40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1506: If God doesn't take it, take the blame! (Fourth!)

Psionic compression pipelines that have dried up for hundreds of thousands of years are filled with spar and mineral residues that have solidified and become extremely sharp.

Li Yao shrank the bones and flesh and blood of his body to the limit, wriggling slowly in the pipe like a python, carefully controlling the perception of the skin and the contraction of the muscles, trying not to let the sharp residue edges cut his flesh and blood.

He wasn't afraid of pain, nor was he afraid of any toxicity remaining in these residues, but he was afraid that after the wound appeared, the smell of bleeding would be transmitted, which might be perceived by Leiyun Immortal Monarch.

After staying for a while at the narrow corner that was almost right-angled, and almost squeezing his bones one by one, Li Yao successfully entered the giant **** soldier warehouse.

A faint light and noisy sound came from the front, and that was the end of the psionic pipeline.

Theoretically, this pipeline should be connected to the giant soldier to provide external psionic energy for the giant soldier during maintenance.

However, Long Yangjun has already carefully observed and analyzed through the too illusory realm. This psionic pipeline is torn from the middle, and it is slumped in mid-air like a broken python. It should be counted. Because of the destruction of war 100,000 years ago.

Therefore, as long as Li Yao crawled forward a little bit, he could jump down from the crack in the pipe.

The key is to grasp the timing.

Li Yao lay on his back near the crack in the pipe, and extracted a transistor probe that can be turned at three hundred and sixty degrees from the universe ring. A section was slightly exposed, and his eyes were attached to the other end of the transistor to observe the outside world. .

At the moment when he sneaked into the warehouse of the giant soldiers, nearly thirty cultivators had already knelt down around the black skeleton giant soldiers.

Most of them are the elders and suzerains of the six major factions, and there are also some people from the Huntian Army, the White Lotus Sect, and the ghosts of Qin Yiyouyun.

Everyone looked silent, their eyes drooping, and they didn't look at the brothers and comrades around them, but they couldn't hide the greed and greed in their eyes.

What made Li Yao a little relieved was that none of the nine super naive infants, including the "Three Sages and Four Fiends", the Phoenix Emperor and the Kuchan Master, knelt down allegiance.

Of course, the situation of the Phoenix Emperor is quite special. The young emperor has just broken free from the restraining reaction of a dilapidated headache.

The little emperor seemed to have finally realized that "Leiyun Immortal Monarch" could not be his ancestor. He had always been just a puppet played by him in the palm of his hand, and he seemed to be unable to withstand such a severe blow, staring at him. Zhang distorted and dumb face, dazed in a daze.

"The situation is not good. Twenty or thirty high-ranking monks have allegiance to the imperial special forces, plus the'Fire Phoenix Guards' who were originally controlled by him and wearing the imperial light crystal armor, the number of natives in the ancient sacred world The advantage is completely lost!"

Li Yao silently calculated the strength of the enemy and ourselves, and felt that this battle was too dangerous.

What's more, those who have not yet knelt down to be loyal to "Leiyun Xianjun" are not necessarily unyielding hard bones. They are just based on a very simple truth-the promise of "Leiyun Xianjun" is, who will kneel first. If you surrender to him, you can get a Yunqin Jinren, but there are only twenty Yunqin Jinren at most, and now there are almost thirty people kneeling down.

For the latecomers, it seems that they are not in a hurry to express their views, and they can talk about the price.

Sure enough, I listened to the gloomy laughter from the black skull giant soldier, Leiyun Xianjun laughed: "Very well, you 28 immortals have the deepest relationship, as long as you are loyal and obey the immortal monarch's drive, This immortal monarch will naturally fulfill his promise and try his best to repair all the Yunqin Jinren here, and bestow you!"

"As for the remaining people who have not yet made a decision, these twenty-eight monks are your role models! The Yunqin Jinren here have been allocated, it doesn't matter, the fairy palace is so big, there are great wars everywhere outside. At the time, there are naturally more Yunqin golden men's remains, which may be restored and used! As long as you surrender to the immortal monarch, the immortal monarch will naturally restore more Yunqin golden men and give them to you!"

"Even if there is no Yunqin Jinren, the'Fairy Armor' brought by the immortal monarch from the immortal realm is also a priceless treasure. All of you have seen its power just now, and the number is also extremely limited. Hehehehe, not all Everyone can get it!"

"The Yunqin Jinren and the Immortal Battle Armor are not only the kindness of the immortal monarch, but also the immortal fate that God bestows on you. As the saying goes,'Heaven does not take it, but he takes the blame. A gift from the fairy world, no wonder this fairy is about to use the thunder method!"

"Whether to fly up to the immortal realm with the immortal monarch, or to go down to the Nine Nether Yellow Springs like these ghosts who don't know whether they live or die, make a quick decision!

"Don't believe his nonsense!"

Both Qi Zhongdao and Han Baling were sweating profusely, and screamed almost at the same time.

Qi Zhongdao exclaimed, "No matter what you do, you will steal if you do not commit crimes. When he meets his face, he makes such a generous promise and absolutely hides evil intentions. There must be a great conspiracy hidden in this. If anyone believes his words, he is afraid of The souls will be completely swallowed up, squeezed to the point that there is no scum left, and even your respective sects, families, cities, and even the entire ancient sacred world will be forever!"

