40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1462: Go straight to the fairy world!

These words made the special envoy Qi Changsheng's eyes sparkle. He couldn't help taking a step forward, his throat and eyes were a little smokey, and his throat said hoarsely: "Is it possible to refine Yunqin Jinren by myself?"

"Of course it is possible!"

Special Envoy Long said frankly, "When you look at this glare phantom, or listen to the historical notes of the past dynasties, you should know that the Yunqin Jinren was originally a magic weapon for us, and the empty warehouse inside is not large. If it were the remains of the ancient gods and demons that we found in the wild, they would basically not be able to get in!"

"That's true!"

Han Won Tae and others nodded thoughtfully.

"Since it is a magic weapon created by the ancient gods and demons for us, it is not surprising to teach us the magical powers of the fairy family and let us refine them by ourselves."

Special Envoy Long glanced at the three of them, and then released another bomb. "Furthermore, according to the emperor’s estimation, this fairy palace can not only refine Yunqin Jinren in large quantities, but also communicate with the real immortal world. , And even have a mysterious "road to the sky" that allows people to fly directly to the immortal realm!"


At this moment, Wan Mingzhu, Han Wontae, and the special envoy Qi Changsheng were really shocked. Han Wontae's voice was completely distorted, and he stared, "How did you not tell such a big secret beforehand?"

"Ascension to immortality, after all, is too illusory. I said it beforehand, I'm afraid you won't believe it, right?"

Special Envoy Long smiled and said, "Only when you see it with your own eyes, this is definitely not an incredible illusion in the world, and you will believe the king’s speculation. Of course, the fairy palace and the fairy palace are the hub between the world and the fairy world. Otherwise, what is called "Xiangong"!"

"The prince once received a fragment of notes from tens of thousands of years ago. It is about the owner who refined this'Ten Thousand Celestial Star Disk'. His past experience in the fairy palace, it is said that he was enlightened by a fairy in the fairy palace. , Through some illusory illusions, I have seen the world of the heavens, the infinite and mysterious scenery, which are absolutely invisible in the ancient sacred world. It is not the fairy world, but what place can it be?"

"It is said that the area of ​​the immortal world is a hundred, a thousand times, ten thousand times larger than that of the ancient sacred world. We think that we are the ancient sacred world of the entire world. Putting it in front of the real immortal interface is just a drop in the ocean!"

"And in the fairy palace, there is a very magical weapon hidden, which allows people to freely shuttle between the secular world and the fairy world, come and go freely. You don't need to cultivate to the highest realm to'broken the void', as long as you have mastered the know-how. Even ordinary people without the slightest psionic power, even cats and dogs, can'fly ascend in the day'. The so-called'one person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky' is this principle."

"How about, Madame Bailian, the map core of such a fairy palace, it's not a loss for you to exchange so many Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army for you?"

Wan Mingzhu's cold and frosty face showed a trace of greed, staring at the map for a long time, but squinting his eyes, coldly said: "The theory of the fairy world, after all, is too vain and it is not worth the effort. To pursue, let's talk about Yunqin Jinren first!"

"Your prince, boasting of this fairy palace to the sky, judging from this dazzling phantom, it is true!"

"However, no matter how mysterious the fairy palace is, it must be completely in our hands and developed on a large scale!"

She regards the Yunqin Jinren as the most important thing in the "Xiangong". The so-called "Xianjie" is just an illusory "addition". Of course it is good to have it, and it doesn't matter if it is not.

But what the Special Envoy Long heard in Li Yao's ears was no less than a thunderstorm, which shook every brain cell "buzzing".

Of course, there is no "fairy world" in the world, let alone "fairies", but it does not mean that the fragments of notes collected by Wang Xi are lying!

The so-called immortal world "a hundred times larger than the ancient sacred world" is very likely to be the three thousand worlds outside the dark nebula, and the saying "mastered the method, even a cat and a dog can ascend to the immortal world" is more like a description Some kind of star-sea jump across the vast world!

Could it be said that this so-called fairy palace is a war base and external contact point established by the Nuwa civilization in the ancient sacred world hundreds of thousands of years ago, through a certain launch platform in the fairy palace, similar to the "Tianyuan Cannon" and " The "Blood Demon Eye" super teleportation magic weapon can penetrate the dark nebula and eject the natives of the ancient sacred world to the outside world?

This news is really shocking!

Inside the Crystal Palace, Special Envoy Long nodded and said: "Yes, although there is a map of the fairy palace, there are still a lot of troubles to develop it. The blame is that the location of the fairy palace is too remote, and it is in Youyun. The Far North Evernight State, tens of thousands of miles north of Erzhou!"

"The Far North Yongye State is far from remote, and the weather is as simple as cold."

Han Yuantai frowned, "There is the North Pole, which is close to the entire ancient sacred world. It is in the dark and dark night all year round, and the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth is extremely chaotic. It is difficult for the cultivator to display all the cultivation skills. There is also an icy cold comparable to the Fenfeng. The gang wind has brought up super storms from time to time, and ordinary people can't survive there for a day!"

