40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1567: Headhunter

According to Fitch, he was born as a nobleman in the Tianhuan civilization. He has been thinking about how to deal with the Federation for decades. His thinking is still quite clear. All of a sudden, he explained the chaotic situation and the weaknesses of the Federation. .

Long Yangjun inserted a sentence: "It sounds like the situation in your Dragon and Snake Star Territory is really quite complicated?"

"It's really complicated."

Fitch said, "Furthermore, the officials of the Star Federation did not aggressively attack the Dragon Snake Star Territory, it does not mean that they did not secretly attack the Dragon Snake Star Territory! The transport ship we destroyed just now was all from the Star Federation' 'Headhunters' are minions manipulated by the snake demon girl Jin Xinyue!"

Li Yao asked: "Headhunter? Who is that?"

"That's it. The officials of the Star Federation signed an armistice agreement with us. After exiling us here, they couldn't find a suitable reason to deal with us for a while, but this does not mean that their civilians did not act. Up."

Fitch explained, "People exiled from the four worlds of Sky Ring, Tree Sea, Nether and Crystal to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, often have deep hatred with those who stay at home and actively join the Star Federation, such as our Tian Gang. There is a deep contradiction between the clan and the earthsha clan, and many people originally had hatreds that did not share the sky."

"On the official level, the Star Federation did not start a second war against us, but those new to the Federation will find ways to hire experts from the Federation, secretly sneak into the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, and kill those who had blood feuds with them in the past. ."

"These Federation masters who sneaked into the Dragon and Snake Star Territory to perform the assassination mission were called'Headhunters', and on the Federation side, they called them'Avengers'."

"It's like the group of headhunters we killed just now. They were hired by some Earth Shamen and sneaked into the Dragon and Snake Star Territory to kill one of our fellow Tiangang tribes nicknamed'Doctor'."

Li Yaoqi said, "Why kill the'doctor'?"

Fitch replied: "Thirty or fifty years ago, before the Star Federation conquered the Celestial Circle, this'doctor' was specifically responsible for treating patients with'severe strike syndrome'. In addition to regular use of high-concentration happiness water In addition, he also devoted himself to research, repeated experiments, and created a very wonderful current stimulation therapy, which has a miraculous effect on the treatment of strikes. Many patients got rid of the troubles of the disease under his careful treatment and went back on. The job position has changed from a madman to a person who is useful to our civilization."

"However, severe strike syndrome is a very dangerous disease after all, and some side effects will inevitably occur during the treatment process. Besides, the patients themselves are not willing to cooperate."

"Therefore, among the patients treated by the'doctor', it seems that some people have died and some have survived, and their brains have also been affected to a certain extent."

"In the past in the Celestial Ring Realm, this was simply a common occurrence-no matter what doctor, at best, can he rejuvenate, where can he be brought back to life? It is impossible to cure all diseases 100%?"

"As a result, after the war, the'doctor' suddenly became unforgivable, and countless people sought revenge from him!"

"Fortunately,'Doctor' took advantage of the chaotic period just after the war, changed his name and changed his surname, disguised himself, and fled to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory."

"In the past, the guys who had side effects after being treated by the'doctor', as well as the family members of the patients who died, were reluctant - now they have changed and become federal citizens, and the Star Federation supports them. He became more aggressive and aggressive, and had to kill the'doctor'!"

"They firmly believed that the'doctor' did not die in the war, so they entrusted a sect in the Federation that specializes in investigation and tracking to find the whereabouts of the'doctor', and finally investigated the latest identity of the'doctor' five years ago."

"So they hired a group of'headhunters' to sneak into the Dragon and Snake Star Territory and enforce the'sanctions' against the'doctors'!"

"This is a lot of trouble. The'Doctor' has long known that he has become the target of a headhunter. In the past five years, he has escaped three vicious assassinations. This is the fourth time."

"We were all hired by'doctors' to help him deal with headhunters. In order to save his life, he was bankrupt. He spent all his life savings to hire so many people."

"This time we were lucky. The'Doctor' bought accurate information in advance for a large price, and found out the route of the headhunters into the Dragon and Snake Star Territory and the ships they boarded. They ambushed in advance and killed them by surprise. To the screen."

Fitch’s words caused many Nascent Souls and Huashens to talk: "Headhunter? Avenger? Interesting, really interesting!"

Long Yangjun pondered for a moment, throwing new doubts, "Wait, your words are unreasonable-whether it is investigating the new identity and appearance of a person who has been missing for decades in the vast sea of ​​stars, or hiring a master and sneaking into a foreign land, The execution of the assassination mission is quite expensive, right? According to what you said, those who have blood feuds with you should be from the bottom of society. Even if they join the Federation, they cannot become rich overnight. How can they be capable? Hire these investigators and headhunters?"

