40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1641: Lu Qingchen's Avenue

Tang Dingyuan interrupted him: "What secret mission?"

"Don't be nervous, it's our personal business."

Ding Zhengyang smiled sadly, "Yulong City has a very large underground sperm and egg warehouse, which can not only help people save blood seeds for a long time, but also can be responsible for the identity and education of the surrogate mother and descendants after the birth, as long as the price is right. A series of questions.

Most of us immortal cultivators on the Firefly lost many or even all of their relatives in the battle ten years ago. Naturally, they wanted to leave new offspring. That confidant was to take the seeds of all of us to go underground. Stored in a warehouse. "

"Why do you do this!"

Tang Dingyuan frowned, "The Firefly originally had its own sperm warehouse. For the heroes and martyrs in that battle, we will give priority to you to leave blood descendants. Why go to the black market in Yulong City?"

Ding Zhengyang hummed softly: "We just don’t want our descendants to have a relationship with the Firefly and the government-in-exile, so as not to repeat the tragedy ten years ago. One day, our new descendants will have to give the government-in-exile. Funeral!"

Tang Dingyuan was speechless for a while, and said, "...Go on!"

Ding Zhengyang said: "This matter involves a lot of joints, even the exposure of our identity, and after our ruin, the way out of these offspring is the top priority for us immortal cultivators. My confidant has stayed in Yulong City. It took a long time to finalize every detail.

It was during this period that he witnessed an attack and a chase. The chasers were the Secret Sword Envoy and the Dark Moon Team from the Xingyao Federation, and the chased were the people of the Emperor Linhui.

It seemed that Emperor Linhui was found in a large-scale underground sub-rudder in Yulong City, and the two major intelligence agencies of the Federation sent elite soldiers and powerful generals to kill them all.

Everyone is a cultivator. Daoists are in trouble. How can you see that you are not saved? My confidant took advantage of this opportunity to rescue two of the members of the Emperor's Proposal and established a secret communication channel. It went back and forth. In the end, we got to know the president of the Emperor's Probation, Lu Qingchen.

At that time, although we were all transformed into immortal cultivators, in fact, our understanding of Xiuxian Avenue was still very naive and shallow-our ancestors escaped from Xinghai Republic a thousand years ago. At that time, Black Star Emperor Wu Ying The wizard has just ascended the throne and proclaimed the emperor, and the theory of the cultivator has just been born. There are many extremely immature places in it.

For a thousand years, we have been hiding from XC and do not know the latest developments in the theory of immortal cultivators in various worlds. It can be said that we are very depressed in spirit and have a very strong desire for new and knowledge.

We all know that Lu Qingchen is a true disciple of the imperial monk Su Changfa a hundred years ago. Then, the avenue for cultivation of immortals he brought is at least the latest theoretical achievement one hundred years ago, which is better than what we are familiar with, the original one thousand years ago. The prototype version of Xiuxian Avenue is much more advanced, so naturally you have to learn more from him.

With this goal in mind, we tentatively invited Lu Qingchen to secretly preach on the Firefly and convene a ‘Xiu Xian ****’.

At first I thought he would have some worries. After all, as the most wanted criminal in the Federation, his situation is quite dangerous, and it is not easy to show his face easily.

Unexpectedly, he readily agreed. First, he set up a secret communication channel to preach in the form of'remote ****'. Later, he even took a risk. Real people appeared on the Firefly. This kind of disregarding oneself in order to promote the avenue. The spirit of safety was still admired by many Daoists at that time. "

Tang Dingyuan and Cui Lingfeng looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes. They didn't expect that the guy known as the "Federation's Most Wanted Criminal" had sneaked into the Firefly without knowing it, and then walked away unscathed.

Li Yao frowned, thoughtfully.

Ding Zhengyang continued: "Lv Qingchen brought the'Brand New Cultivation Avenue' that has developed in the real human empire for nearly a thousand years, and has also violently collided, debated, and merged with the Cultivation Avenue of the Xingyao Federation for a hundred years. It is really exciting. , It is thought-provoking, so that all the fellow Taoists on the Firefly have a sudden enlightenment, and thoroughly see the universe and our own feelings!"

Tang Dingyuan asked: "What is Lu Qingchen's avenue, has such a powerful demonstrative power?"

Ding Zhengyang smiled, and said, "The avenue of cultivating immortals is the universe's supreme principle, all-encompassing, everything, and it is constantly changing and developing. My understanding is not deep enough. In a moment, how can I tell its essence?

To put it simply, Lu Qingchen believes that'Xiuxian Avenue' and'Xiuzhen Avenue' are not opposites, but the two sides of a coin. They are two extreme manifestations of a'superman', which can be continuously transformed. Yes, there are no absolute saints and demons in the world, and there are two elements in a monk's body,'immortal cultivator' and'cultivator', but it is a matter of proportion. "


Tang Dingyuan chewed this brand new term carefully.

"Yes, Lu Qingchen actually doesn't like to use ‘cultivator’ or ‘cultivator of immortality’ to refer to all cultivators who have awakened their spiritual roots. One word he often uses in **** is ‘superman’.”

