40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1482: Weird fantasy

That's right, after discovering that the so-called "Xiangong" was a Nuwa battleship, Li Yao was not ready to rush to find some Yunqin Jinren like the natives of the Ancient Sage Realm.

Li Yao is an expert on giants, and he knows well that as a highly sophisticated strategic magic weapon, in most cases, to drive giants, a complete set of magic weapon industrial system is required.

There must be an entire team, with prior inspections, energy filling, and offensive magic weapons, as well as experienced and professionally trained drivers.

Not everyone is like him, with a group of weird "black wings" to act as an intermediary between the rider and the giant soldier.

It’s not that Li Yao aimed at the natives of the Ancient Sacred Realm. Even if they put a few giant soldiers in front of them that have been filled with psionic energy and are ready to go, they don’t know how to control them. It's a mess of scrap iron at all!

Compared with the giant soldiers, the bridge of the Nuwa battleship is more valuable.

The bridge must be equipped with the main control brain of the Nuwa battleship. It is possible to find things like the logbook. Maybe there are more advanced communication and transmission magic weapons than the Star Federation and the real human empire.

Even if you really want to find giant soldiers, Li Yao believes that there must be a short-distance teleportation array on the bridge that leads directly to the super-large magic weapon warehouse and repair workshop.

Otherwise, the efficiency of a super warship with a length of more than ten kilometers is too low if it relies on walking.

Therefore, finding the bridge is equivalent to controlling most of the warships, and it will be unimpeded wherever you want to go.

Most of the corpses of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes exploded into dust before he arrived, losing research value.

However, there were a large number of scars of swords and melting marks of psionic shells on the surrounding walls and floors. The direction of these marks can roughly analyze the offensive route of the Pangu tribe.

Walking through the towering and deep corridors and cabins, surrounded by huge bones and armors that are more than ten meters or even tens of meters high, Li Yao felt a sense of depression when traveling through the valley of giants.

In the darkness far and far away, there were faint screams and screams of mosquitoes.

It should be the cultivators who sneaked into the Nuwa battleship from other paths. They also encountered the phenomenon of instantaneous explosion of ancient corpses. Under the condition of high nervousness, they began to kill each other.

Li Yao glanced around and understood the reason for the resurgence.

The armors and blades of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes are always much stronger than flesh and blood. The corpses will disappear in smoke, but no matter how rust the armor and the blades are, more or less debris can be left behind.

For the natives of the ancient sacred world who advocated the "secret ancient treasures" and the "premature treasures", these magic weapons and magic weapons left over after seeing "the ancient gods and devil corpses" are indeed insanely insane.

Even if the Yunqin Jinren has not been discovered, it is worth killing a blood stream just for these prehistoric treasures.

Li Yao sighed. He originally hated most of the natives of the ancient sacred world, but now, thinking of them biting together like hungry hyenas for several relics of prehistoric civilization, they have worked hard for decades. For hundreds of years, it is possible to lose their lives in a silly way, to die worthless, and to pity these people faintly.

After all, growing up in such an environment, if they don't choose this path of cultivation, what other path can they take?

Being firmly wrapped by the dark nebula, no matter what path you take, it is a dead end!

Li Yao gave birth to a strong urge to make a hole in the dark nebula, so that the ancient sacred world can see a faintly bright future and embark on a new path!

He took a deep breath and followed the direction of the Pangu tribe's attack, and quickly swept towards the front core of the Nuwa battleship.

Suddenly, there was a faint "drip" sound in my ears, and a bright silver metal ball with a diameter of one meter and a diameter rolled out from the depths of the dark corridor. When it rolled in front of him, dozens of waves appeared on the surface. The green thin line, "click, click, click," broke down along the thin line, and turned into a four-legged metal spider. There are two triple-mounted turrets above, and the muzzle with the blue arc is ready to go. !

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

In the corners of the surrounding corridors, dozens of green rays of light were also shot out at the same time, staggering around Li Yao, like an airtight cage, completely locking him down!

With a low roar, Li Yao was about to shoot the ultra-miniature spar bomb, buying time to summon the crystal armor, suddenly there were illusions in front of him, but he was involuntarily dragged into a illusory realm.

He seemed to see a dozen or so naked human girls lying on the dark altar in a gloomy hall, surrounded by seven or eight strange-shaped Pangu tribes, slowly rotating the hinges to move the altar. A large black stone weighing hundreds of tons came down.

It looks like it is going to crush all the girls to death and take their blood plasma to sacrifice!

Under the altar, there were hundreds of bald humans with expressionless faces and dull eyes on their knees, looking at the altar motionlessly.

No matter how the girls on the altar cried for help, they were indifferent, and they didn't even change their breathing.

Li Yao seemed to be one of hundreds of human beings kneeling on the ground.

