40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 162: Showdown of the craftsman

"The flaw of the seven changes of Xuan Ling is nothing more than the layout is too compact, a special rune array is needed to control the flow of the coolant, and this special rune array requires a suitable algorithm to exert its maximum power."

"It is precisely because there is no suitable algorithm for Real Chiyue to give up this kind of exquisite layout."

"And I accidentally saw several ingenious algorithms in an ancient book, and then combined them with the modern mustard algorithm and the corona nine algorithms to form a calculation team containing seven algorithms, and barely solved this problem. One question."

"Old Lei, please take a look!"

Li Yao clicked his finger and pulled the No.109 structure drawing over, and kept clicking to enlarge it.

A series of dense calculations immediately appeared in the void.

"A calculation team with seven different algorithms?"

Every old spot on Lei Yongming’s face was shining, and his eyes became even more clear. The whole person was ten years younger. He watched attentively for a minute and waved to Li Yao, "Come on, young man, I’m here. ask you--"

For all the top students in Tianji No. 1 High School, the next ten minutes are probably the most memorable ten minutes of their entire senior year.

The old man Lei Yongming and Li Yao spoke with each other, speaking faster and faster, and they kept throwing out professional terms that they had never heard of, just like two starry alien races were using another one billions of light-years away. Dialects and quarrels.

Not only are they clouded and misty, like a dream, but even their most powerful refiner, Mr. Jin Quan, stood a little sluggishly on the side, and finally got into a topic, and soon he was in the saliva of the two. It was solved casually, and a question or an algorithm that the two occasionally raised made Jinquan speechless, and he might not be able to answer it after rolling his eyes for a long time.

"What's the matter, I think this weird person knows more than Teacher Jin?"

"Grandpa Lei is the oldest craftsman in our Tianji Sect. Even he chats with this strange man enthusiastically. Does this strange man have the same theoretical level as Grandpa Lei?"

"That's impossible, this weird person will still be asked by Grandpa Lei, you see, Grandpa Lei asks him about the seven-stage fire control micro-change question, and he can't answer it!"

"That's just a question that can't be answered. Teacher Jin can't even get into the topic!"

Even though the teenagers kept their voices down, how could they escape Jin Quan's ears?

Jin Quan was ashamed to the extreme, as if he was drawn dozens of big mouths by a pair of invisible giant hands from left to right, his whole face was hot and painful.

If there is a seam in the ground, he must dive in and never come out again!

"It must be Yuan Manqiu who taught him well in advance and asked him to memorize it by rote, just to show to me, a graduate of the Deep Sea University's Refining Department, how powerful they are in the Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy!"

The more Jin Quan thought about it, the more reliable he felt. He was so angry in his heart that his posterior molars were about to be crushed.

The old man Lei Yongming was only interested in the Seven Transformations of the Profound Spirit at first. He didn't expect that this ancient game that was abandoned more than a hundred years ago was actually used by some people. He was still such a young college student and couldn't help asking. Li Yao said.

Unexpectedly, the game was out of control, and the two jumped from one problem to another, from a structural change to another structural adjustment.

The old man Lei Yongming has a deep affection for the Tai'a type 1 refining furnace, otherwise he would not come all the way to visit. He did not expect that the Tai'a type 1 refining furnace could be modified so whimsically. He was fascinated for a while, but I forgot that it is still being tested.

Ten minutes later, he woke up like a dream, rubbing his silver hair, and said with some embarrassment:

"Sorry, Jin Quan, the old man hasn't seen the Tai-A-type modification plan for some years. He was delighted by Hunting for a while, and I had a few more conversations with little friend Li Yao, and interrupted your test. Come here. Go on, there are any problems with these structure diagrams and psionic movement diagrams, just say!"

Jinquan couldn't laugh or cry, he said, sir, you just pointed out all the key points. This kid is so crazy, I pick the bones in the egg, isn't it insulting myself?

Jinquan increasingly determined that the entire modification plan must have come from Yuan Manqiu.

Perhaps Li Yao, a fanatic, has some theoretical talents, which is not enough to complete such a complicated and delicate modification!

In front of so many students, Jin Quan was not easy to have an attack, and reluctantly said:

"There is no big problem in terms of structure and psionic operation. Let's actually do it and see if the operation process is stable."

Li Yao nodded and walked to the console.

"Whhhhhhhhhh", seven translucent light curtains flashed suddenly, completely surrounding him.

Thousands of control runes emerged in the light curtain, forming a super-complex circular refining interface.

The cultivator's refining magic weapons is fundamentally different from ordinary people's steelmaking and ironmaking.

There are dozens of steps in steelmaking and ironing at most, and the temperature in the steelmaking furnace is usually kept constant.

However, a cultivator must mix dozens or even hundreds of raw materials together to refine magic weapons. The furnace temperature changes more than three to five times per second, and even the high temperature of thousands of degrees is instantly reduced to minus.

When to put hundreds of raw materials, how to switch the furnace temperature every second, and grasp the timing of quenching...Even the simplest flying sword needs to go through hundreds of processes before it can be initially refined.

Therefore, the control interface of the refining furnace is comparable to the main control interface of the spar battleship, which is extremely complicated.

