40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1608: At the end of the red tide, the dark moon rises

At the same time, in the depths of the vast sea of ​​stars, Tianyuan Realm, the capital of the Federation of Stars, and Tiandu City.

Since the Blood Demon Realm had conditionally surrendered to the Tianyuan Realm a hundred years ago, the three realms have merged and entered rapid development, and the population has exploded. The population of the Tianyuan Realm alone has increased by no less than ten times, and the area of ​​the Tiancheng City has expanded dozens of times. Not only has it swallowed more than a dozen satellite cities around it, but it has also continued to move to higher ground. Relying on the ultra-high-speed lifting platform and short-distance transmission array made of new materials, a new universe port city has been established outside the atmosphere, which is called "the next day." city".

Super giant starships from seven great worlds and countless resource planets can directly park in the space port area, and then rely on short-distance teleportation arrays to instantly appear on the ground of the sky city.

This is a vibrant and prosperous city, and it is also an enterprising and ever-changing paradise. Nearly one billion people live in the sky, the ground and the underground, and together provide the heart of the Star Federation with a strong beating power!

To the southeast of Tiandu City is the solemn and solemn administrative district. Across a small square with flowers and birds, is the "Ministry of Equality and Development" building.

In this small square, there is a very famous statue named "Rainbow's Smile".

Those are seven children with distinctive local characteristics in the seven realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, Flying Star, Nether, Crystal, Sky Ring, and Tree Sea, with different clothes and even different shapes. Three men and four women, surrounded by a circle, are worry-free. Play games with care.

Whether the little girl of the blood demon world with a little demon blood, or the tree and sea natives who planted special seeds under the surface skin and growing flowers and plants on their bodies, or the young people from the nether world who died in the early days of the steel puppets, The same brilliant smile was overflowing on his face.

This statue is a symbol of "the Great Integration of the Seven Realms", the most popular image of the Federation in recent decades. Its imitations can be seen everywhere in the streets and squares of the Seven Worlds, and it has even been refined with highly general features. Became the badge of the Federal Ministry of Equality and Development.

However, if you climb up the iron-grey stairs of the Ministry of Development Building and enter the interior of the Ministry of Development Building, you will see another statue of a different style in the lobby, a statue that may better illustrate the true function of the "Ministry of Development". .

It is seven big hands, holding seven swords of different shapes, the same with strong local characteristics, overlapping shapes.

The seven swords were all stained with blood stains, wispy strands of blood, and even blended together.

The name of this statue is "The League of Seven Swords".

"Click, click, click!"

The smooth, mirror-like star-spotted marble came with the crisp sound of high-heeled shoes.

When Jin Xinyue walked past the "Seven Swords League" statue, she held the glasses with the dark purple frame to hide the subtle emotions that the statue reflected in her eyes.

"Hello Minister!"

The civil servants who came and went greeted her one after another, and she also gave her the perfect smile-even the low-level staff who had just graduated from university and only worked in the development department for two or three years can see her approachable smile. Perceive the sincere warmth.

A hundred years ago, in the battle to stop the "spore virus outbreak" in the blood demon world, Jin Xinyue, who rushed to the front line desperately, had always been holy, shining, compassionate, and spotless.

A hundred years of time did not seem to leave too many traces on her delicate skin like suet jade, but it gave her a deeper and stronger charm between her deep beautiful eyes and her gestures, especially that. The two just right smile lines symbolize that she has completely evolved from a slightly young girl to the most dazzling, most gorgeous, and most seductive mature season for women.

As one of the top leaders of the Federation, she has been accustomed to wearing only simple black and white clothing for many years, and she also wears a pair of mysterious glasses that do not make much sense to the cultivator to conceal her thrilling beauty.

Today, she is still in a black suit that is too formal to be formal. There are few jewelry on her body. Except for the "smiling rainbow" brooch with the badge of the Ministry of Development on her chest, she hangs down from her long jade neck. , A necklace with a nine-star rising dragon battle emblem as a pendant.

This is the same as her public statement to the news media a long time ago-"I am a woman married to the Star Federation".

Her approachable, flawless smile remained on the No. 1 lifting platform dedicated to the minister, and she still did not fade.

When the door slid slightly open and she stepped into the corridor on the 33rd floor of the Development Department Building, and the dark purple framed glasses slowly rippled with a touch of blood as the light changed, she was lightly relieved. With a sigh of relief, from the gap of the smile, there was a faint, "snake demon" temperament.

"Click, click, click!"

Her waist was suddenly straighter, her chest was raised higher, and her pace suddenly increased, like a sharp sword, rushing towards her goal. Advertisement ‪️ ️․⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


"Hello President!"

