40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1572: This is the empire!

Hei Yelan straightened her back and retorted loudly: "The strong rule the weak, and the wise lead the fool. Isn't it natural and natural? Is it necessary for the weak to rule the strong and the idiot to lead the genius? Isn't that a complete mess?"

"It's just that who is strong and who is weak, who is the genius, who is the idiot, in the eyes of our true immortals, we have to compete head-to-head, rather than relying solely on blood to decide!"

"The natural selection of things, the survival of the fittest, the survival of the weak, the king and the loser, as a true immortal cultivator, we will never evade, but will actively face and actively fight for every opportunity of cruel competition. We are proud of it. There will always be only our strength, not our blood and identity!"

"To prove oneself in cruel competition and **** trials is a'real person'; the weak, the lost and the dead are the'primitives'. This has nothing to do with who their parents and ancestors are. It is the essence of Xiuxian Avenue!"

"The Tianhuan civilization is obviously not the case. Perhaps in the early days of the Tianhuan civilization thousands of years ago, those'Tiangang tribes' who were not afraid of hard work and sacrifice and worked hard to repair and rebuild the Tianhuan outside the atmosphere are indeed social. The elite, the best one in a million, deserve the proud title of'real people'; and those'earths' are indeed lazy, short-sighted, and weak, losers, and poor worms who are not willing to fight for the future of their children and grandchildren. They are not qualified to live in Tianhuan, and have to stay on the heavily polluted and perilous surface to struggle. This is their own responsibility!"

"However, this is something that happened thousands of years ago, the strong and the weak, the real and the primitive!"

"Today's Tiangang tribe, why do they regard themselves as superior people, elites, outstanding people,'real people', and thus occupy the sky ring? Is it because of the glory of their ancestors? This is purely a matter of reincarnation and their own efforts. Struggle has nothing to do with it!"

"And today's Earthsha clan, struggling for so long on the ground with many dangers, can't it be that a few strong people have emerged under the stimulus of all kinds of dangers? Are these strong people not qualified to ascend to the sky ring and get Better education, more intense training, and more resource support in order to lead the entire civilization to new heights?"

"The descendants of the Tiangang tribe will always be the Tiangang tribe, and the descendants of the Disha tribe will always be the Disha tribe. The class is completely solidified, and there is no way to ascend. The upper class'elite' lies on the ancestor’s account, not thinking about making progress, and thinking about how to oppress. The lower class people; and the lower class people have accumulated a lot of anger, and don't know how to vent! Such a civilization will only wipe out all its power in internal consumption. How can there be any future?"

"Such a civilization is not a true'immortal cultivator civilization' at all. It is just a selfish scum like'Fitch', who satisfies our ridiculous greed and selfish desires under the banner of our immortal cultivators. It’s not surprising that the civilization of the cultivators has been destroyed, but it’s quite pleasant!"


Li Yao's expression was extremely strange, and the other strong men were also astonished by Hei Yelan's rebuttal, "How do you sound like, you hate Tianhuan civilization more than Xingyao Federation?"

"Of course!"

Hei Yelan said sternly, "We are the cultivators and the cultivators, there is not too much personal grievances. We just have differences on the future direction of the development of human civilization. Although they are enemies, they are at best only 'Hostile', there is not much to'disgust' and'contempt'."

"Fake cultivators like ‘Fitch’, but under the guise of the avenue of cultivating immortals, to satisfy their own selfishness, and even corrupt the reputation of our cultivators in the universe."

"As a true immortal cultivator, compared to a cultivator, of course he hates and hates these ‘counterfeit goods’ even more!"

Li Yao coughed dryly. He didn't know how to say it for a while. He pondered for a moment and asked curiously: "Since you are so dissatisfied with the system of Tianhuan civilization, the master would really like to know that in your real human empire , If faced with the situation of'Tianhuan Civilization', how would it be most likely to deal with it?"

"There is no need to be'most likely'. In the real human empire, such as the Tianhuan civilization, the inhabitants of a planet are divided into two classes. Most of the'primitives' live on the surface with harsh environments, and a very small number of'real people' live in comfortable environments. , It is a very common social form in the starry sky orbit cities with developed civilization."

Hei Yelan said proudly, "Because the center of the Star Sea was the main battlefield of the'doomsday' war ten thousand years ago, many habitable planets, like the sky ring stars, were swept by the war, and the surface was seriously polluted and destroyed, and they were no longer suitable for survival. of!"

"Then the establishment of a starry sky orbiting city not far from the home star can not only collect the resources of the home star nearby, but also avoid the harsh climate, serious pollution and brutal alien beasts on the surface. It is the best choice! "

"Therefore, divide people into the strong and the weak. The strong live on the sky ring to enjoy life, get sufficient resources, study the most cutting-edge technologies, supernatural powers and disciplines, and push civilization forward; while the weak stay on the ground. And underground, use your own lives of little value to provide fuel for the advancement of civilization-this is the most reasonable system!"

