40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 156: Tempered

Leaving Ding Lingdang's house, Li Yao sprinted all the way to the floating mountain of the fighting system, and a fierce man plunged into the super sober cabin.

"The super awake state is activated, and the activity of brain cells hits the limit, 331%!"

In an instant, Li Yao's consciousness appeared in the depths of the Liantian Pagoda.

Without hesitating for half a second, he went straight to the southeast corner.

The two rows of bookshelves here are all placed in the method of body quenching.

The refining environment of the ancient repair world is very harsh, and the sealing of the furnace is not good, and it is possible to irradiate high-temperature gas of several thousand degrees at any time, or with extremely corrosive venom.

Coupled with the backwardness of stamping and forging methods, many processes have to be worked out by the refiner abruptly.

Therefore, ancient craftsmen paid great attention to tempering the body.

Just like the ancient blacksmiths, they are often also powerful people.

Without a good physique, a hammer of several hundred catties can't be lifted, and a refining furnace of thousands of degrees dare not approach, so how can refining it?

The first floor of the Pagoda of Refining Heaven contains a lot of wonderful skills for tempering the body.

Li Yao glanced at it and stretched out his hand to "Ten Thousand Hundred Refining", which is known as the "First Tempering Secret Book of Hundred Refining Sect"!

"Thousands of tempering" is the secret technique of body tempering created by the elder of Bailianzong "Tiemu Master".

Although Master Tiemu didn't have much accomplishment in refining tools, his body was strong and powerful, but it was second to none in the hundred refining sects!

Legend has it that in a refining accident, the furnace tripod exploded, and the entire refining division was shrouded in high temperature and poisonous mist, even if the golden core expert dared not approach it easily.

At that time, there was only Master Tiemu, who was at the peak of the base-building period, but with his tyrannical physique, he broke into the refining room and rescued three of the same family. For a while, he was shocked by the same family as a heavenly man. The first body tempering supernatural power!

According to legend, Master Tiemu was extremely weak when he was young. Not only was he not qualified for refining tools, he was not even qualified to enter the iron-breaking room as an "iron-breaking handyman".

And he is a person who is extremely crazy about refining art, squatting at the door of the ironing room whenever he has time, watching many brothers and sisters forging the treasures of heaven and earth.

Over time, he suddenly thought:

"If steel can be forged over and over again, continuously removing impurities, changing the internal structure, and becoming indestructible."

"Can the flesh and blood of human beings be made in the same way and become extremely powerful through thousands of tempers?"

If ordinary people have such thoughts, they may forget them in the blink of an eye and treat them as idiots.

Master Tiemu is an extremely crazy person. He actually found a hammer, learned the technique of forging steel with his brothers, and smashed himself on him.

In the beginning, of course, I smashed myself into a broken bone, vomited blood, and was regarded as a big joke by others.

Fortunately, Bailianzong is not an ordinary Jianghu school, and some are miraculous medicines, and the slight pains of the flesh are all cured by medicine.

In this way, Master Tiemu smashed himself over and over again, and after more than ten years of groping, he actually walked out an unprecedented road.

For the next hundred years, until his fall, Master Tiemu has been unremittingly improving the method of tempering the body, and finally created the magical power of "Thousands and Hundreds of Refining".

According to Master Tiemu's boasting in the preface of "Thousands of Tempers", this supernatural power is unique in the entire cultivation world, and it is a marvelous skill that enhances the strength in the beating.

The enemy's attack is tantamount to hammering, the more fierce the attack is, the faster the strength will increase!

Once you have cultivated to the highest realm, your flesh and blood will become an indestructible treasure of heaven and earth, and you will even be able to "see the gods are not bad, and you can't be destroyed"!

This statement was a bit brash, and even Master Tiemu himself did not "see God is not bad, but never die in catastrophe", so he fell.

However, after practicing "Thousands and Hundreds of Practices", the body is like steel and iron, which greatly improves the ability to resist attacks. This is absolutely true.

"Do you want to practice?"

Li Yao pondered.

As the first body tempering secret method of the Bailianzong, "Thousands of Tempering" is of course not so easy to practice, and it takes a lot of time and energy.

If it is just to earn Ding Lingdang's credits, it seems a bit uneconomical.

He might as well complete the Tai-A-type transformation earlier, refine some magic weapons, and exchange credits with his classmates.

However, Tai A-1 is a small refining furnace with extremely limited production capacity.

And he is also a novice, even if he succeeds in refining every time, how many magic weapons can he refining?

What's more, there is no need for others to exchange with him. The school naturally has open channels to provide students with hundreds of more classic magic weapons with very low credits, which are enough to meet the needs of daily practice.

These classic magic weapons have been continuously improved in the refining process of the major sects for hundreds of years, and finally finalized, condensing the painstaking efforts of countless senior refiners.

Li Yao didn't have the confidence, so he immediately refined a magic weapon that surpassed the classics to compete.

"In the final analysis, we still have to hunt the monster beast in the depths of the wilderness!"

"Tai'a-type refining furnace can refine some special magic weapons for my own use."

"But my strength will also increase crazily, at least not to slow down the team."

"Cultivating "Ten Thousand Hundreds and Hundreds of Practices", although not much attack power can be improved, but it can greatly enhance the ability to resist attack, which is equivalent to improving the survivability of the battlefield.