In the corridor, some of the strong men with scars, evil appearances, and even the characteristics of a strong monster race changed their faces, their legs were close together, and they saluted her respectfully.


This time, she no longer smiled uselessly one by one, just nodded gently at them, and quickly walked towards her destination.

The 33rd floor of the Ministry of Development Building is the "Logistics and Cleaning Department." These fierce and brutal men are all the "cleaners" of the Ministry of Development.

Of course, they have another identity-employees of the Dark Moon Foundation.

And Jin Xinyue is the chairman of the Dark Moon Foundation.

Not everyone is qualified to call her "Chairman". Only the old brothers who have been born and died together in the four new worlds in the past few decades have such powers.

Cleaning office, file management room.

Jin Xinyue closed the door from inside.

The heavy alloy gate made a "click" mechanical turning sound from the depths, and there were more than ten defensive symbol arrays flashing one by one, which is enough to prove that the files accumulated here are by no means as simple as how much toilet paper the Ministry of Development used last year.

In the archives management room, there was only a half-old and not new psychic prosthesis, which was manipulated by a ghost repairer who seemed to be dying.

In government departments, especially those involved in the combat field, Ghost Repair occupies a large portion of employees.

These are often veterans who have experienced many battles before their lives. They have made great contributions to the country. After the unfortunate sacrifices, they are lucky not to be scattered, and they still retain a relatively sober consciousness. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

If they are unwilling to retire, they will often stay in the original department and continue to serve in the form of grassroots civilian work.

This file manager looked extremely old, moving and even turning around very slowly, and the dim crystal eyes fell into complete silence from time to time, as if they were going to disappear completely in the next second.

"The Dark Moon Project has begun."

Jin Xinyue sat down and looked at the archivist with a complex expression, as if he was expectant, but a little uneasy. "I planned for this for 30 years, just to draw the'Red Tide Project' a complete The full stop, don’t you have anything to say?"

The archivist dullly lifted his rusty head from the dust-covered file for a long time. The turbid crystal eyes radiated intermittent light with difficulty, and he remained silent for a long time without speaking.

"It's a pity."

Jin Xinyue continued to smile, but her smile was unspeakably bitter and lonely, as if she was talking to herself, "I spent the best thirty, one hundred years of my life, and even bet on my own The whole future, from the'Red Tide Project' to the'Dark Moon Project', finally came to the most critical scene, but the two'audiences' I looked forward to the most, you have fallen asleep for too long and become like this, but he is still lost In the depths of the star sea, nowhere to be found..."

There was a "hissing" sound from the archivist’s old-fashioned vocal talisman, and it was only after a great deal of effort was dissipated that he gathered together a piece of advice: "Don’t... turn yourself... into... the second Lu Zui."

"Lu Zui?"

Jin Xinyue took off the Xuanguang glasses with thin amethyst frames and placed them in the white and delicate palms, and said thoughtfully, "Did you know, I have been replaying the confrontation between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm in the past few decades. As a kind of thinking game and a way of relaxation, sometimes, I even really substitute myself into the perspective of the Patriot Organization, into Lu Zui's body, thinking about how to break the game and completely eliminate the demon race!"

"It's difficult. I have to admit that the situation that Lu Zui is facing is really difficult. The time and place are right and the people are right. There is almost nothing on his side.

"However, among the many ways to break the game, he chose the most stupid one. The assassination of the Speaker on Federation Square, and even the deliberate massacre of civilians, completely nailed him to the pillar of shame in history, and he will never turn back. ."

"I can't help thinking, what if Lu Zui didn't do this at the time, didn't do these things that completely broke the bottom line, but chose another relatively legal means to implement his ideas?"

"Perhaps he didn't have the chance at that time and would temporarily lose that battle, but he can retain most of his vitality, and continue to make waves and make a comeback for a hundred years!"

"You all said that Lu Zui is a native of the Federation, but even if he really advocates the idea of ​​a cultivator, as long as he does not do too much to impact the federal law and the bottom line of the people, others, including my master, can take it. What should Lu Zui do?"

"In the final analysis, he was too anxious, but there was nothing he could do. At that time, Lu Zui was already a dying old man. There was not much time, so he could only fight to the death. Otherwise, what?"

"But I'm different, don't worry, I and Lu Zui are different."

"——Lu Zui lost, and I will win."

Jin Xinyue, Minister of Equality and Development of the Xingyao Federation, one of the candidates for the highest speaker of the Xingyao Federation, re-covered her eyes with reddish lenses. After a pause, her smile became brighter, "We will win!"

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