40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1528: Long live my wife!

Hei Yelan's words seemed to have transformed every brain cell of Li Yao into a spar bomb and exploded all of them, opening a colorful firework conference deep in his mind!

Heartbeat! Heartbeat! Heartbeat!

excitement! excitement! excitement!

Every cluster of Li Yao's nerves is bearing the emotional impact of the stormy waves!

It's really dying. Staying with these monsters and an imperial special force is a great test of his acting skills every second. It's a **** torment!

"Ding Lingdang! Can Ding Lingdang lead a federal fleet and defeat a scout team of the Black Wind Fleet?"

"Legendary powerhouse? You are eligible to be named these four words. It seems that in the past 100 years, when I was in hibernation, my wife must have done a lot of earth-shattering and shocking things that shook the federation. Let the comparison go down, hahahaha!"

"The development of the Xingyao Federation is not slow. Although Black Night Orchid belongs to only a small claw fleet, it is obviously impossible for Ding Lingdang to be the main force of the Federation! The two sides met in a narrow path in the sea of ​​stars. The Federation will be able to knock down the empire. At least it shows that the technological gap between the two sides and the generational difference of magic weapons are not so large that the number cannot be compensated!"

"As long as we have enough numbers, we will be able to submerge the Imperial Expeditionary Army!"

"By the way, what is Ding Lingdang doing near here?"

"Since Heiyelan will fall here, it means that the star field where they are fighting should be not far from the Dark Nebula. Why did Ding Lingdang appear here with a federal fleet?"

Li Yao's heart moved, and he was about to bloom a flower from the depths of his heart. He thought sweetly: "Could it be that my wife came to me with a large group of people?"

"It's possible, very possible!"

"Almost a hundred years have passed, and the realm of the wife has been greatly improved. She is now the'Legendary Strong Red Flame Dragon King'! And the overall strength of the Federation must have also improved by leaps and bounds. It has a super power with more powerful firepower and greater endurance. fleet!"

"My wife has not heard from me, and can't bear to wait alone at home, so she set out to search near the dark nebula, but inadvertently detected the battle between the Firefly and the Imperial Claw Fleet!"

"It is estimated that these empires have never thought about covering up. Their starship refining style and battle emblem are quite distinctive, and they were instantly recognized by their wife."

"My wife is a violent temper. Now that I have discovered the imperial fleet and the opponent's size is not large, how can I manage that many? If I can capture some imperial starships and immortal cultivators, then the'Federal Defense War' will be even more. Get it!"

"Yes, it must be so, long live my wife!"

Li Yao was ecstatic in his heart, but after another thought, even though Ding Lingdang and the Federal Fleet had originally intended to come to him and the Ancient Sacred Realm, they would definitely be involved after being inadvertently involved in the battle between the real human empire and the "Xinghai Republic Orthodox Government". Change the purpose.

The Xinghai Republic is an important period between the Xinghai Empire and the real human empire.

The legendary "Black Star Emperor" Wu Yingqi first became the supreme leader of the Xinghai Republic, then abolished the parliament, arrested members, turned the republic into a dictatorship, and established a true human empire!

Originally, Li Yao thought that "Xinghai Republic" was already a historical term, and it should have been annihilated in the cold depths of the universe one or two thousand years ago.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a "government in exile" built on the starship, which has fled to the vicinity of the Federation!

It seems to be a coincidence, but if you think about it carefully, it's not surprising.

Because most of the area in the sea of ​​stars has been divided by the empire and the Holy League, where can the exile government of the Xinghai Republic not escape to the fringe star field of human civilization?

For the Federation determined to fight the empire, the Xinghai Republic’s government-in-exile, or “orthodox government”, is undoubtedly of great value.

What's more, the initial batch of members all escaped from the extreme heavens. If the Federation can cooperate with them, it will be of great benefit to grasp the situation in the heart of human civilization.

Not to mention, there is also the "Jade Seal of Passing the Country"-the "Xinghai Great Seal" used by the legendary "Emperor"!

It is estimated that after defeating the Imperial Claw Fleet and saving the Firefly, and knowing that it was carrying the "Orthodox Government of the Xinghai Republic", Ding Lingdang and the others could only focus on the overall situation and **** the Orthodox Government of the Xinghai Republic and a large number of imperial prisoners. Go to the federal mainland.

Li Yao sighed quietly.

Although from his feeling, only a few years have passed since he was awake.

However, in the real passage of time, it will be a hundred years after all, a whole hundred years!

It has been a hundred years, what exactly has the federation of today become? Now, where is the wife and what are they doing? Is it still playing with the battleship?

An unstoppable impulse rose in Li Yao's heart, and he wished to be sent back to the Federation with a "shoo" now, to see his hometown and relatives after a hundred years of absence, and to see the reborn and rapid rise of the Xingyao Federation!

"The Scarlet Flame Dragon King? What an overbearing nickname!"

Li Yao couldn't bear it, and said hoarsely, "How strong is she, to transform the gods? In this...Star Federation, what is the "legendary" method?"

"Even if her cultivation base hasn't rushed to the realm of God Transformation, it is not far away. At least it is above the peak realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, and she has also cultivated some overbearing and fierce supernatural powers. There are few, but the level of brutality and brutality is even worse. It can be called a'half-step transformation of God'!"

