40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1549: Don't force us to jump over the wall!

Li Yao's face was expressionless, but his eyes slashed at Long Yangjun's "elegant" and even "feminine" face like two swords. He said coldly: "There is a problem, Prince, according to your words, if the star The Yao Federation is really a rising sun, a promising new force that is willing to sincerely and the ancient sacred realm as an equal alliance, and if the conditions they offer can satisfy me, then I am waiting to join the Star Federation sincerely, or again Do you want to pretend to surrender, and then'slowly figure it out'?"

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "As far as the Federation is concerned, it is not contradictory to join in sincerely and to succumb to it!"

"It's like what Lingjiu Daoist said at the beginning, the territory of the Star Federation will not be too vast, and the world will not be too much. If we join in, we will be able to have great influence, relying on honest and bright means, all You can "slowly figure it out", occupy a high position in the Federation, safeguard the interests of the ancient sacred world, and even implement our Dao Heart and Will in the Federation, so why bother to play any tricks?"

"What's more, since we have made a choice, we must help the Federation to fight the empire together. Maybe we will join hands to destroy the Black Wind Fleet and forge a deep hatred with the empire. How can we rebel?"

"None of us are short-sighted and insatiable people. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the survival of the ancient sacred world and integrate into the outside world! As long as the Star Federation is really promising and can meet our conditions, then we will sincerely join us. The Federation, walking all the way to the dark, helping the Starry Federation rise on the edge of the star sea, and even dominate the entire universe, why not?"

"Friend Lingjiu, are you satisfied with my answer?"

Li Yao said dryly: "There is nothing to be satisfied or dissatisfied with, let's just take a look!"

Long Yangjun chuckled, then turned his gaze away: "Where are the other fellow Taoists?"

"I also have a question."

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu gave a dry cough, scratching his messy hair and said, "Sneaking into and joining the Federation, these are not impossible to consider, but the beggar doesn't quite understand why we can't use the same method to infiltrate the Black Wind Fleet and investigate the empire. Happening?"

"After all, it looks like the empire is stronger, right?"

Long Yangjun said: "This is very simple, because it can't be done."

"The Black Wind Fleet is precarious in the sea of ​​stars. It is impossible for us to lock their coordinates, but they are the only ones who lock us!"

"What's more, no matter how large and complicated the internal ‘living area’ of the Black Wind Fleet is, it is an army after all. It must be a tightly controlled, highly guarded, and unknown stranger, it is difficult to sneak in!"

"Furthermore, there are many masters in the Black Wind Fleet, and they are powerful. If we find us, we will be difficult to fly and we will only become fish on the chopping board."

"Finally, the Star Sea Battleship can be gathered and scattered. Even if we really control a certain or even twelve starships, the Black Wind Fleet can sacrifice them and blow up all the starships and us, instead of Like a central city with a population of tens of millions, it is something that cannot be discarded!"

"In other words, when the Black Wind Fleet is on high alert, we don't actually have too many methods to threaten them, so how do we play against them?"

Ba Xiaoyu frowned and said, "Is the situation on the federal side different?"

"Of course it's different."

Long Yang Jun said, "The Star Federation is a star sea country, no matter how small a country is, it will control three or five big worlds. The sailing and trade between each other must be very frequent. There are countless cargo ships sailing in the star sea! "

"The'Ghost Painting Talisman' I formed is proficient in disguising disguise, penetrating assassinations, and relying on your high control over your body, as long as you send it to a suitable star field on the edge of the Federation, find a few cargo ships to figure out the general situation of the Federation , And then get a fake identity to infiltrate-it can't be said to be easy, at least it won't be as difficult as sneaking into the Black Wind Fleet!"

"Don't think of the federal people simple!"

Li Yao interjected coldly, "It is not easy for the Federation to defeat the claw fleet of a real human empire, and our identity will most likely be exposed!"

"I didn't think about the federation simply, but the fellow Lingjiu Daoist and you all thought the whole thing too complicated, too difficult, and too weak for ourselves!"

Long Yangjun looked directly at Li Yao unwillingly, "Speaking of which, aren't you fellow Daoists afraid of being seen through by the Xingyao Federation after the lone army goes deep?"

"But have you ever thought about it, how about seeing through?"

"Leave aside, I can arrange a few sets of seamless identities and rhetoric for everyone, explaining our origins, even if we don't pretend, everything is honest, what can the Federation do for me?"

"I said one of the most extreme, most dangerous, worst, and most unlikely situation, let us study it."

