40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1476: Above the fairy palace!

This Yuan Ying's self-experience made all the cultivators including Li Yao sigh, quite a bit of sorrow.

Yunqin Jinren and the way to rise to immortality, these two things are priceless treasures, enough to stimulate the infinite greed hidden in anyone's heart, break through all the shackles of reason, and perform all kinds of crazy behaviors.

This small exploratory team that was put together on a temporary basis would probably not be the first one to come to the Evernight Icefield without hiding the imperial court and the six major factions, nor would it be the last one.

At this moment, I don’t know how many exploration teams and how many cultivators have lost their way in the Evernight Icefield, waiting to be torn to pieces by the biting wind!

Stupid? Maybe it's stupid.

But these people, how much better than these people who rashly broke into the Evernight Icefield?

Perhaps, they are well prepared, well equipped, and have many masters, enough to withstand the attack of the gang wind, successfully reach the depths of the Evernight Icefield, and unearth the legendary fairy palace.

But when that day comes, when the Yunqin Jinren and the road to ascend to the immortals are really in front of them, will they fall into another storm that is more terrifying than Gangfeng, a storm from the depths of everyone’s heart Swept up, enough to destroy all trust and reason, and let everyone kill each other's storm?

The discovery of this wreck has made the exploration fleet faintly divided into three forces, and the atmosphere is more solemn.

Qi Zhongdao found Li Yao, Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu, and Master Kuchan more than once to discuss countermeasures. Anyway, no matter how chaotic the situation is, the five of them must be united. Only when they act as the "Dinghai Shenzhen" can they be stable. The situation will not be completely out of control.

The Phoenix Emperor also summoned Li Yao several times, and each time he respectfully asked him some questions about the refining of magic weapons, but he never said anything about exploring the fairy palace, but only vaguely revealed his support for Li Yao’s founding of the school. It means that every time the support is getting stronger and stronger, Li Yao's heart is moved.

Along the way, dozens of high-ranking cultivators of the Nascent Soul series did not hesitate to consume a large amount of spar, expand the search range, and indeed found three more wrecks.

The smallest is only one psionic flying boat, but the largest has seven or eight big ships, carrying cultivators from dozens of sects!

It's a pity that their psionic flying boat is not strong enough to withstand the attack of the wind, and there is no royal imperial superintendent-level "magnetometer" and a relatively accurate map of the fairy palace. They can only be like blind people and blind horses in the ice field. Turning around in chaos, breaking the halberd and sinking the sand is inevitable. Nearly a thousand cultivators have all turned into frozen statues.

Judging from the traces remaining on the ice sheet, it seems that several masters of the Golden Core and Nascent Soul series have escaped from the blizzard.

However, without the protection of the flying boat and without sufficient material support, how long they can support on the frozen ice sheet, and how miserable they will be in the end, are things that people can't bear to imagine.

The last wreckage is different from the previous ones.

Most of the corpses were turned into stumps and broken arms, countless bright and dripping blood flowers bloomed on the vast white ground, all the spars and materials in the psionic flying boat were looted, and all the cultivators had everything in their hands. Ring, the universe bag on the waist is also missing.

The fierce beasts on the ice sheet may chew the corpse, but it is absolutely impossible to take away the ring of the universe.

They were not attacked by the wind, but attacked by the enemy.

There are still a lot of robes that are different from the Central Plains. There are a lot of tattoos on their faces and the corpses of foreign monks with huge golden rings on their ears. They should all be the ghosts of Qin monks.

The Ghost Qin people rushed ahead of them, which was not good news.

Fortunately, the internal organs of a few corpses have not been completely frozen, and a faint smell of blood still remains in the air, indicating that this hunting battle has not taken place for a long time, most likely it was staged yesterday or the day before yesterday.

When Wang Xi escaped, he snatched the core of the Immortal Palace map, but the Wanluo Heavenly Star Disk remained in Li Yao's hands.

It is unlikely that there will be a second copy of the Wanluotian astrolabe, a magic weapon specially used to analyze the core of the map.

So now, both sides use the memory in Li Yao and Wang Xi's mind to draw inaccurate maps to guide the direction.

Regardless of the Ghost Qin, the Huntian Army, the White Lotus Sect, or the ghost painting amulet, it is unlikely that they will have such a precise positioning method as the imperial imperial court.

Therefore, everyone is almost on the same starting line, and who can reach the "Xiangong" sooner than next!

The ghosts of the Qin people showed their traces, as if they had slapped a whip on the **** of the exploratory fleet, making them mad at all costs, risking the disintegration of the psionic flying boat, and finally arrived five days later. The coordinates of the fairy palace on the map.

Here, the points on the map in Li Yao's memory were measured with the Huntiandu magnetometer several times, and the fleet's current position coincided with each other.