Ding Zhengyang explained, "The so-called'superman' means'a person born of a mortal, surpassing a mortal, but ultimately bound by the attributes of a mortal." The two words are too obvious in terms of good and evil tendencies. , But "Superman" itself has no good and evil, but good and abominable! In the real human empire, as long as Awakening Linggen is considered a'real person', but Lu Qingchen believes that Awakening Linggen can only be regarded as a'Superman'. There is still a long way to go from Superman to fully recognizing himself, recognizing human civilization, and recognizing the "real person" of the entire universe."


Cui Lingfeng couldn't help coldly said, "Of course there are no perfect saints in the world, and there may not necessarily be evil and inhumane demon, but ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ can generally be distinguished.”

"Good people and bad people, cultivators and cultivators of course can be distinguished, but Lu Qingchen believes that the key factors that determine whether a'superman' will become a cultivator or a cultivator, and his own will, Taoism, morality... …There is almost no relationship, it is purely determined by the environment, just like a'color-changing fish'."

Tang Dingyuan was startled slightly: "The color-changing fish?"

"The color-changing fish is a kind of small fish that lives in the azure ice sea of ​​the Xingyao Federation tree sea world. This kind of small fish that is only slap-sized is known for uniting and helping each other and fighting side by side. They often patrol and hunt together by thousands. Even in the face of prey hundreds of times larger than oneself, he is not afraid of it. Instead, he is desperate and rushing towards the prey, just like a forbidden and strict army."

Ding Zhengyang explained, “The color-changing fish has a very remarkable characteristic. No matter how bad the living environment is and the resources are scarce, they will not easily leave any of their compatriots. When other beasts in the sea want to devour them, they even It will form a'battle net', spinning at high speed like an underwater tornado, leaving the enemy nowhere to slay.

It sounds like a very inspiring little animal, because of their unity and cooperation, and the characteristics of fighting side by side, for a while, they were deeply loved by the federal people.

However, after the federal marine biologists carefully studied the characteristics of this small fish, they discovered that all this is just an illusion.

Yes, the worse the environment and the scarcer the resources, the more united these little fish will be-but there are limits!

When the scarcity of resources surpasses a certain'critical point', these little fishes who were'united and loved' and'hand in hand' a while ago will not hesitate to carry out the bloodiest massacre of their compatriots and eat them yesterday. The old, weak, sick, disabled and even their own children who are still protecting have greatly reduced the size of the ethnic group. In the end, what is left is the strongest, the most agile, and the most bloodthirsty!

It is precisely because of their chameleon-like characteristics that they are called ‘color-changing fish’, and many people call them ‘devil fish’ after discovering the truth.

Devil fish, ha ha, they are probably the "immortal cultivators" among fish?

However, what caused them to change from the "fish cultivator" who was still united and friendly, watching and helping each other yesterday, to today's cruel, cold and bloodthirsty, "fish cultivator" who even their own kind is not let go. What?

The environment is just the environment. Any living thing is a product of the environment. No matter how much we humans claim to be the spirit of all things, we cannot get rid of our biological attributes derived from nature. The so-called good and evil, even if they really exist, are not controlled by us. The so-called Three Views, Dao Mind, Will, Emotion... This factor determines, but only depends on the environment.

——Lu Qingchen, that's what he said. "

Tang Dingyuan paused and said, "I am a human, not a fish!"

"Similarly, in the vast universe that is so dark that there is no boundary, where can humans be more advanced than fish?"

Ding Zhengyang smiled sadly, "For the past thousand years, the Firefly has been fleeing in the darkness. It is the best'humanity laboratory'. Looking back, our ancestors did a lot of things to'survive'. The glorious thing, what forcibly cultivates offspring, the elders over 150 years of age fend for themselves, do not allow freelance choice, forced labor, the secret police system with excessive authority but no supervision... Many policies are not like cultivators. It can be worked out."

"That was an extraordinary method in an extraordinary period, but in any case, we insisted on the final bottom line, and did not turn the Firefly into a lawless beast paradise!"

Cui Lingfeng said coldly, "It is with these iron-fisted policies and the dedication of all the crew that we can walk all the way to today as a ‘cultivator’!"

"Wrong, so wrong!"

Ding Zhengyang raised his voice again, but his expression this time was not mad, but extremely calm, with deep pain hidden between his eyebrows and eyes, as if he had insight into all the truth, "The reason why you are able to stick to the final bottom line is to keep your'cultivation. The identity of the “zhezhe” is neither because of your firm Taoism nor because of these “iron-fisted policies”, and it is not because of “all people’s dedication and sacrifice”. It is just the environment. The environment is not bad enough and has not been forced. That step!

Remember the ‘color-changing fish’ I mentioned earlier? You are just lucky enough and the environment has not reached the ‘critical point’, so the ‘devil fish’ side is not revealed! "

Cui Lingfeng sighed: "Ding Zhengyang, how can you be fooled by such a low-level bewitching?"

"It's very simple."

Ding Zhengyang laughed, like a venomous snake with a narrowed mouth, "Because I know the'Rebirth Plan', any Xinghai monk after knowing the'Rebirth Plan' can hardly guarantee that his Dao heart will not be shaken-Cui Speaker, can you tell Captain Tang about the top secret'rebirth plan', or me?"

Cui Lingfeng's face was instantly pale.

"Rebirth plan?"

Tang Dingyuan's stern gaze swept over Cui Lingfeng, "What is that!"

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