"Everyone knows something, this is the sinister, shameless and shameless thing of the Star Federation!"

Fitch said depressed, "Those humble miners and stinky mud legs, maybe they don’t even know a big calligraphy, and they are so poor that they are so poor that they can take out their money and hire the most elite assassins to perform such a dangerous mission. ?"

"However, the most powerful forces in the Federation, including Yaoshi Group, Skyfire Organization, Patriot Front, etc., have jointly funded and formed a foundation, called the Revenge Foundation, which provides funds specifically for those guys. stand by!"

"Those miners and mud-legs, if they want to hire investigators and headhunters, they usually only need to spend a dollar or even a dime symbolically, and all other expenses are provided by the ‘Revenge Foundation’!"

"Especially the Skyfire organization led by Jin Xinyue, the daily operation of the'Vengeance Foundation' is their responsibility, and Jin Xinyue has also nurtured a group of professional'headhunters', all of which are the most brutal and elite. Assassins, specifically for these miners, mud legs and all kinds of bad guys, to solve the hatred of the past!"


Long Yangjun's eyes flickered, "Why do these powerhouses of the Star Federation want to do this?"

Fitch was itchy with hate: "The superficially sounding reason, which is claimed to be'the Federation will help every citizen to uphold justice, whether rich or poor, strong or weak,' is actually known to everyone, but it is just a means to buy people's hearts. By the way, it can also create terror and chaos in our Dragon and Snake Star Territory, so that we can completely succumb as soon as possible!

Long Yangjun, Li Yao, and many Yuan Ying and Huashen looked at each other.

"Will the Federation help every citizen uphold justice?"

Everyone saw the surprise and deep thought in each other's eyes.

Especially the "heroes" like Huazi Ba Xiaoyu, who likes to fight justice and preside over justice, have bright eyes.

With limited time, Long Yangjun didn't want to continue to struggle with this issue, and changed the subject: "Tell me about your'Emperor's Proposal'. Who is your leader and where did you know the'Xiuxian Dao'?"

Fitch said one hundred and fifty: "The president of our Emperor's Proposal is called'Lu Qingchen'. He is a native of the Federation... Don't be surprised everyone. Although President Lu is a Federation member, he has a relationship with the Federation. His grandfather and father died tragically in the hands of the federal government. President Lu also became an enemy of the federal government very early, causing a lot of damage in the federal territory. It is the highest reward offered by the federal government. Most wanted criminal."

"Furthermore, President Lu’s master is an out-and-out imperial immortal cultivator, and the spiritual leader of our Emperor’s Council, called'Su Changfa'!"

"Su Changfa!"

Hei Yelan cried out, "That's not—"

Long Yangjun turned her head, gave her a fierce look, asked her to stop her voice, turned her head, and said calmly, "It turned out to be him. I didn't expect him to be in the Federation. How is he now?"

"Senior Su passed away more than fifty years ago."

Fitch said, "However, his mantle and the brilliant thoughts of Xiu Xian Dao have all been passed on to President Lu Qingchen. President Lu has painstakingly studied Xiu Xian Dao for nearly a hundred years. He is a tenacious, determined and loyal man. The cultivator of immortality, he has been fighting in the most arduous environment for a long time, even fighting alone, just waiting for the arrival of the imperial dao friends!"

"After our four worlds were successively conquered by the Federation, the thoughts of all the exiles were very confused, their moods were also quite distressed, their morale was extremely low, and they were desperately desperate, and when they could not see the slightest light, it was President Lu who descended from the sky to bring us. Only when we came to Xiuxian Avenue, we found the way forward again, united together, and finally formed the'Emperor's Proposal'!"

"Lu Qingchen?"

Li Yao frowned, always feeling that something was wrong, and asked, "Since the purpose of your imperial meeting is to wait for the arrival of the imperial army, now we have come, where is your President Lu Qingchen, take us to see him !"

"This, I'm afraid I can't do it."

Fei Qi smiled bitterly, "Chairman Lu is known as the most terrifying enemy of the Xingyao Federation. I don't know how many people in the Federation hate him. They want to slash him with thousands of swords and blow his bones to ashes! His usual whereabouts are uncertain. , Unpredictable and extremely cautious, to escape decades of wanted and hunted down by the Federation, and remain safe and sound!"

"And, uh, I'm actually just a peripheral member of the Emperor Lin Hui. I haven't even seen President Lu's deity with my own eyes. How can I know where he is at the moment and how to contact him?"

Long Yangjun nodded: "This is the truth, then you should always have a superior, a connector, etc. in the Emperor Lin Hui?"

"That's natural!"

Fitch said very readily, "I do have a contact person in the'Yulong City'. I can now take you seniors to find him, and report it level by level. Such great news, I believe Lu will Chang will show up soon and meet you guys!"

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