Smaller on the map, in the real world, it is a vast area with a radius of a hundred miles.

Coupled with the measurement error of the Huntiandu magnetometer, the specific coordinate range of the fairy palace is very likely to move freely within hundreds of miles or even nearly a thousand miles.

And the strange world in front of him makes the complexion of every cultivator extremely ugly.

Since last night, a thin mist, as light as a gauze, has floated on the Yongye Icefield.

At the beginning, no one took it to heart, but when you think about it, in the terrifying environment of minus 60 or 70 degrees, it is impossible to produce a large amount of fog!

Maybe this is not fog, but some kind of weird natural phenomenon very similar to fog.

By this morning, as they got closer and closer to the fairy palace, the "ice mist" had become thicker and thicker. In the end, it was like a sea of ​​clouds rippling on the earth, deep in it, shadowy, and no fingers could be seen!

This piece of ice mist has a strong inhibitory effect on psychic energy. Whether a practitioner or a magic weapon is in the ice mist, the problem of psychic energy failure will occur.

"Within a radius of hundreds of miles, it is possible that the fairy palace is located, and the fairy palace is hidden in the depths of this mist!"

"We set up camp on the edge of the ice fog, all the psionic flying boats are connected to each other with chains, and then drill holes in the ice sheet, and anchor the claws on the solid rock deep in the ice sheet!"

"Dispatch exploratory teams in batches, search in all directions, and map out maps, dividing each square within a radius of five hundred miles into a grid, and mark each grid you explored!"

"The masters of the ghost Qin people, the Huntian army, the white lotus cult and the ghost painting talisman are very likely to hide across the ice fog, everyone must be careful!"

Qi Zhongdao gave orders in an orderly manner.

The camp consisting of 26 psionic flying boats was quickly erected, and huge bronze pillars were erected around them, forming a large defensive formation that could withstand the blizzard.

Li Yao and other Yuanying monks led an exploratory team, went deep into the mist, looking for the location of the fairy palace.

However, as soon as he entered the blurred ice mist, Li Yao immediately felt the trouble of this operation.

The ice fog is like a maze and prison that is invisible, but cannot be shredded. It only advances a few hundred meters, and the temporary city wall made up of 26 psionic flying boats disappears without a trace. Even the dazzling light bursts from the mast, and the lights guiding them are dimmed like dying fireflies.

Shouting to the surroundings, the shouting sound also seemed to be absorbed by the fluffy cotton wool, and it was so low that it couldn't reach thirty to fifty meters.

The exploratory team he led originally had fifty members, but only the seven or eight who were closest to him could see the shadows, and those far away could not see or hear anything.

They seem to have accidentally stepped into a weird white world. The original world has completely disappeared. Only themselves are left in the world. Even their breath and heartbeat will be swallowed by the mist if they are not paying attention.

Li Yao also thought about whether he could soar into the sky, fly into a higher atmosphere, and come down to explore the fairy palace.

But when he did this, he found that he was facing a sea of ​​milky white clouds. All the mountain peaks were looming in the sea of ​​clouds like isolated islands. Don't even want to observe the details on the ground.

Therefore, they can only use the most awkward method to explore the past inch by inch of land, and set up huge marks in the areas they have explored.

Fortunately, they have thousands of manpower. Except for the people staying in the camp, they are enough to form twenty or thirty search teams, and they are not slow when they go hand in hand.

In just three days, the area close to the camp had been explored, and he began to march towards the center of the ice mist.

As a result, the contact with the rear becomes more difficult, and the temperature in the center of the ice fog is lower, which is more corrosive to the human body and magic weapons. Those who cultivate in the refining period and the foundation building period will not last long, so they must return to the camp for recuperation. restore.

Even if the Jindan powerhouse and the Nascent Soul veteran like Li Yao have been exposed to the ice mist for a long time, constantly squeezing the brain cells, releasing a lot of spiritual thoughts to search, they are exhausted and miserable.


Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, and an arrow-like white mist immediately formed in front of him, and it quickly melted into the ice mist surrounding the sky and the sun.

This was the seventeenth area he had explored, and he still found nothing, except for the hard frozen soil and the unknown thickness of ice and rocks.

Judging from the scale of the Immortal Palace map, this "palace" is very large, it is a small city, if it stands on the ground, it is impossible to find it for so long.

Unless, the fairy palace is at their feet, a vast underground city.

In this case, it would be a little troublesome. They must increase the level of divine consciousness search, so that divine consciousness can penetrate the thick ice layer, and both time and spar consumption will be doubled.

While Li Yao was pondering, a warning of danger suddenly surged in the depths of his brain.

The wings of his nose moved, and he took a few breaths of air like a steel knife, and felt a tingling pain from the nasal cavity to the chest.

The temperature dropped by more than ten degrees in a short instant, and it is still dropping!

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