But Han Baling rolled his eyes and said, "Everyone, we have so many golden cores and Yuan Ying, and we suppress him together, and we can still interrogate the secrets of Yunqin Jinren and the fairy world from him. It must be better than he told. Ours is more and more true!"

Han Baling deserves to be a rising generation of heroes on the grassland, and his words are more provocative than Qi Zhongdao.

Even if "Leiyun Immortal Monarch" is not a real immortal, the momentum entrenched in the depths of the Giant God Soldier is shocking enough.

He didn't have the slightest fear, and even wanted to use the weakness of human nature to persuade everyone to defeat and torture this "fairy"!

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

Those who have the qualifications and abilities to appear in this giant **** weapon warehouse are all high-level cultivators above the pill formation, so naturally there is not half an easy generation.

Everyone knows that the words behind Leiyun Immortal Monarch are really too moist. Yes, it is true that there may be Yunqin Jinren in the other corners of the "Xiangong", but from the scenes that just walked along the way, most of the gold The human remains are fragmented and unusable, even eroded to the point of rust.

Even if it can be repaired, its power is definitely not as good as the twenty Yunqinjinmen here.

Human nature is like this. Everyone chooses to surrender. It's just that one is a little bit faster and the other is a little bit slower. The rewards you get are quite different. It's still a super magic weapon related to the life and wealth of the cultivator. This kind of ending is everyone. It's hard to accept, and the unbalanced mentality takes time to calm down.

Many people even seriously considered Han Baling's proposal.

Yes, will this "Leiyun Xianjun" be carefully tortured after being suppressed, but will it be possible to torture more valuable information?

The words that Xianjun Leiyun took the initiative to say had extremely low credibility, and one sentence in a hundred sentences might not be true.

But as long as he falls into the hands of many cultivators, there are naturally a hundred ways to take out all the bezoar dog treasures in his mind!

For a while, the air suddenly became tense.

The standing and kneeling cultivators, even if they are clearly close at hand, seem to have a bottomless gap between them!

A moment ago, the brothers, nephews and nephews who fought side by side... the killing intent in the eyes became sharp and clear.

Li Yao was looking for opportunities in the invisible jungle composed of many fierce murderous auras.

He used his peripheral vision to see a sneaky "corpse" on the other floor of the Giant God Soldier Warehouse, wriggling silently, moving towards the Giant God Soldier maintenance platform quietly.

It was Long Yangjun who transformed into the "Wang Xi Form".

"It's time for the Master to appear!"

Li Yaoyi reluctantly licked the black skull giant soldier one last time.

He still couldn't extinguish the impulse to this giant soldier.

Secretly made up his mind, must kick Leiyun Xianjun out, and occupy this "dream giant soldier"!

Li Yao calmly adjusted the angle of the transistor probe, scanning the giant soldiers on several maintenance platforms near the exit of the psychic transmission pipeline.

On the left side of the maintenance platform is a small 15- or 6-meter-high giant soldier. Although the left arm is fragmented, the rest of the body is intact, and Li Yao has already controlled the "Great Flame Dragon Sparrow" that lost one arm. With a wealth of experience, you should be 70% sure that you can start it!

In the rightmost corner, a height of 245 meters, but a width of more than 20 meters, looks like an overweight armored giant soldier standing up by a giant turtle man. It also looks quite exciting, but the distance is too far. , Li Yao was not sure to sneak there without disturbing anyone.

As for the performance difference of the giant soldiers, it is not too important. According to Li Yao's rich experience in the control of giant soldiers, it will take at least one and a half years to use a brand-new giant soldier thoroughly and fully integrate with it. Loading time.

The Imperial Special Forces just got the Black Skeleton Giant Soldier, I'm afraid that even the most basic operation interface may not be fully understood, and they don't even know how to read the various magical powers hidden deep in the Giant Soldier.

It is impossible for him to exert the ultimate power of the Black Skeleton Giant God Soldier. It would be good if he could stimulate one-tenth of the combat power!


In front of Li Yao's eyes, thousands of complicated routes and hundreds of thousands of items of data emerged, forming a dense world of pale gold, and instantly condensed into seven sets of different action plans!

The situation is about to explode, without further ado, he must act immediately!

Taking a deep breath, Li Yao poked his head out of the crack in the psionic pipeline while the black skull giant soldier turned his back to him and was entangled with Qi Zhongdao and Han Baling!

At this moment, a cultivator standing on the ground unconsciously raised his head, just in time to sweep Li Yao with his left light.

There are a hundred or two hundred cultivators who are extremely sensitive. It is really impossible for Li Yao to wait until everyone bows their heads to study their toes before crawling out.

Li Yao was trying to exert his strength, perceiving the other's gaze, the cold sweat on his forehead came down, and he made a gesture of "silence" at the cultivator.

Speaking of it, he and this cultivator of Fengleigu had a relationship, and he had helped him adjust a flying sword.

The surprise on the face of this elder Fengleigu flashed, and he nodded slightly to express his understanding, and then took a deep breath, his eyes widened, his words were round, and he yelled clearly:

"Enjoy the fairy, there are people on it!"


The fourth one hits again!

Thank you for your great support these days and all the time, especially if a friend has saved up a lot of pocket money to reward the old cow, tears are so grateful!

Lao Niu fights for more speed, continue tomorrow!

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