40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1503: Yunqin, Han Baling!

Han Baling still hid behind the armband and round shield of a giant soldier, covering up his figure tightly, and shouting like a gun: "First, if you really are the'Leiyun Xianjun' from the immortal world. , To help protect the future generations of the country’s community, why bother to be so sneaky and sneaky, and choose Zhu Zongyou to cooperate with the most unsupported mud?"

"The great old emperor died last year, so you can count as your offspring, as well as the well-known Donggong prince and many princes. You don't choose, but you have to choose a fallen king and grandson who guards the ancestral temple. What is the reason?"

"If it is really a fairy monarch, why not appear above the court of the gods in a fair manner and accept the cheers of hundreds of officials and admiration by all people? Such a sensational news spreads, and even my Wanli Yunqin will be deeply shaken and admit the king Furious, I am willing to bind my arms, disarm and surrender, paying tribute and becoming a minister!

"Break the Tomb of Liu Han!"

The Phoenix Emperor was greatly insulted, like being stung by a bee on his ass, and jumping three feet high, "I and I are the true dragon emperors who have been born at the right time and have been born for thousands of years. They are affected by Zhu Jialie. For the protection of the ancestors and the ancestors, Leiyun Immortal Sovereign should be of course to assist me. What's so strange about this!"

"What is born of a thousand-year-old king's aura? This person tells you all this nonsense that can only deceive a three-year-old child? Only you, a naive, ignorant and ignorant yellow-mouthed child, will foolishly believe , I don’t know that he is using you as a **** at all, little emperor!"

Han Baling sneered at each other, and continued coldly, "Secondly, if you are really a big Luo Jinxian from the immortal world, if you are prepared for the fate of the immortal, you should naturally bring many treasures of the immortal family, such as Yunqin Jinren and the like are invaluable treasures in the eyes of the cultivators in the secular world, but to you immortals, it is also extremely precious, you can't find one, do you have to come here to grab it?"


Han Baling's words suddenly awakened many cultivators who were intoxicated.

The actions of this "Leiyun Immortal Monarch" are really weird. If it is really the omnipotent Daluo Jinxian, why is he unwilling to disclose his identity in the gods in the first place, and why do he want to rob Yun with them, practitioners in the secular world Qin Jinren.

Could it be that the dignified immortal world can't even find a Yunqinjinren?

Qi Zhongdao winked at Ba Xiaoyu, Yan Liren, and Master Kuchan, and motioned for the four of them to move slightly in the direction of Han Baling, focusing their attention on Han Baling and Leiyun Xianjun. .

What Han Baling said was something Qi Zhongdao suspected.

Qi Zhongdao believed Han Baling's words for seven to eight points. This Immortal Leiyun is a counterfeit, no matter what he is, beware of him violently and hurting people!


Han Baling said, sneered a few times and continued, "The real immortal must know all about places like the'Xiangong', and seeing that you have such an exquisite armor, it must be. You won’t be afraid of the wind and blizzards of the Evernight Icefield. Why don’t you come to discover the fairy palace by yourself at the beginning, but follow our large forces?"

"There is only one answer. Before Wang Xi discovered the fairy palace, you didn't know the existence of the fairy palace at all, and even if you knew it, you couldn't determine the exact location of the fairy palace at all!"

"Is a'immortal' who doesn't even know where the immortal palace is, will he be a real immortal? It's really a horror of the world!"

"For the above three questions, if'Leiyun Xianjun' can't give three satisfactory answers, I am afraid it will be extremely difficult to convince the public. Who knows what kind of monsters and ghosts are hidden under the so-called'Xianjun' painting skin? Demons and demons? Does anyone know that the so-called "Fairy Realm" is not another term for Jiuyou Huangquan and Bloody Battle Hell?"

If it wasn't too illusory, Li Yao wanted to rush to Han Baling to applaud the prairie hero after hearing these words.

Compared with the smoky Dagan Cultivation World, Li Yao originally had a higher opinion of Han Baling's Youyun Ghost Qin.

No matter how bad the "classical ****" is, it is more or less an improvement compared to the decadent ancient repair world!

And Han Baling's mind was sober to the extreme, he instantly broke through the three vital points of the imperial special forces, making this man's tricks of pretending to be a ghost almost unsustainable, it is really enjoyable!


The Phoenix Emperor was furious, trembling with anger, the brilliance around the crystal armor was flourishing, and the strings of light made a "crackling" explosion, putting on a posture that he was willing to die with Han Baling!

"Zhu Zongyou, I advise you to keep your mind clear!"

Han Baling hid behind the shield and said in a cool tone, "I don't weigh my own weight, and think about what virtue and ability I have. Even if it is really your ancestor who went down to the earth, why must I have to spend a lot of time to assist you, this lonely lonely person.". ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Ghost? Who can help you with less effort than assisting you?"

"Hehe, Han knows that you are a stinky yellow-mouthed child, and he wants to reorganize the rivers and mountains. ZTE is going to do it, and he will be proud in front of the ancestors and sects!"