For the refiner, this is the stage for them to display their talents!

Li Yao shook his fingers unhurriedly.

The movement was very small, but it made a series of "cracking" sounds, as if firecrackers were exploding, and the momentum was quite shocking.

"Guess, what magic weapon will he refine?"

"Flying sword? Battle sword?"

Several high school students couldn't help whispering.

Li Yao's series of gorgeous performances just now made them a little shaken, and inexplicable expectations arose in their hearts.

"Don't be silly, it's just the most common sword that can be formed in the refining furnace at one time. I guess he will refine a very complex magical component, with more than a dozen curved surfaces."

At this moment, Li Yao suddenly moved.

It was like a poisonous snake hibernating in the depths of the grass. It went from extreme silence to extreme movement within 0.1 seconds. His hands suddenly turned into two hurricanes, frantically tapping the control runes on the translucent light curtain!

"Papa Papa Papa Papa!"

The high school students couldn't see Li Yao's hands at all, and could only hear the faint sound made after the control rune was activated. In the end, the sound was connected, and they couldn't hear clearly.



Li Yao's operating style is like his nickname "Vulture", extremely wild and tyrannical, and one can't help worrying whether these translucent light curtains will be completely torn apart by his crazy speed of hand!

With his super high hand speed, the entire steel jungle was awakened.

The Tai'a Type 1 Refining Furnace is like a hungry monster discovering its prey, and every joint, every bundle of flesh and blood on its body has been thrown into the craziest operation.


In an instant, the piercing sound excited by the steam was ten times sharper than the previous one. The large cloud of steam completely enveloped the steel jungle. High school students could only see countless spars flickering in the depths of the mist, like countless beasts blinking. Hold your eyes!

"Is this a refining tool, or a murder?"

The high school students were all shocked.

They have also seen their parents' refining tools, they are all gentle and methodical, and they have never seen the refining style of Li Yao, which is extremely cruel!

In the white mist, Li Yao's hands danced wildly for five minutes, and the roar of the steel behemoth finally became weaker.

Li Yao's figure disappeared in the depths of the white mist, and reappeared after a while, cautiously holding something to the crowd.

"It's been refined in just five minutes?"

"What will it be? Is it a very small hidden weapon?"

The classmates called a curiosity, rushing to stretch their heads over.

When they saw what Li Yao was holding in both hands, they all gave a "wow", and everyone could stuff seven or eight big duck eggs in their mouths.

Li Yao is so crazy, cruel, tyrannical, terrifying... what he refined is actually a nail.

A nail with fingers long and short, black all over, ordinary, without any change!

Although nails can barely be regarded as a kind of magic weapon component, it is too shabby when compared with the refining style that he has just mentioned.

Even among these high school students, there are many people who can manipulate the refining furnace to refine magic components that are more complicated than nails!

Only the old man Lei Yongming's eyes flashed, and he solemnly grabbed the nail, held it in his palm, and threw it upwards, weighing the weight.

There was a surprise in the old man's eyes, but he didn't say a word, and silently handed the nail to Jin Quan.

Jin Quan twisted his two fingers, shook it at random, sneered in his heart, and strengthened his opinion.

This Li Yao is at best a nerd with theoretical talent. Maybe he will memorize some partial theories to bluff people, and he will show up when he comes to the actual operation.

However, he didn't come to test Li Yao's refining skills today.

No matter how bad his level is, it has nothing to do with him if he makes a block of square steel.

"How can I make this kid embarrassed?"

Jin Quan turned his eyes and threw the nail to Li Yao, smiling and saying, "Next, it's my turn, right?"

According to the inspection procedure, first the refining party’s refiner will do it once, and then the Tianjimen’s refiner will do it again.

If both parties have found no problems after the actual operation, the modification is basically successful.

Jinquan arrogantly appeared in front of the console, surrounded by the refining interface.

His refining style is completely different from Li Yao.

Although the hand speed is not so fast, it appears simple, elegant, and noble. It makes people think of mountains and flowing water at first glance, and it is indescribably elegant.

Coupled with a rather handsome face, this is like a cultivator with the bones of an immortal wind who is refining a magic weapon.

Five minutes later, he also finished refining, holding a workpiece and came to the crowd.

Everyone craned their necks to see, they were all stupid.

It turned out to be a nail made by Jinquan.

However, if you look closely, it is different from the ordinary black nails refined by Li Yao, but the nail of Jinquan is very different.


The third one is sent!

Everyone is really awesome. Once you call for a monthly pass, the monthly pass goes up!

Lao Niu couldn't help but want to scream up to the sky, it's so interesting brothers!

The water leaked in my house for the past two days, and I came up downstairs every day to look for it. I had to solve it every day, so I had to pry off the bathroom floor tiles, re-waterproof them, and buy floor tiles. It was a lot of trouble.

But seeing everyone so cute, no matter how bad the mood is, I suddenly feel hearty!

I'm going to buy floor tiles tomorrow. The first one is probably a little bit later, but the ones that are more must be more, and they will definitely explode if there is a chance.

Let's cheer up with Lao Niu!

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