"Even if the cultivator is composed of thousands of horses, we must be cautious and do a good job of supplying and encampment. The slightest negligence in one link is that thousands of cultivators can freeze to death in one day and night!"

"Also, on the vast ice field of the State of Eternal Night, there are dozens of fierce beasts that are not afraid of the cold and can even control the frost aura freely, and there are savages who even we Yunqin have to retreat. They are more fierce than us. , Cruel and cunning!"

"We Yunqin people all regard the State of Eternal Night as a cold hell, and we have never set foot in it. Even if we are exiled on death row, we will not choose the State of Eternal Night, because that is a cruel punishment than a thousand swords! "

"When I was young, I used to go single-handedly to practice in the State of Eternal Night, fight with the murderous whales there, and fight against the frost savages, which laid a solid foundation for the advancement of the Nascent Soul Realm. However, if I ask me to do it again, I will hesitate again and again. , Think about it!"

Special Envoy Long said: "Therefore, only when the four of our families are united can it be possible to brave the blizzard of the State of Eternal Night, go deep into the fairy palace and discover all its secrets!"


The special envoy Qi Changsheng laughed strangely, and his face was trembling with muscles, "For his mother’s dozens of Yunqinjin people, let alone the State of Eternal Night, it is the 18th-layer Yin Cao Mansion. We are mixed with the heavenly army. I'm going to make a break!"

"Okay, then ask the two special envoys to report everything they saw today to King Hun Tian and Regent Han."

Special Envoy Long said with a smile, "First ask Regent Han to set up supply points along the way. We will have the army round at the agreed time and place!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The special envoys of Han Won Tae and Qi Changsheng suddenly promised.

Bai Lian mother Wan Mingzhu's expression became quite weird, her expression remained unchanged, but a strange wriggle came from under the white skin that was as thin as a cicada's wings.

Suddenly, her two eyeballs, like glass balls, shot in the direction of Xiaolong at the same time, screaming sharply: "Who!"

"not good!"

Special Envoy Long, Won Tae and Special Envoy Qi Changsheng were shocked at the same time, "Someone broke in!"

"Dare to trespass on Bailian Island and look for death!"

The tragic ghost flames all over the body of the white lotus mother ignited wildly, and sank into the pool in the center of the Crystal Palace like a white streamer. The ghost flames stirred up white mists with teeth and claws in the sea, but it was a step slower.

The Xiaolong had already started at full speed, burst out of the cave, and shot into the deep sea without looking back!

"The other party must have heard all our conversations and can't let him go!"

Special Envoy Long screamed, and at the same time, his hands suddenly turned into two crackling gray mists, busy closing the operation interface on the storage core, and dismantling the huge and sophisticated "Wanluo Tianxing Disk" again. Come out, prepare to separate into different categories, and re-inhale into different universe rings.

Han Wontae and Qi Changsheng's special envoy looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the situation. They gritted their teeth and followed Wan Mingzhu and threw out the Crystal Palace!

Perceiving Wan Mingzhu’s monstrous anger, the entire White Lotus Island was in a commotion. Numerous skeletons jumped up from the sea sand. Bi Yingying, blue faint ghost fire, and strands of jellyfish-like remnants burst into the black eye sockets. The soul has also assembled a large-scale army, and together they bloomed with an aura of compelling brilliance!

A Ruoyouruowu psychic energy fluctuates all the way towards the direction of the western land!


Hundreds of colorful streamers, like hundreds of hungry sharks, follow behind that psychic wave!

On Bailian Island, there were only a handful of Yin soldiers and ghost army left, and a small group of elites brought by Han Yuantai and Qi Changsheng's special envoys.

In the Crystal Palace, only the Dragon Envoy was left, still gritting his teeth to disassemble the Wanluo Celestial Disk and the diamond-shaped crystal.

The structure of these ancient magic weapons is quite sophisticated, and the tightly-fitted mortise and tenon structure is not so easy to disassemble. She is eager and eager. The more busy she gets, the more mistakes she gets, and she feels a little frantic.

With great difficulty, I dismantled all the components into scattered masses, breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to arouse the ring of the universe, and absorbed them all, but the pool behind him heard the sound of raging water.

"He ran away!"

Wan Mingzhu's voice was sharp and sharp, and it sounded like an irritable smell!


The special envoy Long was shocked, and was about to turn his head. Suddenly, a white hair in cold sweat appeared on his forehead. After gritting his teeth, he suddenly rolled forward and copied the sword that was inserted diagonally behind his back!

Unexpectedly, a strong and heavy impact hit her vest, psychic energy rushed into the meridian points behind her like a poisonous snake, numbing her spine almost completely, and the hand that grabbed the sword couldn’t help it. It's half a second!

In this half a second, an unshakable cold light sharpened the hilt of her shoulders!

If she insists on grabbing the sword, the result will be that the whole palm will be broken at the wrist!

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