40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1570: Dragons and snakes are mixed, Yulongcheng!

In three hours, Fitch confessed everything he knew, especially the information about the Dragon and Snake Star Territory.

At this time, many ancient sage experts discovered that the Dragon and Snake Star Territory was simply the best place for them to sneak into.

The Dragon and Snake Star Territory, as its name suggests, is a place where fish and dragons are mixed, smoky and lawless.

The Star Federation has developed rapidly in the past hundred years and expanded vigorously. In addition to the original Three Realms, four new worlds have been merged in one go.

For the new world, this kind of earth-shaking change is certainly warmly welcomed by the vast majority of people, but it is bound to damage or even completely deprive the interests of a small group of people.

In this era of turmoil and turbulent advancement, when the Federation is rapidly expanding, not only in the four new worlds of Sky Ring, Tree Sea, Nether and Crystal, a group of people who are extremely dissatisfied with the Federation has emerged; even the three cores In the world, there are also a small number of people who can't keep up with the times, and have all kinds of different minds.

The Star Federation emphasizes "freedom to come and go", and does not force anyone to become its citizen, let alone any cat or dog who can become its citizen unconditionally.

For those who resolutely resist the Federation, do not want to stay on the territory of the Federation, but do not violate the law or discipline or hostile behavior, the Dragon Snake Star Territory is a new home specially prepared by the Federation for them.

Relying on the relatively stable red giant star in the center of the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, although it is impossible to continue the days of drunkenness and extravagance in the past, it can barely survive.

It's better than wandering aimlessly in the depths of the star sea on a tattered starship and relying on a few supplies.

As a result, in the four new worlds, a large number of exiles have migrated to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory one after another in the past few decades.

Most of these people are the upper-class figures of the original world, and they have accumulated some wealth, treasures and unannounced inheritance. Through various channels, they have more or less brought some out. For a time, it has made the little Dragon Snake Star Territory. Suddenly swelled, deformity prospered.

However, the Dragon and Snake Star Territory does not have a unified government and effective management system, and the exiles do not see the slightest hope and way out. In addition to their unanimous hatred and hatred of the Federation, they are not monolithic. Killing each other, killing people for treasure, and the like are not uncommon here.

In addition, the "headhunters" from the Star Federation are often the most vicious and dangerous elements in the Federation itself. In many cases, they may not really come to "advocate justice". It is very likely that these exiles are brought out from their hometowns. The destruction they have caused by unscrupulous means has made the security situation in the Dragon Snake Star Territory even worse.

Various factors have caused the Dragon and Snake Star Territory today to be such a place of misty, bizarre, and ridiculous dances of demons.

Even the "Star Thieves", who had disappeared from the Star Federation long ago, are resurrecting here.

However, in all likelihood, they are not professional star thief, but the local forces of the Dragon and Snake Star Territory ‘guests’.

Anyway, you rob me today and I will rob him tomorrow. I am drunk today, I am drunk and dreaming about the glory of the past... Basically, that's the thing.

"The Dragon and Snake Starfield is the most chaotic place near the Star Federation. For us, it is naturally the best place to start!"

After ending Fitch's interrogation, the twelve experts from the Ancient Sacred World gathered together to discuss the next move.

Long Yangjun said, "First of all, people who are exiled or fleeing to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory often owe blood debts in their hometowns, just like the'doctor'; even those who have no grievances, often carry them with them. Some valuable treasures, so many people choose to remain anonymous, change their appearances, and completely become another person."

"In the Dragon and Snake Star Territory,'identity' has never been a problem. Most people will prepare three or five false identities for themselves, and they are used to never asking others about their origins. Whoever asks more will be regarded as It is a'headhunter' from the Federation, who will be attacked by groups."

"The entire Dragon and Snake Star Territory has hundreds of millions of people. This is still a rough estimate. To put it further, it is impossible to carry out accurate population statistics here. Many black households secretly managed the starship to escape here, as long as Bringing enough resources from their hometowns, no one can account for who they are."

"Hundreds of millions of people, even more than a billion people, are sneaky people. How can the Federation investigate their identities one by one?"

"We use the Dragon and Snake Star Territory as a springboard to adapt to this lawless and chaotic place for a period of time and learn the rules of modern cultivation and civilization. It is like twelve leaves hidden in the forest and will never be found!"

"Also, Fitch said, there is a very wonderful business in the Dragon Snake Star Territory. There are some people who can help others get the legal status of the Star Federation."

"This is because the people who fled to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory are not necessarily die-hard elements like Fitch who have to fight the Federation to the end."