"If this is the case, then you should think clearly, this guy from unknown origin, claiming to be the'Leiyun Xianjun', is it your ancestor of the Zhu family, if he recognizes his ancestors randomly and introduces wolves into the house, he will eventually ruin Dagan. Your ancestors, ancestors and emperors of the past will all come alive from the coffin!"

Han Baling's words of condemnation made the Phoenix Emperor blushing and stuttering. After repeating the word "you" dozens of times, there was no second word "you".

The "Leiyun Xianjun" who was deeply hidden in the black skull giants was speechless. After a long time of silence, he couldn't answer directly. Only the spiritual flames that spilled from the gaps in the black feathers were getting more and more serious. Strong!

"Leiyun Immortal Monarch, Han's head has been washed clean, just waiting for you to chop it off!"

Han Baling suddenly raised his voice, laughed for a while, and cut the line firmly, "However, the surname Han can die, but he will never be fooled like a pig before death! I think all the cultivators present are with me. same!"

"Say, who are you!"

"Who the **** is it!"

"who is it!"


Han Baling’s last words contained powerful and unmatched psychic powers, which suddenly exploded in mid-air, like the echo of an empty mountain, circling the beams endlessly, awakening many cultivators one after another, staring at "Leiyun Xianjun" His eyes became clearer and sharper!

Among the six high-ranking cultivators, whispers came.

"Hao Xuan, I almost shaken my mind just now, I was deceived by this person!"

"Think about it carefully, it is indeed too unreasonable. If he is really a big Luo Jinxian, many questions are difficult to explain!"

"Why didn't he make his identity public a few years earlier? Why did he have to sneak in the exploratory team to capture the Yunqin Jinren? Why did he support Zhu Zongyou, who is relatively the best controlled solitary man?"

"If he had publicly disclosed his identity on the temple of the gods and used the methods of the immortal family for a long time, and was recognized by all the royal families, would we not believe it?"

"But now, when he was killed in an oblique assassination, it is really difficult for us to believe that he is the ancestor of the Zhu family without evidence!"

The whispering quickly turned into a wave of human voices, and some people even boldly asked directly: "The fairy is here, I'll wait..."

"Han Baling!"

Xianjun Leiyun finally spoke with a solemn and stern voice, full of ready-to-go killing intent, and said every word, "For a long time, this fairy has regarded you as the ancient sacred world second only to Wang Xi, the most difficult One of the people who are entangled, now it seems that you are far beyond the calculation of this fairy!"

"You really are not as reckless as you look, you are very smart, really smart, no wonder you can contend against the whole world with the help of the two states of Youyun!"

"It's just that, hum, I don’t need to explain or prove the identity of the immortal monarch to you at all. If it weren’t for God’s good living virtues and the kindness of the immortal monarch’s house, he could now launch Yunqin Jinren and kill you all. !"

"The surname Han never believes that there is a good life in God, let alone believe that you will be a kindhearted person!"

Han Baling is really a tough guy who is not afraid of death. In front of a giant soldier of more than 30 meters high, he even dared to ridicule, "The reason why you don't do it, or you can't kill us, or you just want to follow us. In my life, squeeze out more benefits!"

The black skull giant soldier was silent again in the depths. It was as if Immortal Leiyun was choked by Han Baling, he said for a long time: "Han Baling, if you don’t just go your own way and be an enemy of this fairy. This immortal does not have to kill you! You, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu and even Wang Xi are the same. You are also a generation of immortal fate. If you can pass the test of this immortal, this immortal can also consider , Will bring you to the immortal world and enjoy endless benefits and opportunities!"

As soon as this remark came out, Han Baling was stunned. He didn't expect "Leiyun Xianjun" to talk so easily.

He hadn’t figured out how to respond. The Phoenix Emperor jumped up first, and exclaimed in amazement: "Old Patriarch, Master! What are you talking about? You want to forgive Han Baling, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, and Wang Xi. Huh? We didn’t negotiate like this at the beginning. Didn’t you promise me that you would hand over all the “four evils” to me and let me smash them into powder.”

The young emperor hated the raging "four evils", and in a hurry, even "I" became "I".

Xianjun Leiyun was silent for a while, and said faintly: "When you ascend to the immortal world one day, you will understand that everything in the secular world is nothing but a dream bubble. Persevering in these ethereal hatreds will only erode your Dao heart and make your realm forever. Stagnation, why not let go!"

"I, I can't let go!"

The Phoenix Emperor was going crazy, and screamed, "I don't care about the level of cultivation, and I don't want to ascend to the immortal world. I only want to do it! I just want to be the greatest emperor of thousands of dynasties! Emperor! As long as these evil monsters and evil horrors do not have a place to be buried! Patriarch, Master! You promised me that you will call them all corpses, all corpses!"

"You are mad, emperor!"

Immortal Leiyun’s voice contained deep anxiety and dissatisfaction. A wave of psychic energy that shrank to the limit, like a thin spirit worm, spawned in front of the black skeleton giant soldier and stabbed at the Phoenix Emperor. !

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