40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1596: Mysterious buyer

There was a dead silence in the maintenance department.

Although the space is very spacious, everyone still feels the chest is extremely depressed, breathing and heartbeat are almost freezing.

In the chill of death, Chu Chongjiu understood.


A string of cold sweat the size of soybeans instantly oozes from his forehead, and he can't stop it.

He is also a senior refiner, and he knows the horror of refiners.

It provokes a combat cultivator, and at most offends a sect and a family behind him.

But offended a senior craftsman, especially the master master craftsman who can independently refine high-level crystal armor. As long as people take out a set of tailor-made crystal armor as a reward, they may be able to attract thousands of battles. Type cultivator, serve him!

If there really is a terrifying tool refiner, they can complete such an incredible adjustment under the eyes of him and a girl surnamed Tang, such a master, they will definitely not want to provoke!


Chu Chongjiu took a sigh of relief and nodded solemnly, "Brother Nie is reasonable. We can't solve the problem with this crystal armor. We should send it back to the original factory and ask Wuma Xuan to repair and adjust it personally. ."

Nie Siyuan sighed and said: "I am afraid that even Wuma Xuan himself may not be able to transfer it back. Maybe it will take the two masters Jiang Shaoyang and Xie An'an to work together... But this has nothing to do with us, two, please! "

Nie Siyuan put on a posture to see off the guests.

Chu Chongjiu knew that this was not his rudeness, but his intention to protect him. He hoped that the two would stay out of the matter as soon as possible and not get involved in a mysterious and extremely dangerous vortex. Afterwards, Nie Siyuan would naturally express gratitude and regret.

Nodding to Nie Siyuan at the moment, he was about to leave with the girl surnamed Tang.

The girl surnamed Tang is not completely ignorant, but after all, she is young and vigorous, and a little unconvinced, and whispered: "Uncle Chu, that's it... over?"

"if not?"

Chu Zhongjiu smiled bitterly at her with the magical power of sound transmission, "We are now living in a foreign country and under the fence. One more thing is worse than one less thing. As long as one-tenth of your inference just now is true, it's like a monster. Master refiner, let's less contact!"


The girl surnamed Tang thought for a while, and said, "Why did the other party do this? Is it demonstrating to us by arguing against the crystal armor in front of us?"

"It should not be."

Chu Zhongjiu pondered, "It is impossible for us to sin against such a mysterious master. If we really want to say a'demonstration', it is almost always to the designer of this crystal armor, Wu Maxuan, and even Jiang Shaoyang and Xie An'an. In the demonstration by the Federation Master Refiner, the grievances and entanglements in it are not something we can participate in. It is better to not inquire about it, so as not to get involved in the whirlpool and be torn to pieces. After all, you still have a task to do!"

The girl surnamed Tang was slightly startled, thinking that she was participating in the "General Election Inspection Group" and going to the Star Federation to conduct a comprehensive investigation, and also to discuss cooperation with the Federation's high-level officials. There was indeed no need to be involved in an inexplicable entanglement.

At the moment, forbearing curiosity, he reluctantly nodded: "Okay, Uncle Chu, let's go."

"Brother Nie, let's say goodbye. Later in the evening, if the'Ace of Life and Death' arena is not busy, let's have a casual meal together. I will take our master craftsman on the Firefly, this... Tang Teacher, introduce it to you."

Chu Zhongjiu bid farewell to Nie Siyuan, and was about to leave the maintenance department with the girl surnamed Tang, when the tiny crystal brain on his wrist vibrated gently.

Randomly glanced at the light curtain, but Chu Chongjiu's expression became more and more weird.

He showed the content presented on the light curtain to the girl surnamed Tang: "Weird things happen every day, and there are so many today. The second-hand magic weapon units and materials that we placed in the Four Holy Magic Weapons Center on consignment were swept away in one breath. Most of them are sold out!"

The Four Saints Magic Center not only has its own sales platform for magic weapons and materials, but also provides services such as second-hand recycling, magic weapons pawning and consignment sales.

Especially after the Firefly parked near the Dragon Snake Starfield, in order to purchase a large amount of resources, materials and spars, the Firefly, which had been wandering for a thousand years, was overhauled. As a last resort, all the Xinghai monks on the Firefly took out. A large number of magic weapons are sold to the outside world.

Among them, the sale of large-scale magic weapons will naturally take other paths, but there are also some chaotic, weird and outdated magic weapons and rare materials, which will also be sporadic consignment through the magic treasure malls everywhere.

Chu Chongjiu once brought a large number of magic weapons and materials here for consignment.

Only in the first few years, some magic weapons and materials that were of high value and easy to refine and use were all sold out.

Today, a few years later, the materials that have not been sold are not those materials that are extremely difficult to refining, and even the people in Xinghai Beach have never seen them, but they are refined using Xinghai Central's superior technology, which is extremely difficult to repair and control. The shabby magic weapon unit.