"Actually, we slowly figured out that, apart from direct warfare when conquering the Celestial Ring Realm, the Xingyao Federation had relatively gentle conquests on the other three worlds, like the Nether Realm and the Crystal Realm. They even actively asked to join the federation."

"Those who escaped from these worlds just couldn't accept the Federation, a ‘behemoth’ from another world."

"After living in the smoky, hopeless Dragon Snake Star Territory for decades, and gradually deepening their understanding of the Star Federation, they may not want to return to their hometown and the fallen leaves will return to their roots."

"The Federation has a rather ambiguous attitude towards these people. Generally speaking, as long as they have not owed blood debts in their hometowns, the people are not angry, and those who have settled all the grievances of the past can still let them go home."

"There is plenty to do in this."

"For example, there is a Zhang San who fled from the Crystal Realm to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. He was a good man in his hometown. He did not commit crimes or owe blood debts. He just couldn't understand some federal policies at first, and was worried about You will lose your wealth during the change, so you refuse to join the Federation and migrate to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory."

"Such a person, if they want to return to their hometown, there is no problem at all."

"But this'Zhang San' was dead when he was in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, leaving only an'identity', so who really came back to the Federation with the identity of'Zhang San'-this is very difficult to verify. ."

"After all, in the vast sea of ​​stars, it is too easy for a person to disappear silently, and it is too difficult and too difficult to determine the life and death of a person and whereabouts!"

"There are many people in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory who make a living on this. They are specially helping others to forge their identities and enter the Federation legally. We may also be able to forge twelve new identities, which are more than what we thought of when we set out. More secure!"

"Dear friends, what do you think?"

Numerous Yuan Ying and Hua Shen talked about them, and in principle, they had no opinion on Long Yangjun’s proposal. What they have to do next is to adapt, learn, observe, and make choices, and put another one on top of the original disguise. There is no harm in a layered coat.

Only the hero of the grassland, Han Baling, knocked on the table and reminded everyone: "The main city of the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, the "Yulong City", must be going, but everyone should be vigilant and don't take it lightly!"

"I've been thinking about the'Dragon and Snake Star Territory' just now. It stands to reason that after conquering the four new worlds, instead of cutting the grass and removing the roots, I still left such a'land of exile'. Isn't it a problem to raise a tiger? Troublesome behavior?"

"Since the Xingyao Federation has such a cruel leader like Jin Xinyue, it would never do such a merciless and endless trouble after thinking about it."

"However, when you think about it carefully, the Star Federation originally only had three great worlds, and it absorbed four new worlds in just a hundred years. The expansion speed is really fast!"

"As the saying goes,'Haste is not good.' I swallow four pieces of greasy fat in one go. I'm afraid that the Star Federation is holding it hard now. Even if it is determined to find out all the resistance in every world to suppress it, it is absolutely necessary. Not possible."

"Since it is impossible to find out and kill all the resisters, instead of letting them hide their minds and wait for opportunities in their hometowns, it is better to assume a'magnanimous' posture and prepare a new home for them. They are all gathered together and put on the surface to facilitate federal monitoring and control."

"This is probably the biggest purpose of the Star Federation to establish the'Dragon and Snake Star Territory'."

"If Jin Xinyue came up with this idea, then this'Snake Scorpion Demon Girl' is really a bit of a catastrophe, absolutely not to be underestimated!"

"What I mean is, don't look at the Dragon Snake Star Territory on the surface of its own system, you can jump twice at the feet of the Federation, in fact, the Dragon Snake Star Territory must be under the federal high-level surveillance, full of eagles, dogs, eyes and eyes of the Federation. "

"If we are just preparing a few fake identities, maybe the federation will not bother to entangle with our'insignificant''little characters', but if we really do something extraordinary in Yulong City, we still think about the federation. Indifferent, that would be too naive!"

"Friend Daoist Han said that is quite true."

Qi Zhongdao said solemnly, "Listening to Fitch’s confession just now, Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue, the'Scarlet Flame Dragon King', and the'Snake Demon Girl' Jin Xinyue, are not easy to follow! If we choose the empire, these two women are Our most dangerous enemy; even if we choose the Federation and want to bargain with these two women, it will be quite difficult to take advantage!"

"Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue are both outstanding figures in the Star Federation. They are the objects that we must focus on in the next period of time. But I am more worried about the other person, another...perhaps more than these two women combined , More terrifying people."

One of the two great transformation gods, "Wolf God" Meng Chixin made a dull voice in the iron shell, and said every word, "That is-Vulture Li Yao!"

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