.


From the depths of the Yin Bing Ghost Army, there was a crooked sound that made people hear the sound of a trumpet that was about to vomit blood.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

The last few thousand coffins of the military formation suddenly shattered at the same time, and thousands of heads appeared from the coffins with pale faces and zombies with subtle appearances on their skins.

The vast majority of zombies shone with bronze luster, but some were silvery, and a few shone with dazzling golden light, just like the aristocratic nobles in the army of ghosts.

Zombies are really a very interesting thing. They are very rare in a very small number of modern cultivation civilizations, but they are not uncommon in the ancient world of cultivation.

The existence of zombies is really against common sense-since after death, the heartbeat and breathing are all stopped, and the mitochondria in the cells are no longer working, unable to swallow and release energy, then why are zombies dead and immortal, so powerful?

After he personally inspected the ancient sacred world and combined some of the methods of corpse raising and refining in this place with the theories of the modern comprehension world, he slowly realized the mystery.

According to Li Yao's estimation, the so-called "zombies" should be practitioners who have cultivated into a corpse like steel and iron, and got some special microorganisms or parasites in them.

These special microorganisms regard the corpse as its home, and carry out a series of mysterious and mysterious transformations on the corpse, resulting in a variety of incredible characteristics.

The story often talks about "green-haired zombies" and "white-haired zombies". The growth of green and white hairs is an extremely common phenomenon in the process of cultivating microorganisms and bacteria.

Therefore, what "raising and refining corpses" is actually the clever use of special microorganisms by the ancients, and there is no essential difference between using bacteria to brew yogurt.

When a corpse is successfully refined, it will infiltrate the ghost to control it, turning it into a zombie that can move freely and exchange psionic energy with the outside world. Its attack power, flexibility, and defense are 100 times more than ordinary skeleton soldiers.

As for the microbes in the zombies, there is no intelligence anyway, so there is no need to worry about the ghosts conflicting with them.

New dead souls, old ghosts, skeleton soldiers, and zombie commanders, with clear banners and strict military laws, condensing a ghostly spirit, soaring to the sky, making the entire sky covered with clouds, like a dark ocean. To half the sun.

In the middle and rear of the ghost army, there is a huge car wheel built with countless white bones, like a moving white bone palace, faintly exuding a blade-like coldness, releasing an endless gray breath, it should be the white lotus Mother Wan Mingzhu's method of driving.

Even if she knew that the white lotus mother Wan Mingzhu was there, surrounded by a million Yin soldiers and ghost army, with the five masters of Li Yao, Yan Liren, Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu, and Kuchan, it was impossible to rush over directly. Take its first rank in the Wanjun Cong.

What's more, people didn't have the first level for you at all, and if there was a slight disturbance, it turned into a light smoke and ran away.

Therefore, the "White Lotus Mother Hunting Team" headed by Qi Zhongdao can only wait quietly on the psychic flying boat, waiting for a better opportunity.

Standing on the ship's side, Li Yao took his gaze back from the Yin Bing Guijun, and glanced at Dongning Mansion, the largest city in the southeast under his feet.

This prosperous city with the title of "The City That Never Sleeps" is now immersed in a panic and lifeless atmosphere.

The scale of Dongning Mansion is dozens of times larger than Huxiao City, and the city wall is also two or three times taller. Two faces the sea, one faces the mountains, and the other side facing the landing site is covered with trenches, pits, and horses. There are also hundreds of huge pillars with a height of tens of meters, four or five people, engraved with golden runes, standing silently under the tower, forming an indestructible defensive array!

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