Up to now, it is difficult to sell one of the dilapidated magic weapons and materials they have placed here for sale in three or five days, and Chu Zhongjiu has long been accustomed to it.

Unexpectedly, the Magic Center had just sent him a message that there were dozens of magic weapons and materials, all of which were sold in one go. They were all magic weapons units that were of extremely poor quality and needed full repair, and were quite uncommon. Even the refiner on the Firefly may not be able to handle the proper materials!

The girl surnamed Tang quickly swept across the light curtain, and quickly revealed an incredible expression: "Even the'Yue Roujiao' has been sold?"

Yueluo glue is a very special flexible material. It is made by repeatedly smelting dozens of cartilage and muscles of spirit beasts, plus more than fifty different metal powders, and can be refined for hundreds of days in civil and martial arts.

This kind of flexible material, when used on crystal armor, is mainly used for two purposes.

The first is to act as a buffer pad between each joint, improve the flexibility of the crystal armor, and reduce the wear of magic components.

The second is to seal the crystal element reactor pot, which greatly reduces the probability of psychic energy dissipation.

In all fairness, Yuerou Glue is an excellent material, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a "treasure of heaven, material and earth".

However, there are two major shortcomings that have led to its slow sales.

First, after hundreds of years of material science development, people can now refining a new synthetic gum, which can fully replace the function of moon soft glue, which can reach 97% of the performance of natural moon soft glue, but at a low price. Only one tenth of it.

Natural Moon Soft Glue is really not a high-quality and cheap material, and the same weight of Yue Soft glue is even more expensive than "Crystal Marrow".

Second, and the most deadly, Yuerou rubber is made by refining it. As long as it is not used for a period of time, it will condense into a solid, like hard rubber.

It is extremely difficult to reconstitute it. It requires very special techniques and supernatural powers. A little carelessness will destroy the internal components of Yueluo glue and reduce its performance. It is even better than synthetic glue. Not as good!

Since the big explosion more than a hundred years ago, there has been no refiner on the Firefly who mastered the ancient magical power of "re-refining" Yueroujiao.

That's why they will sell all the large chunks of Moon Soft Glue.

However, in this remote place on the edge of the Star Sea, there is obviously no refiner who can handle Yueroujiao perfectly.

Soft glue has been put here for several years and no one cares about it.

Perhaps everyone feels that it is not worth it to take a huge risk and spend ten times the price just to increase the performance of the cushion gasket by 3%, right?

But today, Yueroujiao has more than a dozen other materials that have problems and are extremely difficult to handle. All of them have been sold. There are also dozens of Tang surname girls who are not sure to fix them. They are purely used as scrap copper and rotten iron on consignment. The broken magic weapon unit?

The girl surnamed Tang couldn't help being curious about the buyers of these rare materials and dilapidated magic weapon units.

With a move in her heart, she took a step forward and asked Nie Siyuan: "Director Nie, I don't know if you can tell us who is the buyer of this batch of materials and magic weapons?"

"This one……"

Nie Siyuan frowned deeply.

The purchase and sale of materials and magic weapons at the Four Sacred Magic Weapons Center has never revealed buyer information. After all, the refining and application of magic weapons is a highly sensitive industry. The Dragon and Snake Star Territory is a dangerous place.

This is the signboard of the Magic Mall. If you casually disclose buyer information today, there will be no business tomorrow.

"Ms. Tang?"

Chu Chongjiu let out a dry cough, and felt that the girl surnamed Tang's request was a bit reckless.

"Director Nie, please don't get me wrong."

The girl surnamed Tang thought for a while, and said, "I don’t mean anything else. I just think it’s really rare to see a buyer who knows the goods. I still have a batch of rare materials that I’ve never brought out. I want to talk to this buyer about a deal. That's it."

"Let's do this—"

"I know this buyer hasn't left here in all likelihood, because the material he bought contains a kind of'hydrogel', once he leaves the special extreme low temperature protection cabin, he must refine it as soon as possible."

"So, he should still be in a refinery room here, dealing with'water spirit gel', right?"

"If possible, I would like to ask Director Nie to communicate with the buyer first. I can draw up a list of materials here. If he is interested in the above materials, he can naturally meet with us; if he is not interested, then Never mind!"

"Director Nie, is this all right?"

Firefly is a major customer of the Four Sacred Treasure Center. The request of the girl surnamed Tang is not too excessive. After all, the initiative to meet or not is in the hands of the buyer. Nie Siyuan pondered for a moment. Through the management interface, he found the group just now. The material delivery route found the refining room where the buyer was, communicated with the buyer, and sent the material list of the girl surnamed Tang.

After a while, Nie Siyuan raised his head and looked at the girl surnamed Tang strangely.

"The buyer talked with each other in detail, but he only allowed one person at most to enter his refinery room."

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