He was so sick and angry that he was about to vomit.

Knowing that it is only an illusion, but the pure and lamb-like girl will soon be crushed by the hideous Pangu tribe. The stern cry for help still aroused his strong physical reaction, breathing, heartbeat and adrenaline. All of the secretions exploded, and he couldn't help but stand up from the hundreds of bald humans who knelt on the ground, and clenched his fists at the Pangu priest!

The moment he stood up, the illusion suddenly burst, whirled, and dissipated like a thousand glass butterflies.

He returned to the depths of the black corridor, the rays that locked him around disappeared, and even the four-legged metal spider shrank into a metal ball again and rolled back into the dark depths.

"this is--"

Li Yao blinked, and suddenly reacted, the too illusory realm just now should be some kind of "recognition of the enemy and ourselves".

The light emitted from this four-legged metal spider and the tunnel should be one of the few remaining automatic defense magic weapons on the Nuwa battleship to this day.

However, both the Pangu tribe and the Nuwa tribe have a large number of human vassals, so a set of "identification of the enemy and ourselves" is required to make judgments.

The Pangu tribe regards the human race as a simple tool, and uses the so-called "three fundamental laws" to control the human race, and does not allow the human race to have the slightest emotion and self-awareness.

When the Pangu tribe takes the human race as a sacrifice in the too illusory realm, if it is a human or a "humanoid" bound by the "Three Principles of Origin", there will be no waves.

If so, the automatic defense magic weapon of the Nuwa battleship will definitely launch the most violent attack.

But when Li Yao saw such a shocking scene, various physiological parameters changed drastically, indicating that he was in a strong emotional fluctuation, which proved that he is a person who has emotion and self-awareness, knows self-protection and protection of the same kind. Humans!

Therefore, the automatic defense magic weapon of the Nuwa battleship identified him as a "friendly army" and did not attack.

"and many more!"

Li Yao's mind turned around and tried his best to chase after the reunion and billowing four-legged metal spider.

After turning two turns, the other party disappeared without a trace, perhaps through a hidden teleportation array, and was put into the magic treasure warehouse.

But Li Yao didn't get nothing. From the analysis of the distribution of the corridors and the runes on the surrounding walls, he is very likely to have entered the core area of ​​the Nuwa battleship.

The bridge or the captain's room should be right in front!

This can also be proved by the corpses of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes scattered all around.

It seems that the end of the battle of the ship hundreds of thousands of years ago is here. Even though the Pangu tribe has assembled a large number of people to bombard it, they still failed to break through the gate leading to the bridge.

This caused Li Yao a great deal of trouble.

There were three magnificent doors in front of him.

Each door is more than ten meters high, with a faint silver glow rippling on the surface, the door is seamless, and there is no gap in the connection.

At ten meters, five meters, and 1.5 meters, three intricate arrays of detection symbols were engraved next to them, which seemed to be used to verify the identity and open the door.

Li Yao rubbed the door lightly, only to feel that his hands were slightly soft, not metal or wood, and he didn't know what material it was made of.

But when the psychic energy is really poured into it, it will be like a mud cow into the sea, and it will not be able to eat at all. It should be a very advanced energy-absorbing material.

It's useless, even the Pangu tribe of the brigade failed to blast open the gates leading to the bridge. With his own power, it was even more impossible to crack them with violence.

Li Yao went back to study the amulet arrays and magic weapons used to verify the identity

The shortest verification magic weapon should be prepared for the Terran warriors on the Nuwa battleship.

When Li Yao tentatively placed a finger on the dark blue verification magic weapon, the verification magic weapon suddenly split a gap from the middle, shooting out a faint blue mysterious light, which soon diffused into a three-dimensional verification. interface.

This is a super complex verification interface.

Not only did he need to detect his fingerprints, iris, and voice, he even had to enter a total of three constantly changing dynamic passwords in just five seconds.

"Want to be so exaggerated!"

Li Yao was a little dumbfounded, wondering if it was so cumbersome to get in and out of the bridge on the Nuwa battleship, wouldn't there be long queues at the bridge gate all day?

After thinking about it carefully, I quickly realized that this should be the highest-level security measure when the Pangu tribe is attacked. In this case, only a very small number of people can enter the bridge.

The usual verification process cannot be so complicated.

"Trouble now!"

The three silver doors are all integrated, and there is no half of the gap around the magic weapon, as if cast as a whole, without giving him the opportunity to disassemble and study.

Searching the surroundings carefully, it seems that he can't find the legendary ventilation duct, which can be used for him to crawl around.

Even if there are ventilation ducts, they must be closed under the highest level of safety, or there are deadly traps hidden!

Just as Li Yao scratched his head and groaned secretly, the tip of his ear suddenly moved slightly.

He heard the sound of soft footsteps at the corner of the corridor far behind him.

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