40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1587: Have fun

This man looks very characteristic.

His nose is very big, like a mixture of a lion and a tiger. At first glance, it is not a template head that is virtualized with light and shadow, but his true face.

In dangerous places like Yulong City, especially in high-risk areas such as casinos, arenas and magic stores, most people often choose to use template avatars and bearer crystal cards to hide their true identity and avoid trouble.

——If a person arrives at this kind of place, and still chooses to show his true colors, it can only explain two things.

First, he is not afraid of trouble.

Second, he might still like to make trouble.

This magic mall under the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce has the largest multi-functional crystal armor test field in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. There were originally hundreds of crystal armor tested here at the same time, and there are more repairers and refiners. And the staff, testing and serving on the sidelines.

This brawny man with a lion nose and scar face yelled violently, but most people's movements stopped. Those who were more cautious would watch from a distance, those who were bold or did not know this man, such as In this way, Li Yao curiously gathered around to take a closer look.

After all, in the Magic Treasure Mall under the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, there are not many people who dare to speak so domineeringly.

"Where is Director Nie of your maintenance department, tell him to come out!"

The brawny man with a lion-nosed scar face didn't care about everyone's gaze at all. He blew his beard and shouted violently: "I trust your technology of the maintenance department of the Four Sacred Treasures Center, Nie Siyuan, so I put this limited-release "Dark Blue Thunder" on It is repaired here, otherwise it would have been sent back to the original factory of the Star Federation for repair! When the crystal armor was delivered to you, your staff also patted their chests, vowing to promise that it would be repaired, but it turned out like this What do you mean? Is it because Nie Siyuan's eyes are dim, his maintenance level has plummeted, or he didn't pay attention to Zhao Tongtian of my "Thunder Armor Division" at all. Nie Siyuan didn't even bother to send my crystal armor over, and just call any cat or dog. Fence?"

This brawny man with a lion nose and scar face should be a ruthless man who is quite famous in Yulong City.

Because he made such a big disturbance, there are not many people who dare to come close to join in the fun like Li Yao, most of them are onlookers from a distance, and they have done a good job of inspiring the psychic shield with a slight disturbance. , And prepare to run away at the same time!

And when the words "Thunder Armored Division" and "Zhao Tongtian" were uttered, even the few cultivators who were ignorant and watched with Li Yao swallowed a big mouthful of saliva and retreated a few times. Step, like a rabbit smelling a tiger wolf breath.

Obviously, Zhao Tongtian and his Lightning Armored Division are very difficult to provoke in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory!

Many staff members were pale, whispering, and a little at a loss.

After a while, the crowd parted, and walked in a tall and thin middle-aged man with slender, flexible and flexible hands. He glanced at Zhao Tongtian, a brawny man with a scarred face, and said coldly: "It turned out to be Deputy Zhao. Commander, this half month, the'Dragon and Snake Battlefield' is holding the triennial'Ace of Life and Death' contest. This is a grand event in the entire Dragon and Snake Star Territory. My master was invited over there to be the crystal armor competition. The magic weapon director, your'Dark Blue Thunder' was repaired by me, what's the problem?"


Zhao Tongtian glanced up and down at the tall and thin middle-aged man, and sneered repeatedly, "It turns out that Nie Siyuan is not there, then it's no wonder! But if you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat! If the principal is not there, don't pick up my list. Sha Yongming, do you know what kind of stuff my station is? You didn't even learn one-third of your master's craftsmanship, and you dared to start indiscriminately. You just smashed the sign of your Four Sacred Treasure Center.

"Deputy Commander Zhao!"

Refining master Sha Yongming blushed, and the delicate jade-like hands with green veins highlighted like earthworms, gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone is a compatriot who ran out of the Celestial Circle Realm. You also have a small share in the Thunder Armored Division.' The Four Saints Chamber of Commerce' Here, what do you mean by making trouble in your own place?"

"I am making trouble? You have never seen me making trouble, Sha Yongming!"

Zhao Tongtian raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, angrily said with a smile, "I just treat you as my own person. I only trusted you so much a few days ago and sent this extremely precious'Dark Blue Thunder' to you for repair, even now you are. There is something wrong with the maintenance, I'm all standing here, talking nice and reasonable to you! You don't know who I am, I'm the Thunder Lion Zhao Tongtian, when have you been so easy to talk about?"

"Forget it, talking to you is a waste of time. In short, you can't handle this'Dark Blue Thunder'! If you can handle it, I won't have to send it over. The Thunder Armored Division's own refining tool The teacher can fix it! This matter, I and your staff at the time had a thousand exhortations that Nie Siyuan must come to fix it in person. Isn’t it just money? I don’t have it? Really, I don’t look at what it looks like. Do you dare to start casually? Why don't you call your master soon, but I want to see if it is he who is dismissive, or is it your own opinion, or which one has eaten the heart and the courage of the leopard, and failed to convey my request clearly!"

"What's wrong with this'Dark Blue Thunder'!"

