40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1474: The wind is bitter!

Half an hour later, when Li Yao returned to the deck of his own five-tooth ship, he was still recollecting what the Phoenix Emperor said just now.

The meaning of those words was very obvious. The Phoenix Emperor wanted to win over Li Yao and establish a sect that was more inclined to the imperial court to contend with the current six major sects and many small and medium sects.

And this exploration of the fairy palace is an opportunity for cooperation between the two parties.

If Li Yao were really the "Master Lingjiu", he came with the purpose of "making a reputation and establishing a sect," he would most likely be persuaded by the Phoenix Emperor.

"The young emperor's scheming is really deep enough, and his eyes are big enough, and he has a strong self-confidence between the lines. It seems that there is something unknown to rely on!"

"Otherwise, with his own power, even if we add the five of us, he may not be able to control the diverse infants of the six major factions!"

"Thinking about it in another way, if I am a spy for the real human empire, and if I come here for the first time, and want to guide the ancient sacred world to the empire, it is a matter of course to find a great emperor to cooperate!"

"So, if a big villain must jump out during this exploration of the Immortal Palace, it will be the Phoenix Emperor in all likelihood!"

"On the other hand, Qi Zhongdao is so eager to cooperate with the Phoenix Emperor, maybe there is a big problem. He wants to cleanse the entire cultivation world, establish a set of his own rules, and has quite a strong motivation to cooperate with the real human empire. Spy cooperation!"

"There is also Wang Xi, a dead **** who is neither male nor female. The entire exploration of the fairy palace was planned by him. It feels that he still hides many secrets that have not been made public, and he is not easy to follow!"

"And the three murderers, Han Baling, Wan Mingzhu, and Qi Changsheng, each have sufficient motives to cooperate with the real human empire. Maybe they will suddenly attack in this exploration of the fairy palace, but it is inevitable. !"

"As for Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan..."

"It feels that the whole thing should have nothing to do with them, but it may not be. From past experience, the more innocent, ordinary and righteous people seem at first, the more likely they are to be behind the scenes! Maybe we wait for everyone to fight. , Both lose and lose. After you die or die, Master Kuchan suddenly laughed and sang the Buddha's title:'Long live the true human empire!' Then the **** embarrassment!"

"Wait, doesn't it mean that everyone involved in the exploration of the Immortal Palace, whether teammates or opponents, are likely to be villains with evil intentions?"

Li Yao desperately scratched his hair.

He has explored countless ancient ruins in his life, and it seems to be the most complicated one at the moment.

"What's the end?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon came out from the depths of his brain, "Not only that everyone involved in this operation is suspected, they may be the big villains, aren't even us the big villains?"


Li Yao was startled slightly, blinking his eyes.

"From our perspective, it is natural to think that among these people, those who cooperate with the real human empire are the big bad guys and the big villains."

The Scarlet Heart Demon grinned, "But from the perspective of the natives of the Ancient Sage Realm, we are the unpredictable'alien invaders', aren't we the out-and-out big villains?"

"I advise you not to look at the whole thing with a pure concept of'good and evil', to analyze our friends and enemies."

"Even if Ba Xiaoyu, Master Kuchan and others are really brave, righteous, and compassionate, but we and the real human empire are both'alien invaders', people must choose us instead of choosing us. What about the empire?"

"For example, in order to protect the entire ancient sacred world from the war and all the people can live and work in peace, Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan had to make a deal with the empire to help the empire deal with the confederation-isn't it possible?"

Li Yao let out a long sigh of air, and found that this possibility not only exists, but also great.

In the final analysis, the "Ancient Sage Civilization" and the "Xingyao Civilization" have separated for hundreds of thousands of years, and they have been soaring along different development paths. They are already two completely different civilizations.

The natives of the ancient sacred world have no obligation or standpoint at all, and they have to consider it for the Xing Yao Federation.

Even a compassionate person like Master Kuchan could not sacrifice thousands of compatriots in the ancient sacred world, or even risk the destruction of the entire civilization to help the Federation fight a losing battle!

It is really very difficult to convince most of these super metaphysical infants!

"Anyway, when you get to the fairy palace, let's see you bye bye!"

Li Yao looked at the gray sky in the distance, and couldn't wait to reach the fairy palace.


"The wind is coming!"

"Retract the sails, lower the height, and raise the psychic shield!"

"All cultivators stick to their posts, build foundations, form pills, and Nascent Soul to use their psychic energies with all their strength, strengthen the defense formation, and resist the wind!"

"Crack! Click! Click!"

"Ah! Not good!"

"Yingyang can't finish the sail, the main mast is broken, and it is caught in the wind whirlpool. There are faint signs of loss of control. Please go to the rescue, go to the rescue!"