"Suppose we just entered the territory of the Star Federation, we were discovered by them and thoroughly seen through--"

"Oh, this situation is not the most extreme. The worst situation is that, at this moment, at the preliminary negotiation stage of our entire infiltration plan, it has been detected by the Xingyao Federation!"

"and many more!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu couldn't help crying, "Now, now? How can the Federation detect it!"


Long Yangjun smiled and said, "We assume that now there is a Federation master who is proficient in'invisibility', hiding among us, listening to our full set of plans with ears up, and knowing all our actions well, and All the information was reported to the Federal Court in the first time, which led to the fact that we were discovered by them as soon as we sneaked into the Federation and monitored the whole process! Friends of Daoist Ba, Friends of Lingjiu, this situation is the worst, isn't it? Maybe something worse than this, right?"

Li Yao and Ba Xiaoyu looked at each other, and said with difficulty: "It seems they are."

Long Yangjun raised slender, long, faintly blue eyebrows: "So what?"

"so what?"

Ba Xiaoyu's eyes widened, "The Star Federation will naturally come to round up us!"

"Round up us?"

Long Yangjun grinned and his eyes instantly became extremely sharp, "Ten Yuan Ying stage high-level, pinnacle, plus two great gods, all of them can summon giant soldiers, how much the Federation is prepared to pay to round up us, and can How much damage did they endure from the fierce fighting, especially before they faced a war with the empire?"

"A simple calculation of combat power will know that we are by no means as weak as we thought!"

"From Heiyelan's intelligence, it is known that there is a'Red Flame Dragon King Ding Lingdang' in the Star Federation, which is probably a half-step transformation god, that is, the peak of the Yuan Ying stage. It is called a giant soldier. The Federation's'Legendary Powerhouse'!"

"The title of legendary powerhouse can be up to two or three, three or five in a country. It can't be all over the street, right?"

"Well, then we are all high-level and pinnacles of the Yuan Ying stage. We can all learn to control the giant soldiers. There is even a **** among us-our combat effectiveness is worse than that of the Scarlet Flame Dragon King Ding Lingdang. Where do you go?"

"That's not what I said!"

Li Yao couldn't help refuting again, "I have been studying the Giant God Soldiers these days, and I personally controlled these two days ago. These great treasures are definitely not easy to get started! The Red Flame Dragon King Ding Lingdang might have worked hard. Ten years, we have already reached the realm of unity of nature and man. We can't be more powerful than her by relying on the rapid development of just a few months and half a year!"

"No need to be better than her!"

Long Yangjun stubbornly said coldly, "I'm just like Ding Lingdang is a three-headed six-armed, bronze-headed iron forehead, blue-faced fangs, long horns on his head, and scaly demon king!"

Li Yao: "Uh...that's probably not so exaggerated."

Long Yangjun: "It doesn't matter, even if she is so powerful, three of us, no, six for her, is it enough? Six masters besieged her, even if our mastery of the giant soldiers is not as good as she is. Enough to die with her, right?"

"That is to say, we are twelve, if we are not right, we can spell out the other two national ‘legendary powerhouses’ like Ding Lingdang!"

"Well, you guys think, before facing the life and death battle with the Imperial Expeditionary Army, the Star Federation can withstand the consequences of losing two national-level ‘legendary powerhouses’?"

"This is not counting the damage we caused when we were dying and struggling!"

"So, even in the worst case, I now have an'invisible man' from the Star Federation who is eavesdropping on our plans here? He really has the courage to disclose our news to the federal government. Know, let the Federation risk the death of two legendary powerhouses to round up us? Does he dare? Does he dare!"

"Hehe, I'm the'invisible man', maybe I have to scratch my head, rack my brain, thinking about how to cover up, and we must not let the federal government discover our true identity, lest we take the risk, and we will die. Great damage has been caused within the Federation!"

"The prince is high, it is really high!"

Huntian King Qi Changsheng laughed loudly, "This is the **** truth that'barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes'! We have indeed been too frightened these days! In fact, if you think about it carefully, we are all barefoot men, regardless of the empire or the empire. The Federation should be more afraid of death than we are! If you are afraid of being stunned, if you are stunned, you are afraid of death, so let's treat it as the horrible and make a **** path in the sea of ​​stars!"


Long Yangjun laughed and said, "A total of twelve of us may not be able to help the Xingyao Federation defeat the true human empire, but it is absolutely capable of dragging the Federation to die together! This kind of'killing the same' ability is that we and the Federation The biggest cost of the game is also the'amulet' that we can explore freely and slowly within the federation. If the federates have a little brain, they won't want to break our identity and force us to jump the wall!"

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