"For a refiner, is this enough?"

Growing up in the tomb of a dangerous magic weapon since he was a child, Li Yao has always felt a deep sense of insecurity in his heart.

Although he aspired to become a refiner, he never thought that he could protect himself with magic weapons alone.

The two confrontations with Ding Lingdang made him deeply aware of the gap between himself and the real master.

"With my current strength, facing a beginner cultivator in the foundation building phase, even if the whole body is covered with magic weapons, he will still be crushed."

"And in the depths of the Great Wilderness, monsters that are more powerful than the first-level cultivators in the foundation-building period are everywhere!"

"In order to develop in the future, we must improve our strength, at least we must first improve the ability to fight and fight!"

Thinking of this, Li Yao focused his attention and entered the world of "Ten Thousand Hardened".


Countless thoughts flew up from the scroll and merged with Li Yao's consciousness, and infiltrated his spirits of meditation pictures, acupuncture diagrams, and body structure diagrams one by one.

The key to "Ten Thousands of Practices" lies in the three levels of "internal, Chinese and external".

Inside the body, meditate on the internal structure of the ninety-nine kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures. Think of yourself as these ninety-nine kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures. Imagine that you are under forging. All kinds of impurities are discharged from the body, and the body structure becomes Closer.

On the surface of the body, one hundred and eighty acupuncture points must be fully aroused, the destructive power of the enemy's fierce blasting will be introduced into the 180 acupuncture points, and then into the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, the marrow and the tendons will be washed, and the bones will be reborn.

And the most important thing is the outer layer, to stimulate the aura and condense it into a special buffer structure to dispel the enemy's attack and evenly transport the power to the 180 acupuncture points.

Otherwise, the enemy is not an idiot. Of course, he has all the power to hit one spot. How can he spread the power into one hundred and eighty points and attack one hundred and eighty acupuncture points at the same time? It's not a massage again!

"Using aura to condense into a buffer structure, and transform the enemy's strength into one hundred and eighty ways, this step is the most critical!"

"If there is no buffer, Ding Lingdang will hit with a heavy punch, and I will be blown up directly, so how can I temper it?"

"Buffer, buffer..."

Li Yao frowned deeply.

He found that the buffer structure proposed by Master Tiemu was too complicated. It actually stimulated the spiritual energy and condensed into tens of thousands of air masses like small springs.

When the enemy hits with a punch, he will be scattered by his tens of thousands of "spiritual little springs", let alone scattered into one hundred and eighty channels, even if they are scattered into one thousand eight hundred channels, the destructive power will naturally drop to The lowest, not only is not enough to cause harm, but can be used for cultivation.

The problem is that with the four levels of Li Yao’s small Qi refining period, the control of the aura is not so subtle, it is impossible to divide the aura into tens of thousands of groups, and each group must be condensed into the form of a small spring. They must be arranged according to certain rules.

"It's too exaggerated. If you want to control the aura so exquisitely, it may not be possible for the peak powers during the base-building period. This magical power is not suitable for beginner disciples to cultivate!"

"No wonder it is the first body tempering supernatural power of the Hundred Refining Sects, but in Ou Yezi's memory, there are not many people practicing except for Master Tiemu, only these volumes of exercises are left here!"

"But it's not right, how did Master Tiemu cultivate himself in the first place?"

Li Yao held his cheeks and pondered for a long time before thinking of a possibility.

It is estimated that Master Tiemu started to practice according to the "Golden Bell Cover", "Iron Cloth" and "Thirteen Taibao Heng Lian" on the rivers and lakes.

After being trained by mistakes and collisions, he has become a master of the generation. If he wants to keep his name in history, he can't tell the truth when he compiles the exercises.

Otherwise, let’s honestly say that our "Thousands of Tempering" was born out of "The Golden Bell and Iron Cloth", so how out of style?

Of course, it is necessary to write mysterious and mysterious, obscure and difficult to understand, in order to demonstrate the transcendence of the cultivator.

This can be regarded as a bad habit in the ancient world. Many ancient practitioners like Yunshan Wusha when compiling the cultivation techniques, which is mysterious and mysterious. In summary, they can be summed up in four words: don't speak human words!

After a few words, Li Yao suddenly thought:

"The key to practicing "Ten Thousand Hundreds of Practices" lies in buffering, and the buffering method can be more than just spring."

"At the time of Master Tiemu, the spring structure was already amazing, but in modern times, we still have many kinds of cushioning structures!"

Li Yao is a craftsman, and buffering is also a very important concept in the learning of craftsmanship. In the past few months, he has learned countless very classic buffering methods.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he was depressed to find that each buffer structure was very complicated and could not be simulated by the fourth layer during the refining period.

"What is the easiest way to buffer..."

Li Yao thought hard, suddenly there was a "bang" deep in the soul, and something exploded.

That is the airbag.

An airbag installed on the shuttle car.

The shuttle is extremely fast, and in the event of an accident, it is very likely to cause death.

Therefore, the sects that refine the shuttle car will install a large number of airbags in the car, which are usually folded, and in the event of a collision, they pop out instantly and expand hundreds of times, providing passengers with a vital...buffer!

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