40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1520: Hit the wolf with a stick

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. Except for Li Yao and Long Yangjun, the other eight super souls made great waves in their hearts.

Since they have been able to climb to the high-level and even the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, they have been in the intriguing and unpredictable cultivation world for so many years, and they have a deep enough understanding of the darkness and coldness of human nature.

Even the compassionate Kuchan master is not a naive, wishful thinking.

Coupled with the "Leiyun Xianjun" who is suspected of being an immortal, the activities they have just engaged in made them even more suspicious and wary of the legendary "Xianren".

If there were immortals, how would they treat the "mortals" in the ancient sacred world, including cultivators?

A friend that can cooperate, a slave that can be crushed, a plaything that can be played with, a food that can be swallowed, or... an ant that is casually trampled to death?

Many super naive infants, the more they ponder, the more they feel that the future is unpredictable, and the future of the ancient sacred world turns out to be a **** darkness!

Their faces became gloomy one after another, and deep worries and worries emerged between their eyebrows.

"Although in the legend, there is no lack of compassion, to save all living beings, and to enlighten mortals, gods and gods, but..."

Han Baling had a solemn expression, and said every word, "These are all absurd legends, the sustenance of the ignorant people! If there are immortals, and they control a hundred times more resources than us, they have far more than us. I don’t see the abilities above us. They have any need to be kind to us!"

"It's like the Central dynasty that has occupied the most fertile land in the world. At its peak, why does it need to show the border barbarians a bit of a good face? Anyway, when a decree comes down, it will ask and ask the Bianhuang tribe, squeeze the bones and **** the marrow, while All the treasures, talents, women, and livestock of the desert tribe will all be sent to the central dynasty!"

"If the frontier tribe fails to follow suit, there will be a thunder attack from the court's ‘king master’, and the entire tribe will be completely wiped out!"

"It's like the Dagan Dynasty. In the first 500 years of the founding of the country, it wiped out more than three hundred and eighty frontier tribes. No matter the east, the west, the north, or the south, they were all beaten down by the so-called'master'! After hundreds of years of immortal civil strife in Dagan, and gradually declining, it has gradually loosened control of the border and wasteland!"

"The relationship between the fairy world and the ancient sacred world is very likely to be a strong central dynasty. The relationship between the wild tribes, those'immortals' will never bring the slightest kindness, just to blackmail, plunder and strangle us! We! You must cheer up, take up the sword, and resist the fairy!"

"Amitabha Buddha, what Han Shizhu said, is too extreme. Since the immortal realm is tens of thousands of times larger than the ancient sacred realm, obviously there are also many races and forces in various forms. It is impossible for every force to be extremely evil, right? "

Master Kuchan folded his hands together, and turned his words, "However, the heart of harm is indispensable, and the heart of defense is indispensable. We know nothing about the situation in the foreign domain. All decisions must be weighed and carefully. Yes."

"Yes, if there really exists an Outland that is ten million times bigger than us, then the number of powerful people in Outland must be ten million times that of ours. Maybe there will be more Yunqin Jinren and...Xianclan battleships. Once they discover the existence of the Ancient Sage Realm, it is really difficult to resist the Ancient Sage Realm! So we can't be too careful!"

Ba Xiaoyu was holding the pipe stem in both hands, with sweat in his palms, almost breaking from it. After thinking about it, he added nervously, "By the way, Immortal Realm or Outer Realm, I haven't found the Ancient Sacred Realm yet, right?"

"You are wrong, Outland has most likely discovered the existence of the Ancient Sage Realm."

Wu Suiyun sighed.


All the super infants jumped up.

"How can it be!"

Ba Xiaoyu widened his eyes and cried out strangely, "How did the two seniors know that Outland has discovered us? Since they have found out, why didn't they send someone—"

Having said that, the beggar's voice stopped abruptly.

Because it suddenly occurred to him that "Outland" had indeed sent someone, and that was the "Leiyun Immortal Monarch" who was being **** by them at this moment!

Although "Leiyun Immortal Monarch" was caught by them, there were one or two. Who knows if there is an army of Outland who is slaying aggressively towards the ancient holy realm at this moment?

For a time, all the elders of Yuan Ying, who had never changed their color before the big landslide, tasted the long-lost sense of sweating!

"Meng Chixin and I have studied and practiced in the battleship of the fairy clan for more than 70 years. After decades of repeated speculation and research, we have initially grasped the functions of some magic weapons inside the battleship, and also realized how vast the star sea outside is. , At this time, we suddenly discovered—"

Wu Suiyun said, "In one of the cabins of the Xian Clan battleship, there is a large magic weapon, and there are signs of being aroused recently!"

"The so-called'recent' is roughly within a hundred years. More precisely, it is very likely that we will be transformed into ancient monsters when we explore the underground palace!"

