40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1578: The dispute between two women!

After talking about this in one breath, the screw head paused, adjusted the somewhat dry pronunciation symbol array on his neck, and continued: "Ding Lingdang is like this, and the'Patriot Front' created by her is even more so."

"You do not know that at the end of the old federation, the predecessor of the Patriot Front was called the'Patriot Organization'. This organization played a less glorious role in history. It is said that they once launched a coup in an attempt to seize the highest. Power, for this reason, he assassinated the speaker at the time, and almost dragged the entire Confederation into the sea of ​​flames."

"This coup has been called the'Patriot's Rebellion' in history."

"After the failure of the coup, the leaders and members of the original Patriot organization were sanctioned by law. Several leaders who were directly responsible were sentenced to death, and ordinary members were sentenced to decades or even hundreds of years of exile and hard labor. "

"Ding Lingdang took over the mess of the Patriot Organization under this situation and transformed it into the'Patriot Front'!"

"The Patriot Front in the early days of reconstruction was not accepted by the public who had just experienced the'Patriot Rebellion', let alone joined it! At that time, the first batch of backbone forces of the Patriot Front were the original'Patriotic Front'. The members of the “people’s organization”, as well as the people in the network of their family members, disciples, etc."

"Although the number of people is not large, but in this case, they are still willing to bear infamy and misunderstandings and join the'Patriot Front'. Those are the most loyal, elite, and pious people!"

"The original Patriot organization was composed of the most radical and extreme'Patriots.' They were willing to devote everything to the Confederacy, but they chose the wrong path."

"When this surging patriotism was bewitched and manipulated by the original leader'Lu Zui', it turned into a destructive force capable of destroying everything!"

"However, under the leadership of Ding Lingdang, the new Patriot Front has also contributed its strength in a radical, paranoid, and extreme way!"

"The members of the Patriot Front have all embraced the attitude of'ascetic monks.' They don't make the slightest excuses for outside doubts or even curses, but silently use practical actions to wash away the shame brought by the former Patriot organization,'Patriotic All the damage caused by the activist organization to the Federation will be slowly repaid by our Patriot Front', this is their early concept!"

"With the support of this concept and with the mentality of'atonement', the members of the Patriot Front fought hard in the most remote, hardest and most dangerous jobs in the Federation!"

"Where is the most remote, hardest, and most dangerous job? Of course it is the border of the Federation, the newly developed resource planet and the great world!"

"So, there was a situation in which a member of the original'Patriot Organization' was sentenced to decades of hard labor and assigned to the frontiers, and his family members, clansmen, students... the mighty dozens of people, Hundreds of people will all migrate together to build a new territory for the Federation, using their blood, sweat and even their lives to slowly change the impression of the three words'patriot' in the minds of the Federation people."

"So, when our four new worlds, Nether, Sky Ring, Tree Sea, and Crystal, are successively thrown into the arms of the Federation, the ascetics who belong to the Patriot Front are the first batch of Federation monks to come to the new world."

"At that time, the new world was not as prosperous and developed as it is now. Each world has its own problems. It is either a bad environment or a shortage of resources. The war is endless."

"As you see now, the weird world like'Tree Sea Realm' where the entire planet is covered by primitive jungles is not something that everyone can bear!"

"Cultivators are not saints. From the advanced and developed old world to the new world with nothing and crisis-ridden'shining and fever'? Many practitioners of the old world have retreated, even if someone came to stay for two or three years, When the work period expires, they often seem to fly away."

"However, these ascetics of the Patriot Front persevered stubbornly. They helped the four new worlds repair bridges and pave roads, erect spiritual energy pipelines, build hospitals, schools, and training sites, spread the federal culture to the new world, and establish A brand-new civilization slowly mingle with the inhabitants of the new world!"

"Nearly a hundred years of construction, a whole generation of time, countless ascetic monks silently dedicated here, most of them fell here and buried their bones on the land of the New World. In this way, the Patriot Front was completely integrated. The new world is inseparable from the new world."

"The Patriot Front has developed rapidly in the New World. After all, the residents here have not experienced any'Patriot Rebellion', nor have they heard of'Lu Zui' and'Zhou Hengdao' which made the residents of the old world scalp. The name of Ma, since the Patriot Front is fighting for the residents of the New World sincerely, everyone's "liberator" Ding Lingdang is still the leader of this organization. Isn't it natural to join the Patriot Front?"

"After nearly a hundred years of intensive cultivation, the four new territories have become the stronghold of the Patriot Front. They represent the new world and compete with the big sects, wealthy and aristocratic families of the old world in the parliament!"