"Be careful not to let the Yingyang hit the Flying Tiger, there are a lot of fire spars stored on the Flying Tiger!"

"The keel of the Yingyang is broken and is about to collapse. The Yingyang is not saved, and the Yingyang is not saved!"

"Everyone on the Yingyang quickly retreat to the Flying Tiger, Yinjiao, and Yuxu. Please do your best to control the wind, and buy time for the crew of the Yingyang to escape from the gang. The wind swirls!"

Obviously it is crazy infusion of psychic energy, the hoarse roar, it can be deafening around the deck, but once it leaves the defensive range of the psychic shield, it is severely torn by the overwhelming wind, and it is immediately shattered and turned into the moan of a butterfly. I can't hear it at all.

This is the twentieth day of the joint exploratory fleet, which represents the most elite force of the entire group, leaving the mainland.

They were above the ocean, using the power of the trade wind, to circle the arc all the way north, and finally bypassed the two states of Youyun five days ago and cut into the desolate and barren land again.

From then on, the trade winds surging between the sky and the earth were no longer slow and steady in the direction, but rather turbulent winds that had no laws at all.

Only the most experienced sailors can climb up and down between the ropes day and night, constantly adjust the angle of dozens of sails, and be able to use every gust of wind to the extreme.

Such sailors cannot be done by ordinary people.

They are often cultivated by major sects and royals since childhood, and have special perceptions of wind system psychic abilities.

Such special talents are referred to as "wind guards" in the cultivation world.

The royal family and the six major factions have the best "wind guards" in the entire ancient sacred world. With the subtle manipulation of these people, they have traveled a full eight thousand miles in just three days.

But good luck also ends here.

Ahead is the Far North State of Eternal Night, and the turbulent winds roaring between the heavens and the earth have been upgraded to the winds of violent psychic energy.

That is a strong wind that can tear even the flesh and blood of a cultivator!

Li Yao has never seen such a violent gale.

Even with the thunderous sandstorms above the Great Wilderness, there seems to be no blizzard mixed with ice cores in the Far North Evernight State.

It's like the stars of the entire universe have turned into fist-sized hail, a brain hit on the head of this fleet, and under the raging wind, it spins at the speed of lightning and stone fire, to crush everything that intrudes into it!

Looking far away, there were white blizzards all around, and you could only see the shadows of the psionic flying boats all around.

Listening to the ears, the howls are full of ghosts and wolves, suppressing everything, as if the sound of howling will never end.

This is the will of heaven and earth, this is the fury of the entire planet!

Even the high-ranking monks in the Nascent Soul Stage can't compete with this kind of power!

Under the raging wind that destroys the sky, all the psionic flying boats are unable to advance or retreat. They can only lower the sails at the fastest speed, shoot claw anchors towards the ground or the surrounding seemingly strong mountains, relying on the thickness of seven or eighty thighs. The iron locks firmly fixed themselves, and all cultivators worked together to operate the defensive array with all their strength to prevent the wind from invading the cabin!

If you hesitate a little when lowering the sails, it's like the five-toothed ship "Ying Yang", it is caught in the depths of the wind, and dozens of cultivators who are too late to fly out will be completely torn. Broken, the end of no bones!

Even if you lower the sails and fix yourself firmly, it is not everything.

Hundreds of iron chains were stretched straight in the wind, but quickly condensed a layer of hoarfrost and screamed.

If some bad luck, the claw anchor is nailed to the more fragile rock or ground, and cannot match the power of the wind, it will be thrown away after a harsh sound.

Without the support of a few chains, the pressure on the rest of the chains is even greater. Many chains broke from it, causing the psionic flying boat to shake violently in mid-air. If it can’t be shaken twice, it will "click". Break, smash!

The wind swept all day and night, and in addition to the Eagle Yang, there were three psionic flying boats that smashed into the sand.

What a "nature infant boss" like Li Yao can do, besides doing his best to bless the defensive formation on his battleship, is to barely control the wind and gain time to escape before the rest of the battleship is about to collapse.

I watched countless cultivators, even a few cultivators at the formation stage, were involved in the wind, unable to break free, and finally annihilated in the white wind and snow, even before disappearing, the muscles were broken and fractured, torn apart-so The cruel scene really made Li Yaowei sigh.

No wonder Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu and others, no matter how much they dislike the court and major sects, they have to pinch their noses and cooperate.

With a well-equipped fleet that can support and protect each other, the losses are so heavy.

If you rely on your own courage and just rely on a few Yuanying bosses to forcibly enter the Far North Evernight State, the consequences are really disastrous!

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