Hei Yelan’s eyelids fluttered wildly, and she answered with a trembling voice, apparently subconsciously still immersed in the shadow left by Ding Lingtong, she couldn’t extricate herself, embracing her arms, paused, and then said, “As for more details, I don’t know. Now, because we are at an absolute disadvantage in the scene, the starship was breached without torturing the captives for how long, and all the captives were rescued by the other party, and even most of us were reduced to prisoners of the other party!"

"In addition, there are still psychic interference wave bombs released by the Firefly in the entire star field, let alone the mother fleet hundreds of light years away, even if there are two starships close at hand or even two. Between the armor masters, the communication channels were severely disturbed, and all the transmissions of spiritual thoughts were intermittent and fragmented. I only collected a piece of information, and I had to reconcile the only remaining bloodblade-class assault ship, the "Huangya". Break through!"

"We only wanted to escape. After we escaped, we tried to find a way to contact the mother fleet. We couldn't collect more information!"

"The'Red Flame Dragon King' Ding Ling, like a furious hungry dragon, chased after us, biting hard!"

"She beat the ‘Herald Tooth’ to pieces, and the communication unit and power unit were greatly damaged, and even the Xinghai Jumping Unit was faintly unstable!"

"We were chased and killed by her for several days. Seeing that if we don’t take any action, we will break down and sink into the sand. In the end, we have to take risks, cruising at high speeds and severely damaged warships, to carry out unconventional limits. Jump! And the destination is set to the depths of a vast expanse of dark nebula next to the battlefield!"

Wu Suiyun said, "Is it our Ancient Sage Realm?"

"We didn't know the existence of the ancient sacred world, we just thought that it would be easier to get rid of each other in the depths of the dark nebula.

Hei Yelan bitterly said, "Extreme jumping is too dangerous. A warship riddled with holes cannot withstand the frenzied starburst in four-dimensional space. Even if the warship can jump past, the survival rate of the crew is extremely low, almost as low as Zero-this is something that every "Imperial Navigation Manual" will be warned again and again!"

"Sure enough, although Huangya managed to jump to the depths of the dark nebula by luck, the starship that was already riddled with holes was severely distorted and ravaged again, and would collapse at any time!"

"And everyone in the starship, except me, was torn apart by starbursts in four-dimensional space, or was attacked by mysterious cosmic radiation, and died terribly!"

"and many more!"

Meng Chi asked vigilantly, "Everyone is dead, why didn't you die?"

"Because I have the protection of giant soldiers."

Hei Yelan said quickly, "Although my giant soldier was defeated by the Scarlet Flame Dragon King, all his hands and feet broke and burst, but the cockpit, that is, the'spiritual house' was not completely damaged, and it also possessed extremely strong protection capabilities, and extreme jumps occurred. At that time, I was hiding in the spiritual palace, relying on the protection of the giant soldiers to escape, but in this way, my giant soldiers also completely collapsed and could not be used anymore!"

Meng Chi snorted coldly: "In this way, you escaped by chance, and you ‘just happened’ to discover our ancient sacred world?"

Hei Yelan shook her head and said: "It can't be regarded as ‘just’. I relied on Huangfang’s automatic cruise magic weapon and searched for a trace of the signal penetrating the dark nebula before I found it."


Meng Chi's heart was slightly startled, "What's that?"

"I'm not quite clear. I'm not a navigator, and I don't know much about how to control a starship."

Hei Yelan thought for a while and said, "For example, the dark nebula surrounding the ancient sacred world is like a muddy ground. If a snake crawls over it, it will definitely leave a trace. It will disappear after a certain amount of time."

"The flow of information penetrates the dark nebula, just like a snake crawling through mud or a desert, leaving a faint trace."

"The denser the interstellar dust, the more vivid the traces left by divine consciousness will penetrate it."

"If it involves gravitational wave communication and other information transmission methods that need to tear four-dimensional space or even higher dimensions to unfold, the traces may be more obvious."

"At this time, I had no choice. Anyway, it was a dead end. I simply followed this trace all the way forward, and finally found the ancient sacred world, and used the last bit of psychic energy left by the wild tooth to excite the magnetic field. Entrapped a large number of war remains, that is, what you call "stars", disguised as a meteor shower, and fell down!"


Explain two questions.

First, a friend said that the name "Firefly" is a bit familiar. It seems that Li Yao had also refined a "Firefly" when he returned to Tianyuan from Fei Xing.

Lao Niu said, yes, three thousand worlds, tens of thousands of planets, I don't know how many starships, it is normal to repeat the names, just like the Federation has a Jinjiazong, and the Ancient Sacred Realm also has a Jinjiazong, the same name is just the same, not the same thing.

Second, some friends said that Xinghai Republic was overthrown by the Blood God Son? Why is there another orthodox government?

Lao Niu said, you should have remembered wrong. The one that was overthrown by the Blood God Child is called the "Xinghai Empire". There are now three dynasties in the center of Xinghai, the Xinghai Empire, the Xinghai Republic, and the real human empire.

The Xinghai Empire was overthrown by the Blood God Child or Doomsday. The remaining power re-established a parliamentary republic in thousands of years, the Xinghai Republic.

The Xinghai Republic was controlled by Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, and changed its dynasty to become a real human empire. In this process, some people in the original council who were dissatisfied with the monarchy escaped, and fought a civil war with the empire, and finally some slipped through the net. Zhiyu flees on the Firefly and embarks on a thousand-year exile.

So there are three dynasties with orderly inheritance. Don't be confused, thank you!

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