Li Yao heard this with full concentration, could not help but spit out a foul breath, scratching his hair desperately.

This question is too difficult, he doesn't know how to solve it!

Long Yangjun continued to ask: "So, what is the difference between the Skyfire Organization and the Patriot Front in... policy?"

"Of course it's **** for tat!"

Screw head said, "Let's talk about economic development first. The Skyfire organization led by Jin Xinyue advocates a strategy of'strengthening the core', which is to concentrate the resources of the seven realms and give priority to the development of the three core worlds of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Flying Star! "

"Golden Xinyue’s reason is that the three core worlds have a high level of civilization, complete infrastructure, and a complete magic weapon industrial system. Most of the resources of the new world can be transported to the core world to achieve the optimal use of resources and stimulate To develop the highest war potential, prepare enough crystal armor, chariots, starships, and Star Wars for the upcoming war!"

"Therefore, not only is the New World unnecessary to develop too advanced industrial clusters, most of the resources are sent to the core world in one ship, and even the cultivating geniuses of the new world do not need to stay in the local area, all of which are sent to the core world to accept the best. Advanced education, then work and live directly in the core world!"

“Ding Lingdang’s Patriot Front emphasizes the concept of'balanced development'. Ding Lingdang believes that the four new worlds have only just joined the federation and the hearts of the people have not yet been completely stabilized. They must be shown the'superiority of the federation' before they can The seven realms are all condensed into an indestructible whole!"

"Yes, it is indeed a little bit more efficient to transport all resources to the core world, but does this mean that the old world is sucking the blood of the new world? Everyone is a federal citizen and a resident of the new world. What do they think in their hearts?"

"The war is imminent, and people are the first. If the core world asks too much for the new world, it is inevitable that people's hearts will fluctuate. When the Imperial Expeditionary Army really arrives, how can they convince them that the Federation is superior to the Empire and make them willing to win for the Federation? And give everything?"

"Therefore, instead of continuing to **** the blood of the new world, the core world should actively'transfuse blood' to the new world. The core world should provide a lot of resources and implement policy inclination to help the new world gradually establish its own magic weapon. Industry, training and education system... etc., let the words'Xing Yao Federation' be completely imprinted in the depths of the brains of every New World resident-this is the right way for the long-term development of the Federation!"

Li Yao, Long Yangjun and everyone looked at each other. They only felt that both statements made sense. For a while, I didn't know which one was better.

The screw head continued: "Military, Jin Xinyue advocates the strategy of'preserving strength and decisive battle within the territory'. She believes that the distance between the four new worlds and the core world is too far, and the supply line is too long to be completely defended. So when necessary, you can consider giving up one or two of them, introducing the enemy into the territory, and then slowly consume and deal with it!"

"Naturally, this one and the previous one are complementary. Since the New World is very likely to become a war zone, and even when necessary, the'clear fields, hard walls, scorched earth policy' can be implemented to attack the enemy, now there is no need for large-scale construction, anyway. If it is built, it will only cost the enemy in vain!"

"Ding Lingdang is on the contrary. She thinks that Jin Xinyue's concerns are not too tactical. The four new worlds and the three old worlds are indeed far away and it is quite difficult to supply them."

"However, the influence of the people must be considered. If the Confederation would abandon one of the worlds when the Empire army came, what would all the residents of the new world think? Since the Confederation could not protect them, why should they fight alone for the Confederation? Desperate?"

"So, no matter how much the price is paid, the seven great worlds, especially the four new worlds, must all be guarded! If it is lost after a **** battle, it will definitely cause a chain reaction if it is voluntarily given up, and the consequences will be disastrous! "

"Since the seven great worlds must all be guarded, the four new worlds will naturally have to be stationed with heavy troops, and a large amount of military expenditure must be allocated for construction! Even if the federal annual military expenditure is astronomical, but such a large stall, regardless of the investment Whenever it’s hard to reach, the New World builds one more Star Wars, while the Old World’s dock may reduce the number of super starships. How can the two sides make concessions on the military route?"


Sorry, I saw a friend in the book review area that Lao Niu's update is unstable.

Indeed, Lao Niu does not have the habit of saving manuscripts. Each chapter is written now. It has been several years long and has a length of several million words. It is really impossible to be healthy and healthy every day. His mind is full of thoughts.

The weather here has changed a bit over the past two days. It’s called a cold and damp. Today, people have been groggy all day, and finally can’t hold back to go to the hospital in the afternoon. In addition, the new world has to be pondered slowly. It came out a little bit, and the second came out so late, sorry everyone.

There will still be a third one, a little bit later, around eight o'clock, forgive me!

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