"There is no problem in the division of Tiangang and Earthsha clan. The question is how to determine who is Tiangang and Earthsha clan, and whether the transformation between Tiangang and Earthsha can be free?"

"There must be sufficiently stringent standards to ensure that every'Tiangang tribe' is indeed an elite among the elite, is one of the best in a thousand, and is qualified to enjoy abundant resources and beautiful environment. If the standard is not met, the management The descendants of whom you are, will be eliminated mercilessly; and even the descendants of the Earthsha tribe, the lowest miners, must have a smooth ascent path for them to prove their excellence and give them an iron fist to fight out.' Tiangang tribe's chance of this identity!"

"If the Tianhuan civilization is a standard immortal cultivator civilization within the real human empire, then the'tianhuan' may still be established, and the two classes living in the sky and the underground will still emerge, but between the heaven and the earth, there will be The most important thing-the tunnel connecting the underground mine and the star city!"

"In the empire, many planets with similar environments have such channels, which we call-the tower of the sky!"

"In the Tongtian Pagoda, various cruel and **** trials will be arranged. All the'Earth Sha's' can enter the Tongtian Pagoda unconditionally to break through the barriers, as long as he has the ability to pass numerous tests and prove his'excellence' with two fists. And'powerful', you can ascend to the sky in one step, transform from the'Earth Shaman Clan' to the'Tiangang Clan', and occupy a place within the sky ring!"

"On the other hand, within the Tianhuan, various trials and life and death arenas will also be set up. Every descendant of the Tiangang tribe will undergo the most stringent tests, training, and competition from birth. The style of private fights is also very popular. Once you lose in trials, arenas, and private fights, it means that you are weak, rubbish, and not worthy of the glorious title of'Tiangang tribe', even if your father is' You will be kicked out of the sky ring ruthlessly from the high officials of the Tianhuan Mansion, and thrown into the underground mines. From the high above Tiangang tribe to the lowly Earthshade tribe!

"Of course, the so-called arena, trials and private fights do not necessarily require the use of force, wisdom, computing power, command power, creativity, etc. The Empire has thousands of very detailed professional assessment procedures, everyone can choose To develop your own expertise, as long as you prove that you have a very high value to human civilization, you can naturally enjoy the most honorable status and the best treatment!"

"Under such a competitive system, every Shaman clan will practice frantically for the opportunity to ascend to the sky in one step, and every Tiangang clan dare not slack in the slightest, because they are afraid of falling from heaven to the underworld!"

"Regardless of the Tiangang or the earth evil, everyone has a sharp sword hanging above their heads, and a hungry wolf is chasing behind their buttocks! Everyone is doing their best and doing their best! The result is the rapid advance of civilization, which is the entire planet. The strength skyrocketed!"

"Moreover, such a smooth up and down, so that everyone can see the system of hope and fear, is of great benefit to maintaining social stability!"

"The anger and grievances of the Earthsha clan can be effectively vented through the'Tongtian Tower'. They will clearly realize that the reason why they are the'Earthsha' and others are the'Tiangang' has nothing to do with destiny, ancestors, and system and government. , The injustice of the country is irrelevant, just because-they themselves are too weak!"

"Tongtian Pagoda is there, and you will have everything if you rush past it! If you don’t dare to rush through the Pagoda, what qualifications do you have to blame the sky and you, and what to envy, jealous, and hate. If you really want to hate it, just hate yourself for being so weak. !"

"I can guarantee that if the Tianhuan civilization is a real civilization of immortal cultivators and implements such a highly competitive system, whether you are Ding Lingdang or Jin Xinyue, it will definitely not be so easy to incite the'Earth Clan'! On the contrary, if you can By linking military exploits to identity and accumulating a certain amount of military exploits, you can become a Tiangang tribe, and you can enter the life of Tianhuan. The war potential of Tianhuan civilization definitely does not stop there. Maybe you can drag the Federal Expeditionary Forces to death and let Xingyao. The Federation has suffered a terrible defeat!"

"Naturally, if such a system is implemented, such as'Fitch', a stubborn and a nobleman without bones, there will be no good life. It is very likely that he will be eliminated in the test at the age of seven or eight and kicked to the ground. Going to fend for itself in the mine!"

"However, we cultivators consider the future of the entire human civilization, the life and death of a certain person, a certain family, or even a certain group. What should we care about? If I were proved to be a weak person, I would naturally accept the misery. My destiny, just like I was tortured by all of you, without complaint, because this is all I have committed the'crime of weakness', and it is my own responsibility-whether I am willing to bet on my identity, dignity, future and life for the entire human civilization , This is the real difference between a real cultivator and a fake cultivator!"

Many Yuan Ying and Huashen were dumbfounded.

Seeing Hei Yelan's expression of excitement and blushing and thick neck, they all seemed to have met this female prisoner of war from the real human empire on the first day.

Li Yao murmured: "This is... the way of the real human empire?"

"Yes it is."

Hei Yelan took a deep breath, and every pore was filled with crazy pride, "This is a real human being, this is an empire!"

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