Sha Yongming suffered a great humiliation and shot bleeding arrows in every pore on his face.

He is the true disciple of Nie Siyuan, the chief repairer of the Four Sacred Treasures Center. He is excellent at refining and repairing. He is particularly good at repairing and transforming crystal armor, and he is well-known in Yulong City.

Usually, even when the master is around, most of the crystal armors sent here to be repaired are done by him, and he has never gone wrong.

When this crystal armor was sent over, it was indeed requested to be repaired by his master, and there was no upper limit on the repair cost.

However, on the one hand, Master was providing magic support for the three-year largest gambling arena in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, "Ace of Life and Death", and was so busy that he entrusted him with the management of the maintenance department of the Magic Center. On the other hand, this crystal armor is indeed an exquisite work of art, and Sha Yongming's hands are itchy for a while.

I originally thought that I had cultivated to Master's Nine Success Forces, and the problem with this crystal armor was not very serious. It was just a little bit of abrasion and deep maintenance, and nothing went wrong.

Unexpectedly, the customer tried to have a problem as soon as he tried it!

"Of course I know the origin of this'Dark Blue Thunder'!"

Sha Yongming condensed a drop of cold sweat the size of a soybean on his forehead. He pointed to a silver metal wire inlaid on the right shoulder of the crystal armor. The signature of the dragon and the phoenix danced. The first crystal armor designed and refined by "Wumaxuan" personally caused a sensation in the Federation when it came out. Even the mass-produced version was hard to find, not to mention the limited edition he refined himself. I remember, he himself Do it, only nineteen of them have been refined, right?"

"But what about it!"

"I have followed the original factory's maintenance manual for every detail, and all the performance parameters are exactly the same as the original factory! Deputy Commander Zhao, what is wrong? The instant acceleration is not up to the standard, and the small range changes too much. Is it too jerky, or the fire control talisman is not sensitive enough? If you really find any omissions, even if there is only one, we will refund the repair costs in full, pay you ten times the compensation, and then ask my master to go out and repair it for you. !"

"However, if you can't tell the reason, but you are arguing in the public, this is not a place where anyone can go wild!"

While talking, more and more people poured into the test field, including some heavily armed, cold-looking magic weapon center garrison masters.

The Yulong City is so chaotic, how can there be no strong military protection in the magic center, which stores super-high-value materials and magic weapons?

Zhao Tongtian glanced around coldly, laughed contemptuously, and slowly uttered two words: "...feeling."

Sha Yongming widened his eyes and laughed blankly: "It feels? Deputy Chief Zhao didn't mean to say that you couldn't find any repair failures, but the ‘feeling’ of driving is different from the past, isn’t it?"

"That's it!"

Zhao Tongtian insisted, "The performance parameters presented by the crystal brain are naturally the same. There is no problem with acceleration, turning and jumping. The magic weapon locks in the same speed... Every detail is the same as in the past, but they combine to At the same time, my feeling is wrong! That kind of smoothness like a mercury drop has completely disappeared, and it can no longer reach the wonderful realm of "soul armor unity", as if it was made by my hand by Wu Ma Xuan. "Limited Edition" has become a mass-produced "Regular Edition"!"

Sha Yongming's voice is getting colder and colder: "Deputy Commander Zhao, are you making up your mind to make trouble here?"

"Am I making trouble?"

Zhao Tongtian laughed, raised his thumb, and pointed to his big nose, "Don't worry, I really want to make trouble, and I won't make trouble on the heads of small fish and shrimps like you! In other words, you are still at your level. Not enough, what kind of character is Wuma Xuan? Among the younger generation of crafting masters in the Federation, the premier'ghost talent', and the first assistant of Jiang Shaoyang, the strongest crafting craftsman of the Federation, is the masterpiece of his craftsmanship. How is it possible to fully understand its essence?"

"Since everyone is in the same vein of Tianhuan, let alone I don’t give you a chance. I advise you to go and ask your master to come back now. Don’t make things worse. There are so many people around you, so many people. The eyes are watching, when the time comes, you will really smash the sign of your "Four Holy Magic Treasure Center". You can't afford such a big pot!

Li Yao was at the innermost circle and listened for a long time with his ears pricked up, and he understood.

It's really a descendant of Jiang Shaoyang!

Refining magic weapons, especially magic weapons with ultra-high precision such as crystal armor, cannot be completed by one person, but requires an entire experienced and well-trained team.

The so-called "first assistant" is basically the No. 2 person in the entire team, usually by the most outstanding person among the true biography disciples.

In other words, this "Dark Blue Thunder" is the second person in Jiang Shaoyang's crafting team. It is most likely a true disciple of Jiang Shaoyang. After leaving Master, he independently designed and made the first crystal armor, of course. It is indispensable to get a lot of pointers from Jiang Shaoyang, no wonder the refining is so excellent, and it is quite worthy of fun.

Li Yao couldn't help it, and wanted to go up to "play".

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