"And the purpose of this magic weapon, based on the repeated deductions of the two of us, should be similar to the "Linghe Chuanshu", sending signals to the depths of the star sea, far and far away!"

Including Li Yao, all Yuan Ying shivered coldly.

Li Yao exhausted all his strength and barely suppressed the urge to make a strange scream.

Qi Zhongdao pondered for a moment, and said: "The two are saying that exactly one hundred years ago, a signal that resembled divine consciousness was launched from this fairy clan battleship, and it was transmitted to the depths of the star sea, something mysterious. Where?"

"Maybe it's not mysterious."

Wu Suiyun shook his head and said, "After discovering this, Meng Chixin and I disassembled this large magic weapon for research. It took a full ten years to activate a mottled star sea map inside and roughly found it. The place where the signal went should be several worlds similar to the ancient sacred world."

"We speculate that this immortal warship, like the psionic flying boat we use, obviously also needs a home port and several supply ports to avoid wind and rain, to carry out supply and cargo loading, just like the great navy. Stationed in several ports such as'Zhenhai','Tianhai', and'Yunhai'!"

"The destination of the signal is most likely the home port of the Xian clan battleship hundreds of thousands of years ago, or a place where it thinks it can contact the'Xianren'!"

"So, fellow daoists, unfortunately, our ancient sacred world was probably exposed to the mysterious and powerful ‘Fairy Realm’ as early as a hundred years ago!"

Everyone was dizzy and dumbfounded by the thunderbolt news.

Li Yao felt that his eyes were blank, and his ears and eyes were buzzing.

This, this, this is really terrible!

That's right, the Xingyao Federation discovered the existence of the ancient sacred world, and he accurately locked the coordinates of the ancient sacred world!

But the two great gods of the Ancient Sage Realm also knew the existence of the Tianyuan Realm and the Flying Star Realm, and they were very likely to locate some of the coordinates of the two realms. I just don’t know what the star map they barely resolved would be accurate to. degree!

It was a mess at both ends to beat the wolf with a stick, and there was also an imperial special soldier in it. It was really messed up!

"Fortune Wushuang comes, misfortune never comes singly."

Meng Chixin didn’t give many Nascent Souls a chance to breathe, as if deliberately trying to scare one or two to death, said, “Just as we discovered that the ancient sacred world is very likely to have been targeted by the immortal world, we also discovered, that The ban on sealing the underground magic palace is gradually losing its effectiveness!"

"I don't know if it was finally consumed to the limit after hundreds of thousands of years of ups and downs, or because the two of us had touched it once a hundred years ago. No matter how the seal is impossible, in short, according to our inference, this prohibition It is almost impossible to sustain it for another hundred years, and within a hundred years, it is very likely to completely collapse!"

"Once the prohibition set by this immortal clan collapses, the dozen or twenty prohibitions set by us alone will not be enough to resist all monsters!"

"And we all have a faint hunch that a large number of monsters are gradually waking up in the depths of the magic palace, ready to move."

"Because of hundreds of thousands of years of vicissitudes and earth changes, perhaps the outer shell of the Underground Demon Palace has long been shattered. Maybe they can find another way out, protruding from the ground, and ravaging the world without breaking through the restrictions!"

"Everyone, this is the situation we are facing right now—"

"Above our heads, in the vast outer star sea, there is very likely a large number of vicious and evil immortals, who have already been eyeing our world, and are coming fast and fast - Leiyun Xianjun is one of them, and the actions of this man It can be seen that immortals are by no means good men and believers."

"And under our feet, there is a magic palace that will burst at any time. Once the restriction is broken, the ancient monsters will reappear in the world, turning the entire ancient sacred world into a nest of monsters!"

"There is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth. If you are not careful, our world will be destroyed by the hands of fairies or demons!"

"Now, you still think that between Yunqin and Dagan, between the sect and the refugees, between the emperor and the eunuch...that bit of enmity and contradiction is more important?"

Many Yuan Ying were speechless.

Qi Zhongdao and Han Baling looked at each other, the Phoenix Emperor and Long Yangjun looked at each other silently, Qi Changsheng looked at Ba Xiaoyu, Wan Mingzhu looked at Master Kuchan, the hatred and killing intent in their eyes gradually dimmed, as if blown by a strong wind. Extinguished flame.

Indeed, if the Ancient Sage Realm is really just a small pebble on the edge of the star sea, it will be crushed into powder by a hundred times more powerful force at any time. What is the point of their fighting for this pebble?


Many Yuan Ying have strong despair in their hearts.

However, in the next instant, the intense despair was swallowed by an even stronger will to fight!

As a powerful and powerful party, the Super Nascent Soul, who is only a short distance from Huashen, bears the hope and future of the entire Ancient Sage Realm. Their Dao Heart is extremely strong, but they won't succumb so easily!


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